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  • Isn't he breathtaking up there?

  • Alrighty, SpongeBob, we got to go.

  • I'm gonna learn how to use a fork. Right, Robo?

  • 'Twill be my pleasure, master.

  • By the way, your house looks a million times better!

  • Thanks.

  • Oh, what am I going to do, Gary? It's hideous!

  • Meow?

  • Wishful thinking, Gary.

  • What burglar would want to steal that thing?

  • Shhh.

  • [grunting]

  • Who are you? Where did you come from?

  • Uh, up there?

  • [gasping] Oh, thank Neptune!

  • Hey, guys, I found a way out! Come on!

  • [grunting]

  • I'm free!

  • I'm free!

  • I'm sugar free!

  • [grunting]

  • [grunting]

  • [screaming]

  • What in tarnation?

  • Oh my gosh! SpongeBob! SpongeBob?

  • SpongeBob, open up!

  • Sandy?

  • SpongeBob?

  • [gasping]

  • Hi, Sandy.

  • Looks like I got myself into a pretty sticky situation.

  • [laughing]

  • Oh my gosh! How long've you been stuck there, SpongeBob?

  • All day.

  • Well, your ol' pal Sandy knows how to cut you down.

  • No, wait, Sandy.

  • The more you touch it, the angrier it gets.

  • Oh, that's just crazy talk. Hi-yah!

  • Told ya.

  • Huh?

  • Save yourself, Sandy.

  • Run away before you end up like... me!

  • Oh, come on now, there's gotta be a way.

  • [honking]

  • I've got an idea.

  • Yah!

  • [braking]

  • Hang on tight, SpongeBob!

  • Yeah, alrighty.

  • Come on, Ol' Blue!

  • Don't you talk back to me!

  • Do as your told! Do it! Do it! Do it! Come on now, do it!

  • Come on!

  • [screaming]

  • [screaming]

  • What the...? Just let it go, Squidward.

  • Let it go. Don't get involved, Squidward.

  • Of course.

  • I'm okay!

  • [sighing]

  • What's this? SpongeBob, what have you done?

  • Now Patrick, I can explain

  • It's- it's... it's amazing!

  • It's like a gummy wonderland! Whee!

  • Wow, I wish I were having this much fun.

  • I knew you'd love it!

  • Patrick, I have something to tell you.

  • Would you care for a massage, Master?

  • Enough already! Sheesh.

  • So, you were saying something, SpongeBob?

  • Uh, well, how can I put this?

  • Aw, just come right out and...

  • Will you stop? Just stop!

  • Get on with it, SpongeBob!

  • Wrap it up.

  • Squidward? Sandy?

  • Gee, everyone is having fun with my Gummy but me!

  • I-I-I mean, your Gummy.

  • Patrick, do you miss your Gummy?

  • Uh-huh.

  • Well, it's still Best Friends Day.

  • How would you like your Gummy back?

  • - Yes! - It's yours, buddy.

  • But first, you gotta get us out of this.

  • Oh, that's easy!

  • [sighing] Told you it was easy.

  • [rumbling]

  • [hiccuping]

  • [hiccuping]

  • Wow! This is the best Best Friends Day ever!

Isn't he breathtaking up there?

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