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  • [grumbling]

  • The bubbles are making me bigger.

  • More bubbles!

  • What the-?

  • Thank you, Squidward.

  • I'm big enough to flip patties again.

  • Yo, ho ho!

  • Oh!

  • [screaming]

  • [groaning]

  • Mr. Squidward! Call the fire department!

  • No need to call 'em, Mr. Krabs.

  • [grunting]

  • We'll be there in five minutes depending on traffic.

  • [laughing]

  • Turn left at the light!

  • The poisonous and highly intelligent octopus

  • can also cut through hard bedrock with its beak.

  • You don't see that every day!

  • Squidward, no!

  • [screaming]

  • It was you trying to eat my sea chimps

  • the whole time.

  • [scoffs]

  • I can't believe you'd accuse me

  • of- of- of such a delicious thing.

  • [belching]

  • [chattering]

  • I hear 'em in there.

  • [chattering]

  • [sea chimp king] Hey, King,

  • what's this dialy-doodle-mojig on your belt do?

  • [Plankton] No, don't touch that!

  • Whoa-oh-oh-oh!

  • [groaning]

  • I take it back. They weren't that delicious.

  • You know there is a way out of paying the fine.

  • I'll do it. What is it?

  • You can eat up all the chum.

  • [coughing]

  • Isn't there anyone that knows the true meaning

  • of Chum Day?

  • [groaning]

  • [groaning]

  • We ain't got time for that. Hi-yah!

  • [meowing]

  • Gary? Where are ya, little guy?

  • [meowing]

  • Gary! Gary!

  • [meowing]

  • Gary, what happened to you?

  • [groaning]

  • Hey, everybody! The light is bad!

  • Stay away from the light!

  • License and registration, please.

  • Hold your breath, critters!

  • Uh-oh! A whale!

  • [squawking] Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!

  • [screaming]

  • [squawking]

  • Eat the chum!

  • Right.

  • [groaning]

  • [belching]

  • Mr. Krabs, you did it. You saved the secret formula.

  • [groaning] And I think I killed me taste for chum too.

  • See?

  • I'll never touch another bite of the stuff

  • as long as I live.

  • [groaning]

  • Hey, where'd Plankton go?

  • Hold still.

  • This isn't the first time this has happened.

  • [grunting]

  • Hmm. Could take him a while to get out.

  • [coughing]

  • [meowing]

  • Now let's get the rest of you cleaned up.

  • Aw, cute.

  • [sneezing] [screaming]

  • [cheering]

  • I'll think I'll just even him out.

  • First, a bigger head.

  • Now his body is too small.

  • Right, too small.

  • Arms are too short.

  • Legs are too short.

  • Other arm. Feet too small.

  • Teeth.

  • Belly button.

  • Perfect.

  • I look horrible!

  • Ew!

  • [coughing]

  • Uh. He inked.

  • Well, pardon my anatomy.

  • What's happening?!

  • Alright!

  • What did you do to me?

  • I know. I know. Uh, made you a monster. Ha.

  • And a giant.

  • A giant monster!

  • Well, it's still Best Friends Day.

  • What would you like your gummy, best-

  • - Yes. - It's yours, buddy.

  • But first you gotta get us out of this.

  • Ha ha. That's easy.

  • [sighing] Told you it was easy.

  • See, Mr. Krabs, she wished for that boat.

  • You mean she stole that boat.

  • Morning, SpongeBob, Krabs. Beautiful day.

  • [laughing]

  • [laughing]

  • [laughing]

  • Is that proof enough for you?

  • That shell of yours looks a little cramped.

  • [meowing]

  • There. Now you've got plenty of space.

  • [meowing]

  • Aha! They went this way.

  • [meowing]

  • Tell me about it.

  • [groaning]

  • [meowing]

  • [groaning]

  • Pearl, what in the name of Neptune's Aunt Nancy is

  • with all this ruckus?

  • Ow!

  • What's happening to me?!

  • Pearl, this is terrible.

  • I paid 30 bucks for that bed!

  • Reboot complete.

  • Oh! Oh! Aha! More puppies?! For Me?

  • Oh, Sheldon, I couldn't be happier.

  • [laughing]

  • Wait, puppy. Whoa, puppy.

  • Huge overload.

