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  • Hello there, mm hmm.

  • Welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10.

  • Obi wan moments will be one.

  • Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time for this list.

  • We'll be looking at this Jedi masters finest moments in Star Wars across a variety of media.

  • Prior to a series on Disney plus, this is the video you're looking for.

  • You want to leave a comment below number 10 fighting jango fett Star Wars episode two, Attack of the clones from the moment Obi wan arrives on kamino and meets the bounty hunter called jango fett things get pretty tense.

  • Thank you for your time.

  • Django, Always a pleasure to meet agenda.

  • We know it's gonna go down pretty soon and we aren't the least bit disappointed when it finally does.

  • Mhm.

  • The two squaring off on a landing pad in some particularly stormy weather.

  • Django gives Obi wan all that he can handle with a plethora of unique gadgets to say nothing of a young boba gunning from their ship.

  • However, Obi wan's ingenuity and quick thinking, keep him in the fight time and time again.

  • Yeah, while he's unable to apprehend Django Obi wan does manage to plant a homing beacon on his ship which proves crucial in tracking the separatist movement to geonosis.

  • Number nine handling scum and villainy Star Wars episode four.

  • A new hope in the first film.

  • Obi wan has some choice words for the city of Moss, Eisley Moss Iceland spaceport, you will never find the more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

  • So when he and luke entered the cantina we know to be on our toes.

  • True to its reputation, luke is quickly accosted, unprovoked by a couple of riffraff looking to start trouble.

  • He doesn't like you.

  • I'm sorry, I don't like you either.

  • You just watch yourself though.

  • A farm boy and old Ben Kenobi may not look too intimidating.

  • One learns not to judge a book by its cover the hard way.

  • When the latter swiftly severs his blaster arm with the lightsaber, the rest of the cantina shrugs off the dispute in a humorous be.

  • The moment is important as it shows us through luke's eyes what a Jedi and action looks like up close.

  • Number eight.

  • Death of duchess satins Star wars, the clone wars though later depictions of the Obi wan character portray him as something of a solitary figure.

  • The clone wars tv series made him even more well rounded by introducing a love interest.

  • Obi wan, it looks like I may never see you again.

  • I don't know quite how to say this, but I've loved you from the moment you came to my aid all those years ago.

  • The ruler of Mandalore duchess satine cries, has a heartfelt but bittersweet relationship with the Jedi as their diverging paths often keep them apart.

  • However, their love for one another persists.

  • So it becomes all the more tragic when she's fatally wounded by a usurping mall.

  • I never planned on killing you, but I will make you share my pain kidnapped.

  • Considering Obi wan's already complicated history with the South Lord.

  • Everything about this scene adds up to one of the greatest tragedies in all of Star Wars, solidified with statins, final words to her old flame.

  • Remember?

  • Okay, I've loved you always, I always will.

  • Mhm.

  • Number seven, explaining the force, Star Wars Episode four, a new hope.

  • I was once a Jedi Knight, the same as your father.

  • I wish I'd known him.

  • He was the best star pilot in the galaxy and a cunning warrior.

  • Though perhaps not the most fun exposition scenes are crucial to understanding backstory and how world operates and in lesser hands, this exchange could have turned audiences off.

  • But thanks to alec Guinness's stellar performance, the Star Wars lore becomes as mystifying as it remains today.

  • Your father's Light saber.

  • This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight.

  • Not as clumsy or random as a blaster, an elegant weapon for them all civilized, covering everything from the nature of the Force.

  • To giving us our first glimpse at a lightsaber to the somewhat true history of Anakin Skywalker.

  • Obi wan sets up everything we need to know for the adventure ahead.

  • The Force, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power.

  • It's an energy field created by all living things.

  • It surrounds us and penetrates us.

  • It binds the galaxy together after the to watch the message from Princess Leia Obi wan Hammers home the call to action for our young hero.

  • All in all, we still get chills watching this scene.

  • I need your help luke.

  • She needs your help.

  • I'm getting too old for this sort of thing.

  • Number six Taking down General Grievous Star Wars episode three Revenge of the Sith, mm hmm.

  • As professional Jedi knight as Obi wan is going up against a four armed cyborg with as many light sabers almost seems unfair until we remember who we're dealing with.

  • Of course.

  • Oh, I don't think so.

  • Ah after Kenobi and the Republic Army track grievous forces to Utapao, the Jedi confronts the military leader and manages to relieve him of two of his arms and all of his light sabers.

  • Once a battle breaks out, however, grievous attempts to escape, prompting Obi wan to give chase.

  • Mhm mhm.

  • Before grievous can reach his ship, Obi wan shrewdly exposes the cyborgs remaining biological components.

  • Just when it seems he's down for the count.

  • Obi wan ends the general once and for all with some well placed blaster shots.

  • Number five, killing mall star wars rebels.

  • And now the only one who has gained anything from all of this is me.

  • Yeah, as previously mentioned and with more dimensions still, Obi wan has every reason to kill Mall.

  • However, at this point in his journey, the Jedi master has wizened beyond the point of grudges and retribution.

  • That said Destiny finds him all the same as a young Ezra Bridger leads a battered mall to his campsite.

  • Oh, you have a purpose here.

