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  • Hey guys, today we're gonna be opening two more Pokemon lucky bags, these are actually from Mr donuts which is a really popular donut chain here in Japan and every year they collaborate with Pokemon to create their lucky bags and the contents are usually really good, so I'm very excited to open them, I'm actually gonna be giving away both of these boxes, so if you would I'd like to win one of these lucky bag slash boxes, stay tuned to the end of the video and figure out how you can enter, but let's get started.

  • So as you can see it comes in this very cute box that I definitely would not throw away even after opening, this is Pokemon all over it and it's so cute, this costs 3300 yen, so approximately $30 us which is definitely on the cheaper side for a lucky bag.

  • And Mr donuts is actually known for being a really good deal because one of the items they guarantee in the bag is 30 free donuts like coupons for 30 donuts, so that alone is already worth the money that you paid for the bag and then you get all this cool Pokemon March, so it's awesome!

  • Alright so let me first show you guys oh you got some coupons as well, These are the gift cards that it comes with 15 free donuts, 15 free donuts, so you can just go to the store and choose the donuts you like and use these gift cards, they're good until May 20, so that gives you about five months to eat.

  • 30 donuts seems reasonable and then they also give you a year's worth of coupons that you can use at the store.

  • So already I would say that is worth the $30 I paid for the lucky bag.

  • There's lots more inside.

  • Everything is sealed in this little blasted bed.

  • Okay, the first item we have, Oh that's very cute.

  • I'm kind of sad in giving this away now.

  • I really want this.

  • It's a scheduling a schedule for 2021.

  • What's the schedule in?

  • Does anybody know what language that is?

  • Is that german, that would be my guess.

  • I'm probably wrong though.

  • I wonder why they put it not in english.

  • That's interesting.

  • But item number one is a very cute pikachu 2021 schedule and it looks like I don't open it.

  • I'm gonna give this away but it looks like all the pages are different.

  • You can see different color sheets here, so it's probably super cute inside as well.

  • Everything is so cute.

  • I want it dammit.

  • Why'd I say I'm giving it away.

  • Okay, item number two, these are little like jar, ziploc bags that you can use for storing your jewelry or like candy or vitamins or giving away a present to somebody if you bake cookies and then put them in this little bag.

  • It makes the perfect little present.

  • They did a really good job designing the items this year.

  • I swear they're even cuter than they were the last time I got it.

  • The next one is a chancy.

  • I see lots of chancy.

  • Some other Pokemon as well, but mainly chancy themed pencil case, pen case I guess, or make up whatever you want to put in it.

  • Next is a washi tape with, oh, they're so cute, they're like cheesy versions.

  • Pikachu is all round, it kind of looks like the dull plus.

  • She's that.

  • I really like super cute as well.

  • So far everything is really nice.

  • Oh next is a tote bag and I believe all of the boxes have different patterned items in them, so you don't know which one you're gonna get.

  • This is the tote bag again, I can't really open it, I want to keep it sealed but you can see there's a big chance C and a little chevy pikachu and some doughnuts.

  • That would just be really cute for like an everyday shoulder bag.

  • So that is definitely a bonus.

  • I can't believe all the stuff they give you on top of the 30 donuts, It's such a good deal.

  • Why does nobody buy this bag?

  • And the last item is Mr donuts and Pokemon collaboration calendar wall calendar cute.

  • That would actually look really good on my and that is everything so all together.

  • 123456, six.

  • Really cute I guess stationery items, mostly 30 free donuts and a bunch of coupons for approximately $30 us.

  • An extremely good deal and they're really cute.

  • Let's open up the other box.

  • There is a chance that this one has different items inside.

  • They will be the same items but different patterns and designs.

  • I really hope they're different.

  • At least fingers crossed, it would be kind of a bummer if they're exactly the same, I would like to see the other ones.

  • Alright, Item # one, Pikachu Schedule again.

  • Same one.

  • Yes.

  • These are also the same.

  • I think they're all exactly the same.

  • Darn wanted to see different items.

  • Yeah, the tote bag is the chance he won again.

  • So both of these lucky bags are identical and I will be giving both of them away.

  • I will be choosing one person from the comments of this video.

  • So to enter, all you have to do is leave a thumbs up to the video that would really help me out and leave a comment.

  • I want you to tell me your favorite Pokemon and I also want you to leave your insta graham handle or your twitter handle.

  • The reason you have to do that is because there's no way for me to contact you guys through youtube to contact the winner.

  • I need you to have an instagram or twitter, so make sure you leave your at and your twitter instagram handle in your comment or I won't be able to choose you as the winner.

  • So don't forget that.

  • And the other lucky bag will be chosen over on Mark's channel.

  • Mark has a channel now, whereas cats do.

  • Yeah, So what do you want them to do to enter over on your channel?

  • Same thing, pretty much.

  • I just need you to subscribe to my channel and comment and like the latest video that I released, the one introducing your cats.

  • Yes, exactly.

  • So in the comments, I want you to tell me which first generation Pokemon you like?

  • That's the only ones that I haven't really played.

  • Same.

  • Don't forget to put your instagram and twitter handle Mark's comments as well, because I'll be picking from that and I'll be sending you.

  • So yeah, so basically the same as entering on my channel, go do the same over on Mark's and you'll have a second chance to win, basically, I guess that's it.

  • And don't forget to subscribe to this channel, He's going to be posting videos about his cats.

  • So if you like cats, he has a family of four cats, they're all very different.

  • And the way they interact is really cute.

  • So, if you like cats, I think you'll really like Mark's new channel.

  • Go check it out.

  • Thanks for watching guys.

  • And we will announce the winner in one week.

  • I will announce it on my instagram and the stories, and I will also contact the person that one and Mark will do the same.

  • So, good luck and I will see you guys again soon.

  • Bye bye six.

  • Really cute stationery items.

  • 30 33 donuts, 30 free donuts 33 mr.

Hey guys, today we're gonna be opening two more Pokemon lucky bags, these are actually from Mr donuts which is a really popular donut chain here in Japan and every year they collaborate with Pokemon to create their lucky bags and the contents are usually really good, so I'm very excited to open them, I'm actually gonna be giving away both of these boxes, so if you would I'd like to win one of these lucky bag slash boxes, stay tuned to the end of the video and figure out how you can enter, but let's get started.

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