  • [groaning]

  • Out of my way, your boobs!

  • Plankton, you're going the wrong way!

  • Turn back or be crushed by a giant monster!

  • I can't hear you! I need to see this!

  • Ooh! Holy mother

  • of all creatures, great and small.

  • It's the largest Krabby Patty the world world has ever seen!

  • It's- It's Gorgeous!

  • Oh, great patty take me! Take me home, daddy!

  • [screaming]

  • [gasping]

  • Do you wanna taste?

  • [SpongeBob] Squidward!

  • What's gonna happen? Am I gonna blow up?

  • [SpongeBob] No worse!

  • It'll go right to your thighs!

  • My thighs?

  • [SpongeBob] And then you blow up!

  • [siren blaring]

  • Yeah-heh-heh, I remember my first Krabby Patty.

  • [groaning]

  • [snoring]

  • My good man, how you doing?

  • Good.

  • Excellent. Now, let's get down to business.

  • - What's that? - It's your bill.

  • I don't have any money.

  • What?! I thought you said you could pay for it.

  • Oh, I'm paying for it alright. [belching]

  • I see you. Zap.

  • My leg!

  • I see you. Zap.

  • Plankton!

  • I see you. Zap!

  • [screaming]

  • Oh, look, it's the Krusty Krab, home of the Krabby Patty.

  • Crush!

  • [unintelligible]

  • Thank you, sir. Enjoy your meal.

  • At last.

  • All right, fine.

  • I'll just steal the secret formula myself.

  • Oh, and Man Ray, this friendship is over!

  • [belching]

  • No, no, no more. Can't eat another.

  • There he is.

  • All right, Man Ray, lunch time's over!

  • What? How did you two know I was here?

  • A little sponge told us.

  • This wasn't supposed to happen.

  • [Sandy] Good word, guys. Mission accomplished.

  • Now all you have to is--

  • Get out of my body! Go!

  • Grow?

  • No!

  • [Mr. Krabs] Almost ready to open.

  • There.

  • Good morning, Mr. Krabs.

  • Hello, Squidward. Neptune's trousers!

  • What's gotten into you?

  • Reporting for duty, Mr. Krabs. [toilet flushing]

  • Squidward! You toilet's backed up again!

  • Well, I guess it's just you and me.

  • Wait. What was I supposed to do again?!

  • Just make direct contact!

  • Direct contact. You mean like this?

  • It's working!

  • Keep going, SpongeBob! You can do it!

  • My body filling with Krabby Patty.

  • Enormous strain.

  • Never absorbed this much Krabby Patty

  • into my body before.

  • In fact, never absorbed any Krabby Patties

  • into my body. Come to think of it.

  • Okay, what do I do now?

  • What the-?

  • Since our last kindness didn't go so well,

  • we brought you a new one.

  • A giant clarinet?

  • [squeaking]

  • [gasping] And it sounds divine.

  • Now I'm too small to play my giant clarinet.

  • [crying]

  • [grunting]

  • SpongeBob, one Monster Krabby Patty.

  • Did you say a Monster Krabby Patty?

  • Um, one Monster Krabby Patty.

  • Huh? Monster Krabby Patty?

  • Monster Krabby Patty?

  • Monster Krabby Patty?!

  • Oh, dear Neptune.

  • Oh, boy.

  • We can do this.

  • At the count of three, we flip.

  • Ready? One, two, three.

  • Spat?

  • [screaming]

  • [screaming]

  • [screaming]

  • What is that thing, SpongeBob?

  • It looks like a giant pencil.

  • Go touch it.

  • It is a giant pencil, Patrick.

  • And to my beloved pet, Gary, I bequeath my pineapple,

  • my tool shed and my mailbox, and Patrick.

  • [whimpering]

  • What? Wow. Sometimes I forget just how absorbent I am.

  • What? No!

  • Stop spinning you sponge!

  • You're stealing my grunge!

  • Uh, uh, stuff that rhymes! [screaming]

  • [grunting]

  • [belching]

  • Oh, go, Patrick! Get those words!

  • Get 'em good!

  • [grumbling]

  • Stop reading words!

  • [grumbling]

  • Wow! What a bookworm! Whoa.

  • Yeah, SpongeBob.

