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  • (bright orchestral music)

  • (bright orchestral music)

  • (bright orchestral music)

  • (auctioneer calling)

  • (slow orchestral music)

  • (slow orchestral music)

  • - Oh, I can't believe it.

  • - Oh, rough morning?

  • - Hey.

  • Yeah, you could say that.

  • - Why, what's wrong?

  • - It's just something I saw on the way over.

  • - Okay.

  • Hey, don't forget about tonight.

  • - Uh, tonight?

  • - Yeah, my brother's birthday, remember?

  • - [Jodi] I forgot.

  • - Meet me there at seven.

  • You have the address, right?

  • - Yes, but, I'm not really invited.

  • - Yes, you are. I invited you.

  • - [Jodi] Okay, okay, I'll be there.

  • - You need some fun.

  • - Good morning.

  • Sorry I'm late, guys.

  • All right, if we could please take our seats.

  • All right, girls I'm gonna have you pass out

  • these folders and we're all gonna take

  • a couple of notes before we feed up.

  • - Notes? Do we have to?

  • - Just a few.

  • And then you can take care of

  • the animals both inside and out.

  • But first, we need to get a little perspective

  • on what it might be like to pursue your goals

  • of farm life.

  • Let's talk stats.

  • Now, did you guys know that farming is one

  • of the most dangerous occupations?

  • It's near the top of the list

  • with 25 deaths for every 100,000 workers.

  • - Yeah, remember that guy that fell off

  • the silo ladder last year?

  • It was like 10 miles from here.

  • - Yeah, I knew that guy

  • and it's not just the danger.

  • I mean every year of farming is a crap shoot due

  • to weather, falling prices,

  • even government policies.

  • You could be in business successfully for 10 years

  • and lost it all on your 11th.

  • - My uncle lost his farm.

  • Had to auction off everything.

  • Didn't get much back.

  • - And that is happening more and more.

  • Banks foreclose, developers move in

  • and pretty soon there's no farms left.

  • Even if you work really hard,

  • 'cause guys, you have to understand

  • that farming, especially dairy farming

  • is seven days a week.

  • There's no going to the beach on the weekends.

  • - Yeah, Holly, forget working on your tan.

  • - Except maybe a farmer's tan.

  • (students laugh)

  • - All right, all right, guys.

  • That's enough.

  • It can be difficult to get into.

  • There's a saying that you either marry the farm

  • or inherit it.

  • Did you know that the average age of

  • the farmer is 58 years?

  • So, I do hope that some of you guys will try it.

  • We can definitely use you.

  • - Thanks for the encouraging words, Ms. Stafford.

  • - All right, now that's enough for today.

  • Tomorrow we will talk about some

  • of the more positive aspects of farming.

  • Now Caroline, Bella, if you will feed the goats outside.

  • Riley, Alexis will take care of the chickens.

  • Everyone one else will feed up in here.

  • Thanks, guys.

  • (slow orchestral music)

  • (upbeat music)

  • (Jodi knocking)

  • - You made it.

  • I was worried.

  • - I told you I'd be here.

  • I just, I feel weird.

  • - [Lynn] Why?

  • - I don't know anybody.

  • - Well, you know me and here's a run down

  • on the name characters.

  • So Mike, who's turning 28,

  • he's my brother, so naturally I think he's a jerk,

  • but he's actually a pretty nice guy.

  • And then there's Matt, our older bro.

  • He's going through a divorce right now,

  • so he's living with Mike.

  • As far as the other guests,

  • your guess is as good as mine.

  • I do know one thing.

  • Our parents are not invited, so, okay, brace yourself.

  • - Okay.

  • - Have you ever thought about living on your own?

  • - No, I have to be home

  • on the farm to help my family.

  • Looks really fun, though.

  • (guests cheering)

  • - [Guests] Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug.

  • - Whoo!

  • - So, there's the birthday boy

  • and our older brother, Matt.

  • - Nice.

  • - Oh, he's not always like that.

  • - [Mike] Check this out.

  • - He's really stressed out at work

  • and, hey, it's his birthday.

  • Mike.

  • Mike.

  • Mike.

  • - What, what?

  • - [Lynn] Hey, I want you to meet somebody.

  • - Who? Oh.

  • This is Jodi, Jodi Stafford.

  • - Hey.

  • - She lives out on Stafford farm.

  • You know, on Limestone Road?

  • - Oh, yeah. - Yeah.

  • - She invited me out there next week

  • to help out around the place.

  • - So you're gonna be on a farm?

  • What if your hair gets messed up

  • or if you break a nail.

  • I get it, you're gonna go can some jam

  • and bake some whole wheat bread, right (laughs)?

  • And you're gonna teach her?

  • That's great.

  • - Hey, you know what?

  • I've got an idea.

  • How about you come help out on the farm?

  • You think you can handle it?

  • - Me? No.

  • I eat Wonder Bread, right?

  • - [Lynn] Mike.

  • - Okay, fine, I'm sorry.

  • I, um, farming?

  • Yeah, that sounds different.

  • Um, yeah, why not, I'm up for it.

  • What about tomorrow?

  • - Okay.

  • I'll pick you up at 5:30.

  • - AM?

  • - Yeah.

  • - Yeah, no problem.

  • - All right, well, I'll see you at 5:30 then.

  • - Definitely.

  • Bright eyed and bushy tailed.

  • - Hope so.

  • Um, Lynn, I'm gonna head out.

  • I have an early morning tomorrow.

  • - You just got here, though.

  • Okay, all right.

  • I'll walk you out.

  • You're gonna like her.

  • - All right, all right, here we go.

  • Got a surprise. - Round two.

  • - I got a surprise.

  • - [Matt] (laughs) All right, here we go, ready?

  • - You're gonna like him.

  • - Right.

  • - Three-

  • - [Together] Two, one, go.

  • - Go, go, go.

  • (guests cheering)

  • - Whoo.

  • Come on.

  • (Jodi knocks)

  • - Mike?

  • (bright suspenseful music)

  • Mike?

  • (Mike snores)

  • Mike?

  • Mike?

  • - Oh, what?

  • What?

  • - Hi.

  • It's Jodi.

  • I'm here to pick you up, remember?

  • Remember Jodi from the party?

  • From the party?

  • - Oh.

  • The party.

  • That was a bad idea.

  • - Well, are you coming?

  • - Am I coming?

  • With you?

  • - Yeah, that's the idea.

  • (Jodi clears throat)

  • So, today or?

  • - Sure.

  • (Mike groans)

  • Just, um, hey, if you would just give me

  • like a second or like a minute.

  • That was a good party.

  • - I'll just wait here.

  • (water running)

  • (Mike sniffs)

  • (playful music)

  • - Ready.

  • - [Jodi] Okay.

  • - Is something wrong?

  • - No.

  • No.

  • Not at all.

  • Let's go.

  • (Jodi whistles)

  • - I'm so sorry.

  • Do you mind just, uh, not doing that so loud, please?

  • - Sorry.

  • How do you feel?

  • - Oh, fine, just fine, you know.

  • Good.

  • Ow!

  • Holy.

  • - I, I'm sorry.

  • Are you okay?

  • - Yeah, I'm good.

  • I'm fine.

  • Are we, uh, we here yet?

  • - We are there.

  • - Wow, this is nice.

  • - Thanks.

  • - Hi, guys.

  • (slow orchestral music)

  • All right.

  • Ready?

  • - Yeah.

  • Hey, wait, what is that guy doing?

  • - [Jodi] Oh, that's my dad.

  • - That's your dad?

  • - Yeah, he's just getting the chickens ready for market.

  • Come on, I'll show you.

  • - That's great.

  • (door closes)

  • That's great.

  • - Hey, Daddy.

  • - Mm-hmm.

  • - Daddy, this is Mike Jared.

  • Remember my friend, Lynn.

  • This is her brother.

  • - How do you do, sir?

  • - No use complaining.

  • - Right.

  • (Bob laughs)

  • - Um, Mike came to help out today.

  • - Oh, really?

  • Okay, Jodi.

  • Let's see how you do today, Mike.

  • - Come on, I'll show you around.

  • - Wow. God.

  • Was your dad wearing like a baseball mitt or something.

  • - What?

  • - Yeah, his hands, it felt like

  • it was like, uh-

  • - Leather.

  • - Yeah and-

  • - So big.

  • - I mean, yeah.

  • - Yeah, that's from 50 years of milking cows.

  • They just got like that.

  • - Oh.

  • (rooster crows)

  • Could you excuse me for a minute, please.

  • (Mike vomits)

  • - Next time, boy, clench your teeth.

  • Save some of them big chunks.

  • - Daddy.

  • - Yes, sir.

