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  • (upbeat music)

  • - Hi, I'm Drew Houston, co-founder and CEO of Dropbox

  • and I'm excited to share some new AI powered

  • product experiences that we're launching today

  • to help improve your working life.

  • When I first founded Dropbox,

  • it was all about making it easy for you to store,

  • share and access your files anytime from anywhere.

  • And while the world has changed a lot since then,

  • you don't see a lot of people carrying around

  • a thumb drive anymore.

  • We still see a lot of room for improvement

  • in the way we use technology at work today.

  • That's why our mission is to design a more enlightened way

  • of working and we're focused on making

  • the Dropbox experience even better

  • so you can do your best work.

  • And we've believed for a long time

  • that AI and machine learning have a huge role to play

  • in transforming how we work.

  • Over the years,

  • we've incorporated machine learning across our products,

  • from automatically reshaping your scanned documents,

  • to transcribing your videos, or removing all those ums

  • and likes from your Dropbox capture recordings,

  • all to help you save time and work more efficiently.

  • But in just the last few months,

  • recent advancements in AI and generative AI

  • have been taking the world by storm

  • and have opened up a whole new world of possibilities.

  • We're now living in a world where computers can see

  • and hear and read and write and make art

  • and talk to us for the first time.

  • We can all remember the first time

  • we asked ChatGPT a question.

  • It actually knew what we were talking about

  • and it gave us a super useful answer.

  • And then the next thing you know, you look up,

  • it's midnight and ChatGPT is writing poems about your dog.

  • We're just scratching the surface of all the ways

  • that generative AI can make our lives easier at work.

  • But if you think about it,

  • there are a lot of questions that ChatGPT can't answer.

  • For example, what if you wanted to ask,

  • "What's my passport number?"

  • or "when does my auto insurance expire?"

  • Or "where's that presentation we did

  • for last year's product launch?"

  • Chat bots and Google searches can't answer these questions

  • for you because they don't know about you,

  • your company or your stuff.

  • We need AI that's personalized to us

  • and that's where Dropbox comes in.

  • I'm excited to tell you about all the new ways

  • we're applying AI to Dropbox

  • so you can get more out of your content.

  • First, is Dropbox AI.

  • Dropbox AI is a new feature that lets you instantly

  • summarize and ask questions

  • about your Dropbox files, especially big files.

  • How many times have you wanted to get a quick understanding

  • of what a presentation is about or had a simple question

  • about a contract, but your only option

  • was having to sift through a hundred pages of content

  • to find the answer?

  • Well, now, you don't have to.

  • With Dropbox AI, now you can pull up a file,

  • you can ask it anything, and Dropbox will read the document

  • for you and give you an answer.

  • And in a single click, you can easily get a summary

  • of the entire a hundred page doc,

  • saving you all the time and extra effort

  • that it would otherwise have taken to do that manually.

  • We're starting with individual files,

  • but this is just the first step.

  • Over time, you'll be able to ask a question

  • about your Dropbox folders and even your entire Dropbox.

  • So we're really excited for all of you

  • to give Dropbox AI a shot.

  • At the same time, as we all know,

  • work isn't just about files and folders today.

  • What used to be a hundred files on your desktop

  • are now a hundred tabs in your browser,

  • for all our Google Docs, our Airtables, Notion docs,

  • and all the other cloud tools we use today.

  • And in the new world of remote and hybrid work,

  • where we're basically working more from our screens

  • than our offices,

  • we're putting a lot more stress on the system.

  • All the new tools we're using have given us new superpowers

  • enabling us to be productive from anywhere.

  • But when you look under underneath your Zoom window,

  • maybe we've gotten a little too much of a good thing

  • because the screens we work in all day

  • are a fragmented mess.

  • In a lot of ways,

  • it feels like we're back to the same kinds of problems

  • that led me to start Dropbox in the first place.

  • My stuff's everywhere.

  • I can't find it.

  • Instead of technology making my life easier,

  • every year, the problem seems to be getting worse.

  • It's amazing to me that we live in a world

  • where it's easier to search all of human knowledge

  • with a Google search

  • than it is to search your company's knowledge

  • or even just your own stuff.

  • We've all been there.

  • You know there's that doc or presentation somewhere.

  • You were just looking at it yesterday

  • but now you can't find it.

