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  • Harry: From Yellow No. 5 to BHT,

  • here are all the most shocking chemicals

  • we've found in fast-food chains in the UK and the US.

  • This is "Food Wars."

  • Over the past season and a half of "Food Wars,"

  • we've found some interesting,

  • dare I say shocking

  • chemicals in some of the foods and food processes.

  • We've created this compilation of these moments,

  • and Joe and I are going to react to them now.

  • Sure, we may not be food scientists, food experts,

  • scientists, or really anything,

  • but we do have these fancy lab coats,

  • which I think gives us some credibility.

  • I got mine at Party City!

  • Fantastic! Let's dive in.

  • You know, the only difference is that

  • our pepperoni contains beef.

  • Also preservatives beutohydrolatehydrolazinase

  • and beautohadalidblahbityblah.

  • BHA and BHT.

  • I can't pronounce them.

  • They're bad.

  • It turns out that BHA and BHT are actually

  • subject to restrictions in the European Union

  • and can't be added to foods such as pepperoni.

  • This might be because studies have shown that

  • BHA can cause tumors in rats

  • and it's therefore reasonably anticipated

  • to be a carcinogen in humans.

  • You have no idea how much we spent on those dancing rats.

  • I mean, what doesn't cause tumors in rats, right?

  • I feel like rats are always getting cancer anyway.

  • And they don't say the portions.

  • Are they eating human-size portions of BHA and BHT?

  • Then, yeah, of course they're getting cancer.

  • Oh, well.

  • I'm gonna die doing what I love.

  • Eating banned chemicals.

  • Put it in my obituary!

  • We reached out to Domino's to get some clarity

  • on the pepperoni situation.

  • We got our info from their ingredients webpage.

  • However, when we checked with them,

  • they told us that their information was incorrect

  • and they've updated it since to say that BHA and BHT

  • have now been removed from the pepperoni.

  • I think this happened at some point during 2018,

  • they couldn't say exactly when, but, Joe,

  • it sounds like you're OK after all.

  • Gotta say, my hair game is pretty strong in this one.

  • I know it has nothing to do with chemicals,

  • but my stuff was just [clicks tongue].

  • My hair's locked in on this one, buddy.

  • I loved BHA and BHT because this was kind of

  • the first episode of "Food Wars" where we found a chemical

  • that actually was kind of banned and very dangerous

  • and didn't appear in the UK.

  • I'm gonna be straight up. The European Union sounds

  • kind of like a buzzkill, right?

  • Is that what Brexit was all about?

  • "We want BHA and BHT in our food.

  • We're outta here."

  • And in the US, our doughnut is made up of

  • enriched wheat flour,

  • [fast-forward noise]

  • and BHT.

  • Ah, yes! Our old friend BHT,

  • aka butylated hydroxytoluene?

  • It is banned in the European Union.

  • The International Agency for Research on Cancer

  • suggests -- might I say strongly suggests --

  • "there is sufficient evidence"

  • that BHT causes tumor growth in lab animals.

  • I'll tell you straight up,

  • those doughnuts could be made of dead cancer rats,

  • I'd still eat them. They're that good.

  • Who cares what's in these doughnuts?

  • Also, according to WebMD,

  • BHT is also used to treat genital herpes.

  • That's right.

  • I want you to think about that

  • every time you bite into a Krispy Kreme.

  • Genital herpes.

  • And every time you get genital herpes,

  • I want you to think of Krispy Kreme.

  • I want those two things together in your mind

  • for the rest of your life.

  • You are welcome.

  • Tricalcium phosphate,

  • diammonium phosphate.

  • That last guy, diammonium phosphate,

  • aka DAP.

  • Not the sequel to "WAP."

  • What does that stand for?

  • It is also used as a fertilizer and as a fire retardant.

  • So, when we have the next wildfire outbreaks in this state,

  • 'cause it definitely will happen,

  • we're gonna start dropping Krispy Kremes on those wildfires.

  • Problem solved!

  • One thing we need to note about the US Taco Bell menu

  • is that items like the Baja Blast

  • and the Doritos Tacos Locos,

  • I think the shells have an ingredient called Yellow No. 5.

  • Yellow No. 5 is not in the UK.

  • Of course it's in the US.

  • In the UK, you usually find Yellow 5

  • referred to as tartrazine.

  • It's on a list of six chemicals which, when added to food,

  • must contain the following warning:

  • "May have an adverse effect on activity

  • and attention in children."

  • Tartrazine is a fascinating one because

  • it's in so many places in America

  • and basically nowhere here.

  • But, honestly, like, in things like the Baja Blast,

  • I don't think that's what's causing the hyperactivity.

  • I think it's the million tons of sugar that they add.

  • As a medical professional,

  • you're not going to Taco Bell

  • because you were concerned about what's going in your body,

  • you're going to Taco Bell 'cause

  • you don't care what's going in or out of your body,

  • apparently.

  • In some cases, it causes itching and hives

  • in people who eat it.

  • Disgusting. [laughs]

  • Itching and hives? Yep! That's fine.