  • Thank you, sir.

  • - Uh, do you want some breakfast?

  • - No, no, hey, no, thank you, no thanks.

  • Just, um, hey, you go ahead, I'm good.

  • - [Jodi] That's okay.

  • Um, hey, you know what, maybe I should just take you back.

  • Here, come on.

  • - Aw, man.

  • I'm, uh, I'm really sorry about this.

  • - No, I'm sorry.

  • You weren't feeling well. - I wasn't feeling well.

  • - Yeah.

  • - Um, maybe you can come back another time.

  • - Maybe, yeah.

  • - When you're feeling better.

  • - Yeah.

  • - Wow.

  • Okay then.

  • Coming?

  • - Yeah.

  • (slow orchestral music)

  • Hmm.

  • (door close)

  • - Hi, Mom.

  • - Hey.

  • - [Bob] Where did you get him?

  • - I told you, Daddy, he's Lynn's brother.

  • - And has that boy got a job?

  • - Yeah.

  • Yes, he does.

  • - [Father] What does he do?

  • - I haven't asked him yet,

  • but I think he makes good money.

  • - Won't last long around here.

  • - He wasn't feeling well.

  • - I could see that (laughs).

  • - He'll be all right.

  • (Mike taps fingers)

  • (phone ringing)

  • - Nope.

  • - What's up, Mikey?

  • - Who wants to know?

  • - Ooh, touchy, aren't we?

  • (Mike exhales)

  • - Why not?

  • (phone rings)

  • - Jodi.

  • - What?

  • - You have a call, you forgot your phone?

  • - Who is it?

  • - He says it's Mike.

  • He sounds very polite.

  • - Oh, uh, okay, I'll be right there.

  • Thanks.

  • Hello?

  • - Hey, Jodi.

  • This is Mike.

  • - Who?

  • - (laughs) The guy who lost the big chunks this morning.

  • - Oh, right, how could I forget.

  • - Yeah, so, you know to tell you the truth,

  • the strangest thing just happened.

  • Yeah, I put on an old pair of pants

  • and found a $50 bill in my pocket.

  • So, anyway, I was just thinking

  • that since I have this extra $50 and all

  • that maybe, you know, you'd like to help me spend it.

  • - Uh.

  • Well, I'd like to, but the thing is

  • it's getting real busy around here right now

  • and I'm working almost every night unloading hay

  • and I just-

  • - Okay, yeah, no problem.

  • - Wait, um, how about you save your $50 for now

  • and just come over again.

  • We could go riding or something.

  • - Riding?

  • You mean, like a horse?

  • - Yes, a horse.

  • I don't have a Harley.

  • - A horse (laughs), of course.

  • I've done that.

  • - Okay, um, how about tomorrow?

  • - 5:30 again?

  • - No, um, eight's fine.

  • - Oh, I'll be there.

  • - Oh, and I promise no chickens this time.

  • - (laughs) Thanks.

  • - All right, I'll see you then.

  • - Use the old $50 bill line on her?

  • - Yeah, but it didn't, it didn't work.

  • - We'll see how long you last.

  • (triumphant music)

  • (door closes)

  • - What are you looking at?

  • - Not much.

  • - [Jodi] Hey, you made it.

  • - Yeah, at your service.

  • What are we gonna do first?

  • - Well, uh, we're just about finished milking.

  • How about a guided tour of the cow stables?

  • - I would like that.

  • - Come on.

  • It's right this way.

  • - Right.

  • (gentle orchestral music)

  • - Here we are.

  • - Hey, you guys use machines?

  • - What do you mean?

  • - Well, you know, I just wanna milk by hand.

  • - Uh, yeah, yeah, we use machines.

  • And hey, guess what, we have indoor plumbing, too.

  • - Really?

  • - Hey, Jodi.

  • Give me a hand with this heifer, will you?

  • - I'll be right back.

  • Make yourself at home.

  • This is my brother, Frank,

  • and our hired hand, Willie, guys, this is Mike,

  • I'll be right back.

  • - Hey. - Hey.

  • - Hey, Mike, let me show you something.

  • - Yeah, what's up?

  • - Have you ever seen the pattern

  • at the end of a guy's teat before?

  • It looks just like a star, it's fascinating.

  • - No, no, I can't say I have.

  • - [Frank] Yeah, yeah, yeah, look,

  • look right here, right here.

  • - Oh!

  • - [Jodi] Frank!

  • - It just came out.

  • I thought this cow was dry.

  • - No, no, it's cool, it's fine.

  • - You okay?

  • - Is there anything?

  • - Yeah, you'll be fine.

  • Um, sorry about that.

  • Come on, um, you can help me pick up the eggs.

  • - Okay.

  • - See you later now, Mike.

  • - See you.

  • (boys laugh)

  • - Willie!

  • I'm sorry, don't worry about them.

  • Come on, let's go.

  • (Willie laughs)

  • (chickens clucking)

  • - Get that one.

  • Just reach in. - Right there.

  • - Yeah, just reach your hand in.

  • - Easy.

  • (chickens cluck)

  • (triumphant music)

  • (goat bleets)

  • - Oh, yeah.

  • See this?

  • Come on, buddy.

  • He hates me.

  • - You wanna hold him?

  • - I would, yeah, let's do it.

  • Take, take, take it.

  • - [Jodi] There you go.

  • - You good?

  • Oh!

  • - Oh, really, that's amazing.

  • (horse whinnies)

  • (playful orchestral music)

  • (cow moos)

  • Hey, Willie?

  • Where's the restroom?

  • - Right over there will work, huh?

  • - Yeah, man, it's fine.

  • - Okay.

  • (horse whinnies)

  • - Hey, where'd you go?

  • - Oh, just, you know, looking around.

  • - Oh, well, you're gonna ride Billy.

  • It's my dad's horse.

  • His trots a little bumpy,

  • but he's real quiet.

  • - That's great.

  • Yeah.

  • - You have done this before, right?

  • - Oh, yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • - All right, let's mount up.

  • - Mount up.

  • - Not bad, here, let me give you a lift.

  • - Yeah, it's just that the jeans are tight, you know.

  • - Yeah.

  • - Just give me a little- - All right, one.

  • - Something. - Two, three.

  • - Gah!

  • (Mike exhales)

  • - What's wrong?

  • - Nothing, I'm just, you know, a little tight.

  • It's been a little while.

  • - All right, let's get this.

  • Here.

  • And, reins.

  • - Yeah (exhales).

  • Wow, that was good.

  • - I've done it a few times.

  • Ready?

  • - Oh, yeah.

  • Go, go, go, go, go.

  • Come on (exhales).

  • Ah!

  • Don't wait up.

  • I'm good.

  • Ugh!

  • What the heck have you been doing?

  • - Farming.

  • - No, no, don't sit on that.

  • Go get in the shower, man.

  • Oh.

  • Mikie, is she worth it?

  • (Mike exhales)

  • - Yeah.

  • (gentle music)

  • (bell rings)

  • - Hey.

  • What are you doing here?

  • - Well, I was just checking out a property

  • and I'm driving by and I thought I'd, you know,

  • stop by and see what you do here all day.

  • - Too late. Day's over.

  • You're, um, visit wouldn't have anything

  • to do with a fellow teacher of mine, would it?

  • - What?

  • No.

  • - That's too bad 'cause here she comes now.

  • - Hi. - Hey, Jodi.

  • - What are you doing here?

  • - Oh, it's funny, I asked the same question.

  • - Well, I was-

  • - Oh, he was just driving by.

  • Sorry.

  • I'm late for something.

  • Mike, why don't you walk Jodi to her truck.

  • - Oh, yeah.

  • Um, yeah, it's no problem at all.

  • - It's, you really don't have to.

  • - It's fine.

  • I have so much time before my next appointment.

  • - Okay.

  • (gentle orchestral music)

  • Are you okay?

  • - I'm fine, couldn't be better.

  • - You sure you're okay.

  • - Absolutely.

  • - Not to be rude, but is it for a doctor's appointment?

  • - Doctor?

  • Oh, no, no, this is, it's for my job.

  • - Ah.

  • Well, uh, what time?

  • - Um, oh, geez, it starts in five minutes.

  • - Oh, I'm sorry, I'm keeping you.

  • You should go.

  • - No, it's, um, it's fine.

  • Will I see you around?

  • - Well, actually I was wondering if you might want

  • to come over for dinner tonight?

  • If you're not busy.

  • - Well, why don't you take me up

  • on my offer to help you spend my 50 bucks,

  • 'cause, you know, that's not gonna last forever.

  • - Okay.

  • How about a compromise?

  • I'll go out with you if you come over

  • for dinner first.