  • Uh, Patrick, I think that's enough knowledge

  • for one day. Looks like you're full.

  • Nonsense, dear boy,

  • one can never accumulate too much information.

  • Where's me mustard?

  • Um.

  • Your mustard is coming right up.

  • When?!

  • Now.

  • Wow! Yee-ha! Yeah!

  • Oh, hey, Squidward.

  • [grumbling]

  • What are you saying?

  • [grumbling]

  • [cheering]

  • I can't hear you over the hose noise!

  • Hold on, I'll turn it off.

  • [groaning]

  • Patrick, There's something weird

  • about these frozen Krabby Patties.

  • Looks like you've been hitting the patties pretty hard there.

  • Speak for yourself.

  • How'd I do?

  • Please hold this end.

  • 35 feet, record broken.

  • Ouch.

  • Take a picture.

  • Say, "Cheese".

  • Cheese.

  • Ah, that's gonna come out of my paycheck.

  • [grunting]

  • My legs!

  • I'm okay.

  • Slightly less okay.

  • SpongeBob!

  • Yeah?

  • What are you- Whoa. You been working out.

  • Yeah, I hope you got some grill for me,

  • because I am ripped.

  • [grunting]

  • [grunting]

  • Oh, I'm late for the gym.

  • Can you cover for me in the kitchen, Squidward?

  • Yes. Anything, you meathead,

  • just go before you destroy the place.

  • [grunting]

  • [dinging]

  • [grunting]

  • [grunting]

  • [screaming]

  • [screaming]

  • Loser.

  • I am not a loser.

  • Loser.

  • Loser. Loser. Loser. Loser.

  • [laughing]

  • Huh?

  • Nideria Rex.

  • King Jellyfish.

  • [growling]

  • Kissy face!

  • [growling]

  • [panting]

  • Blak.

  • I can't resist a fuzzy.

  • [giggling]

  • Come, everyone and hug your new best friend.

  • [giggling]

  • [laughing evilly]

  • [screaming]

  • No, Cuddly Hug! No!

  • Yes, SpongeBob SquarePants. Yes.

  • [screaming]

  • Sorry I'm late, I-

  • [screaming]

  • Um, back to bed.

  • [laughing evilly]

  • I thought we were friends!

  • Squidward, you're winning. You're not hurting him at all.

  • Let me try not hurting him.

  • [groaning[

  • Come on, old timer. You know you want a piece of me.

  • [grunting]

  • Ow, that hurt.

  • I hurt him.

  • [gasping]

  • [unintelligible]

  • [screaming]

  • Zombie!

  • [screaming]

  • Zombie juice!

  • [screaming] Run!

  • [screaming]

  • [screaming]

  • Sandy!

  • Yeehaw! I've got 'em, SpongeBob!

  • Sandy.

  • Boy, howdy.

  • This critter put up some sort of fight.

  • But I'm from Texas, and as you can see,

  • no worm is a match for me. I even found my tail.

  • That's not the worm.

  • Pardon?

  • That's not the worm, that's his tongue.

  • Oh. This is the tongue.

  • And the whole thing is the worm.

  • Run for your life!

  • [screaming]

  • [roaring]

  • I'll just have to bring the bath to you.

  • [grunting]

  • Psst. Gary.

  • Bath delivery.

  • Come back, Gary.

  • I have something to share with you.

  • This is more like it.

  • [meowing]

  • Water you waiting for, Gary?

  • Us squirrel sure is stupid.

  • Dumb, dumb, dumb. Squirrels is dumb.

  • Sandy. Okay, Sandy, I get it.

  • What's that? You want more? Okie dokie.

  • More water for the sea critter.

  • Okay, Sandy. Okay. I get it.

  • No more squirrel jokes.

  • Well, you're safe now, Patrick.

  • Help! I'm drowning! I've got butt cramps!

  • I want ice cream! And now it's dark!

  • Good night, Earth. Hey, I'm mooning you.

  • [laughing] Hello, lady.

  • You sure look lovely by moonlight.

  • - Ah. - Hey, mister.

  • - I can see your bald spot. - Hey!

  • Don't be alarmed, people. I'm only here till December,

  • when Santa brings everybody a new moon for Christmas.

  • [honking, groaning]

  • Come on!


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