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  • Malcolm? Oh no, that's alright.

  • Does he let people drink in the observatory?

  • Right, we're breaking the rules.

  • I'm Marnie Chesterton, host of CrowdScience, and for a previous episode on

  • the BBC World Service I climbed up to a little-known observatory in central

  • London, partly to drink hot cocoa but mainly to uncover the secrets of the Universe.

  • If you look up, you can see it's sort of hazy. There are stars, you can see

  • the stars but it's sort of hazy. That's just pollution in London and it

  • means that you can see bright things. But it's quite difficult spotting galaxies.

  • Step on the planks.

  • The reason the CrowdScience team tackled

  • ice-covered planks at nighttime was that listener Koon-Hou from Singapore

  • sent us a question and we exist to answer your science queries. Here's a quick recap.

  • My question is regarding dark matter and if there's any way that we

  • can understand it more and maybe find it useful for daily living.

  • Our quest to find Koon-Hou answers took us down the deepest mine in the UK.

  • How deep is it?

  • It's 1.1 kilometres.

  • So how long do we have to spend in the lift?

  • Seven, eight minutes.

  • That's a long time to spend in the lift.

  • And we met professor Katherine Freese from the University of Michigan.

  • And I'm also a guest professor at Stockholm University.

  • And how long have you been working on finding dark matter?

  • I have been working on it since I was a

  • graduate student so I'm gonna say that was 25 or 30 years ago. Oh more than that.

  • OK, so don't tell people.

  • We asked Katherine what real-world applications

  • might come from this search for dark matter.

  • You know at this point I don't

  • know what those are gonna be but the past history shows that there will be

  • something really major that comes out of it.

  • So I can give you some examples from the past.

  • One of the big ones that came out

  • of nuclear physics is MRI. So nowadays MRI is used in hospitals everywhere

  • where - my shoulder hurts, what's exactly going on? -

  • so they did an MRI of that.

  • But that again was a surprising off-shoot. It was based on detectors for

  • nuclear physics. Then they turned out to really change our lives for the point of

  • view of health.

  • You can hear more on this if you go back and listen to that show.

  • Just search for 'why does dark matter matter?' in your podcast app.

  • So that was then.

  • Now CrowdScience often turns into a kind of conversation with our

  • listeners because episodes spawn more questions and it turns out that you lot

  • love a physics mystery. We received loads more emails with questions relating to

  • dark matter. Questions that we're going to tackle today.

  • To help me I'm joined in the studio by two astrophysicists. Down-the-line from

  • the University of Arizona is Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil and sitting next to me is old

  • friend of the show Matt Middleton from the University of Southampton.

  • Welcome to you both.

  • Thank you.

  • Old?

  • Old as in been on the show before.

  • Grizzled.

  • Yes.

  • First I think we need a

  • recap on what dark matter is. Burçin, you first.

  • So, most of the things that we

  • see and we are familiar with is normal matter and it is only 5% of the Universe.

  • So 25% of the Universe is dark matter. That's the mysterious object. We don't

  • know much about the nature. We cannot touch it, we cannot smell it, we cannot hear it.

  • But it is there because we can see its gravity there and the rest of

  • the Universe, the giant portion, is dark energy which is much more mysterious

  • than dark matter. We just know it is energy that makes the Universe expand.

  • OK so this stuff, dark energy and dark matter, it's most of the make-up of the Universe

  • and dark matter is five times as much as all the stuff that we can see -

  • the stars and you and me and everything.

  • Everything that I'd consider to be stuff.

  • How do we see normal matter like the

  • microphone in front of me and you?

  • We see objects because of light, which is

  • electromagnetic radiation and we see objects because the light bounces off to

  • our eye and from that we can see the objects. But the dark matter doesn't have

  • that effect. It is just transparent. It just goes through it. So because of that

  • we cannot see them.

  • So if you shone a light on dark matter, what would happen?

  • It'd go through.

  • What we call the interaction, the ability for this dark

  • matter to interact with anything is incredibly small except we think via gravity.

  • So let's talk about gravity.

  • Gravity is the attraction between two things that have mass. The reason we know that

  • there's dark matter out there is because matter has mass. The bigger the mass, the

  • stronger the gravitational pull. Our planet orbits the Sun because the Sun's

  • massive mass pulls it into orbit. So we can't see dark matter. But can we see gravity?

