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  • How many men does it take to deliver a message one.

  • Welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 most powerful Disney villains for this list.

  • We'll be looking at the strongest, smartest and most magical villains in Disney movie history.

  • Sorry, Davy jones.

  • But you'll have to wait another day for your turn in the spotlight.

  • Be warned that we will discuss plot points throughout this list.

  • So consider this, your spoiler warning, which Disney villain would you least want to meet in a dark alley?

  • Be sure to share with us in the comments below Number 10 syndrome.

  • The Incredibles, we kick off this list with a villain who doesn't seem so sinister at first sight but turns out to be quite formidable.

  • Both Mr incredible and the audience first meets syndrome when he's a young fan boy of the superhero cool.

  • Ready for takeoff.

  • Who are you supposed to be?

  • Well, I'm incredible.

  • No, you're that kid from the fan club however, as syndrome grows, so does his envy of the supers.

  • Eventually he turns his intelligence into a superpower of its own and targets the very heroes he idolized in his younger years.

  • Taking them out one by one.

  • My name is not buddy and it's not incredible either.

  • That ship has sailed.

  • All I wanted was to help you.

  • I only wanted to help with the power of technology syndrome nearly manages to wipe out the title superhero family, he's eventually destroyed but he leaves quite a bit of devastation in his wake.

  • This isn't the end of it.

  • I will get oh no, Number nine, Gaston Beauty and the Beast.

  • No, he doesn't have magical abilities or advanced technology, but this wicked narcissist ability to charm an entire village puts him among Disney's most intimidating foes as a specimen.

  • Yes, I'm intimidating armed with plenty of weapons and a dazzling smile.

  • Gaston is determined to get his way.

  • No matter what.

  • When Bell turns down his aggressive marriage proposal, he devises an evil plan to lock her beloved father up in an asylum in order to force her to marry him, plots like Gaston takes cheap shots like Gaston plans to persecute harmless crackpots like Gaston.

  • After that plan fails, he turns his anger to her friend the Beast and stirs up the village.

  • Xenophobia to storm the castle, jesus crazy as the old man.

  • The Beast will make off with your Children come after them in the night.

  • We're not safe till his head is mounted on my wall.

  • I say, we kill the Beast, he stabs the beast nearly ending him, but thankfully falls to his own demise before he can inflict more damage Number eight Dr Facil E.

  • Er The Princess and the Frog.

  • The Shadow man is an incredibly skilled magician who can use voodoo and Taro to trick others using his clever tongue.

  • Doctor facility, makes sour deals with the unsuspecting citizens of new Orleans twisting their dreams into nightmares and you just want to be free, Hot from place to place.

  • But Freedom takes Green is the greenest, the greenest green, with help from his voodoo talisman and friends on the other side, he's able to transform Prince naveen into a frog and glamour.

  • Lawrence to resemble the slacker prince when he loses naveen dr facility a sends out shadows to retrieve the frog prince from the bayou, showing that his powers can reach far and wide.

  • The shadow man nearly takes over new Orleans, but his angry friends on the other side drag him away after Tianna smashes his voodoo talisman.

  • I just need a little more, no, no, no, please.

  • Just a little more time.

  • I promise I'll be back.

  • I promise number seven scar.

  • The Lion King.

  • Ordinary lions are intimidating enough but make them ultra intelligent, ambitious and cunning.

  • You have a recipe for a supervillain scar, openly admits that he isn't the strongest feline on pride rock, but his brains more than make up for it as far as brains go.

  • I got the Lion's share, but when it comes to brute strength, I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the dream pool when his nephew is born and stands in his way of ruling over the Pride lands scar, manipulates the hyenas into ending his own brother and attempting to destroy Simba as well to do.

  • Thank you precisely, he tricks Simba into believing mufasa's demise is his fault and takes over pride rock.

  • It takes a massive wildfire and an entire cackle of vengeful hyenas to end scar and restore balance to the Pride lands.

  • No, let me explain.

  • No, you don't understand.

  • No, I didn't mean no, no.

  • Number six Ursula, the little mermaid.

  • When we first meet this fabulous antagonist, she's already an incredibly powerful sea witch with shape shifting potion, soul stealing contracts and the ability to see pretty much everything that's going on.

  • Ursula is pretty powerful.

  • If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet, you've got to pay the toll, taken up and take a breath and go ahead and sign the scroll.

  • Now I've got her boys the bosses.

  • When she transforms into the beautiful vanessa, she takes her magical abilities to the world above and in chance, Prince eric into marrying her already an intimidating foe.

  • Ursula's villainy is taken up several notches when she takes ownership of King Triton's trident and crown.

  • At last it's mine.

  • She grows into a terrifying giant and commands the sea and sky to create storms.

  • Whether her original size or an enormous sea monster.

  • Ursula is definitely a force to be reckoned with significant.

  • Number five.

  • The evil queen Snow White and the seven dwarfs.

  • Of course we had to pay tribute to the O.

  • G.

  • Baddie on this list with envy and vanity driving her the evil queen has access to a magical mirror that can see throughout the entire kingdom.