  • - Will your parents be there?

  • - Yeah.

  • - Just, I have a feeling sometimes they don't like me.

  • - Look, they will.

  • It just takes them a while to get used

  • to somebody new coming around.

  • You'll see.

  • Uh, 6 o'clock okay?

  • All right.

  • Don't be late.

  • (door closes)

  • (engine revs)

  • (playful orchestral music)

  • Peas?

  • - I heard Walt Crossen has to sell?

  • - I saw that comin'.

  • - Yeah, he didn't have much of a crop this year

  • to begin with.

  • - And then the four-wheelers.

  • - Oh, hey, my brother actually bought

  • a couple of really nice four-wheelers

  • for my nephews.

  • Give them something to do,

  • hopefully keep those guys out of trouble.

  • - Yeah, four wheelers.

  • Ruined half the man's crop just playing around.

  • - Oh.

  • - So, what does your family do, Mike?

  • - Uh, my dad is a partner in a law firm

  • and my mom's an interior decorator.

  • - Oh, how nice?

  • What about you?

  • Jodi says you have a good job?

  • - Yeah, he's an astronaut

  • and he's taking up space.

  • - [Jodi] Daddy.

  • - Um, I'm a real estate marketing specialist

  • for a company called Poole and Associates.

  • - Yeah, yeah, I've heard of them.

  • They're the ones building all

  • those McMansions out on Walker's Road.

  • That used to be good land

  • until the bank foreclosed.

  • - Mike, would you like some more oysters?

  • - Oh, it's oysters?

  • I didn't realize these were oysters.

  • I've never seen anything like this.

  • Is it like blue point?

  • - Mountain. - Mountain?

  • - Mountain oysters.

  • You know the low hanging fruit of the bull.

  • - [Mother] Bob!

  • (Mike laughs)

  • (playful orchestral music)

  • - Mm, I'm sorry.

  • (Frank laughs)

  • - It's not funny.

  • - [Mother] Stop.

  • - You know that'd boy grow more if he

  • could keep some food down.

  • - Daddy!

  • (Mike spits)

  • Why?

  • (dog whines)

  • - Hi.

  • Just too much.

  • - Feeling better?

  • - I could definitely use a beer.

  • - Well, do you wanna go to the Triple Nickel?

  • It's right up here.

  • It's a country place, though.

  • (Mike laughs)

  • What?

  • - Do they have beer there?

  • - Yes, turn left up here.

  • (patrons laughing)

  • - Well, hello there, Jodi.

  • - [Jodi] Hey.

  • - How's your daddy?

  • - He's fine, ornery as ever.

  • - Oh, yeah, I know what you mean.

  • - Oh, Mr. Miller, this is Mike.

  • Mike, this is Mr. Miller from the farm down the road.

  • - How do you do?

  • - I'm doing great.

  • Pleasure to meet you, Mike.

  • Enjoy.

  • - Have a good night.

  • - Thank you.

  • (gentle music)

  • - I really am sorry about dinner.

  • - Oh, no, no, no, no, it's okay, really.

  • Just don't worry about it.

  • - I guess I just wasn't thinking

  • about what we were having.

  • - Well, the chicken casserole was really good.

  • - Chicken?

  • - Yeah, it was in the bowl next-

  • - That wasn't chicken.

  • - No, no, no, no, you really,

  • you don't have to tell me.

  • - Okay.

  • - What can I get you?

  • (both talk over each other)

  • - Two of whatever's on tap.

  • ♪ I'm more than a $10 drink

  • - I love this song.

  • More than a smile and a wink

  • Oh, lonely boy

  • - Do you wanna dance?

  • - Sure.

  • - Oh, here he comes.

  • Now's our chance.

  • But you're going through the motions

  • You're stealing my part

  • When you got every notion

  • - We're gonna go ledge city boy's car out there.

  • Randy, you, too, come on.

  • (playful orchestral music)

  • Fill an empty space

  • If only boy you get to know me boy

  • ♪ I'm more than a $10 drink

  • More than a smile and a wink

  • Oh, lonely boy

  • (playful orchestral music)

  • (gentle music)

  • - What the he-?

  • - Oh, no.

  • - Aw!

  • Are you kidding me?

  • - I guess they were looking for something to do.

  • - Something to do?

  • Something to do?

  • God, what am I supposed to do?

  • (men laugh)

  • It's no problem.

  • Stay back.

  • - Mike!

  • Mike!

  • (upbeat music)

  • (Mike exhales)

  • (engine revs)

  • Mike, you're too close to the ledge,

  • you'll never make it.

  • - Watch me.

  • (engine revs)

  • (upbeat music)

  • Get in.

  • See you later, suckers, yee ha! Whoo!

  • (birds chirping)

  • It's a nice view.

  • - Right.

  • I love it.

  • I could come up here a million times

  • and never get tired of it.

  • - Oh, so you just park here all the time, huh?

  • - No, but I ride Dixie up here a lot.

  • - Yeah, you must really love this place.

  • - It's the only place I've ever known.

  • I grew up here and so did my father

  • and his father bought the land

  • when he was young and farmed it.

  • I guess it's in my blood.

  • - I, I don't get it.

  • - [Jodi] What?

  • - Like why I'm here.

  • - Gee, thanks.

  • - No, I'm just, all right, think about it.

  • The first time I come over to your house

  • on some mad mission to prove myself or whatever,

  • I tossed my cookies in your yard.

  • Then, I come back and make a complete idiot of myself.

  • Tonight, I completely degrade myself

  • in front of your parents

  • and then I almost get myself killed trying

  • to get this car off a ledge.

  • So, what?

  • Am I being tested by God or something?

  • - Maybe.

  • - Or maybe there's some kind of fatal attraction.

  • - Maybe that, too.

  • - Maybe I'm starting to realize

  • there's a lot more to life than just making

  • my future millions in real estate.

  • - I hope so (clears throat).

  • Speaking of, I really wish I'd known

  • your career path before tonight.

  • - Well, you didn't ask.

  • Like I never imagined it'd be a problem, you know,

  • and I was gonna tell you at school

  • and then I had to rush off like that.

  • - No, I, I'm trying not to let it be a problem.

  • It's just-

  • - I get it.

  • I do have a question, though.

  • - What's that?

  • - The second time you ride a horse,

  • can you walk the next day?

  • - Sometimes.

  • The hayfield.

  • - What do you mean?

  • - Mike there's four wheelers in the hayfield.

  • We gotta go.

  • - Okay.

  • (engine revs)

  • (dramatic music)

  • - [Jodi] Hey, four wheelers.

  • Four wheelers in the field.

  • - No!

  • - Let's go.

  • Let's go, let's go.

  • - Hey, what should I do?

  • - [Jodi] Frank.

  • - Wait!

  • All right.

  • Oh, no, no.

  • (dramatic music)

  • All right.

  • (engine stalls)

  • Okay.

  • Hey, boy.

  • Good boy.

  • You remember me?

  • (dog barks)

  • Stupid mutt.

  • (dog barks)

  • Okay.

  • (engine stalls)

  • - He, Duke, shute up.

  • - Oh, great.

  • Good evening, sir.

  • (gun cocks)

  • - What the heck are you doing up there?

  • - I, uh, Jodi and I, we were up on the hill

  • and then we saw- - Oh, yeah.

  • - Yeah, no, I mean, no I mean,

  • we weren't doing anything.

  • I don't do, I would never do anything, you know.

  • - Uh-huh.

  • - Oh, man.

  • (dramatic music)

  • (engines revs)

  • - Hey!

  • You idiots

  • - The four wheelers,

  • they're in the field.

  • That's where we're going.

  • (engines revs)

  • - [Man] You won't shoot farm boy.

  • - Watch me...

  • (gun fires)

  • - dadgummit

  • (door closes)

  • (dramatic music)

  • (engine revs)

  • - Willie, you idiot.

  • - [Willie] Get up, idiot.

  • - Willie, Willie.

  • - I planted that field.

  • - I know.

  • Take a walk.

  • - Oh, my God, look what you did.

  • - What are you talking about, boy?

  • Did you see what you did to my hay?

  • - Danny?

  • - Uncle Mike.

  • What are you doing here?

  • - No, the question is what are you doing here?

  • - This is your nephew?

  • Well, that figures.

  • Frank, go get the John Deere with

  • the loader and turn him over.

  • Get him out of here.

  • Jodi, call the cops.

  • - The cops, for what?

  • - I'm filing charges.

  • Trespassing, destruction of property

  • and whatever else I can get you on.

  • - What about the guy with the gun?

  • He shot at me.

  • I could get him for attempted murder or something.

  • And what about the damage to my ATV?

  • - You're pathetic.

