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  • Since the 20th century, the word 'Versailles' has  become somewhat synonymous with the sowing of the  

  • seeds of war. Countless historians have pointed  out the rise of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy as  

  • having roots in the Treaty of Versailles, signed  in 1919 at the tail end of the First World War.  

  • However, Germany and Italy were only two of  the three major Axis powers, which plunged  

  • the world into war in the 1930s. Traditionallythe treaty of Versaille is thought to have had  

  • little impact on 20th century Japan, but in  truth, a string of superseding events leading  

  • up to that fateful day in June 1919 made it  so that, when the treaty was finally signed,  

  • the land of the rising sun was pushed  firmly on the path that would lead it  

  • to become an Axis Power in WW2. In this videowe will explain why the Treaty of Versailles  

  • became the straw that broke the camel's  back, pushing Japan towards the Axis.  

  • Certainly a different outcome to world  war one would change or even stop world  

  • war two - see if you can do any better than  historic governments by playing Supremacy 1914.

  • It's a massive pvp online strategy game where you  pick a real country to lead through world war one,  

  • facing up to five hundred other players in  persistent real-time games that can last  

  • weeks. You'll pick your units and technologieschoose allies and enemies via real diplomacy  

  • with other players, and compose an  epic strategy to take over the world.

  • You'll use all the classic world war 1 units, like  machine guns, cavalry, and planes, plus secret  

  • weapons like tanks. Play on both mobile and PC to  update your real time plans whenever you need to.

  • Play for free by downloading the game via our  link in the description, and you'll also get  

  • an exclusive gift: fifteen thousand gold and  one month of premium subscription for free.  

  • But that's only available for  thirty days, so don't waste time!

  • Our story begins with a brand new Empire which  took to the global stage by replicating what  

  • it had learned from the great powers of Europe  and America. By the end of the 19th century,  

  • the formerly feudal and isolationist nation of  Japan had undergone the Meiji Restoration , an  

  • incredible process of hyper modernizationcatching up on centuries of technology in  

  • a matter of decades to avoid being colonized  by technologically advanced European powers.  

  • On top of European technology, the Japanese of  this period also picked up on the European habit  

  • of colonial expansionism. In the 1890s, Japan  utilized its newfound technological superiority  

  • to enforce exploitative treaties upon the Korean  Joseon Dynasty. This brought it into conflict with  

  • the Qing Dynasty, to whom Joseon was a tributary  vassal . The outcome was the First Sino-Japanese  

  • War of 1894-1895 which saw the legendary siege  of Port Arthur and the naval battles of Yalu  

  • River and Weihaiwei. The Empire of the rising sun  defeated the Qing dynasty handily, becoming the  

  • dominant Asian power in the east. The population  of Japan beamed with pride, they had achieved a  

  • major objective in their goal to become one of the  great powers, but this elation was only temporary

  • The treaty of Shimonoseki signed on April 17th of  1895 recognized the total independence of Korea  

  • from China, and ceded Taiwan, the Penghu Islandsand the much-desired Liaodong Peninsula to Japan.  

  • However, after its ratification, Japan was  suddenly approached by the triple intervention of  

  • France, Germany, and Russia who argued  Japan should return the Liaodong Peninsula  

  • to China . When Japan sought the aid of the  United States and Great Britain, they instead  

  • advised Japan to increase the indemnity fees asreplacement for the Liaodong peninsula. Thus Japan  

  • reluctantly acceded to the triple intervention as  it was in no position to resist the 3 great powers  

  • militarily . Then, to the shock and fury of JapanRussia immediately signed a 25-year lease of the  

  • Liaodong peninsula and began setting up a naval  base at Port Arthur. It became clear that among  

  • the congress of nations, Japan would never be  taken as seriously as any of the European powers

  • Japan was extremely unhappy with the  outcome, but she was not alone, Britain,  

  • one of Russia's principal geopolitical rivalswas also wary of Tsarist encroachment in China.  

  • Thus the Anglo-Japanese alliance of 1902 was  signed to ward off Russian expansion in east Asia.  

  • This ultimately allowed Japan to recover the  face it had lost in the Liaodong incident,  

  • and allowed the young Empire to achieve its  primary geopolitical aims in the region.  

