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  • hey guys

  • happy new year and welcome to the first video of the year

  • It's been pretty chill around here

  • I hope you guys have all had a really good start to the year

  • i've just been kind of chilling at home

  • it's been so snowy in Sendai

  • that I don't really want to go out

  • because there's so much snow on the sidewalks

  • and I walk everywhere

  • it's a bit of a pain in the ass

  • but today is super sunny which is amazing

  • because my friend Cassie's coming out from Tokyo

  • i'm going to be showing her around the city

  • I thought I would invite you guys

  • because we haven't really gotten out to see

  • Sendai together at all yet

  • so I hope you enjoy seeing my new neighbourhood

  • here in japan

  • I don't know what we're going to get up to

  • we're just kind of going to go with the flow

  • see if we find some fun stuff to do

  • first we're going to grab some caffeine

  • i'm going to bring her to the new

  • Tully's tea shop that just opened at

  • sendai station because they have

  • an extensive menu of milk tea

  • which is just so delicious

  • if you're looking for a really good milk tea

  • I feel like Tully's cafe does the best ones

  • and they do soy milk if you don't like dairy

  • so let's go meet Cassie

  • grab a milk tea

  • and then we will be off on our adventures

  • I hope you enjoy the video

  • oooh

  • (gasps)

  • winter tea

  • so look at their selection of milk tea

  • it's so much better than usual

  • there's so much tea

  • they have peach and matcha smoothie

  • what's Russian tea?

  • I have no idea

  • intriguing

  • and then

  • yeah coffee

  • but we both like tea

  • so I'm going to get

  • I always get the French vanilla one

  • I might try the Chai

  • I might get this Winter tea

  • with soy

  • this Winter tea looks amazing

  • oh it's a fruit

  • fruit and there's honey

  • and yeah

  • good choice

  • [Music]

  • all right we got our one day pass for

  • the bus

  • and the chikatetsu subway

  • it only cost 920 yen

  • and we can use it all day long

  • so it's pretty cool if you want

  • to come up to sendai

  • and do like a little touristy day trip

  • you probably want to get one of these passes

  • so i put this in

  • cool and then it stamps it with a date

  • and then when you get on the bus you

  • have to show the date to the bus driver

  • that's how you use the bus

  • [Music]

  • we're going to a honey shop a honey shop

  • yeah and why are we going there because

  • it's runs my favorite band and i'm

  • not a crazy fan

  • cassie's a huge fan of monkey magic

  • they're a band that's based here in

  • sendai they're also canadian

  • and one of the members one or two of the

  • members two members the two brothers run

  • a honey shop here in sendai so

  • that's what we're attempting to get to

  • it's out in the middle of nowhere

  • literally middle okay so clock one four

  • four okay

  • there's so much snow out here

  • there's nothing left in sendai but we're

  • kind of out in the mountains now so

  • lots of snow piled up

  • i have exciting news so i've started

  • collecting photos of the pokemon

  • manholes that they have throughout japan

  • and i was looking on the website and

  • there was one out here in the middle of

  • nowhere in tomia so miyagi i feel like

  • has the most out of any prefecture

  • there's 35 different pokemon manholes

  • and yeah luckily there's one here in the

  • mountains of nowhere

  • on the outskirts of sendai so we're

  • gonna go hunting for that today

  • hopefully i can find it while i'm out

  • here because i probably won't be coming

  • back here again

  • another goal we have for today

  • adventures oh wow look at this oh it's

  • like an old town what's this i think is

  • this where we're going we're going

  • around it but it's really cool we'll go

  • in there later

  • i wonder what's going on in there it

  • looks like sake they make sake

  • warehouses

  • very cool

  • look at this little road that we have to

  • take to get to the honey shop

  • this is such a pretty little town

  • i'm glad we came out here i probably

  • wouldn't have come out here

  • there's no one here

  • oh there's cafes and everything

  • little shops

  • Eight Crowns

  • so this is the honey shop here it's in

  • this really cool old

  • building

  • [Music]