  • - Hey, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait,

  • just wait, okay.

  • Danny, you've caused way more financial damage

  • to them than they did to you

  • and you get get someone for defending

  • their own property.

  • Look, Mr. Stafford.

  • Look, somebody Danny wants to go to law school.

  • All right?

  • And if he has a record, he may not be able to get in.

  • You don't want him to go to jail, do you?

  • - Yeah.

  • - Okay.

  • I see your point.

  • But I promise that I'll make sure

  • that nothing like this ever happens again, okay?

  • Right, Danny?

  • - Yeah.

  • - Right, Danny?

  • - All right, sorry.

  • - Frank, tow him out of here.

  • We gotta milk in four hours.

  • Let's get some sleep.

  • Well, I just scored about

  • a million more points with your dad.

  • - You stood up to him, he likes that.

  • - Oh, yeah, I can tell.

  • - No, trust me.

  • I know him.

  • - Come on, you two, let's get outta here.

  • Come on, let's go.

  • Hey, boy.

  • - Mike, Daddy, his name is Mike.

  • - Oh, yeah, excuse me, Mike.

  • Have you ever baled?

  • - Uh, baled? - Yeah.

  • - Yes, sir, on a camping trip.

  • Yeah, the canoe sprung a leak

  • and so I was-

  • - [Jodi] Hey, he means have you ever baled hay?

  • - Uh, no, um, no, sir.

  • I have not.

  • - Well, be here tomorrow.

  • Maybe you'll learn something.

  • - Tomorrow, yeah, uh, is 6 a.m. okay?

  • (Bob laughs)

  • - You don't bale until afternoon when

  • the dew dries.

  • - Of course you don't.

  • - And, oh, I should warn you,

  • we still bale the old-fashioned way.

  • (upbeat orchestral music)

  • (door closes)

  • (triumphant orchestral music)

  • Grab it when it's ready.

  • - I got you, is this, one sec.

  • - Don't be scared.

  • (upbeat orchestral music)

  • Oh, thanks, sorry.

  • You all right?

  • (engine idles)

  • How are your hands?

  • - Oh, there's no blood yet, so.

  • - Daddy, why'd you stop?

  • - Hey, boy, don't you think I wore gloves

  • the first time I baled.

  • Kids.

  • - That's good.

  • - Okay.

  • - You'll thank him later.

  • - Oh, yeah, I will.

  • - Thanks.

  • - It's so easy.

  • With the gloves.

  • - [Jodi] Told you.

  • - Good job.

  • - Nice job. - Thank you.

  • - Hello, son.

  • - Dad, Dad, I'd like you to meet Jodi.

  • Jodi Stafford.

  • - Jodi, so nice to meet you.

  • I've heard so much about you.

  • - Nice to meet you, sir.

  • - Please sit down.

  • You know, son, your mom couldn't make it.

  • Problems with a client.

  • You know how her job is.

  • - Sure, Dad.

  • - Hi, Mr. Jared.

  • Can I offer you a drink?

  • - My usual please.

  • - [Waiter] How about you?

  • - Just a soda for me, please.

  • - All right, and I'll do the same.

  • - Terrific, be back in a minute.

  • - So, Jodi, what do you plan on doing

  • with your summer now that school's out?

  • - Well, I'll be working at home.

  • We're still milking twice a day

  • and doing some baling.

  • Mike's gotten really good handling a bale.

  • - Really? - Mm-hmm.

  • - Sounds like a wonderful life.

  • Farming.

  • You know, your mom's been pestering me

  • about buying a piece of land somewhere out

  • in the boondocks.

  • Says she wants to be able to get away

  • from the working world.

  • I don't know.

  • - Will you excuse me just for one minute?

  • - Seems like a nice girl.

  • - Dad, why?

  • - By the way, I saw Jim Poole the other day.

  • Real estate is booming apparently.

  • It's uncanny how this guy always seems

  • to get the best deals.

  • Said he just bought a piece of land for a song.

  • Were you in on that deal?

  • - No.

  • Not that one.

  • - He's got a lot of wonderful things

  • to say about you, son.

  • Says you'll really rise up in this company

  • if you'll stick with it.

  • - [Mike] Oh, yeah.

  • - You know I'm proud of you, son.

  • I pulled a lot of strings to get you there

  • and you haven't let me down.

  • - Uh-huh.

  • Uh, you know I've actually been working

  • at the Stafford farm in my time off.

  • - Mr. Stafford?

  • - Jodi's father.

  • He didn't like me much at first,

  • but I think I'm starting

  • to make a good impression on him.

  • I'm really learning a lot.

  • - [Mr. Jared] Learning a lot about what?

  • Pitching manure?

  • - No.

  • Yeah, a little.

  • I don't know, it's just,

  • after a day's work there,

  • you actually feel like you've accomplished something.

  • - Accomplished?

  • Mike, when you're working on developing

  • a piece of land,

  • watching those buildings rise,

  • providing people with jobs,

  • a decent place to shop,

  • I mean, that, that's accomplishment.

  • - Yeah, it's, I don't know.

  • - Son, you gotta know what I'm talking about.

  • I mean, look at the money you're making.

  • A whole lot more money than I ever did at your age.

  • Look, I know you like this girl and all, but-

  • - [Mike] Jodi.

  • Dad, her name is Jodi.

  • - Whatever her name is.

  • Just don't lose sight of where

  • your real responsibilities lie.

  • At any rate, Jim's expecting great things from you.

  • (George knocking)

  • - Hey, it's George Moore.

  • Morning, George.

  • - Hey, Florence, how are you?

  • Bob. - What brings you out?

  • - Well, nothing good.

  • - Come on, George, sit down, have some pie.

  • - No, thank you, Florence, yeah.

  • - What do mean nothing good?

  • - Walter Patterson's had an accident.

  • Must have had his shirt cuff undone

  • or something and got it caught up in the PTO shaft.

  • Ripped his shirt clean off.

  • Caught his arm up in it, too.

  • Mangle it up pretty bad.

  • Doctor says he might not ever have full use of it again.

  • - Oh, Lord, how's Ruth?

  • - Well, you know, she's at the hospital with him.

  • She been there all day.

  • - Well, what are we gonna do?

  • - I don't know.

  • I figured we'd come up with some kind of a plan

  • or a schedule, get in his wheat and his hay,

  • get his milking done for him

  • and Clyde, Bill, Ted Dawson said

  • they'd pitch in and lend a hand, too.

  • - We'll be there.

  • - Thank you, Bob.

  • Boys.

  • Florence.

  • - See you, George. - All right, George.

  • - Bob, how are you gonna do it?

  • You're so far behind yourself.

  • - Yeah, I know.

  • It's gotta be done.

  • I mean, they'd do the same for us.

  • - I know they would.

  • - I can work overtime

  • and that extension agent

  • from down state is coming tomorrow.

  • He might help out.

  • And there's always Jodi's boyfriend.

  • - Yeah, that boy's trying, though.

  • - [Willie] Yeah.

  • - She won't have a boyfriend

  • after her fancy lunch today.

  • She's probably dumping soup

  • in his dad's lap right now.

  • - Frank.

  • - Well, come on, we got work to do, let's go.

  • We'll see you later.

  • - Okay.

  • - Thanks.

  • (doors close)

  • Need a hand?

  • - Oh, nah, I got it.

  • - Hey.

  • You don't put gas in a diesel tractor.

  • - Something must have gone wrong

  • with the equipment.

  • That gets him madder than anything.

  • - Can't blame him.

  • I'm the same way.

  • - Hey, why don't you set

  • your suitcases down by the truck for now

  • and I'll take you down to meet him.

  • Maybe that'll calm him down.

  • - Lucky I caught that when I did.

  • Now, I gotta drain the tank

  • and hope that it starts okay.

  • I mean the John Deere's already broke down.

  • I don't have time for this this week.

  • - Mr. Stafford, I'm so sorry,

  • I just, I got into the wrong tank and-

  • - Yeah, you sure did.

  • All right, now the front loader's broke down.

  • Now we're gonna have to finish loading

  • the manure spreader by hand.

  • Do you think, do you think

  • that you can do that without breaking something?

  • - Daddy. - What?

  • - Daddy, this is Skip Stevens, the extension agent.

  • - Glad to know you.

  • I'm sorry about all the commotion.

  • (Mike exhales)

  • - This is my dad, Bob Stafford.

  • This is my brother, Frank.

  • And, uh, Willie our hired hand.

  • - Gas instead of diesel fuel?

  • - Yeah, dad gum it.

  • - Daddy, it's not his fault.

  • The tanks aren't even marked.

  • - Yeah, but lucky I caught it when I did.

