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  • we're in the woods of alba piedmont Italy you can find white truffles growing in these woods and these woods only these trees together with the right soil and weather conditions can only be found in this region of Italy.

  • Together they create this a surprisingly big truffle as you can see.

  • But also one with a divine fragrance.

  • Today we're going to go hunt for more.

  • Right find these famous truffles.

  • We must hand them in the woods where they grow.

  • And because truffles grow underground.

  • Unlike mushrooms, I needed to go on the hunt with licensed truffle hunter johnny and his two dogs, Penny and Vito do you Les Beagle dogs are the only ones that are actually allowed to dig into the soil.

  • Tools like hoes and rakes are forbidden if the soil is hard and the truffle is hidden deep down.

  • A truffle hunter or trifle out in the local dialect is only allowed to use this small tool called Cioppino.

  • We visited during a period of heavy drought.

  • So truffles were mostly on the surface and there was no need to use it.

  • Oh, Brandi love penny peter.

  • After hunting for three hours, we only found black truffles.

  • The heavy droughts this year made unfavorable conditions for white truffles to grow despite the good news about the wine.

  • I'm not giving up on the truffles yet.

  • Mm hmm, mm hmm.

  • Yeah.

  • So even if a truffle hunter finds white truffles, they may not be the big ones that sell for the highest price.

  • The harvest is unpredictable.

  • Year to year.

  • A lot.

  • They do it.

  • This part of Vietnam is called language, which means heels in the local dialect while popular trees and Durmus oaks are favorites for white truffles.

  • Their proximity to other trees also makes chestnut linden, willow trees grow white truffles.

  • It's like the whole forest is connected as one.

  • But even still not all trees make truffles.

  • There's only one in 1000 chance that the tree will actually enter in symbiosis with the truffles, the ones that do produce truffles produced thousands of varieties of which only six are edible for black ghetto, which means whitish and the most prestigious.

  • The white truffle.

  • While black truffles grow around the prized white truffle is seasonal, can only be collected in the four months after truffles get dug up, the hole is closed with soil and leaves to hide the hunter's spot from competitors.

  • The human ones, dogs will find it, but a well trained dog will know that the hole is empty even if it's covered.

  • But the main reason why the soil is covered is so the root of the tree that made the truffle one spoiled truffle hunters like johnny usually sell their loot to local shops, which then clean and grade each truffle based on shape and weight.

  • Normally a trifle.

  • Our collects two or three white truffles per day.

  • So the straight right here is the daily work of 15 to 20 people.

  • The shop we visited to Femara was the very first company in the region to bring the humble Local alba white truffle to the global stage in the early 1900s, you can perform a contest entry performer.

  • Yeah.

  • Once collected a truffle has a very short shelf life, losing its aroma and flavor After a few days, this means that if you want to enjoy an alba white truffle outside of the city of alba, you'd have to ship it within 24 hours, restaurants can pay from $4000 to $10,000 a kilogram to fly these truffles across continents.

  • The best way to preserve a truffle is to avoid washing it until the very last minute Alexandra recommends soaking it in cold water for 15 minutes so dirt can come off easily.

  • While black truffles have a harder skin and are cleaned with a stiff brush.

  • White truffles need something a little bit more delicate that can gently remove dirt without scraping off the outer skin at this stage.

  • I know you're wondering the same things I am.

  • What is the best way to eat it and what other foods does it pair with?

  • Will answer all these questions in the kitchen with chef Mikele febrile who traveled to alba from Singapore to research white truffles for a new project.

  • We joined them to taste white truffles at their fullest taste and strongest aroma.

  • Queen complimentary is a consistent la la la.

  • Mm hmm.

  • Which most important.

  • Quando quando in a pencil power opportunity colleague in some little Mondo paranoia festo.

  • Yeah.

  • Woods and this would only why?

  • Why?

  • Why?

  • Why?

we're in the woods of alba piedmont Italy you can find white truffles growing in these woods and these woods only these trees together with the right soil and weather conditions can only be found in this region of Italy.

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