  • Magic mirror on the wall.

  • Who is the fairest, one of all famed is thy beauty majesty but hold a lovely maid.

  • I see in the mirror reveals that the princess Snow White is the most beautiful person in the kingdom.

  • The queen uses her influence to have her stepdaughter nearly destroyed when she finds out Snow White survived.

  • The evil queen uses powerful witchcraft to disguise herself and create a poisoned apple to end Snow White for good.

  • Ah Although she's successfully poisoned Snow White, the evil queen is destroyed and Snow White is awakened with a kiss showing even her extraordinary powers aren't enough to fight.

  • True Love Can be revived only by Love's 1st Love's First Number four dog, Fantasia, the demonic tyrant's of bald Mountain has terribly powerful abilities as an allegory for satan charity bag is able to summon fire as well as wicked beings such as harpies and demons to do his bidding.

  • Mhm.

  • He can also conjure souls and transform them will and generate darkness as he wishes.

  • Although he can create seemingly endless chaos, he's not immune to morning light and church bells and is forced to retreat.

  • This horrifying demon is only on the screen for a few minutes during fantasia but he made such an impact that he came back as an antagonist in other works including the Kingdom Hearts series.

  • Mhm Number three Jafar Aladdin as a talented sorcerer and a manipulative political player.

  • Jaffar would make a formidable character in game of Thrones.

  • Jafari uses his magical abilities to make the Sultan do his bidding and elevate his own position.

  • Don't worry.

  • Yeah it'll be fine.

  • Everything would be bye.

  • He is able to disguise himself to trick Aladdin into retrieving the magic lamp.

  • Although he doesn't originally get the lamp, Jafar does eventually gain access to the genies extraordinary magic and uses it to make himself the most powerful sorcerer in the world.

  • Genie.

  • My second wish, I wish to be the most powerful sorcerer in the world.

  • With his newfound abilities, Jafar is able to transform others summoned swords, breathe fire and most horrifyingly turn into an enormous snake.

  • In the end.

  • Jafar Zone greed is his ultimate undoing.

  • Much to the relief of Agrippa.

  • You wanted to be a genie, you got it, everything that goes with it.

  • No.

  • Number Two Maleficent Sleeping Beauty.

  • Look, we all hate being left out of parties but isn't cursing a baby a bit much.

  • The mistress of All evil definitely makes a statement when she crashes the christening of Princess Aurora and curses the infant to perish before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die throughout the film, her incredible power has become even more evident.

  • Maleficent can teleport conjure and hypnotize anytime she wishes.

  • Poor simple fools thinking you could defeat me, me.

  • The mistress of all evil.

  • The dark fairy creates storms and causes lightning to strike at will.

  • Her biggest display of power however comes at the climax of the film to see her evil plan through she surrounds the castle with a terrifying forest of thorns and transforms herself into an enormous fire breathing dragon.

  • Takes three other fairies and the power of True love to take her down.

  • How sort of truth fly swift and sure that evil die and good endure before we unveil our top pick here are a few dishonorable mentions the Queen of Hearts Alice in wonderland.

  • The awful monarch is wonderlands terrifying and bloodthirsty tyrant.

  • Oh no, your majesty, please.

  • It's all his call, not your grace, you know.

  • To the deuce, you say not me, the train madam, Mim the sword in the stone.

  • This powerful sorceress and shapeshifter gives Merlin a run for his money.

  • So my boy, I'm afraid I'll have to destroy you, destroy me.

  • Yeah, I'll give you a sporting check.

  • Mona, a short term villain.

  • She is made of magma smoke and justifiable rage.

  • You know who you are?

  • The horned king, the black cauldron as the ruler of a powerful army.

  • He is a nightmarish entity.

  • Oh my soldiers.

  • How long I have thirsted to be a God.

  • Um a mortal man.

  • Cruella Deville.

  • Dalmatians.

  • This driven in wealthy fashionista has a taste for puppy for and then of course you have your little spotted friends.

  • Yes, yes, I must say such perfectly beautiful coats.

  • Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • Number one Hades Hercules.

  • Sure piece.

  • A ton of fun.

  • But don't let Hades charm make you forget that he's the immortal and powerful God of the dead with the ability to make other gods mortal access to the fates and their future telling gifts and command over the underworld.

  • Hades is a terrifying foe.

  • How do you kill a God?

  • I do not know you can't.

  • They're immortal, bingo.

  • They're immortal.

  • So first you're gonna turn the little sunspot motto.

  • When Hercules re emerges, Haiti sends ferocious beasts his way and tries to get Megara to manipulate the boy wonder, showing the wide range of weapons at his disposal.

  • Haiti's nearly destroys the other gods when he makes a deal with Hercules that allows him to unleash powerful titans and now that I set you free.

  • First thing you are going to do good answer.

  • Even after his plan is foiled, he almost ends both Megan Hercules.

  • Although undead spirits restrain him.

  • Hades can still return to raise hell.

  • Get away from me, Don't touch me, get your slimy souls off me.

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How many men does it take to deliver a message one.

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