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  • well hello A D I'm nina welcome to my home.

  • Hey Maverick say hi to everyone at home watching this is my puppy Maverick and this is my spanish style home.

  • Mhm.

  • So it was really important to me because the houses from the 1920s, I wanted to pay respect to the original architecture and Spanish-style influence and even though we were redoing certain things I wanted to use materials that were organic and felt like they could have belonged to the home before while still refreshing and giving the house a facelift.

  • So I've had this home for about five years and the house used to actually be like a yellowy mustard color, which was very typical for a lot of spanish style homes.

  • But I'd always wanted to paint it white and for the first time I found myself having no excuse and my boyfriend, I painted the whole exterior of the house ourselves and it took forever.

  • Let's just say on day one or two, we were really excited.

  • And then by day three or four and then into the first month I was like, what have I gotten myself into?

  • But it turned out beautiful.

  • So I'm happy I did it.

  • The fireplace had like a detail underneath here and I wanted to preserve the detail but I really wanted the fireplace to be a statement and stick out and kind of contrast everything else because everything else in the whole house for the most part is light and airy and there's lots of fabrics with linens and the carpets and everything is just has like a light airiness to it.

  • But I wanted there to be bold statements that also contrasted the lightness so that there's a lot of texture and feeling and sort of moodiness as well.

  • This photograph is really near and dear to my heart because right before the pandemic I went, I was shooting a movie in South Africa and I was on safari and I was taking, we saw these times these baby little Simba's Little lions.

  • I called this a Simba photograph.

  • So we saw these Simba's, I was taking photos on my iphone thinking I got the best shot ever.

  • I thought it was so cool and I was so happy.

  • And then I looked over to my right and there's a professional photographer took the exact same photo from the same vantage point and let's just say his picture was a lot more beautiful and ross cooper is the photographer and a dear friend now.

  • And so he sent me a print and I blew it up and made it my centerpiece when I first bought the home, there was a wall that defied that divided the dining room space from the kitchen.

  • But I really, really, really wanted to have an open concept space.

  • So last year we knocked down the wall that used to actually be right here.

  • It was a huge wall who knocked it down and I really wanted to have an island space that I can entertain it.

  • I love having people over for dinner.

  • I love cooking, I love sharing a glass of wine and so I want to be able to cook while still participating in the conversation with my friends.

  • I like to switch it up.

  • My favorite thing to do is go to one of my cookbooks, close my eyes open it and sort of just like land on a page and then whatever it is, I have to make it, it's more challenging that way and it's more fun when it turns out well, but it doesn't turn out well, you know, just Postmates or Uber eats something.

  • So we got these reclaimed terracotta tiles from europe that are all unique.

  • They're textured.

  • Some have a lot of imperfections which I kind of love, like it's been lived in and it feels it feels european and I'm from europe.

  • So I wanted to have that kind.

  • I wanted to also bring in my heritage a little bit the backsplash.

  • So I wanted to mix the materials again and get something that looks like a subway tile.

  • But had these imperfections.

  • Each tile is different.

  • They don't lay perfectly flat on each other.

  • There's edges and it feels textured and, and yummy against this really smooth butcher block.

  • I love mixing materials.

  • So the floor is being terracotta and being reclaimed and then having the butcher block counters on one side and then having this slab and I wanted to be able to have something sturdy and yet have something that is aesthetically beautiful.

  • So we went with a dolomite, It's very textured, it's not smooth, it's not super polished, it's got a home to finish on top so that allows for it to feel like yummy and kind of, I don't know, sometimes I like to just play on it.

  • It's really nice to lay on.

  • Uh it feels so good.

  • It feels kind of like cry because it stays very cold.

  • I went with green cabinets, I think I saw it on instagram somewhere.

  • There was this beautiful french kitchen in the south of France that was featured somewhere and I just became obsessed.

  • All the hardware from the faucet to the knobs even which are a little bit more modern.

  • They run lacquered so with time they will age and get more beautiful even when we're gone, these guys will just get more and more beautiful with time.

  • I'm going to show you my favorite part of the kitchen.

  • It's the tiniest little thing, but to me it makes me really feel like an adult, like a passage of some sort introducing the spice rack, yep.

