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  • Let's learn English in the garden.

  • Let's start by talking about one of the most common tools that you will use in the garden.

  • This is a shovel.

  • If I want to dig a hole in the ground, I would use this shovel.

  • This shovel is a great tool to dig a hole.

  • But if you look over here, I have this pile of compost.

  • If I wanted to put this into my wheelbarrow, I would then shovel it.

  • So there's two verbs that we use when we talk about a shovel.

  • You can dig with it and you can move material.

  • You can shovel with it.

  • And by the way, if you missed it, this is called a wheelbarrow.

  • By the way, there's also something called a spade. It looks like this.

  • And it does the same job as a shovel when you need to dig a hole in the ground, you can use a spade.

  • So this garden tool is called a hoe, and we use this to hoe.

  • If you don't know what that is, if you look down here, you'll see that there are some weeds in the soil.

  • I can't do this standing up or you won't be able to see.

  • But if I use the hoe, I can use it to get rid of those weeds.

  • Weeds are these things that grow where you don't want them to grow.

  • We have our flowers in the flower beds and then sometimes we have weeds and we need to use a hoe to get rid of them.

  • So I have two rakes here.

  • I would call this one a leaf rake, and I would call this one a fan rake.

  • They're kind of similar.

  • I would use this rake in the fall if there were a lot of leaves on the ground and I needed to rake them up.

  • That's the verb we use.

  • I would use this fan rake if there were things like these grass clippings on the ground.

  • If you notice down here, we mowed the lawn and there are some grass clippings.

  • If I wanted to put these in a pile,

  • I would use my fan rake to do that.

  • I would rake all the grass clippings into a pile.

  • Let's say, though, I needed to level out this stone, I would use a rake.

  • We sometimes call this a garden rake.

  • It's a little more durable than a fan rake.

  • It's a little tougher.

  • So if I needed to level out this pile of stone, I would use this garden rake to rake it nice and level.

  • So this isn't a super common garden tool, but you might have one.

  • It's called a fork.

  • We sometimes call it a pitchfork and you use it to fork things.

  • That's the verb you use when you use this tool.

  • I have a big pile of grass clippings here.

  • If I wanted to put these into my wheelbarrow or if I wanted to move them, I would use a fork.

  • I would fork them.

  • Oh, it's not going very good.

  • I would fork them with my fork.

  • Of course, if you have lots of lawn, you need something like this.

  • We would call this a lawn tractor or a riding mower or a garden tractor.

  • We have a lot of lawn.

  • It would be kind of hard to mow all of it with a push mower, so we use this.

  • It's so handy and it's just a little easier as well.

  • So if you don't have a riding mower, you can always use a push mower or what we just simply call a lawn mower.

  • It's a little harder to use one of these, but if you need to mow your lawn.

  • That's the verb we use.

  • You would use a lawn mower like this one.

  • So sometimes when we're done mowing, we have grass along things like this edge here and we want to trim it.

  • So we use a trimmer or sometimes we call this a weed wacker or a weed eater or a whipper snipper.

  • And you can see as well that I have my safety glasses on and I'm wearing hearing protection.

  • So if I want this to look nice and neat, I need to trim it.

  • It's going to get a bit loud.

  • There, that looks great.

  • Sometimes you need to water your plants and then you use something like this.

  • This is called a garden hose.

  • You hook the garden hose up to a tap and turn the water on so you can water your flowers or your vegetables.

  • Or you might use a pail or a bucket to bring water out to the field.

  • We call this a pail or a bucket.

  • It's the same name, really.

  • Or you might have a watering can.

  • A watering can looks like this.

  • You put the water in here and then you can pour water onto your flowers and vegetables.

  • Or if you're like us, you just use a sprinkler.

  • Behind me here, you can see we have a sprinkler running this, shoots water onto all of the flowers that we're growing here.

  • This is a very handy way to water everything.

  • So this tree is dead, and I don't have a chainsaw.

  • I wish I did.

  • So all I'm stuck with is using this ax.

  • You would use an ax to chop down a tree.

  • That's the verb we would use.

  • You would use an ax to chop down this tree.

  • If I had a chainsaw, I would use the chainsaw to cut down the tree or chop down the tree.

  • I could use either verb.

  • But with an ax I would definitely use it to chop down this tree.

  • Now, I do also have a saw.

  • We sometimes call this a tree saw.

  • It's not made for cutting wood, but it's made for cutting down trees.

  • So I could use this saw to cut the tree down as well.

  • Now, if I wanted to just take off some little branches, I would use these pruners.

  • We also use these for cutting flowers.

  • So I could snip off some branches on this tree with my pruners or I could trim this tree with my pruners.

  • So if I didn't like some of these smaller branches, I could trim the tree.

  • But what if the branches are enormous?

  • I would then use these.

  • We would call these loppers.

  • We use these to lop off bigger branches.

  • Don't worry.

  • I know this is a live tree, but it did need to be trimmed anyways.

  • So you can chop down a tree, you can cut down a tree, you can snip off or cut off smaller branches, or you can cut off or lop off larger ones.

  • So there's a couple things you might wear when you work in the garden.

  • You might wear a pair of gardening gloves.

  • When you work in the garden it's sometimes nice to protect your hands.

  • You might also wear boots.

  • It's really dewy out here this morning.

  • Sometimes after it rains, the grass is wet as well, and it's nice to wear boots so that your feet stay dry.

  • So there was a bare spot here a few months ago, and so we spread some grass seed using this spreader.

  • A spreader is something you use to spread seed.

  • I have a little bit of seed in here again, and as I turn it, it will spread the seed all around me.

  • Hopefully you could hear that.

  • So this is our little spreader.

  • It's a little worse for wear.

  • We have some duct tape on it, but when you turn this crank, this spins inside and it spreads seed or even fertilizer everywhere in your lawn.

  • So sometimes you need to get down on your hands and knees and use little hand tools.

  • This would be what we call a weeder.

  • You can use this to get out weeds like dandelions.

  • They have really deep roots and this lets you get it out.

  • You also have this what you could call a tiny shovel or a trowel.

  • You could use this to dig a little hole if maybe you're planting bulbs or something,

  • but it's sometimes nice to have little hand tools to use in the garden as well.

  • Well, thank you so much for watching this English lesson about the things you can do in your garden.

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Let's learn English in the garden.

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