  • Perhaps you are protecting something.

  • No protecting someone after the to do some catching up mall remains resolved to finally get his revenge.

  • Their duel is brief.

  • However, as Obi wan wastes no time finishing Mall once and for all, ah in a tender moment, Obi wan comforts his old foe during his final moments, promising him that change is just over the horizon.

  • Tell me, Is it the chosen one he is?

  • Mhm He well avenge us number four from a certain point of view, Star Wars episode six, Return of the Jedi Can't go on alone.

  • Yoda will always be with you.

  • Obi wan.

  • Whether you believe this series of revelations was always planned or Obi wan outright lied to luke about Anakin, it makes for a deft storytelling all the same.

  • He ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader when that happened.

  • The good man, who was your father was destroyed.

  • So, what I told you was true from a certain point of view, after the death of Yoda, luke's original mentor reappears to him as a force ghost to impart some final pieces of wisdom.

  • Going into the greatest battle of his life.

  • Obi wan gets a lot of iconic lines over the course of his history, but his justification for lying to luke remains one of his best as he further emboldens luke to fulfill his destiny.

  • I can't do it.

  • Then you cannot escape your destiny.

  • You must face Darth Vader again though.

  • It's not as monumental a twist as luke's parentage.

  • The revelation of Leia being his sister ends the scene on another memorable note, Les as my sister, your insight serves you well.

  • Bury your feelings deep down luke.

  • They do you credit, but they could be made to serve the emperor.

  • Number three.

  • Avenging qui gon jinn, Star Wars episode one.

  • The phantom Menace, mm hmm.

  • This is the moment that sparked Obi wan's rivalry with Darth Maul for years to come though we knew this prequel movie would be setting up the original Jedi Masters journey and thus his own master qui gon jinn likely wouldn't make it.

  • That didn't make it any less heartbreaking when Mall delivered the finishing blow.

  • Yeah, after helplessly watching Mall fatally wound Qui gon Obi wan continues what's already been a tremendous lightsaber duel with an added layer of emotion literally hanging for dear life.

  • Obi wan's able to catch them all off guard and deliver a finishing blow of his own.

  • Mm hmm Though Mall would later be salvaged.

  • This is still a tragic yet cathartic moment in Jedi history.

  • He He is the chosen one.

  • We'll bring balance training him number two more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

  • Star Wars episode four, A new hope I have been waiting for you.

  • Obi wan, we meet again at last.

  • The circle is now complete when I left you.

  • I was.

  • But the learner now, I am the master, only a master of evil.

  • We fell in love with Obi wan over the course of his first appearance in the original movie, which makes his final confrontation with his former padawan.

  • So difficult to watch.

  • You can't win.

  • If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

  • The visual effects and lightsaber fights have come a long way since 1977.

  • This duel against Darth Vader remains just as thrilling decades later due to its steaks and emotional resonance, essentially stalling for time so our heroes can escape.

  • Obi Wan holds off vader while pretending what's to come.

  • Oh look, once he sees his friends have a clear getaway path, Obi wan resigns himself, allowing Vader to strike him down before becoming one with the force No, it's a sorrowful moment, but one that solidifies Obi wan status as a true hero.

  • Before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions, go to Dagobah, Star Wars episode five.

  • The Empire strikes back even after death.

  • Obi wan can still lead his padawan, you will go to the Diego bar system dig of a system there, you will learn from Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed me not the droids, you're looking for Star Wars episode for a new hope, we never get tired of the Jedi mind trick, These aren't the droids, you're looking for these aren't the droids, we're looking for, he can go about his business, you can go about your business, move along, delivering luke.

  • Star Wars episode three, Revenge of the Sith.

  • The end of the prequel trilogy brings the original saga full circle.

  • Mm hmm.

  • Use the force luke.

  • Star Wars episode four, A New Hope.

  • Obi wan proves to luke that the force will be with him.

  • Always let go dueling Mall Star Wars visionaries.

  • While it's not canon, this small confrontation is still memorable.

  • Mm hmm.

  • Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • Number one dueling Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars episode three, Revenge of the Sith.

  • I will do what I must.

  • You will try though his duel with Vader aboard the Death Star may remain his most iconic Obi wan's confronting of the nascent city on the fiery planet.

  • Mustafar is the most thrilling and emotionally charged.

  • Unfortunately, Obi wan is unable to make Anakin see reason and resolves himself to put an end to his former padawan.

  • Their ensuing battle is exhilarating featuring some of the best stunt work and Lightsaber choreography of the entire Saga.

  • Mm hmm and though we don't want either character to be hurt.

  • Obi wan is ultimately forced to end things in a brutal manner.

  • It's over Anakin.

  • I have the high ground.

  • You underestimate my power.

  • Don't try it.

  • As Anakin lays writhing and eventually burning on the ground.

  • Obi wan's heartbroken cries remain haunting.

  • Thanks in no small part to Ewan McGregor's impassioned portrayal of the character.

  • You were the chosen one.

  • It was said that you would destroy us if not join them.

  • Yes.

  • Bring balance to the force.

  • I'm not leaving in darkness.

  • Do you agree with our picks?

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  • Mm hmm.

  • Okay.

  • Mm hmm.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

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