  • I feel most people who eat that food

  • already had itching and hive issues anyway,

  • so if it's not coming from the Taco Bell,

  • it's coming from, I don't know,

  • sleeping on unwashed bedsheets.

  • Hey, I ate it growing up, and I'm perfectly fine.

  • I should note that I have a full head of gray hair

  • and I just turned 23.

  • What's up?

  • There are a few things to watch out for

  • on the menu at Five Guys.

  • Yeah, like the hot dogs.

  • For example, the pickles in the US.

  • In the US, the pickles contain a food coloring

  • called Yellow 5, or tartrazine.

  • If this is added to foods in the European Union --

  • My hair looks stupid in the Five Guys episode.

  • Why did nobody warn me?

  • There is one thing to look out for on the menu.

  • If you're in the US and you get a salad,

  • the croutons contain azodicarbonamide, or ADA.

  • This is a substance that's usually used to make

  • vinyl foam plastics, which form things like yoga mats.

  • It's actually been banned from use in food

  • in the UK since the 1990s.

  • So, this is my comment on the yoga-mat thing.

  • It's always something.

  • Even when we're trying to be healthy,

  • our salad has yoga-mat plastic in it. It's ridiculous.

  • Like, why do our croutons have plastic in them?

  • Just get regular croutons without plastic.

  • It doesn't make any sense.

  • Oh, my God, I want Pizza Hut so bad right now.

  • I know it's weird to stick up for a chemical,

  • but I want to point out that to my understanding --

  • again, I've done no research on this --

  • it's not like they're making the yoga mats

  • and then taking the chemicals out of the yoga mats.

  • If you imagine the chemical,

  • like, one truckload goes to the yoga-mat factory,

  • and the other truckload goes to Pizza Hut.

  • I'm assuming, right?

  • Or are they recycling yoga mats?

  • If they're doing that, then never mind.

  • That's really gross.

  • The only ingredient in the US Chipotle

  • that gave me a bit of pause was something called gypsum.

  • Gypsum's also known as calcium sulfate hydrate.

  • Right? OK.

  • And Chipotle uses that in their tofu process

  • when they separate the chunks from the liquid.

  • Gypsum is also found in drywall, chalk, and shampoo.

  • Of course it is.

  • Now, does the gypsum stay in the tofu

  • or is it just used for the separating purposes?

  • I don't care.

  • I'm never getting tofu from Chipotle.

  • Don't worry about gypsum.

  • It's fine.

  • You know how they have those billboards for --

  • Yeah, yeah yeah yeah!

  • Like, just this.

  • And then next to it is: "Gypsum. Don't worry about it.

  • You're fine." [laughs]

  • One piece of information you can get

  • from the UK's FAQ page

  • is that the plant-based Great Imitator wrap

  • might not actually be as plant-based as it seems.

  • The baste and the tortilla wrap used both contain shellac.

  • Now, shellac is also sometimes called confectioner's glaze,

  • and it's a natural polymer that's used to

  • give things a waxy finish and to trap in moisture.

  • Love the shirt I wore in the Nando's episode.

  • What's your favorite Harry shirt so far?

  • Leave a comment below.

  • But where does shellac actually come from?

  • Well, it's actually secreted by female lac beetles

  • onto trees in India and Thailand.

  • This means it's technically an animal product,

  • and although it can be gathered without harming the beetles,

  • this is hard to achieve in practice.

  • Not nice.

  • Shellac was one which popped out to me

  • when I was reading the ingredients list

  • just because the usual context I've heard it in

  • is, like, gel nails.

  • So as soon as I kind of knew that that wasn't that,

  • I wanted to do some more research into it.

  • And it turns out it's a beetle thing.

  • Who knew?

  • However, after combing through their ingredients list

  • in the UK and the US,

  • we did find one or two things to look out for.

  • For example, caramel color.

  • It's used in a range of Pret products,

  • from the dressing that they put on their salads

  • to the caramel syrups, which they put into their drinks.

  • Well, in the US, you'll find caramel color

  • in the salted caramel hot chocolate

  • and the salted caramel latte,

  • which I drink.

  • Caramel color is worth pointing out because

  • it's on the state of California's

  • Proposition 65 list of chemicals

  • which are known to the state to cause cancer

  • or reproductive toxicity.

  • Ooh, reproductive toxicity.

  • That's fun. Um. [laughs]

  • See, I was scared,

  • but the good news is there's only

  • two types of caramel color, classes III and IV,

  • that contained the chemical

  • that's to blame for this, 4-MEL.

  • The bad news is that class IV caramel color

  • does appear on the menu in the UK.

  • While there is some evidence to suggest that

  • the amounts currently in our food are pretty safe,

  • the state of California banning it isn't a great look.

  • Meanwhile, at a federal level,

  • the FDA still says that there is "no reason to believe

  • that there are any immediate or short-term health risks

  • presented by 4-MEI at the levels expected in food."

  • So, kind of up to you.