  • This principally constituted establishing  dominance over Korea, which it did by  

  • commercially exploiting Joseon with unequal  treaties, and, ironically, shaking off all  

  • the remaining unequal treaties imposed upon itself  by the great European powers, when they had forced  

  • Japan to open the country decades earlier. However, Japan had its sights on more than  

  • just Korea, and also sought a sphere of  influence in the breadbasket of Asia,  

  • Manchuria. Their opportunity came when the Qing  dynasty was engulfed in the Boxer Rebellion  

  • of 1899-1901, wherein eight nations with colonial  interests in a weak, complacent and stable China  

  • stepped in to help the Qing Emperor quell the  uprising. Japan and Russia found themselves on  

  • the same side in this conflict, but the outcome of  the war caused further conflict between the two.  

  • By the end of the uprising, Russia had sent over  177,000 troops into Manchuria under the pretext  

  • of protecting railway construction in the region  from insurgents , promising they would withdraw  

  • once the rebellion was over. After the rebellion,  100,000 troops remained settled in Manchuria,  

  • and by 1903 Russia had yet to establishtimetable for withdrawal. Soon, Russia became even  

  • bolder and began the construction of inroads into  Korea. Seeing all this as a threat to its national  

  • security, Japan attempted to diplomatically deal  with the Russian encroachments, but nothing came  

  • to fruition , notably as a result of the racially  motivated Yellow Peril rhetoric being pushed by  

  • Kaiser Wilhelm II onto Tsar Nicholas II. The  result was the cataclysmic Russo-Japanese war  

  • of 1904-1905 seeing such battles as Mukden  and the legendary naval battle of Tsushima.  

  • For the first time in modern history, an  Asian power defeated a European power,  

  • sending shockwaves throughout the globeJapan emerged as the dominant power in Asia,  

  • but similarly to Russia, had bankrupted itself  with the war and was eager to make a peace deal.  

  • Theodore Roosevelt was chosen to mediate between  the two nations at Portsmouth, and much to the  

  • shock and dismay of Japan, he advised Japan to  accept a peace deal without monetary reparations,  

  • nor significant territorial gains  . The Japanese public was furious,  

  • leading to the Hibiya riots of 1905 . Japan  felt betrayed and cheated by the United States

  • Despite not achieving the peace deal they soughtJapan still had achieved more national objectives,  

  • she now held the sphere of influence over  Manchuria and quickly seized a lease on the  

  • southern Manchurian Railway, mining concessionsand the Liaodong peninsula. Japan would follow  

  • this up with the annexation of Korea in 1910  officially making Korea a colony of Japan and  

  • allowing it to be exploited even more brutally.  A few years later, one of the most lucrative  

  • opportunities in Japanese history occurredthe Great War. At the outbreak of the conflict,  

  • Japan proposed of its ally Britain that she should  enter the war on the condition she could seize  

  • German held territory in the Asia-Pacific. Britain  was reluctant at first, but officially asked for  

  • Japan's assistance in destroying the German East  Asia Squadron led by Maximilian von Spee. The  

  • Entente formally gave Japan the status of full  ally, guaranteeing it support at the prospective  

  • peace conference and to support Japanese  claims over German possessions within China.  

  • However Britain also quietly warned Japan to not  seize German held territory in the south or east  

  • pacific, which Britain had pegged for annexation  by its Australian and New Zealand based forces

  • Japan set to work, submitting an ultimatum  to Germany on August the 23rd of, 1914,  

  • which went unanswered, leading Japan to besiege  the German-held Chinese port of Tsingtau.  

  • The siege of Tsingtau saw many firsts in  military history, from seaplane-carrier Wakamiya,  

  • Japan conducted the first naval-launched  air raids against German held land targets  

  • in Shandong province and ships in Qiaozhou Baythe first night-time bombing raid; and possibly  

  • the first aerial victory when Pluschow claimed to  have downed a Japanes Farman MF.7 with his pistol.  

  • Ultimately, Japan defeated the Germans and seized  Tsingtau, while the IJN simultaneously seized the  

  • Mariana, Caroline and Marshall islands much  to the annoyance of Britain. This would prompt  

  • Britain to publicly tell Japan not to seize  any more German colonial possessions in the  

  • south and east pacific, thereby handing Japan an  insult on the world stage it would not forget

  • Now being the dominant and uncontested power in  Asia, Japan had the ability to throw its weight  

  • around as she saw fit. With all of Europe's great  powers currently grinding each other into dust on  

  • their home continent, Japan felt it was time  to seize more of its vital interests in China.  

  • The Qing dynasty had collapsed during the Xinhai  revolution of 1911 and a fragmented Beiyang  

  • government led by Yuan Shikai was trying to keep  the ailing nation together. On January 18th of  

  • 1915, Japanese Prime Minister Okuma Shigenobu  drafted and sent the infamous Twenty-One Demands  

  • to President Yuan Shikai privately, threatening  dire consequences should China reject them.  