  • cassie got her fancy honey yay and now

  • we're gonna go look for the pokemon

  • manhole which is hopefully not covered

  • in snow and we can see it

  • why is there a postcard

  • oh what's that oh it's all the oh

  • so there's stamps manholes oh my god are

  • they stamps of like the manhole maybe

  • i think they are it's the tomio one what

  • okay so our day plan might have just

  • changed we might have to we might have

  • to do this spend the whole day

  • i'm not sure

  • this is so cool so they've got a little

  • booklet here

  • and in the locations with the manholes

  • you can also collect stamps i'm a sucker

  • for anything you collect love it

  • we'll definitely have to do this oh and

  • i guess if you get all the stamps you

  • can maybe win a lapras oh a little

  • lapras plushie

  • i'm probably gonna buy one anyway but

  • CASSIE: Awesome! (SHARLA: Yes)

  • SHARLA: That's cute.

  • SHARLA: This is so exciting.

  • SHARLA: It must be up there.

  • CASSIE: Let's see. SHARLA: Maybe up on the road.

  • CASSIE: Oh, up by like the parking lot. SHARLA: Yeah.

  • SHARLA: Right here.

  • SHARLA: It says it's like..

  • SHARLA & CASSIE: Here.

  • CASSIE: Over there maybe?

  • CASSIE: Oh, yes! There it is! SHARLA: Yaaay!

  • SHARLA: That's such a random spot.

  • CASSIE: You would never find that.

  • SHARLA: Oh, they went, they dug it out.

  • SHARLA: Look at the snow, yay.

  • SHARLA: Sweeet. CASSIE: How did we find that? That's intense.

  • SHARLA: I don't know, I'm so glad that I checked.

  • CASSIE: We're just like in a parking lot.

  • SHARLA: All right we're gonna hire a taxi to take us to the next manhole.

  • SHARLA: We came all the way out here. We can not get the other one.

  • CASSIE: We need to. SHARLA: That would just be a waste.

  • SHARLA: He was like what's your name. I'm like Sharla.

  • He's like Sowada-san (? nothing like Sharla).

  • I was like, yeah, sure, whatever. CASSIE: Sure, whatever.

  • SHARLA: That works.

  • CASSIE: You're gonna be like.. SHARLA: You're gonna be shocked when you come to get us.

  • CASSIE: The foreigner, who's like, that's not you!

  • SHARLA: Alright, we got a taxi and we're on our way to the next stamp.

  • SHARLA: We're gonna go to the manhole first.

  • SHARLA: Take a quick picture and then hop back in the taxi.

  • SHARLA: And he's gonna take us to the place to get the stamp because..

  • .. because it's actually a little far from the manhole.

  • SHARLA: It's an interesting system they've got going on here.

  • SHARLA: It's not overly convenient if you don't have a car.

  • SHARLA: All right we hopped out of the taxi to search, quickly search for the..

  • .. next manhole while the driver waits for us.

  • SHARLA: The gps said it's around here.

  • CASSIE: It's literally right here but I'm worried now because there's snow.

  • CASSIE: I found it! SHARLA: You found it? Yaaay.

  • SHARLA: Nice work.

  • SHARLA: I'm so glad that the snow melts around them.

  • CASSIE: I think they dug it out cause..

  • SHARLA: They're so cute.

  • SHARLA: My instagram's just gonna be pictures of the manholes.

  • pictures of the manholes

  • now we'll get him to take us to the

  • visitor center to

  • get the stamp

  • what a journey

  • [Music]

  • okay time to get a stamp

  • oh they have little origami to take

  • yeah

  • okay

  • hardcore

  • success

  • (Sharla): We made it! Where are we ?