  • Whenever we reach out to someone

  • about something like caramel color,

  • the answer tends to be along the lines of,

  • "Well, you know, at its current level, it's fine."

  • Then surely if there's something

  • which has a dangerous level,

  • then just get rid of it altogether.

  • It can't make that much of a difference. Come on, guys.

  • The one other thing worth pointing out is the difference

  • between the wraps used in the two countries.

  • There's only one wrap used in the UK,

  • and it's this one, the kibbled rye wrap.

  • Here's the ingredients list.

  • We also have kibbled rye wraps in the US,

  • and the ingredients list is virtually identical,

  • but we can also get a plain tortilla wrap

  • as part of the falafel and red peppers

  • and Pret's chicken Parm wraps.

  • The ingredients list for this wrap

  • is a little more alarming.

  • There's three different gums in here,

  • but it's actually the fumaric acid

  • you may want to watch out for.

  • It's an acidity regulator that's pretty common in tortillas,

  • but the European Union says that

  • while it's practically nontoxic,

  • long-term exposure is probably toxic to your kidneys

  • due to the results of studies

  • carried out on calves and rats.

  • Nice nonanswer. Like, "We're not saying it's not,

  • but we're also not saying that it is."

  • Long-term effect, kidney damage?

  • I'm not worried about it.

  • Again, Dr. Joe says, "It's probably fine."

  • And then, on that billboard,

  • I have a cigarette in my mouth.

  • [producer laughing]

  • What we can get is a list of allergens.

  • And it has a couple of fun things to note.

  • For example, there is a significant risk of there being

  • traces of seafood in our banoffee concrete.

  • Did he say banana? Banoffee.

  • I'd be more worried about that.

  • What the hell's a banoffee?

  • And there are also sulfites in our chicken bites

  • and in the ShackSauce.

  • We may or may not also have shellfish

  • in our 'Shroom burger, ShackBurger,

  • Shack Stack, and SmokeShack.

  • So, there's no potential seafood

  • in the UK equivalents of these burgers,

  • so I have no idea why there might be shellfish

  • in ours here in the US. I couldn't even guess why.

  • Still not been explained to me why

  • there is a significant risk that

  • there could be seafood in a milkshake,

  • because obviously that is not something that goes together.

  • I do not want a shrimpy milkshake. No, thank you.

  • While we might not have an ingredients list for our bread,

  • we do know that it's likely to not be perfect.

  • For example, an Irish court recently declared

  • that Subway cannot call its loaves bread

  • due to the high sugar content.

  • Subway uses more than 10% sugar in their flour.

  • How about they can't call their sandwiches sandwiches?

  • 'Cause they're too gross.

  • The high-percentage amount of their food tasting bad

  • is the reason it cannot be called sandwiches

  • or edible food.

  • So, I actually reached out to Subway

  • about their bread issue,

  • and we did get a response from them.

  • The official Subway line on this is:

  • "Subway's bread is of course bread.

  • We've been baking fresh bread in our stores

  • for more than three decades,

  • and our guests return each day for sandwiches

  • made on bread that smells as good as it tastes."

  • So, they're sticking with their guns.

  • Ireland disagrees. Whose side are you on?

  • It's worth pointing out one other FAQ from the UK page,

  • which is that the UK Nando's have explicitly

  • committed to never using chlorinated chicken from America.

  • Chlorinated chicken's been in the headlines

  • a lot recently because it's kind of become

  • the face of differing food standards

  • between the UK and the US.

  • It refers to the process of giving slaughtered chickens

  • a chemical wash before they're packaged

  • and sent to consumers.

  • What do you guys have against our chlorinated chicken?

  • JK. Joking. You're gonna see.

  • Oh, there's so many things against our chlorinated chicken.

  • This is done to kill harmful bacteria like salmonella.

  • Even the European Union admits that

  • it's unlikely to pose any health risk to consumers.

  • But campaigners say that it also

  • allows farmers to cover up lower production standards

  • throughout the chicken-rearing process.

  • The good news is that it's estimated

  • only 10% of US chicken

  • actually gets treated with chlorine.

  • So it's not a guarantee that Nando's chicken in the US

  • will have been through the process.

  • But it's an interesting example of the different

  • food standards in the UK and the US.

  • I'm perfectly fine with that.

  • Right? I'm perfectly fine with that.

  • Yeah, clean the raw chicken.

  • I mean, what would you rather have, salmonella?

  • Get outta here. Like, it's fine.

  • I have never gotten salmonella.

  • From what I hear, it's pretty awful. Trust me.

  • I am a diarrhea expert,

  • and it sounds unbearable.

  • Give me a chlorinated dipping sauce

  • with those chicken tenders.

  • I'm perfectly fine with that.

  • I am not fine with risking salmonella.

  • It's fine. Quit being a baby.

  • That's my third billboard.

  • [producer laughing]

  • [sirens]

  • Cops are coming?

  • You hear that?

  • Oh, s---.

  • I gotta write as many prescriptions as I can

  • before they take it away.

Harry: From Yellow No. 5 to BHT,

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