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  • The feds were interested in taking down the whole mafia.

  • I'm just one more guy putting a piece of the puzzle

  • together for them.

  • This special agent was gonna be my handler.

  • He gave me this small recorder, and it went into a jockstrap.

  • And he's like, yeah, just put it on over your underwear.

  • You have to record everybody.

  • There's no exceptions.

  • I mean, he started going over rules.

  • Can't leave the wire.

  • No violent, none at all.

  • Otherwise, the deal's off.

  • He gave me my code name, Break Shot.

  • Break Shot is the first shot in a pool game

  • when they spread out all the balls,

  • and that's basically what they wanted me to do--

  • help smash the mob into pieces.

  • The deal was six months to a year,

  • but I knew my life was about to change forever.

  • The first time I was wearing a wire,

  • I was going to meet a capo named Jimmy Katchi, a very powerful

  • captain in the Colombo Family.

  • Contrary to popular belief, there is no agents waiting

  • in a van around the corner.

  • When they pressed the button, I realized

  • that I was about to go out, and I'm

  • gonna record one of the most dangerous men in the world.

  • I thought in my head, this is it.

  • This is for real.

  • [music playing]

  • Wearing a wire, you think that everyone can

  • see that thing in your pocket.

  • [music continues]

  • Hey, Kenji, how you doing?

  • Sit down, sit down.

  • KENJI (VOICEOVER): I sit down at the table.

  • And in walks this big, Italian guy who I've never seen before.

  • He identified on tape.

  • He said, I'm a wise guy just like Jimmy.

  • He starts talking about the inner workings of the mafia.

  • He wants to propose a guy into the organization from Vegas.

  • And I'm just sitting there still,

  • hoping that the recorder is picking up every word

  • because I know it's good.

  • He talked about the organization structure,

  • and this is what the FBI is after.

  • This is the kind of evidence that they want.

  • And then, I start to feel this warm sensation coming

  • from the recorder, but I just kinda

  • blow it off because the guy is talking a lot.

  • I want to let things unfold.

  • And I'm looking at him, and it's starting to get

  • hotter and hotter and hotter.

  • I'm realizing that this thing is starting to burn in my crotch.

  • You OK?

  • All of a sudden, it just gets unbearable.

  • Finally, I just told him I gotta go.

  • [music playing]

  • I met up with my handler.

  • He asked me, so what happened?

  • And I told him it was burning so hot,

  • I thought my nuts were on fire.

  • He just started laughing.

  • He's like oh, I heard that sometimes

  • they malfunction like that.

  • But I was relieved because he told me that the tape was good.

  • It was valuable because it would help them find the structure

  • and figure out who's doing what.

  • As time went on, I started to get it down.

  • [indistinct chattering]

  • I learned how to elicit what I wanted out of people.

  • Your business-- you bring it to me, I get it done.

  • Hey, bartender, another drink over here.

  • But the fear never goes.

  • You always have to worry about being found out.

  • Almost every single person I knew

  • had been involved in a murder at one point or another,

  • and I was gathering intel on them for the FBI.

  • I started seeing that I could actually make a difference.

  • That encouraged me to do more because I felt

  • like I accomplished something.

  • Raise it to five.

  • At this point, I'd been undercover for six months.

  • I was supposed to be wearing a wire,

  • but I decided to continue on because I began to feel a lot

  • of pride in what I was doing.

  • [music playing]

  • The FBI wanted me to aim higher, go bigger.

  • And I knew that meant the New York families.

  • It's the epicenter of the mafia.

  • It's where the power is.

  • So I made a trip to New York.

  • That's when I met Eddie Garafolo.

  • My guy, Kenji.

  • Good to meet you.

  • Eddie Garafolo was a Columbo associate from New York,

  • and he was very well connected.

  • And he wanted me to move to Brooklyn and be in his crew.

  • And being invited there was a huge step up.

  • This was my chance to get intel on the real big fish

  • in the mafia.

  • But I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

  • [music playing]

The feds were interested in taking down the whole mafia.

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