  • (Friend): I don't know where we are

  • (Sharla): so far from Sendai down

  • (Friend): we are out in the boonies there's nothing around and we're here to find a manhole

  • (Sharla): oh it smells very good I'm getting really hungry

  • yeah so this is like

  • a farmer's market i think which is cool

  • so we can do things other than just get

  • our stamps but I guess let's figure out

  • where to get our stamp first

  • (Friend) : yeah maybe in here

  • hey!

  • (Sharla): yeah let's see what this farmers market has to offer

  • what could we eat here

  • oh ichigo daifuku yes

  • hell yeah

  • they've got all kinds of good stuff it's

  • (Friend): probably locally made too

  • (Sharla): Oh they got sakura

  • melon pan

  • purple potato pan

  • croissants look nice

  • oh yucky emo pie

  • SHARLA: Almost forgot about the manhole.

  • SHARLA: It's right out front! Yaaay.

  • SHARLA: It's really pretty.

  • SHARLA: We just looked up how to get back.

  • SHARLA: There is a bus from where we are to get us back into the city.

  • SHARLA: But it doesn't come very often so we're walking very fast.

  • CASSIE: On Icey roads. SHARLA: To the bus stop, right now.

  • SHARLA: In hopes that we'll make the next one.

  • CASSIE: Because if we miss it, it's two hours untill the next one.

  • SHARLA: TWO hours?! CASSIE: Yeah, this way. SHARLA: Where are we?

  • SHARLA: It is really pretty out here. CASSIE: It is.

  • SHARLA: Probably wouldn't have come out here otherwise so...

  • SHARLA: We made it. Barely. This bus is fancy!

  • CASSIE: (?) bus.

  • SHARLA: So apparently we're on this for an hour to get back to Sendai.

  • SHARLA: Where are we? We're going to eat our daikoku.

  • SHARLA: Relax a bit.

  • SHARLA: This looks so good.

  • CASSIE: That's good.

  • SHARLA: Arigato gozaimasu. (Thank you very much.)

  • SHARLA: We made it back to Sendai (CASSIE: Yaay) after the..

  • ..longest bus ride.

  • SHARLA: We're so hungry

  • CASSIE: Yes!

  • SHARLA: We're going to find a café to eat at.

  • SHARLA: Scarf down some food and then we're back to hunting for Poké-lids.

  • SHARLA: That's what they're called. They have a name.

  • CASSIE: Poké-lids? SHARLA: Poké-lids.

  • SHARLA: We're going to try out a new café.

  • SHARLA: So they have a daily lunch special.

  • SHARLA: Can't decide between that or curry.

  • SHARLA: Are you going for curry? CASSIE: I think i'm going to go for that curry.

  • CASSIE: That curry on that photo (?) looks amazing. SHARLA: I know, it does.

  • CASSIE: I'll take apple.

  • CASSIE: It smells so good. SHARLA: Mhmm.

  • SHARLA: This smells amazing!

  • SHARLA: So the kintone (?) was a new year's dish.

  • SHARLA: I looked it up it's usally made from candied sweet potatoes and chestnuts.

  • CASSIE: Ooew.

  • SHARLA: I think they said they put some apple in theirs. This ought to be nice.

  • [Music]