  • Yeah, my mom would be proud.

  • This stove is also really special, it's called and it is an italian stove that we had shipped in from Italy, they're manufactured there.

  • And what I loved about it is that it's a new stove, it's new construction stove, but it feels vintage, like it feels all the details with the brass and all the knobs, like it has an aesthetic look that it's an art piece in itself in the kitchen and it adds value without distracting too much, which I love when we knocked the wall down, there had to be some sort of a hood for the range and I didn't want to compromise the space because the whole point was to open up the space and be able to see everyone in the hood would have been down to about here, probably would have come down.

  • So we did a lot of research and we found this company called Zephyr out of Canada and I'm Canadian.

  • So it was important to me to support Canadian brands and it's flush to the wall, but it pulls up all the, all the smells and all the fumes that come up when you're cooking and it doesn't obscure the view, which is really important to me.

  • I love this fridge.

  • It was such a big, great fine for me because it's very high tech.

  • If you can notice right here, there's a little button on the floor that says door open, hold on, hold on.

  • You have all the groceries, you just came it, it'll knock you all the way it works every other time boom.

  • And then another space is the nook.

  • I love waking up in the morning and having breakfast right here, the sunlight comes in, it's so pretty and you just kind of lounge, whether you're reading the newspaper, which I've never done.

  • So I shouldn't say, but it's a great little space and there's a lot of room.

  • I used to have a nook here before, but it was small and a much smaller table.

  • So when we did the renovation, I wanted to add a second bench, get more pillows, get a bigger table and now I can sit about 10 people.

  • Whereas before it was probably about four or five.

  • So this sculptural piece is actually a plant, but it looks like a piece of art.

  • It's called Ikebana and one of my friends, Mila, comes in and makes them for me every now and then.

  • They're really, really, really beautiful and add a centerpiece to a table that speaks for itself so that you don't have to have all the clutter.

  • It's, it is everything you need and the only thing you need on table, in my opinion.

  • Mhm.

  • Yeah, I opted to go for these chairs, which were actually one of my friends chairs that I've reclaimed and I stole number of our mother paid for them and we mixed it with the leather tops and also the oak bench over here that matches those chairs over there.

  • So we had a lot of wood influence and organic materials.

  • I wanted the table to look good from all angles.

  • This is a custom piece that we had built from solid oak that is very finished and very detailed with around edges and it's an indoor outdoor space that's really important to me.

  • The weather is great here in California.

  • So having the flow of air, seeing the table from outside in the courtyard area and every other angle, even the rounded legs on the table, everything was like very, very, very detailed and beautiful.

  • And I wanted it to be aesthetically pleasing from any angle no matter where you are in the house.

  • And then another thing about this room is the crown molding, that is the original from 1929.

  • Come on back so you can see the rest of the house.

  • Mhm.

  • Yeah, so this guest bedroom is kind of like the rest of the home.

  • I wanted it to be inviting and feel welcoming and have someone feel like they were in their own home.

  • So we put a lot of time and effort into getting fun pillows and having a wonderful ambience with open windows and just kind of making it homemade and fresh As you can hear.

  • All the floors are very creaky, it's squeaking a lot and that's mainly because all the wood floors in the home are also original from the 1920s and you know, it's good for when someone tries to break in because then I can hear them and I grabbed my bat very helpful for that.

  • But someday when I have kids, they're really gonna hate it because they won't be able to get a sneak out of the house of easily like I did when I was growing up.

  • So my room is similar to the other room.

  • It's open.

  • Light airy and I wanted it to feel very inviting.

  • Very jump a ble oh, so cozy.

  • And in a way that I have this longhorn that I actually got on a road trip a couple years back, I fell in love with it.

  • I saw it on the side of the road.

  • Someone was selling it.

  • Yeah, sick deal on it.

  • And it's been the centerpiece of my bed for a really long time.

  • I should give it a name.

  • It doesn't have a name.

  • Looks like a Gerald.

  • To me.

  • It feels like a Gerald because of the jade.

  • It's extremely heavy.

  • It's so, so, so, so heavy.