  • Yes and a Swiss astronomer first noticed this whilst watching how

  • galaxies move. His name was Fritz Zwicky

  • This is a very famous scientist called Fritz Zwicky and he looked at galaxy clusters. Now galaxy

  • clusters contain thousands and thousands of galaxies and we think that these

  • things should be essentially not flying apart. So if you look at how fast they're

  • going you can work out how much mass there should be there and Fritz Zwicky

  • discovered that in order to keep them shuffling around all over the place and

  • not flying apart yet to have much more mass there than you could see in the stars.

  • I wanted to see this for myself and so paid a visit to professor Malcolm Fairbairn.

  • He's the one with a telescope dome on the roof of his university,

  • King's College London.

  • If you look up there you'll see a cloud in the middle of the eyepiece and it

  • really doesn't look like very much. In fact you might find it quite difficult to see it.

  • No, I can see it. Yeah there's a fuzzy bit.

  • Mm-hmm. Yeah so that's the very centre of the Andromeda galaxy.

  • Is Andromeda our closest?

  • Andromeda's is the closest big galaxy.

  • There's a few little ones that are closer. Well there's lots of little,

  • very little ones, that are closer but Andromeda's about the same size of the

  • Milky Way and Andromeda is moving towards us. I think it's about 150

  • kilometers per second and we can use that observation to weigh the entire

  • system and the answer is that the whole thing weighs something like five million

  • million times the mass of the Sun and we can't see anywhere near that number of

  • stars so there has to be something else there and we think that most of it is dark matter.

  • So there's a whole load of stuff out there that's stuff that we can't see

  • but we think is there?

  • Yeah and there's lots and lots of other observations

  • which suggests the same thing. From the smallest galaxies right up to the

  • largest clusters, we see that on every scale we need something to explain how

  • quickly things are moving around that we can't see.

  • Physicists like Malcolm have

  • calculated the amount of mass in things like the Andromeda galaxy and there's lots

  • supposedly there that we can't see, hence dark matter.

  • Burçin, can we talk about what dark matter might be?

  • There's a huge discussion about that,

  • we really cannot say anything about its nature yet so we right now we

  • have a promising hypothesis that suggests that it is called matter which

  • doesn't refer to the temperature but it is referring to the speed of that

  • particle which means it is moving very slowly and based on these cold dark

  • matter idea right now we could actually explain most of the observations that we have today.

  • Cold meaning slow moving. Dark meaning can't see it.

  • Matter meaning stuff with mass. The cold dark

  • matter hypothesis fits what we can see but physically I mean what is it?

  • This is where theoretical physicists come up with ideas that explain what we can observe.

  • There are several competing theories with great sounding names like WIMP.

  • Well it turns out they're WIMPS. Which I don't mean that they've got no

  • sort of spine or you know any fortitude. What I mean is they're weakly-interacting

  • massive particles - WIMPS - and our best guess of the minute is that

  • they formed in the very, very early Universe. Now our Universe went through

  • something called the Big Bang. OK now the Big Bang was an explosion in space

  • and time, of space and time, and it was really, really hot. The great thing about

  • things that are really, really hot and you've got really high-energy radiation is that

  • you can spontaneously create matter out of radiation. The remnants of those

  • particles are what we think is dark matter.

  • While Matt is busy thinking about what dark matter is, listener Gautam is

  • thinking about what this mysterious stuff might contain.

  • Hello, I'm Gautam from New Delhi in India. My question for CrowdScience is this.

  • If there is dark matter and dark energy does it mean that there could be dark life too?

  • So since I was you know going through scientific stuff and I realised that what you need

  • for life is energy and matter. So now if there is dark energy and dark matter it

  • was one of those thought experiments so since I couldn't find an answer who

  • better than to ask outside?

  • Who better indeed and it kind of makes sense

  • because the stuff that we're made up of is only 4% of the Universe and if the

  • rest of the Universe is dark, what's to say that there isn't something or

  • someone somehow lurking out there?

  • Exactly, so if there is such a huge chunk

  • that is absolutely unknown, why discount anything?

  • Do you imagine it as something

  • that is around us or is it in a galaxy far, far away?

  • It has to be around us like

  • what we are given to explain is dark matter is everywhere, it's in this room,

  • it's outside the rooms, it's everywhere. So if we are surrounded by it, we are living in it.

  • Just listening to what you guys are talking about I was imagining something

  • like a massive jungle all around us with, like, I don't know, dark lizards.

  • Exactly, yeah.

  • I don't know what else... flying all around us and yet we're totally unaware.

  • Totally, yeah, exactly.

  • It's kind of nuts isn't it?

  • That was producer Graihagh and Gautam and me going through his thought experiment,