Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles Welcome back everyone. For those of you who haven't met me yet I'm Anny, I'm your event coordinator. And I'm pleased to introduce Kiesha Crowther to you today. Kiesha is also known as Little Grandmother. She was initiated as a Shaman at age 30 by a native american Elder and was told that her task was to be shaman and Wisdom Keeper of the Tribe of Many Colors. As a child she spent long periods of time alone in the wilderness, where she lived with and learned from the four-legged, one-legged, winged-ones and swimmers, as well as the star and stone people. The young life was marked by many unusual experiences and abilities that she did not understand. As a child she had been taught by the Ancestors, grandmothers past and Mother Earth, and was known for her ability to sense and communicate with wild animals and to see and work with energy. Since being initiated on her path as Shaman and a Wisdom Keeper Kiesha has begun to share teachings and to conduct ceremonies and healings for individuals and for Mother Earth. She feels her responsibility to be carrying and communicating Earth Wisdom and the ancient knowledge for a current age. Towards this end she has released videos of her talks which are freely available on YouTube and which have been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people so far all over the globe. A work as a Wisdom Keeper also includes the planting of sacred crystals in very specific locations around the world for the renewal and strengthening of Mother Earth precious ley-lines. A powerful message emphasizes how to shift individual and planetary consciousness, how to live in a heart in right relationship with Mother Earth and to remember who we are - the Great I Am. Well, we're a lot of people here Thank you for coming and sharing this time with me. We going to talk a little bit about Mother Earth and what she's going through today and what she will be continuing to go through. We're the ones here to witness this and to be a part of it and to be the very best we can be to help her get through it and help ourselves get through it. Many people think that Mother Earth is going through this great shift, and they would just watch this happen. But there's something very significant that we must understand and we must know within ourselves The Mother Earth will go on, she will always continue. It is a universal promise that we will not be allowed to kill our Mother Earth. And right now she is very very sick, the sick as she's ever been, and is because of us, humanity, and the things that we have done to her. There is another universal promise. The Mother Earth will go on, but it's not written in stone that humanity will. This is our choice, and never has been so important for us to understand this. Because we're the adults living on this planet at this time, witnessing the great shift. It is already begun. The poles are shifting and they will continue to shift into their new location. She's going to be rebirthed, the process is already started. Because it is already started we're faced with something very very serious. Our Mother Earth is very sick, and she is dying. She is dying. And it is because of the things we have done. So we have a great decision to make, we must stop living from ego and mind and start to live from love consciousness or we will not be allowed to go with her. This is plain and simple. I don't wish to spread fear by any means. That's not why I'm here. But I'm here to help open your minds and your hearts to the situation in which we live in We are the ones that have to change our reality. There is no one else coming to save us. There's no one else, not the generation after us, not someone else will come to this planet and solve our problems. We are the ones we have been waiting for. For generations and generations the indigenous people been speaking about a time on our planet when the shift would begin, and humanity would have to face these challenges and to overcome them. And the only way to overcome them is to live by love. You would think that is a lot of things that we have to go and do to change our world, to change our planet, to change our consciousness, but there's only one thing that the Elders are asking us to do and that is to be love Just be, be love. It is not a difficult. And yet we make in our minds we create... we create such things we think it's so much more difficult. We're always making something more difficult then really is. But all we have to do is be love. But how do we be love? First you must love yourself, truly love yourself. How many of us can honestly say that we love ourselves? There's never very many hands that go up when I ask this question. I know it's one of my deepest woundns do I really love me. Do I know who I am? Do I know who I am? Not my titles. Someone can come up here and say all these nice things about me, the title of this and that. But truly I'm just Kiesha, I'm just me. I'm me just like you are you. There's not one person born on this planet greater than the other. We're all completely equals. We all do things we wish we wouldn't have, we wish we couldn't have done better, we are all from the same dough, we are human beings, and we are sent here to be human beings, to experience everything. I'm just like you, but I do one of my gifts is sharing a message. Every single one of us have great gifts. My message is to wake you up. I am not here to say I'm special. I am not here to tell you I have all of the answers. But I am here to tell you that you are more powerful, than you want to believe. For so long on our planet we have given our power away to other people, to governments, to religions, to society. We've given ourselves away all of the time and we have very little understanding of how blessed and how powerful we really are as the human beings. We've been gifted so much. How many of you really believe that you are gods and goddesses? that you truly are gods. God is what created you God's existence, that energy, that light is what created your Great I Am, your soul, your spirit. So are you too now gods. You're great powerful beings, and you are co-creators of your existence. For far too long we've been walking around, believing that we are nothing. And now is the time to remember that you are everything. You are capable of everything, if you just honor that power within you, through love Love is the most profound energy on our planet. Love is what is created everything. God is love. He is not a man, opening Universe that decided to send you here, erase your memory and say good luck, it's gonna be really hard. That is not God. God is not a human being. God is not a man or a woman. God is love, and love created you, your own Great I Am. And it is your Great I Am that sent you here. You made the choice. You, your individual Great I Am sent you here, small spark of you, to come and gain a body, have this human experience, to interact with others, to watch and play with an animal, to experience the trees and the water. You are here to experience life, but you are God. And you are co-creators of your world. Why are we living in a world full of hate and anger? Is that really what we want? I think the reason why we're living in this kind of world is because we've forgotten we can change it. Today's the day to remember how beautiful you are, how powerful you are. Mother Earth she shakes her head, she cannot believe how much we have forgot about ourselves. We can create anything you wish, anything. You can ask for anything you wish to have. You are co-creators of your world. It takes two things it takes envisioning that thing that you wish to have, and it takes emotions, your feelings. Your feeling and emotion is the connection to your Great I Am that is where it is angled within you that is when you have got feelings to know if something is right or wrong. Your feelings or your connection to your Great I Am, to your soul, your spirit And your soul and spirit and Great I Am will never ever lead you astray, will never ever lie to you either. It is your connection to great vast love. So you envision something for this mind that Mother Earth is giving you, this body that Mother Earth is giving you. We have two parents, mother and father, and it creates a whole, your body and your soul create a whole being. If you can imagine something in all the detail you can imagine it with, really see the something that you wish to have, and then when you feel it, when you have emotion behind it and you will long for it, and you feel everything you can possibly feel, be moved to tears with great joy of having this thing that you want, Do not feel as though it is coming, feel as though you have it, and it will come. You are co-creators of your world. Why are we not dreaming a much bigger dream? Why we're not envisioning something much better than the world we live in? We create the world we live in. You are the masters of your own life. It's time to remember this. Far too long have we been walking around with sunglasses on our eyes not really seeing anything. There's two ways to get those glasses off. You can simply make the choice to take them off, and see life for what it is. Or you can wait to be hit hard enough, to have them knocked off. That is what we're facing today. Because many of us won't simply just take them off to see life for what it really is. See the beauty around us, and experience life as beauty. We're all waiting for that thing that brings us to our knees as that teachers us to walk again. We make the decision of how hard this transformation is going to be. We are the ones delegating it. Mother Earth is going to go trough a shift, she will be reborn. The new energies are already coming to our planet. Science can document that three years ago compared to the day our energy in Mother Earth and in our own human bodies is more than tripled. This is real. New energies are coming to our planet and great bolts of energy. Mother Earth is vibrating three times higher than ever before. She's preparing herself to be reborn. And we're living here upon her. How hard is it going to be, to get through this great shift. Many of us don't know, many of us have worried about, many of us are scared and give our thoughts to all the circumstances that could happen But you are the co-creators of your world. If you're envisioning something tragic and awful and if you are afraid, that