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  • Chat GPT. There’s been a lot of buzz around it  recentlyEveryone’s saying how great it is…  

  • But youll be surprised to find out that ChatGPT  is not the only one out there. What’s even more,  

  • it is not even the best one. Right now I’ll show  you 8 crazy AI tools that will blow your mind!

  • First - ChatSonic. ChatSonic is like ChatGPT on  steroids when it comes to writing and chatting.  

  • ChatGPT, as a language model, uses a built-in  library of data, which means its knowledge  

  • is incomplete and outdated. If we ask it  directly about the span of its knowledge,  

  • itll say that it knows nothing after September  2021. This really limits the variety of its  

  • responses. ChatSonic, on the other hand, doesn’t  have this problem. It is also powered by GPT-4,  

  • but does support real-time search thanks to  its integration with Google. And it can give  

  • relevant and credible data, including  the latest news or events, which is  

  • absolutely fantastic. And you also can choose  a personality that'll answer you. For example,  

  • I want a travel guide to create me a travel plan  for a round-trip across the US. So I asked for it,  

  • and it actually planned a trip and calculated  the budget. Neat! But that’s still not everything  

  • it can do. It also can connect with DALLE and  StableDiffusion to generate images straight from  

  • the chat. The quality of results will depend on  the prompt you type. Here I asked for a 50-dollar  

  • bill with Colonel Sanders as president. It took  me a few attempts to formulate a prompt, but  

  • the final results are lowkey great. And I’m still  not done. ChatSonic also supports Text To Speech  

  • conversion and Voice Commands, which makes itperfect candidate for a virtual assistant instead  

  • of Google or Siri. Let’s ask it for something with  a voice-command. “How to peel an apple?” Whoah,  

  • and it reads the instructions out loud! There’s  only one drawback about ChatSonic - for free  

  • you get only 10 thousand words per month if you  use GPT 3.5 and only 2 and a half thousand with  

  • GPT-4+. If your needs are above that limityoull need to pay. Also, WriteSonic has an  

  • extensive list of AI tools for copywritersbloggers, ad-specialists, etc. to help with any  

  • written work like blog posts, product details  and headlines, social media content plans,  

  • website landing pages and so on. And all of those  tools are available in a single subscription.

  • Second - durable. This AI will be extremely  useful to anyone who needs a website. You  

  • surely imagine website building as something  long and complex. But Durable makes it super  

  • easy. All you need to do to create a website  is fill in a few details. Let’s say my business  

  • type is Dog walking. The name will beTired  Paws Inc.” Now wait a few seconds while the  

  • AI does all the heavy lifting and generatingYes, it’s done! Look at it! It has the header,  

  • the images, the descriptions, everythingIt even filled in the services available  

  • like On Leash and Off Leash walks. Even the  testimonials and a map are there. You can  

  • regenerate every part of the website if needed.  I think this is a perfect tool for anyone who’s  

  • trying to start a small business or just  establish some online presence. So now you  

  • can forget about paying thousands for a website  - the AI will do it for free! But remember - to  

  • make changes to the designed website you  need to register. Otherwise - it’s free.

  • Three - Eightify. You know what I’m missing from  ChatGPT? It can’t work with videos. But Eightify  

  • can. Eightify is a powerful AI-based chrome  extension that easily summarizes videos. Weve  

  • all been in situations when we need to learn  something on YouTube, but the lecture is too  

  • long and filled with useless small-talk. With  Eightify you can strip the video of all that,  

  • leaving a short yet concise summary. No need  to watch 3 hours of some dude teaching the  

  • basics of python - just read the summary  and youre good to go! Let’s summarize  

  • this video on another channel about an iPhone  15 leaks. ClickSummarize”, wait a little,  

  • and here’s the summary. The 8-minute video is  now a one-minute read. Youre welcome, students!

