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  • [music playing]

  • SpongeBob to Sandy,

  • we've reached the foreign obstruction.

  • [Sandy] Okay, you're gonna have

  • to go out and dislodge it somehow.

  • I'm already on it.

  • This stupid hammer won't break anything.

  • [grunting]

  • SpongeBob, do what you were born to do! Dance!

  • You're right Patrick. Whirlpool Spin!

  • [coughing]

  • Tada!

  • Since I couldn't make you big, I made the city small.

  • And now, only one more thing to shrink. Cheese!

  • I guess this is okay.

  • Yeah, what's the difference?

  • Good idea, SpongeBob.

  • [cheering]

  • Hold on there, tiny.

  • I can't have you working the grill no more.

  • Too dangerous for a little guy like you.

  • Oh, please Mr. Krabs,

  • there must be some job I could do.

  • I don't care what it is. Please! Please! Please!

  • All right, I'll think of something,

  • but since you're so small now,

  • I can only pay you a penny... a year.

  • Wow! That's big money. Ow.

  • Hmm, now what could I do with a little SpongeBob.

  • Oh!

  • Personal hygiene service?

  • Did ya see that?

  • Personal hygiene service.

  • Roll up your sleeves, boy-o. You're a personal hygienist now.

  • Whoo hoo! Yay!

  • [grunting]

  • [humming]

  • There. Yeah.

  • La la la la la.

  • [moaning]

  • [grunting]

  • Phew. Tada.

  • A tiny home for my tiny friend.

  • Whoa. Oh.

  • Oh, I get it.

  • [laughing]

  • Nice work, Patrick. Whoops.

  • Almost forgot. You've got to have a Gar-Bear.

  • [squeaking]

  • Huh?

  • [laughing]

  • Awe.

  • Dah.

  • Hey, Patrick, do you want to hang out?

  • Wish I could SpongeBob

  • but I am kind of spending time with my boat right now.

  • Your boat? Sure Patrick. See ya later.

  • [whimpering]

  • [humming]

  • Catch.

  • Dinnertime! Come and get it!

  • This is so fascinating, Frenchy.

  • Tell me more about my fishy friend.

  • Well, the primitive sea sponge filters nutrients and oxygen

  • from bacteria particles.

  • [laughing]

  • SpongeBob is never gonna believe this.

  • [Plankton] Oh, gross.

  • I command you to stop drooling on me.

  • Put me down. Ow! Stop it! I'm an adult!

  • [screaming]

  • [screaming, laughing]

  • [screaming]

  • New Sponge commercial, take one.

  • Action!

  • Oh, no, your bathroom is a disaster.

  • Get it cleaned up fast with the New Sponge.

  • [whimpering]

  • Household chores are a snap with New Sponge.

  • It cleans sinks.

  • Just look at that shine.

  • New Sponge cuts

  • through even the toughest grime and grit.

  • New sponge also cleans showers.

  • [screaming] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

  • [chuckles] That tile looks good as new.

  • Okay, little Helen!

  • What do you think of this weather?

  • I think it's wuh-vely! Let me ask you something.

  • How long have you been an idiot?

  • I want a lawyer.

  • And he kept crying and crying and crying and crying

  • and, and, that's right, you can do it.

  • I'm wondering if it might not be so healthy

  • to hold in all my tears, Squidward.

  • You're exactly right SpongeBob.

  • Let it all out. Don't fight the feel...

  • Ten, nine... do it, do it, cry...

  • eight, seven, six, five... come on!

  • ...four, three, two, one! Midnight!

  • [sighing]

  • Well, SpongeBob, it looks like you won the...

  • [sobbing]

  • Is one udder better than another udder?

  • We'll just have to milk them all.

  • [grunting]

  • Mm-hmm.

  • [grunting]

  • Phew, Nelly!

  • Good girl.

  • [mooing]

  • Larry made me the man I am today.

  • Oh, look at that.

  • He taught me just do stuff you always do,

  • but do it on your back.

  • Laugh on your back.

  • [laughing]

  • Walk on your back.

  • [grunting]

  • And don't forget, always be hydrating.

  • That means drink plenty of water.

  • Ah.

  • Come on, SpongeBob!

  • Be right there!

  • Will you hurry up?

  • In just a second!

  • Coming! Sorry!

  • Pardon!

  • Here I am!

  • [groaning]

  • That'll be a keeper.

  • [gasping]

  • Do you wanna taste?

  • Of all the garbage that comes out of your mouth,

  • this is the least annoying.

  • [laughing]

  • The bubbles are making me bigger! More bubbles!

  • What the?

  • Thank you, Squidward.

  • I'm big enough to flip patties again!

  • Oh oh oh!

  • [screaming]

  • [groaning]

  • Mr. Squidward! Call the fire department!

  • No need to call 'em, Mr. Krabs.

  • [grunting]

  • We'll be there in five minutes, depending on traffic.

  • [laughing]

  • [Mr. Krabs] Make a left at the light!

  • Patrick can't drown if there isn't any water.

  • Well, you're safe now, Patrick.

  • [Patrick] Help, I'm drowning!

  • I've got butt cramps! I want ice cream!

  • And now it's dark!

  • Help! Help!

  • Direct contact, you mean like this?

  • It's working! Keep going SpongeBob!

  • You can do it!

  • My body filling with Krabby Patty.

  • Enormous pain.

  • Never absorbed this much Krabby Patty

  • into my body before.

  • In fact, never absorbed any Krabby Patties into my body,

  • come to think of it.

  • Okay, what do I do, now?

  • [coughing]

  • [meowing]

  • Now let's get the rest of you cleaned up.

  • Awe, cute.

  • [groaning]

  • [screaming]

  • [cheering]

  • Water.

  • Well, why didn't ya just say so?

  • [chuckles] Here ya go.

  • Yep us squirrels sure is stupid.

  • Dumb, dumb, dumb. Squirrels is dumb.

  • Sandy, okay, Sandy, I get it.

  • What's that? You want more? Okay dokie.

  • More water for the sea critter.

  • Okay, Sandy. Okay, I get it.

  • No more squirrel jokes.

[music playing]

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