  • If I would have started the tractor,

  • it would have ruined the motor.

  • - You know, we had a hired hand do the same thing once.

  • I drained the tank then.

  • I could do it for you now.

  • Just let me change my clothes.

  • - Nah, don't trouble yourself.

  • You're our guest here.

  • - No, I'm happy to do it.

  • Just give me a minute.

  • (gentle music)

  • - It's really nice of you to help out.

  • - Yeah, it's not a problem.

  • Well, the sooner it get done, you know,

  • the sooner I can get to work.

  • - [Jodi] Yeah, I know, it'll be helpful.

  • (somber music)

  • - That was a blessed meal, darling.

  • - Thank you, dear.

  • - Sure like what you did with the tractor.

  • Ran like a charm this afternoon.

  • - Well, while I was in there,

  • I changed the fuel filter.

  • I like fooling around with engines.

  • - Skip's actually speaking at

  • the local ag conference tomorrow

  • with a couple of other speakers.

  • - Oh, yeah, who else?

  • - Kelly Grant from upstate.

  • He's talking about manure management.

  • - Yeah, I know him.

  • He stayed with us last year, nice guy.

  • Jodi had a big crush on him, didn't you, Jodi?

  • - Shut up, Frank.

  • - So what's your topic, Skip?

  • - One of my sessions is on pasture management

  • and poisonous weeds.

  • - That sounds fascinating.

  • What about your other session, Skip?

  • - I'll be discussing the future of farming,

  • trying to motivate young farmers and others

  • to pursue agricultural careers in tough times,

  • the importance of farming in today's world

  • and how everyone can make an impact on the future.

  • - Well.

  • - Oh.

  • - Well, we sure need someone promoting

  • the farm way of life.

  • People getting too far away from it

  • and you can't understand something

  • that you're too far away from.

  • - Well, thank you so much for dinner, Mrs. Stafford.

  • It was really good,

  • but Jodi and I better get going.

  • Moving starts in half an hour.

  • - Oh, that's right.

  • - Oh, wait, Jodi, I thought you and Mike were going

  • to stay and watch Skip's presentation

  • of the ag delegation trip to Japan?

  • - Oh, well.

  • - I always like a presentation.

  • Like a PowerPoint?

  • - Well, I would like to see it,

  • but let's go to the movies.

  • I can see it some other time, right?

  • - But he'll only be here two weeks

  • and, you know, he's gonna be busy.

  • - Hey, you just stay.

  • I'll go home.

  • I've got some work to do.

  • - No, no, no, no.

  • - Yes, it's fine.

  • I'll call you later.

  • Thanks again, Mrs. Stafford.

  • - You're welcome.

  • - Hey, Mike.

  • (gentle music)

  • Who wants dessert?

  • - Thank you. - Mm-hmm.

  • (phone buzzes)

  • - Hello?

  • Mike, hi.

  • Oh, today?

  • It's, yeah, well, Frank and I were gonna go down

  • to the conference center

  • to hear Skip speak, but I'll be home by six.

  • Oh. Okay.

  • Call me tomorrow?

  • Oh.

  • Well, I'll talk to you soon then?

  • Are you sure?

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • Bye.

  • (gentle music)

  • - Morning. - Morning.

  • - Nice horse. - Thanks.

  • - You sure it's all right me borrowing the truck this week?

  • I could just rent a car.

  • - Oh, no, it's fine.

  • I don't need it when school's out.

  • - Oh, thanks.

  • I'll have to thin of some way to repay you.

  • - That's okay.

  • Uh, I'll see you this afternoon?

  • - Yeah.

  • I'll be back to pick y'all up around 1 o'clock?

  • - Sounds great.

  • See ya.

  • (gentle music)

  • (tractor rattles)

  • (dramatic orchestral music)

  • (dramatic music builds)

  • (dramatic music)

  • Frank!

  • (tractor rattles)

  • (dramatic music)

  • Go home, girl.

  • Frank, Frank, oh.

  • Frank.

  • (horse whinnies)

  • Okay.

  • Oh, God.

  • Frank.

  • No, hang in there, Frank.

  • Help will be here real soon.

  • Please, God (cries).

  • Help!

  • (Jodi cries)

  • Help!

  • (dramatic music)

  • - Bob!

  • - That rope. - Bob!

  • - Come on, let's go.

  • - [Operator] Paging Dr. Bender.

  • Paging Dr. Bender.

  • - He's going to be fine.

  • His nose is broken, but we can fix that.

  • And he does have a concussion,

  • so he'll have to take it easy.

  • You can see him now if you want to go in.

  • Just the parents at first.

  • We don't to overwhelm him.

  • - Thank God.

  • - You know he wouldn't have made it at all

  • if you hadn't been there.

  • If he'd fallen off the tractor.

  • - Don't, don't even say it.

  • - I wonder how the rock got in there in the first place.

  • - I know how it got in there.

  • - Willie, it wasn't anyone's fault.

  • - I'm sure that's true.

  • - Yeah, right.

  • - What'd you say?

  • - Mike.

  • Maybe you should just go home.

  • Mike, wait.

  • Mike.

  • Mike, where are you going?

  • - Where am I going?

  • I'm going home.

  • Isn't that where you told me to go?

  • Yeah, that's the best place for me.

  • - Just wait.

  • - No, don't worry about it

  • because this is my fault.

  • It's my fault for thinking that any

  • of this was gonna work out.

  • God, I've been working my butt off trying

  • to impress you and your family.

  • - You have.

  • - And, sure, look at this.

  • This accident was probably my fault.

  • How do you think that makes me feel.

  • And then you, I really started to think

  • that there may be something here.

  • And then mister ag extension shows up

  • and you act like I'm not even there

  • and then you just, just a second ago you sounded like

  • you were sending me to my room for being bad.

  • I mean...

  • Look, I'm, I'm sorry, you're right.

  • I don't belong here.

  • My dad was right.

  • It's time that I started

  • to focus on my real job.

  • So if you could just tell Frank

  • that I'm sorry.

  • I've gotta go.

  • - Mike.

  • Mike.

  • (car rumbles)

  • (door closes)

  • - Hey, back from the hospital?

  • - Yep.

  • - [Matt] How is he?

  • - He's gonna be fine.

  • - [Matt] Yeah?

  • (cabinet slams)

  • - [Mike] Yeah.

  • - How are you?

  • - Me (scoffs)?

  • I'm just fantastic.

  • - Okay.

  • By the way, your boss called.

  • - What did he want?

  • - To say he's got some new project he wants

  • you to work on.

  • He said it can wait until he sees you tomorrow.

  • - That's great.

  • I'm gonna hit the hay.

  • - Is that a newly learned farm expression?

  • - That's very funny.

  • - Hey, Mike.

  • - [Matt] Yeah.

  • - It never would have worked out.

  • (somber music)

  • (phone buzzes)

  • (somber music)

  • - Jodi.

  • Jodi.

  • - What, Dad?

  • - I think it's clean.

  • (gentle music)

  • (door closes)

  • (gentle music)

  • (chickens clucking)

  • (gentle music)

  • (phone buzzes)

  • (Mike sighs)

  • (Jodi sighs)

  • (chickens cluck)

  • (eggs sizzle)

  • - Oh, man.

  • (gentle music)

  • (water runs)

  • (gentle music)

  • (phone rings)

  • - All right.

  • I'm comin'.

  • I'm comin'.

  • - Hello?

  • - Yep.

  • - Hey, Willie.

  • - She's not here.

  • Well, she must have forgot her cell phone.

  • No, she went out this morning.

  • I don't know where she went.

  • No, Skip took her.

  • A while ago.

  • Yeah, I'll tell her.

  • (gentle music)

  • (water splashes)

  • (pan clanks)

  • (engine rumbles)

  • (Mike knocks)

  • - Michael, come right in.

  • - How you doin', sir?

  • - Good to see you. Take a seat.

  • Look, I just wanted to touch base

  • and run something by you.

  • I haven't talked to you lately.

  • You've been a little distracted.

  • - I'm sorry, I was, uh, it's not important.

  • I'm back with you now.

  • - Great, great.

  • So, uh, we've been starting some research

  • on some available properties

  • for transformational development,

  • first one in the area.

  • - I did my master's thesis on transformationals.

  • - I'm aware of that.

  • That's why I wanted you on this

  • from the ground floor up.

  • See, I need your knowledge on how

  • these projects have worked in the past

  • and also your research and computer skills

  • as far as crunching the data

  • and finding the best property for it.

  • So, sound like something you'd be interested in?

  • - Absolutely.

  • I'm your man, I'll get started today.

  • - Perfect.

  • Okay, great.