  • Four - Perplexity. Perplexity is yet another  Chat Bot but with a twist. It operates just  

  • like ChatGPT but has one huge advantage  - it supports real-time search AND gives  

  • sources of information with each answer. It  also suggests related queries so you could  

  • get even more information. This makes  it a perfect tool for anyone who needs  

  • exact information with sources. Because ChatGPT  even at times when it gives real information,  

  • it gives no links to sources, so you just have  to trust it. Perplexity, on the other hand,  

  • proves its words and backs them with reputable  data sources. I think perplexity is the future  

  • of search engines - no more long lists of  links with similar info - all you get is a  

  • single response with links to source materialsAt the same time it can also write texts for you  

  • like emails or essays with the same accuracy  and fluency of speech as ChatGPT. Win-win!

  • Now when were halfway there, I think I should  clarify one thing - even ChatGPT can surprise  

  • you if you use the right prompts. It’s crucial  to exactly know what to ask to get the desired  

  • answers. That’s why we created the pack of prompts  you can use to take your game to the next level.  

  • In this pack there are tons of ready-made  prompts that you just need to copy and paste.  

  • We think this list will be a game-changer  for businesses, marketing specialists,  

  • or just average people! I’ll leave a link  in the description for you, so check it out!

  • Five - Runway ML. Runway is a very complex and  powerful AI that covers almost everything that  

  • has something to do with images. If you thought  Stable Diffusion and Dalle are cool - you should  

  • take a look at Runway ML. This AI can convert  text to image, remove background, expand images,  

  • erase and replace objects on photos. It also  can color grade videos only by your text input,  

  • it can remove objects from images and  replace them with descriptive text,  

  • create new frames to turn low-frame-rate  footage into smooth slow-motion videos,  

  • automatically blur faces, and so on. C’monit can even automatically create greenscreens  

  • from your videos. This is a really powerful  tool that can make content-production easier.  

  • The Runway ML is free to use and create  an account. The free version provides  

  • unlimited project creation and video  export with a maximum quality of 720p.

  • Six - Amazon Code Whisperer. If youreprogrammer, you probably already tested ChatGPT  

  • for coding. And while it’s great for standalone  small tasks, it cannot be integrated into your  

  • coding infrastructure in any way. So even if  you make it generate you a piece of code, youll  

  • still need to spend time on fiddling with it and  incorporating it into your main code. With Amazon  

  • Code Whisperer, you can just write a comment  inside your code and instantly get a working  

  • and optimized suggestion. Code Whisperer analyzes  the code and suggests code snippets depending on  

  • the context. It can suggest functions, variable  names, and entire code lines. All you have to do  

  • as a programmer is click enter when you like the  suggestion, or edit the suggestion if something  

  • is not to your liking. This way you can code  much faster and save a ton of time on endless  

  • typing of simple elements. The best part is that  it supports a ton of languages, from Python and  

  • Java to SQL and Scala. This AI tool is free for  individual developers, so be sure to check it out!

  • Seven - Caktus AI. This AI was specifically  designed to help students, and every feature  

  • was specifically tailored to studentsneeds. The  only issue with this Ai is its price. Caktus AI  

  • has no free trial - you need to pay to use it  straight away. I think this is a huge drawback,  

  • but I also get the point of such a decision. But  again, Caktus is the best all-in-one platform  

  • for students to really boost productivity and  streamline the workflow. Caktus can write essays,  

  • generate questions for discussions, write  summaries and personal statements. And if  

  • youre a future programmer - it can generate you  full programs in just a click. We can ask it, for  

  • example, write a python program, and itll do it  in a few seconds. Of course, this coding AI can’t  

  • create really complex projects, but it surely  will be enough for anything a school can ask for.

  • Eight - Reimagine Home AI. This AI will  be perfect for anyone planning a makeover  

  • of their home. Basically what it does is analyzes  the photo of your place and based on your prompts  

  • creates a visualization of a new space. You  can input the details like color scheme,  

  • furniture style, or the room type when  needed to get a more complete makeover.  

  • I think this AI will be perfect at the  early stages of makeovers and renovations,  

  • as it helps brainstorm the idea and  visualize the general concept of the space.

  • There are dozens of other cool AI’s out thereSome are useful for optimizing productivity,  

  • others are better suited for businesses and  entrepreneurs. But one thing is certain - AI  

  • is the future, and we should start using  this tech to the fullest right now!

Chat GPT. There’s been a lot of buzz around it  recentlyEveryone’s saying how great it is…  

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