  • It would grant Japan all the territory it seized  from Germany ; expand its influence in Manchuria  

  • and Inner Mongolia ; expand its role in the  development of railways and mining in China . Most  

  • egregiously of all, it would give Japandecisive voice in China's financial, policing, and  

  • governmental affairs . In other words, it would  effectively make China a protectorate under Japan,  

  • much like what Korea was prior to full annexationJapan was well aware of what it was asking,  

  • thus demanding the Beiyang government keep  the matter secret, but the Beiyang government  

  • leaked the demands in an effort to earn European  powers' support against Japan. China rejected  

  • the humiliating demands on April 26st of 1915,  prompting the Genro of Japan to delete the most  

  • egregious parts of the demands and present  a new Thirteen Demands on May 7th of 1915,  

  • this time in the form of an ultimatum with a  2-day deadline. Yuan Shikai was competing with  

  • warlords to control a fragmented China and was  in no position to risk war with Japan, so he  

  • accepted and signed the demands on May 25th, 1915. While the signing seemed like a great victory for  

  • Japan, the opposite would turn out to be trueWithout the most egregious demands included,  

  • Japan gained very little it did not already have  in China, but now lost the trust of the United  

  • States and its European allies, particularly  Britain. Tensions between the two powers began  

  • straining when Japan was asked for further  assistance as the first world war raged on,  

  • which it did by sending the Japanese Red Cross  to the western front and escorting ANZAC troop  

  • convoys to the middle east. In February of  1915, the IJN was asked to help quell the 1915  

  • Singapore Mutiny and did so begrudgingly  . Then in 1916, Britain began requesting  

  • the IJN's assistance in the Mediterranean to  protect Entente shipping from U-boat attacks.  

  • Japan agreed to do so in 1917 upon reaching an  agreement with Britain that she would support  

  • Japan's territorial claims in the Asia-PacificThe IJN second special squadron would make 348  

  • escort sorties in the mediterranean sea, escorting  788 ships containing over 700,000 troops, saving  

  • the lives of 7075 Entente personnel from U-boat  attacks at the cost of 72 IJN sailor deaths

  • When WW1 came to an end, Japan emerged  as one of the big five victors. Japan  

  • had helped neutralize German naval forces in  the Pacific, captured German-held territories,  

  • sent the Red Cross to the front, and aided in the  escorting of Entente shipping within the Pacific,  

  • Indian and Mediterranean seas. In return for all  of this Japan expected a sizable postwar dividend.  

  • Japan achieved the coveted status of being a  “great powerand this was recognized officially  

  • by granting it a permanent seat at the new League  of Nations council. However, there was something  

  • missing from the Paris Peace conference  and it was of grievous importance to Japan.  

  • While she was recognized as a great power, she  was not recognized as being fully equal to the  

  • other great powers. Thus at the final season on  April 11, 1919, Japan issued the Jinshutekisabetsu  

  • teppai teian - “proposal to abolish racial  discriminationamendment to the Treaty of  

  • Versailles . Japan had bitter memories of the  “yellow perilrhetoric that had come to fruition  

  • during the Russo-Japanese War. She had and still  was undergoing severe immigration restrictions and  

  • racial discrimination from many of the  great powers, notoriously the United States.  

  • The Racial Equality proposal stipulatedThe  equality of nations being a basic principle of  

  • the League of Nations, the High Contracting  Parties agree to accord as soon as possible  

  • to all alien nationals of states, members of the  League , equal and just treatment in every respect  

  • making no distinction, either in law or in  fact, on account of their race or nationality.” 

  • To the conservative magnates of Europethis proposal was very controversial,  

  • and some politicians like Lord Cecil of Britain  suggested the matter not be discussed at all.  

  • However, racial equality had some support among  the highest brass. The Italian Prime Minister  

  • Vittorio Orlando spoke in favor of it on the basis  of human rights. French Senator Leon Bourgeois  

  • urged for its adoption and argued it would be  impossible to reject the proposal because it  

  • embodied an indisputable principle of justice”.  Ultimately, was put to a vote and won through a  

  • majority , 11 Ya's out of 17, but while there  were no Na's, there was considerable push back.  

  • Australian Prime Minister William Morris Hughes  offered vocal criticism, arguing the proposal  

  • would mean an end to theWhite Australia”  immigration policy . “No Gov't could live  

  • for a day in Australia if it tampered withWhite AustraliaHughes stated. Hughes began to