  • See, thing is, though, we're a little rushed,

  • so if you could put something together,

  • have it ready for us early next week.

  • - I'll do my best.

  • - Excellent. Thank you so much.

  • You're my guy.

  • - [Frank] These heifers I'm about to show you

  • are gonna save us.

  • - [Skip] Oh, yeah, how's that?

  • - Well, Mom started arguing with Dad

  • about a year ago about selling out.

  • Says she can't pay the bills anymore.

  • Dad can hardly stand to talk about it

  • because the farm has been in the family for so long,

  • so we made an investment in artificial insemination

  • from the best bulls.

  • When these heifers calf,

  • they should raise the herd

  • from 30,000 to 35,000 pounds easy.

  • And raise butter fat from 3.5 to 3.9%.

  • - Yeah, I've seen it happen.

  • - These heifers are beautiful, too.

  • The vet should be here any minute to vaccinate them.

  • What the heck?

  • - [Jodi] Frank?

  • Frank, what's the matter with them?

  • - How the heck should I know?

  • - Almost looks like they've been poisoned.

  • - [Skip] Poisoned.

  • - [Frank] Here comes the vet.

  • Thank God I called her today.

  • - What's happened here?

  • - I don't know.

  • We were just coming out to look 'em over

  • and wait for you.

  • They were fine yesterday, they were fine.

  • - Take it easy, Frank.

  • I'm going to have to put her down and get inside.

  • - Why.

  • It's obvious they've got a hold of something toxic.

  • Have you changed feeds lately?

  • - No, they've been eating the same hay

  • and say grain since they've been out here.

  • - Jodi, can you walk the field

  • to see if there's anything unusual?

  • - Sure. - I'll come with you.

  • - I don't get it.

  • I can't lose these heifers.

  • - This will cause death almost before I pull

  • the needle out.

  • - Are you sure you have to do that?

  • - I've got to examine the stomach contents

  • if you want me to try and save any of them.

  • - [Jodi] Frank!

  • Frank!

  • - What the heck?

  • - I found these.

  • They were thrown over the fence

  • at the far gate by the road.

  • There's a whole pile of them scattered about

  • like the cows have been into them.

  • - Yew bushes, poisonous to cattle.

  • I'm sorry, Frank.

  • I can only help the ones that aren't too far gone.

  • - How did they get out here?

  • - I don't know.

  • - I bet I know how they got there.

  • It's the four-wheelers getting revenge.

  • And your ex-boyfriend. I bet he’s...

  • - No, no, he wouldn't do this.

  • - Wouldn't he?

  • I bet I can prove it to you.

  • - Willie!

  • (Jodi cries)

  • - That's the end of it.

  • - I'll get started examining the others.

  • I can't promise anything.

  • (tense music)

  • - There you are.

  • - Dad said you're pretty much running

  • the company now.

  • - Uh, yeah, not exactly.

  • - What do you do there?

  • - Marketing research.

  • So I tell companies where to build,

  • where they can find land dirt cheap

  • and they can make millions on it.

  • - How much do you make?

  • - It's none of your business.

  • - Well, I mean, at least enough to pay for our lunch.

  • - Sure, Danny.

  • - Hey.

  • - [Danny] Uh-oh, here comes the hillbilly.

  • - Hey, Willie.

  • Is there something I can help you with?

  • - I should have known you'd be here, too,

  • you...

  • - [Mike] Hey, what's the matter with you, man?

  • - You know what's the matter with me.

  • You probably planned the whole thing.

  • - What the heck are you talking about?

  • - Quit playing stupid.

  • I'm talking about the heifers.

  • - The heifers.

  • - Yeah, the heifers, punk.

  • The ones you poisoned.

  • The ones laying dead in the field.

  • - You little- - Shut up, Danny.

  • Just, Willie, just tell me what happened.

  • - Just one you planned on.

  • They ate the yew bushes you dumped in the field.

  • - Oh, yeah, that was us.

  • Like we got nothing better to do

  • than to poison some dumb cows.

  • I ain't even never heard of a yew bush before.

  • - I hope you're happy, you little twerp.

  • Them heifers ain't even good enough

  • for making into a dead hamburger.

  • - Come on, come on, Willie, not here.

  • - You're disturbing the peace, boy.

  • Get out of my restaurant.

  • I'm gonna call the cops.

  • - I'm going.

  • - What a jerk.

  • - Shut up, Danny.

  • I swear, if I find out you guys had anything

  • to do with this.

  • - [Nephew] We didn't Uncle Mike.

  • - You think we would do something like that?

  • I know we wheeled the guys farm,

  • but I'm not into killing dumb animals.

  • - Would you sit down?

  • Sorry.

  • (Mike sighs)

  • - Yeah, I'm going, in just a couple minutes.

  • (engine revs)

  • (rock music)

  • I needed some body work done anyway.

  • (ATV crunches)

  • No!

  • Stop, stop, I just had it fixed.

  • - No, no, no, no, hey, whoa.

  • Whoa, no.

  • Whoa, whoa, hey!

  • Hey, come on, open the door, let's talk.

  • Let's talk, man, come on, just, just open it, come on.

  • Willie.

  • Willie, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, no.

  • (siren blares)

  • Don't make this any worse, man.

  • Come on.

  • Just, hold on.

  • - Back up, back up, back up.

  • Out of the truck.

  • Out of the truck.

  • Turn around real slow, real slow.

  • Hands behind your back, slow, slow, slow.

  • Don't move.

  • All right, let's go.

  • Let's go, come on.

  • Get in the truck.

  • (door closes)

  • - You're gonna pay for this.

  • You're gonna have more than dead cows

  • to worry about next time.

  • - Shut up.

  • Just shut up, Danny.

  • - I just had it fixed.

  • - It just won't work, Dad.

  • - Why not?

  • - Those heifers were our only chance

  • to pull ourselves out of this hole.

  • Now, we can't even get ourselves out

  • of the debt we got ourselves into

  • when we bred them,

  • much less any of the other bills.

  • - Bob, he's right.

  • When you can't even pay the bills,

  • you gotta make a change.

  • - Change?

  • Change to what?

  • This is all that I have ever done.

  • This farm was handed down in the family

  • to keep in the family and that's where I'm gonna keep it.

  • - But, Dad, times have changed.

  • You just, you can't make a living out of it

  • unless you expand or diversify or something.

  • And when you get a drought like we got two years ago

  • or with the heavy rainfall from last year,

  • or like what just happened,

  • you can't keep going.

  • When you can't pay the bills

  • or even put food on the table.

  • We used up most of our savings last year just trying

  • to keep ahead.

  • And most men your age are retiring

  • and collecting their pensions.

  • You don't even have a pension.

  • You don't have anything but this place.

  • If we sold to the developers,

  • at least we'd have a chance to live comfortably

  • at our old age.

  • (tense music)

  • Bob, I'm sorry.

  • (phone rings)

  • - Mom.

  • Look, there's gotta be something we can do.

  • I'll start coming up with a plan.

  • Maybe the ag department at the university can help.

  • - Jodi, you don't know what we're up against.

  • - I'm just saying there's gotta be

  • some different options of things-

  • - That was the cops.

  • Willie's at the police station.

  • We gotta go bail him out.

  • - Oh, God.

  • - Oh, what'd the fool do now?

  • - He went to get even with the four-wheelers.

  • - Oh, that dummy.

  • Well, at least he's a loyal dummy, let's go.

  • (gentle music)

  • (Florence cries)

  • - Mom, don't cry.

  • It's gonna be okay, I promise.

  • (Florence cries)

  • (tense music)

  • (horn blows)

  • - [Man] How you guys doing?

  • What seems to be the problem, sir?

  • - What are you doing with those yew bushes, boy?

  • - [Man] Yew bushes? Oh, those are yew bushes?

  • - That's right.

  • - Oh, wife and I just moved into a new place

  • up there at, you know, Creekside Farm Estates.

  • - Farm estates?

  • - Right, right, we're just clearing out

  • the property and just was gonna dump 'em over here

  • in the pasture.

  • Those cows seem to really love 'em.

  • - Don't throw anymore out there.

  • - Oh, yeah, sure, I don't wanna cause any trouble.

  • - Those bushes aren't good for cattle.

  • - Oh, I am so sorry.

  • I didn't know, I had no idea.

  • Like, really, I won't dump 'em there anymore.

  • I'll find someplace else.

  • - You do that.

  • Come on, Frank.

  • - Have a nice day, guys.

  • - [Bob] Come on.

  • - Is that all you're gonna say to him?

  • Is that all you're gonna do?

  • We should sue him or something.

  • - Sometimes you just gotta forgive 'em son.

  • He did not know what he was doing.