  • that was a tasty lunch that was did you

  • enjoy it i did yeah i'm glad we went

  • there i've never tried that cafe before

  • carrot cake yeah carrot cake

  • it was very nice it had like a tofu

  • cream cheese it was good actually it

  • was very

  • it tasted like

  • cream cheese it was

  • very nice. I have to get the recipe from that

  • lady i need to befriend her and steal

  • her recipes challenge accepted we're on

  • our hunt for the next poke

  • lid

  • now it's actually the one that i spotted

  • yesterday that started my obsession

  • it's in the shopping the main shopping

  • area so i can show that to you guys it's

  • kind of like the

  • one big feature of sendai we have these

  • covered shopping streets which are

  • really nice

  • because it does rain and snow a lot here

  • and they're decorated like christmas

  • still so

  • go back in time a few weeks and enjoy

  • christmas again

  • this is probably the cutest one so it's

  • celebrating the tanabata matsuri which

  • is sendai's famous mat city

  • very cute

  • and now we have to figure out where the

  • heck to get our collectible stamp

  • somewhere

  • somewhere around

  • here don't know where

  • it's set in a mall

  • so

  • or like information center

  • let's see

  • apparently it's in this mall somewhere

  • that was weirdly easy to find awesome

  • i like how we get a practice

  • in case we mess it up well after five

  • you're out of luck

  • oh beautiful

  • beauty

  • a satisfying row of stamps

  • we've had a productive day

  • so this last one we're going to is

  • located at the sendai pokemon center

  • which i've never been to

  • i've been meaning to so

  • it's a good note to end the day on

  • apparently they have a stamp for our

  • stamp rally but we don't know if they

  • also have one of the manholes or not we

  • will see when we get there

  • all these limited ones oh yeah they're

  • Sendai.

  • Oh I love

  • [Music]. Nice they are here somewhere lapras. Lapras is original

  • I don't think they have it

  • [Music] sad face

  • You think there all out

  • They should be. You think there all in order

  • what number 1 something

  • Yeah there in order

  • apparently there's some like pokemon go

  • fifth anniversary celebration event

  • going on so it's so busy everyone's

  • playing pokemon go

  • All of these have been released today so cute

  • [Music]

  • it's so cute

  • So fluffy

  • it's a picture of all the plushies i

  • want that it's really cute

  • [Music] awww and there butts

  • A moleskin fancy

  • t-shirt is so cute

  • i love the art

  • this is so fun so they're little

  • magikarp and you put them in hot water

  • they dissolve into a soup

  • [Music]thats so cute

  • they have the golden one too

  • so we're wondering why they're so low on

  • stock of all the plushies and it's

  • because if you pre-ordered the new

  • pokemon game you get one plushie for

  • free so that's why everybody's here

  • getting their free plushie

  • slim pickings not much left

  • [Music]

  • sunday station is really pretty at

  • night

  • just missed the sunset

  • we're off to loft

  • now

  • the best store

  • so apparently loft sells merchandise of

  • the pokemon manholes in theory we'll see

  • what is it

  • oh you build a magikarp whoa

  • i would do this it's like a gundam

  • magikarp good magikarp

  • [Applause]

  • I don't know what this is but it sounds like

  • robot for your cat

  • oh it follows your pet around the house

  • so that you can like check on them

  • that is actually hilarious

  • look at the cat it's like what the [ __ ]

  • the video right here

  • A cat stalker

  • That's pretty cool

  • [Music] that's fun

  • Wonder what maro would think of that

  • Found them

  • so they've got stickers of all the

  • manholes that you can find across japan

  • they have buttons

  • and then there's like keychain oh

  • keychains keychains keychains and there

  • are surprise ones so you don't know

  • which one you're gonna get right yeah

  • that's never good oh and here's the

  • metal oh

  • coasters

  • Ooo coasters o so it's with a mug cup

  • oh that's really cool though we were

  • saying they need to make these into

  • coasters and they did

  • i kind of like the gyarados one but

  • there's also a squirtle one i love the

  • gyarados one and my squirtle one

  • adorable

  • yeah they're postcards you don't know

  • which one they're gonna get oh my look

  • at all the yada they're all kaga yeah

  • i think they're probably the next most

  • we gotta go to kagawa

  • and that concludes our pokemon adventure

  • for today

  • cassie found a flapper's plushie i

  • didn't buy anything i was good you're

  • very good i was gonna get a pen

  • but i didn't hope you guys had fun i'm

  • going to

  • try and

  • find some more friends to complete the

  • stamp rally with before january 31st

  • it's a tight schedule

  • see if there's somebody that wants to

  • come with me but

  • i'm sure i can find someone and i'll see

  • you guys again for part two one day

  • bye for now bye

  • [Music]

  • [Music]

  • you

hey guys

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