  • At some point, you just give up

  • and you ping someone else to see if they know where it is,

  • interrupting their day

  • and sending them down the same rabbit hole.

  • Is that really the best use of our time and our brain power?

  • We can do a lot better.

  • We all need a search box for our private information,

  • just like Google gave us a search box for public information

  • and it needs to just work,

  • not only with your Dropbox files, but with everything.

  • That's why today we're introducing Dropbox Dash.

  • Dash is an AI powered universal search engine

  • that connects all of your tools, apps, and content

  • in a single search bar that lets you easily find

  • whatever you're looking for.

  • No matter what app it's in,

  • who sent it to you, what you named it, how long it's been

  • since you last looked at it, you can find it super fast.

  • Dash connects across your favorite tools,

  • like Google Workspace, HubSpot, Asana, and Notion

  • so that you can access all of your content

  • no matter where it lives or what format it's in.

  • And because Dash is powered by machine learning,

  • it learns and evolves with you

  • and it gets better the more you use it.

  • And Dash is much more than a search bar.

  • It also includes two additional features,

  • Stacks and a Start Page for work.

  • One of the most important things people do

  • on Dropbox is share.

  • Dropbox customers have created billions of shared folders

  • but shared folders have a big limitation.

  • They can only hold your files

  • and no one's created a modern solution

  • for organizing everything else.

  • This is kind of crazy 'cause if you think about it,

  • files have folders, songs have playlists,

  • but links don't really have a container.

  • Most of the time, you can only really share

  • one link at a time.

  • That's where Dropbox Stacks come in.

  • Stacks are smart collections that give you

  • the missing organizational layer

  • for your links and your cloud content.

  • With Stacks, you can organize your links

  • into smart collections, however you want.

  • And why do we even have to manually file things

  • away to begin with?

  • The good news is you don't have to anymore.

  • Stacks uses machine intelligence

  • to surface smart suggestions

  • and organize your content for you.

  • Next is the Start Page.

  • And we all know that feeling.

  • Your laptop just updated overnight.

  • And when you go to open your browser,

  • you realize that all your tabs are gone.

  • With the Start Page,

  • you can feel safe closing your tabs

  • or even your whole browser

  • because the Start Page gives you a single dashboard

  • where you can search across all your content,

  • view all your Stacks and see all your meetings.

  • And the more you use the Start Page,

  • the more it can predict what you need

  • for a more productive workday.

  • The Start Page remembers all the most important things

  • you're working on

  • and helps you pick back up where you left off.

  • And because it's one place to start and end your workday,

  • you can say goodbye to all those distracting tabs.

  • So you've seen what Dash can do today,

  • but this is just the beginning.

  • Imagine having a virtual assistant that knows everything

  • about your company, knows all your stuff.

  • It's kinda like having a giant silicon brain

  • that has read everything your company's ever written.

  • This is what we've created with Dash Answers.

  • So instead of doing a search and getting a bunch of links,

  • opening a bunch of new tabs, Dash Answers can do all that

  • for you and just give you the answer.

  • Answers are just one of the many new features we're building

  • for Dropbox Dash, and we can't wait to share more with you.

  • So there you have it.

  • You've seen Dropbox AI and Dropbox Dash.

  • One thing that becomes clear

  • in using intelligent tools is the need for personalization,

  • having an AI that knows about you, knows about your content,

  • knows about your company,

  • that you can interact with using natural language.

  • Another thing that's clear is that in the brave new world

  • of AI, trust, privacy and security are even more critical.

  • We all need a service that we can trust

  • that will use AI responsibly.

  • And Dropbox is a place that millions of customers

  • and millions of businesses

  • trust with their most important information.

  • You have our promise that we'll be transparent,

  • preserve your privacy, and you'll continue to be

  • in control of your content.

  • Dropbox is also platform agnostic,

  • so you're free to bring any tool

  • or piece of content you want into your Dropbox

  • and it'll be a great experience.

  • We'll help you organize your entire working life

  • and deliver magical AI powered experiences

  • to help you quickly discover, access and manage everything

  • right from Dropbox.

  • We're starting to roll out Dropbox AI today.

  • We hope you'll give it a try.

  • And Dropbox Dash is in beta.

  • You can join the wait list now

  • and we'll be rolling it out more broadly soon.

  • So let us know what you think.

  • And thanks for watching.

  • (upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

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