  • - But those heifers.

  • - You gotta let it go.

  • There ain't nothing you can do about

  • those heifers now.

  • Sometimes you just gotta forget about it

  • and go on.

  • Sometimes you just gotta go on.

  • (engine revs)

  • - All right, so this new program I developed,

  • some made several variables

  • to help us making building decisions based

  • on age demographics, income levels,

  • current population, even traffic patterns.

  • Now, the program has taken the information I fed it

  • and has come up with the most feasible location

  • for the building site

  • of this transformational development.

  • I saved the results to present

  • to you, Mr. Poole.

  • I haven't even had a chance yet to take a look at it.

  • - Oh, that's fine.

  • We didn't give you a whole lot of time.

  • Let's have it.

  • - Here goes.

  • - Oh, yeah, there's Lindon Hill Road

  • and that's where it intersects with Limestone.

  • Yeah, I know that area.

  • There's a lot of development going on there.

  • - Wait (laughs nervously).

  • - Michael, what is it?

  • - Isn't that, uh?

  • - Yeah, it's farmland.

  • We'll probably get it dirt cheap.

  • Then we'll have to rezone, build by spring.

  • It's the perfect spot, perfect.

  • - But what if they farmer won't sell?

  • - They'll sell, don't worry about that.

  • - You know there's other variables I should put in.

  • This may not be the best place

  • for us to build.

  • This is only the first time I've done it.

  • - I'm satisfied. Great job, Michael.

  • I think this might be worth another promotion.

  • I think it's cause for a celebration.

  • In fact, I have a lunch meeting

  • with someone that I would love for you to meet.

  • Are you free?

  • - Yes, sir.

  • - Excellent.

  • Gentlemen, that'll be all.

  • (somber music)

  • - Call me, Jim, son.

  • How many times I gotta tell you that?

  • We're on our way, kid.

  • (somber music)

  • - Yes, I know the place.

  • That's the Stafford farm.

  • We handle their account.

  • They've been having some trouble lately.

  • - Is that right?

  • - Seems some of their AI heifers got poisoned.

  • They're really behind on their loan.

  • I don't know how they're going to pull out of it.

  • It's the same story with a lot

  • of the other farm loans, pitiful.

  • - I know, I know.

  • It's a shame.

  • I just don't understand how so many farmers borrow

  • so heavily and get into debt

  • they're never gonna get out of.

  • It's like they're never gonna learn.

  • - Well, the bank's learning.

  • We're really picking up on loans to developers

  • as you know.

  • - Well, I hope we haven't let you down now, have we?

  • Uh, about Stafford, exactly how far behind is he?

  • - Far enough.

  • - Far enough to sell out?

  • - No.

  • - What was that, Mike?

  • - Oh, I mean, I meant that it can be difficult

  • to get farmers to sell sometimes.

  • - Well, if they won't sell,

  • then we have to convince them

  • that they're heading for disaster,

  • that they need to pursue another line of work

  • and that we can't support them any longer.

  • - In other words, we'll have to foreclose, right?

  • I mean, it's for their own good.

  • - Is it?

  • - Certainly.

  • Most of the time they're grateful

  • when they change jobs

  • and realize they've been working themselves

  • to death on the farm for nothing.

  • I've seen it happen many times.

  • - Have you?

  • - [Jim] Now all we gotta do is put it in front

  • of the planning board first.

  • - To which I have just been appointed.

  • - What?

  • Outstanding.

  • Then all we gotta do is bring our presentation

  • to the county council at the end of the month

  • and then we'll bring along the model

  • and present that at the meeting

  • and we'll get the town's people, you know,

  • used to the idea.

  • And I think they're gonna love it.

  • Maybe we should have you do the presentation, Michael.

  • - Well.

  • - Right?

  • Then all we gotta do is get a majority vote

  • and we are in.

  • Just think, Michael, you're responsible, congratulations.

  • I'm telling you, this young man is

  • the cream of the crop.

  • - I'll go see if Diane's ready to go.

  • Michael?

  • What's wrong?

  • You're not nervous about the planning meeting, are you?

  • - This is just the first step.

  • We're just getting the used to the idea.

  • - You don't even have to open your mouth

  • until the presentation at the county council.

  • That's at the end of the month.

  • - Cheer up, man.

  • - No, I'm sorry.

  • I'm just, I've had a lot on my mind.

  • - Okay, you're sure you'll all right then.

  • All right.

  • I'll be back in a few minutes.

  • (somber music)

  • (all speaking indistinctly)

  • (somber music)

  • (somber music)

  • - Well?

  • - Well, what do you think?

  • - Where's Dad?

  • - He's outside telling Mom.

  • I saw your boyfriend at the bank.

  • - What?

  • - He was sitting in a fancy car outside the bank.

  • - Are you talking about Mike?

  • - That was the last boyfriend you had, wasn't it?

  • - Well, what was he doing there?

  • - I don't know.

  • Maybe he was trying to rob the place or something.

  • - Very funny.

  • Frank.

  • What are we gonna do?

  • - I don't know.

  • I just don't know.

  • (somber music)

  • (door closes)

  • - Michael, hey, good to see you.

  • Glad you stopped by.

  • - Hey, Dad.

  • - [Mr. Jared] Hey, how'd the planning meeting go?

  • - It was okay, I guess.

  • - [Mr. Jared] Good, good.

  • - They seemed to really like the plans.

  • - Great.

  • That'll make for an even stronger case

  • at the county council meeting.

  • - Where's Mom?

  • - She and your sister had

  • to go shopping somewhere.

  • But you know, Mike.

  • Here lately, I've been kind of worried about you.

  • You know, I felt like you were just playing around

  • too much, but you've really proven yourself.

  • Jim Poole, he speaks pretty highly of you.

  • - Thanks, Dad.

  • - You know, there comes a time

  • when you realize where your responsibilities lie.

  • You just wake up one day and you realize

  • that you've got to take charge and do what's right.

  • - What'd you say?

  • - I said there comes a time

  • when you have to wake up and realize

  • you gotta take charge and do the right thing.

  • - You're right.

  • You're absolutely right, Dad.

  • See you.

  • - Where you going?

  • - I just got something I need to tell somebody.

  • - Okay.

  • Bye.

  • (door slams)

  • (bright orchestral music)

  • - Jodi.

  • It's getting late.

  • - No, I know.

  • I have two more pages to finish on this lesson plan.

  • School will be starting back

  • before I know it.

  • All right, I'm going up.

  • Don't forget to turn the lights out.

  • - Goodnight.

  • - Goodnight.

  • (keys clicking)

  • (Mike knocking)

  • - [Jodi] Skip.

  • - Hi, Jodi (laughs).

  • Well, can I come in?

  • - Yeah, sorry, I'm just surprised to see you.

  • I thought you were going back

  • to North Carolina this month.

  • - Well, I don't have to be back

  • till the end of the week.

  • So I thought I'd stop by and say hello

  • before I leave for good.

  • - Well, how's the speaker circuit going?

  • - Really well.

  • But, it gets kind of lonely.

  • Here, have a seat.

  • - Oh, no, thanks, I'd rather stand.

  • Been in the car all day.

  • - Would you like some iced tea?

  • I just made some.

  • - That'd be great.

  • Thank you.

  • - You know, everybody just went to bed.

  • Why don't I wake them up.

  • I know they'd like to see you.

  • - No, no, no, no, don't wake them up.

  • Uh, lesson plans?

  • - Yeah, I, uh, curriculum changed again,

  • so having to adapt.

  • - How's that going?

  • - It's okay.

  • I get tired.

  • My neck gets so stiff.

  • I don't know how people sit

  • and work at a computer all day.

  • - Stiff neck, huh?

  • - Yeah.

  • - Well, I've always been pretty good

  • at getting cramps out.

  • I learned the technique when I played football,

  • here let me help you.

  • - No, that's okay.

  • - Come on, you'll feel better, I guarantee it.

  • - You know, Jodi, I really only came back here

  • to see you.

  • - You did?

  • - Sure did.

  • I've been thinking about you ever since I left,

  • after the heifer's died.

  • - Oh, come on, I bet you have girls hanging

  • all over you on the road.

  • - Well, sure.

  • But my mind kept coming back to you.

  • (gentle music)

  • (dramatic music)

  • - What are you doing?

  • - It's okay.

  • - No, no, no, it's not okay

  • and my parents are right upstairs.

  • - They won't hear us, come on, Jodi.

  • - Cut it out.

  • - What the matter with you?

  • (Jodi grunts)

  • - Now get out of here before I have to use it.

  • - Okay.

  • I'm sorry, just put the gun down.

  • I'm going.

  • - Now before I wake my Daddy

  • and he won't hesitate.

