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  • Number two.

  • I make the decisions here.

  • Okay, I demand a little respect.

  • Welcome to watch mojo And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 unscripted Mike Myers moments.

  • Thank you very much.

  • I'm here till thursday.

  • Try the veal for this list to be looking at the most excellent And Shagadelic scenes where Mike Myers got to show off his improv skills and you think of any unscripted Mike Myers moments?

  • Let us know in the comments.

  • Mm hmm.

  • Number 10 London or Southern California.

  • Austin Powers.

  • The Spy Who Shagged Me.

  • London is Austin Powers stopping ground, but his movies are primarily shot in the States.

  • The filmmakers work around this with a lot of groovy interior shots.

  • When the action is taken outside.

  • Though the shooting locations become more apparent as Austin and Felicity drive through the english countryside, Californians might recognize the scenic San Marcos Pass on Route 1 54.

  • Do you remember me awesome powers?

  • I don't recall your name but your fez is familiar Rather than play the audience For Fools Myers decided to address the elephant in the room.

  • Austin breaks the fourth wall, drawing the viewer's attention to the fact that this is really southern California.

  • The spontaneity of Myer's ad lib is reflected through heather Graham's reaction.

  • You can tell Graham wasn't prepared as she quickly asks what before Myers delivers the punchline.

  • No, it's remarkable is how much England looks in.

  • No way like Southern California.

  • Number nine.

  • Eek, The Cat in the hat Myers reportedly wasn't the happiest Camper on the set of this live action adaptation of Dr Seuss's classic Children's book.

  • Well, now that the cat's out of the bag to use an archaic and cruel sounding metaphor based on this scene.

  • The set wasn't very happy either with the house in disarray.

  • It appears matters can't possibly get any messier.

  • That is, until a piece of wood falls in the background, startling the cat cutting off your tail.

  • Myers wasn't expecting this piece of the set to collapse.

  • His surprised reaction is genuine and the filmmakers decided to use this take, ironically, the scene sees the cat telling Conrad and sally that he planned out almost everything that happened throughout the day.

  • You had your real hat this whole time, yep, I planned the whole day.

  • Yet even the cat couldn't foresee that part of the house crashing down behind him.

  • Number eight.

  • Wedding guest remarks.

  • Shrek, the original Shrek scored an Oscar nomination for best adapted screenplay.

  • Onions have layers, Ogres have layers.

  • Onions have layers, you get it as well crafted as the script is.

  • The actors were also given some wiggle room to contribute lines crashing Fiona and Farquaad wedding Shrek alarms the priest and the guests to relieve some of the tension.

  • The ogre addresses the crowd, like a stand up comedian commenting on, do locks clean aesthetic.

  • Hi everyone having a good time, are you?

  • I love first of all, very clean.

  • The line came courtesy of Meyer's Sprinkling in some humor as we get to one of the film's more dramatic and romantic moments, but I don't understand.

  • I'm supposed to be beautiful.

  • We would have liked to have seen more of Shrek warming up the crowd, but there is a wedding to object to Number seven, just enjoy yourself.

  • Austin powers.

  • The spy who shagged me Acquiring a time machine.

  • Austin prepares to travel back to the 60s and reclaim his Mojo, which may or may not have inspired the name of this channel.

  • Before heading back, Austin tries to wrap his brain around the complexities of time travel.

  • If I travel back to 1969 and I was frozen in 1967, presumably I could go visit my frozen self, but if I'm still frozen in 1967, how could I have been unthought in the 90s and travel back to Oh no, I've gone cross eyed.

  • Anyone who saw 10et an endgame, understands where Austin is coming from.

  • Michael York's Basil suggests that Austin simply kick back and nothing too hard about it before directly telling the audience to do the same.

  • I suggest you don't worry about this sort of thing and just enjoy yourself.

  • That goes for you all.

  • Yes.

  • This fourth wall break was improvised with Myers also turning to the camera, agreeing with basil, it's a cheeky addition to a time travel film that clearly wasn't meant to be over analyzed Number six, relating to artie Shrek the third, desperately attempting to win over RT trek, lays down some stereotypical teen lingo what ensues is a symphony of slang stitched together by outdated one liners and honestly outdated might be the wrong word.

  • If you think this whole mad scene ain't dope, I feel you dude.

  • I mean I'm not trying to get up in your grill or raise your roof even in the nineties and early two thousand's.

  • How many teenagers actually used phrases like straight tripping and oh no, you didn't on a regular basis.

  • So then I was all like, I'd rather get the black plague and lock myself in an iron maiden than go out with you totally.

  • In any case Shrek is completely out of touch with youth culture but it's impressive just how many lame lines he manages to deliver in under a minute.

  • Myers came up with this bit that epitomizes every parent trying and failing to be cool around their Children.

  • It's also probably the funniest scene in what's otherwise considered one of the franchise's weaker entries.

  • Somebody help.

  • I've been kidnapped by a monster trying to relate to me number five.

  • Cream of some young guy Wayne's world.

  • In the first Wayne's world.

