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  • (whistle sliding) (cheerful music)

  • - Hello.

  • (Tamir laughs) (whistle sliding)

  • Hi.

  • (whistle sliding)

  • (Tamir grunts) (boom rising)

  • I'm Tamir, and this is my show

  • where we ask important questions

  • to learn about our neighborhood.

  • Welcome to, "Tamir on the Street"

  • Ba, ba, ba, da, bop, bop, Tamir

  • Ba, ba, ba, da, bop, bop, my show

  • (laughs)

  • Today we're answering the question (laughs),

  • "What are ways we can use breathing to help us feel calm

  • when we're, you know, feeling angry,

  • or frustrated, or excited?" (laughs)

  • Whoa, a volcano! Cool.

  • (volcano rumbling) (Tamir gasps)

  • Uh-oh. Oh, come on, let's learn more

  • about peaceful breathing

  • before it explodes! (laughs) Whoah!

  • (volcano popping)

  • (Ji-Young grunting) (tin rattling)

  • (Ji-Young sighs) (tin rattling)

  • - Oh. What's wrong, Ji-Young? (Ji-Young grunting)

  • - Hi Tamir. (grunts)

  • - What's going on? (Ji-Young grunts)

  • - (grunts) You ever feel frustrated?

  • You know, when you have really big feelings

  • like you're an exploding volcano?

  • (Tamir gasps)

  • - A volcano!

  • Ji-Young, we can do volcano breaths to help you calm down.

  • That's when we let our breath explode out

  • with our big feelings.

  • - Whoa.

  • - Yeah.

  • - Oh, okay.

  • - Everyone start with your hands together in front of you.

  • - Okay.

  • - Yeah, just like that.

  • There you go. Okay.

  • Take a deep breath in, raising your hands.

  • (Tamir inhales) (harp plucking)

  • - Oh, oh, oh. (inhales) (harp plucking)

  • - Good. Then let your breath explode out like a volcano!

  • (exhaling) (crashing music)

  • (Tamir laughs) (Ji-Young laughs)

  • Oh, nice.

  • Well, let's try that again, but this time,

  • you lead, Ji-Young.

  • - Oh! Oh, oh, okay! Okay.

  • Um. Put your hands together in front of you.

  • - Mhmm.

  • - Oh, oh, okay.

  • Take a deep breath in.

  • - Yes

  • - While raising your hands.

  • - Yeah.

  • (inhaling) (harp plucking)

  • - And then let your breath explode like a volcano.

  • (exhaling) (crashing music)

  • (Tamir laughs) (Ji-Young laughs)

  • - (grunts) I know you're feeling frustrated, Ji-Young,

  • but how do you feel after doing some volcano breaths?

  • - Well, I feel a lot better, Tamir!

  • Thanks! (laughs) (Tamir laughs)

  • - That's great. (laughs)

  • (Tamir sighs) (curious music)

  • - Numbers.

  • Hm...

  • Let's see how these numbers can help us calm down

  • when we feel angry or frustrated. (laughs)

  • Come on! (laughs) (upbeat music)

  • (hurried trilling) (upbeat music)

  • (tired gasping) (upbeat music)

  • Oh. Oh, it's right there. (pants)

  • I just had to stop and take a quick breath. (laughs)

  • Woo! Okay, I'm good. (laughs)

  • Oh, hi, Grover!

  • (Grover exhales) (harp plucking)

  • (Grover gasps)

  • - Ah! Hello, Tamir.

  • - What are you doing, Grover?

  • - Oh, I am practicing 4-7-8 breathing.

  • - 4-7-8 breathing? (bells dinging)

  • - Yes.

  • I use it whenever I am feeling upset or angry

  • and it helps me calm down.

  • - Oh, well, can you show us, Grover?

  • - Of course!

  • But we will need somebody to demonstrate.

  • - Oh.

  • - Oh, where? Oh, where

  • will we find somebody to demonstrate?

  • - Um...I'm right here. I could demonstrate.

  • - Sold. You have got the job.

  • - Yes.

  • - Now let us begin.

  • - Okay.

  • - Take a deep breath in for four seconds.

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, (ticking music)

  • Now hold it for seven seconds.

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, (ticking music)

  • 5, 6, 7. (ticking music)

  • And breathe out for eight seconds.

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, (Tamir exhales)

  • 5, 6, 7, 8. (ticking music continues)

  • Ah! Great job!

  • Let us just do that again.

  • Now, this time you lead the 4-7-8 breathing, Tamir.

  • - Oh! Oh, okay. And you'll demonstrate?

  • - I am the monster for the job!

  • - Okay, great.

  • (throat clearing) Okay.

  • Take a deep breath in for four seconds.

  • 1, 2, 3, 4. (Grover inhales)

  • Now hold it for seven seconds.

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, (ticking music)

  • 5, 6, 7. (ticking music)

  • Now breathe out for eight seconds.

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, (Grover exhales)

  • 5, 6, 7, 8. (ticking music)

  • (laughs) Oh, thanks Grover.

  • I feel peaceful and calm after that breathing exercise.

  • - Oh, that is wonderful, Tamir.

  • - (laughs) Thanks. Oh, I gotta go!

  • - Okay - Bye!

  • - Bye-bye!

  • - Looks like everything is calm here at Tamir on The Street.

  • Today, Ji-Young learned that one exercise we can use

  • when we have big feelings is volcano breathing.

  • Oh. And Grover taught us

  • that we can use 4-7-8 breathing

  • when we feel angry or upset. (laughs)

  • You know,

  • I'm feeling peaceful and calm (downtempo music)

  • after a great show with all my friends.

  • - Aw. (Tamir laughs)

  • - Yeah, see you next time on

  • "Tamir on the Street!"

  • (laughter)

  • - Oh, thank you. Thank you.

(whistle sliding) (cheerful music)

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