  • (Jodi cries)

  • (somber music)

  • (keys clicking)

  • - Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

  • That doesn't even sound right.

  • (somber music)

  • - [Jim] What do you mean you changed your mind?

  • I thought we had a deal?

  • You know I need your vote on this.

  • Are you crazy?

  • I offered you $50,000.

  • What are you doing to me?

  • Did you suddenly grow a conscience?

  • I got this through the planning commission,

  • but I need you to get it through the hicks

  • on the county council.

  • I'll talk to you later.

  • (somber music)

  • (gavel pounds)

  • - May I have your attention please.

  • At the top of the agenda tonight,

  • we have a special presentation.

  • I think we'll all be interested in hearing it.

  • Here's Mr. Jim Poole of Poole & Associates Real Estate

  • to tell us all about it.

  • - Thank you Mr. O'Neil.

  • It's wonderful to see such a large turnout

  • for tonight's presentation.

  • My colleagues and I are happy to share

  • with your our most ambitious project to date,

  • a project that I'm sure you'll agree

  • will benefit the area many, many ways.

  • To present this project to you,

  • is our own Michael Jared,

  • who has been instrumental in developing ideas

  • and also choosing the location for the project.

  • Without further ado, Michael, you have the floor.

  • - Thank you, Mr. Poole.

  • And as Mr. Poole said, this project he's speaking of

  • would be of great benefit to the people

  • of this county.

  • Marking studies show

  • that this project will benefit the community

  • by creating fresh housing and retail

  • along with job opportunities

  • to elevate the economy

  • and we spent many long hours

  • with community studies

  • and computer programs in order

  • to facilitate the best way

  • in order to put this plan into action.

  • - What are you talking about?

  • - [Participant] What is it?

  • - Where is going to be?

  • - Please, just let me finish.

  • This, this project will involve all of you.

  • The planning commission has reviewed it

  • and they're in favor,

  • so this transformation development

  • is a new concept in real estate.

  • This is a multi-use project,

  • so residential, single-family homes,

  • condos, senior living apartment,

  • as well as retail commercial

  • and light industrial uses are included

  • to create a lively work and play community aspect.

  • And it will take place

  • on over 288 acres.

  • - Where's it going to be?

  • - Yeah, where?

  • - Where's it gonna be?

  • - Quit stalling.

  • - [Participant 2] Yeah, come on.

  • (participants grumbling)

  • - [Participant 3] Come on, hurry up.

  • - Computer studies show

  • that the most logical, practical, accessible

  • and economic location for this development

  • would be right here where Limestone

  • and Lindon Hill Road meet.

  • (participants protesting)

  • - Hey, that's the Stafford place.

  • - So that's why they're foreclosing on them.

  • - To make room for this?

  • No.

  • (participants protesting)

  • - Please let me finish.

  • This is gonna benefit the entire area, okay.

  • This is a department store,

  • that's a full service automotive center.

  • There's a bistro, there's a cafe.

  • I mean, can't you just imagine

  • the beautifully landscaped development

  • on this piece of farmland?

  • The playgrounds and the restaurants?

  • (participants protesting)

  • It's gonna be a great place to live.

  • (participants protesting)

  • (somber music)

  • (participants protesting)

  • - [Participant 4] This is ridiculous.

  • - [Participant 5] Come on.

  • - Well.

  • - Jared. Michael sit down.

  • I'll finish the presentation.

  • - Let him talk.

  • - Okay.

  • - I thought this was a good idea.

  • You know, houses, progress, stores,

  • jobs for people, it all sounds great.

  • It does and maybe it would be,

  • but, I mean, you could always use a new store,

  • a housing development, road, skyscraper,

  • we could use all those things,

  • but the problem is you forget.

  • You forget what you have to give up

  • to get what you think you want.

  • Sure, we want this development,

  • but we need the farm.

  • Even if it is only to look at

  • when you drive by.

  • See the cows grazing in the field,

  • the combines harvesting the wheat.

  • We need it to remind us where we came from.

  • And the Stafford family needs their farm

  • like their ancestors did,

  • to live and to work on.

  • Sure, we could build this development,

  • but maybe we should save the farm instead.

  • I worked hard on this project,

  • but not as hard as I worked on that farm.

  • And I'm asking the county council tonight

  • to vote against this project

  • in accordance with the American Farmland Trust.

  • Sorry about the model, Mr. Poole.

  • - Wait.

  • You could talk all you want,

  • but it won't make any difference.

  • County council don't care what they build on.

  • Next thing you know, there won't be

  • any farmland left.

  • - Yeah, there's nothing you can do about it.

  • They'll foreclose, it'll go through.

  • - It always does.

  • - Let me address this.

  • - Yes, sir, you are right,

  • this will go through 'cause it's the best thing

  • for the area.

  • And for the Stafford farm,

  • it's the best thing for you to foreclose

  • and you will find that out in the long run.

  • - Daddy.

  • - Wait, wait.

  • I don't think anyone's foreclosing on anyone.

  • - What?

  • - I hoped I wouldn't have to do this.

  • - [Jim] I thought we had deal.

  • You know I need your vote on this.

  • Are you crazy?

  • I offered you $50,000.

  • What are you doing to me?

  • I got this through the planning commission,

  • but I need you to get it through the hicks

  • on the county council.

  • Let go of me.

  • You cretin, let go, I'll sue.

  • Let go.

  • (participants applauding)

  • I'll sue.

  • - Everybody calm down now,

  • everybody calm down now.

  • Settle down.

  • Settle down now.

  • Everything is under control.

  • Mr. Poole.

  • - Thank you.

  • - I think you just better come with me.

  • - You can't do this.

  • I didn't do any-, what, I didn't to anything,

  • what are you doing?

  • The whole thing's a lie.

  • That tape is fixed.

  • Michael Jared, you'll never work

  • in real estate again.

  • - No problem.

  • (triumphant orchestral music)

  • - Proud of you.

  • It's prejudicious, it's amateur.

  • - Oh, thanks.

  • Hey.

  • - [Man] Mike, proud of you, great job.

  • (triumphant music)

  • - What the?

  • (man whistles)

  • - Whoo!

  • Where's it at.

  • (participants applauding)

  • (triumphant music)

  • - Thank you.

  • - No, don't thank me.

  • I'm the one who should thank you.

  • I'm, I'm sorry I ever left.

  • - Me, too.

  • - But what about, um...

  • - About what?

  • - Skip.

  • - Skip?

  • - Yeah, I thought you and he-

  • - That jerk's not worth scraping my boot on.

  • - I was hoping you'd say that.

  • (horn blows)

  • - Hey, boy, looks like your ride left without you.

  • - Yes, sir.

  • - Well, get in.

  • Come on over to our place.

  • I wanna talk to you.

  • - Yes, sir, I'd like to talk to you, too, sir.

  • It's just, sir, I have some ideas

  • that I would really like to, uh, tell you about.

  • - I bet you do.

  • I guess we're gonna need all the help we can get.

  • Now get in, you're letting all the AC out.

  • (Jodi laughs)

  • (gentle orchestral music)

  • (gentle orchestral music)

  • (triumphant orchestral music)

  • (triumphant orchestral music)

  • (gentle orchestral music)

  • Picked you up, asked how you were doing

  • You said you'd been fine

  • Then you said tell me about yourself

  • Just give me the highlights

  • ♪ I said I grew up then

  • ♪ I moved to Nashville

  • You said something

  • But I interrupted

  • ♪ I honestly had to say that

  • You're the most beautiful human

  • That I've ever seen

  • We should turn on the lights

  • And take off the sheets

  • The world is so broken

  • But not you and me

  • ♪ 'Cause here in this moment

  • We are complete

  • Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm

  • Yeah, here in this moment we are complete

  • You told me that it'd been a while

  • And that this was nice

  • ♪ I said you should stay for breakfast

  • If you still have the time

  • Then you said don't look at me

  • ♪ I'm not pretty

  • Please just cover your eyes

  • ♪ I said I want to hold you

  • Who ever told you that was out of their mind

  • ♪ 'Cause you're the most beautiful human

  • That I've ever seen

  • We should turn on the lights

  • And take off the sheets

  • The world is so broken

  • Not you and me

  • ♪ 'Cause here in this moment we are complete

  • Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm

  • Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm

  • Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm

  • Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm

  • Yeah, you're the most beautiful human

  • That I've ever seen

  • We should turn on the lights

  • And then take off the sheets

  • The world is so broken

  • But not you and me

  • ♪ 'Cause here in this moment

  • We are complete

  • Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm

  • Stay with me

  • You're so beautiful

  • Yeah, here in this moment, we are complete

(bright orchestral music)

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