  • Movie director Penelope Spheeris allowed her cast to go off script since they had a tight deadline to meet though.

  • She reportedly would say if you can do it in 26 seconds, we can keep it in the movie, admittedly.

  • This seconds long ad libbed moment isn't the most politically correct line, but it's still hard to forget all this time later when rob Lowe's Benjamin recommends ordering chinese food.

  • Wayne asks for a suggestive sounding dish that you won't find in any pf chang's menu.

  • I know a great place.

  • I'll have the cream of some young guy Myers improvised the line which is simultaneously immature and clever, much like Wayne Campbell himself.

  • The rest of the cast manages to stay in character as well with Tia Carrere, nudging Myers and Dana Carvey doing a happy dance.

  • Well, I guess you've thought of everything, huh?

  • Nothing left for me to do but just go home.

  • Number four inflatable globe.

  • Austin powers.

  • The spy who shagged me Myers and Low reunited for the second Austin Powers movie, resulting in another classic unscripted scene.

  • Really, I don't like that insolent tone.

  • I meant nothing by no, no, no, no, you want to run things here?

  • No, not at all.

  • You want to be Daddy In Lowe's autobiography, he revealed an idea that came to him while shooting at dr Evil's volcano lair.

  • Low suggested that young number two should stand up to dr Evil who responds by bouncing an inflatable globe off his head and taunting him like robert.

  • Duvall in the great Santini.

  • Hey, hey, hey, hey, my wine mama's boy, I bet you're gonna cry.

  • Come on mama's boy, let's see you cry, Come on squirt if you cry.

  • Myers thought it was a great concept and they instantly shot the scene making up the dialogue as they went along?

  • Uh huh, Are you gonna squirt some?

  • You're gonna cry, huh?

  • Yeah, so you're gonna cry, huh?

  • You're a big man now, huh?

  • Yeah, so dr Evil gets number two to cry but you can tell that low is really cracking up behind the fake tears.

  • Low also mentioned that Myers improvised Dr Evil's new lyrics while wrapping just the two of us from the moment I heard trial say I had a clone, I knew that I'd be safe because I'd never be alone.

  • Number three smacked bottom Shrek as Shrek grows increasingly frustrated with donkey, he informs him that a smacked bottom maybe in his future.

  • Alright, you're going the right way for a smacked bottom.

  • Mirroring reality.

  • Myers ad libbed the line after getting frustrated with one of the film's directors.

  • It's unclear if Myers was addressing Andrew Adamson or Vicky Jenson, but the remark tied in perfectly with Shrek and Donkey's dynamic.

  • It's not surprising the line came from Myers seeing how he also said it in the music video for Madonna's beautiful stranger.

  • You're going the right way for a smacked bottom.

  • I hope so.

  • Of course, smacked.

  • Bottom took on a very different meaning.

  • They're just a year after.

  • Shrek.

  • The line would resurface in Goldmember, bringing things full circle in the Myers verse.

  • Oh you're going the right way for a smacked bottom and I don't care, who knows it.

  • Number two?

  • Car hood.

  • Wayne's world.

  • Remember when we said Wayne's world had a tight deadline.

  • Five 43 good terry.

  • Well, immediately after filming wrapped, Penelope Spheeris needed to rush Myers and Carvey to the airport so they could do SNL the final scene shot involves Wayne and Garth lying on the Mirth.

  • Mobiles hood waiting for a plane to fly over With the clock ticking on their 32 day schedule.

  • Spirits let the cameras roll with the two mostly improvising.

  • This explains the randomness of Garth's question concerning bugs bunny.

  • Did you ever find bugs bunny attractive when he put on a dress and play a girl bunny?

  • No, it's been said that Meier's subsequent laugh was regarding something else from the scene, but it was edited in post production in any case Spheeris said they were just laughing so hard because they were just relieved that we had accomplished what we had to do.

  • Sometimes I wish I could boldly go where?

  • No man has gone before, but I'll probably stay in Aurora.

  • What are you thinking about before we continue.

  • Be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • # one Austin Powers International Man of Mystery.

  • Myers has claimed that somewhere between 30 and 40% of the first Austin Powers was improvised.

  • Who are these people shouting is a temporary side effect of the unfreezing process.

  • Yes, I'm having difficulty controlling the volume of my voice while he didn't provide a specific breakdown of everything ad libbed, we can confirm at least one iconic scene was unscripted as Dr Evil makes a classic villain mistake.

  • Seth Green scott tries to knock some sense into his dad.

  • Dr Evil responds with several variations on all of which was improvised between Myers and Green.

  • It's no hassle, but all I'm saying they're gonna get, I'm just which knock knock, who's there?

  • According to director jay roach, having to shoot both sides of the scene ended up costing them about a half a day, but it was just too funny not to do.

  • So funny, in fact, that a similar scene would make its way into the next film.

  • And again, it was reportedly improvised.

  • All right, zip it, you know, you can't even zip it zip.

  • Look, ladies and gentlemen of the jury exhibit a Do you agree with our picks, check out this other recent clip from watch mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.

Number two.

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