  • So it is a bit of a flight risk to hang above your bed.

  • I was really scared.

  • And I had, I think three or four guys come and build something behind the wall to make sure that it's secure enough so that while I'm sleeping, it doesn't fall on my head and kill me.

  • Another original historical moment in the house that I haven't really done much to because I wanted to keep it.

  • You'll even see some of the tiles in this bathroom because they're from the 1920s and they're one of a kind and you can't get them anymore.

  • There's little cracks in the floor and there's little cracks and certain things, but something about it, the charm of it.

  • I just fell in love with it and I didn't I didn't even want to redo it.

  • I wanted to keep it like it is, it's really really, really gorgeous.

  • Yeah.

  • Now we're in the room that I spend a lot of time in.

  • This is my little movie room.

  • It's not a screening room by any means, but it's where I spend a lot of, a lot of hours watching netflix and HBO max and all the things.

  • Um this painting is actually charcoal.

  • So my mom made this, I'm an actor.

  • I'm in the film industry and this is my movie room.

  • So I asked her, I sent her what I wanted and she lives in France.

  • She's a painter.

  • She hand made this with her fingers and charcoal and it's a painting of a picture of an X ray of old film camera.

  • So I thought would be perfect for my little movie room.

  • And yeah, it's just the cloud couch is super.

  • It's dangerous actually to be in this room.

  • So she drink Covid.

  • This is where I spent like a year of my life in this room.

  • You just sink into these cushions and I feel so alive.

  • But again, more buddha more candles, more plants in this room to crystals.

  • Of course when you take these down, it really gets really dark and it's like a real movie room.

  • Now if you follow me outside mm this is my little slice of heaven.

  • When I bought the house.

  • Originally, it reminded me of not California, like it didn't feel like I was in a busy city.

  • Plants in the bogan via.

  • There's another entertaining area here.

  • We want to have outdoor hangs with the girls or wine nights.

  • Uh huh.

  • So I should mention I started a wine company.

  • It's called Fresh Fine wine.

  • And it's a low calorie, low carb, low sugar keto, vegan friendly and gluten free wine from California.

  • So welcome to my home.

  • Mm So refreshing.

  • Actually I'm gonna hold onto this, let's go.

  • So this was a pool house at the beginning of the pandemic and I don't know, I got really antsy and I started ordering all this gym equipment because I needed to work out somehow.

  • So I converted this whole space into a gym And I've actually been using it a lot more than I did when it was a pool house.

  • I've got these amazing weights.

  • I know if you've ever heard this company but it's called Pent Fitness.

  • They're almost too pretty to work out because you don't want to mess them up but they're they're made of solid oak and have this like metal detail there.

  • So pretty.

  • This little video, fresh red wine.

  • You work out while we drink, jesus.

  • Let's have you.

  • Okay, so these little details are a few years ago, I had a Coachella themed birthday party and that was from the party.

  • They gave it to me afterwards.

  • We created these like neon signs artist area.

  • And then up here I got the need and cello signs also hanging.

  • So it feels like you're in in a nightclub wall at the gym.

  • Not really.

  • But sometimes in the music's blasting, it gets pretty intense.

  • And then this big old snag fridge, she's my favorite.

  • We keep all the good stuff in here, but she's finding the pop of color and continues that sort of retro energy and vibe in the home.

  • Yeah, not a lot of people come back here and then finally, we have the pool area.

  • It's a small amount of school, but it does exactly what it needs to do in the summers.

  • I actually don't heat it on purpose because it gets so hot.

  • I sometimes run into the sauna and then use the pool as a cryo to cool off occasionally.

  • We'll put the hot tub on.

  • But honestly, it's just this is a great little zen zone, but the buddha in the corner.

  • Something feels like you're not in the city.

  • All right, Eddie, thank you so much for coming.

  • This has been real fun, but why night is starting in about 20 minutes and I've got some girlfriends coming over.

  • So, can I have to say goodbye to lou.

well hello A D I'm nina welcome to my home.

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B1 wanted room home wine table simba

ニーナ・ドブレフ、スペイン建築をリフォームした理想のマイホーム。| Open Door | VOGUE JAPAN

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/12/02
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