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  • Whoa--!

  • No, no, no, is that--?

  • Our friend, the drug dealer.

  • Least, it used to be. -No. No no no. I didn't see that.

  • I-- I don't see that.

  • You mean him? -There's no him!

  • Sure there is. Or, what what's left of him, he's right there.

  • You can't...

  • He's not... you can't kill people in a sound stage, *my* sound stage!

  • You rented it to me.

  • You said it wasn't illegal!

  • I'm not a part of this. --Julian.

  • THERE'S A DEAD GUY in my sound stage!! -- Julian!!

  • He's not dead. He's just...

  • Oh, I guess he could be dead by now.

  • I can't go to prison. Okay, you said it yourself, they'll like me there.

  • You're not going to prison.

  • I have a family, man!! - Nobody is going to prison, will you just calm down?

  • Besides. We're the only two people that know about this.

  • Is that guy dead?

  • Okay, three people know.

  • ...Four, counting Haley.

  • We're going to jail.


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