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  • mhm, mm.

  • Mhm, mm hmm.

  • Mhm.

  • Hello everybody welcome to Tokyo kitchen chats and I'll take your creative play if you guys don't know.

  • This is Natasha, she is my camera co host all of everything from Tokyo creative Play where I host the channel over there.

  • What are you doing today?

  • We're making a meat pie as per your request.

  • I was thinking maybe we can make something singaporean, maybe something japanese, me pie.

  • I just haven't had a pie in forever.

  • And I thought pull better to us than my domestic goddess friend with a kitchen chats, serious domestic goddess.

  • I quite like that.

  • Thank you.

  • If you guys didn't also know Natasha is going to be leaving Japan quite soon and we can talk about our time together while we create a big old pie.

  • Nice.

  • Sounds like a real time.

  • I'll go through the ingredients as we go.

  • I'm just using a recipe I found off the internet as usual.

  • And yeah, just a take this video as it comes, we'll see how we go.

  • So the first thing we wanna do is peel potatoes, those potatoes on top of the pie, we're not making a normal pie, We're making a pastry bottomed shepherd's pie style thing.

  • So pastry on the bottom potato on the top, a little bit of mash.

  • So that's, that's the kind of thing that we're going for.

  • The first thing we gotta do is peel some potatoes.

  • Okay, These potatoes were on special, but they're a little bit old.

  • So hopefully they turn out okay, we just peel it into the bowl a little bit of a keel.

  • Yeah, Natasha and I have been working together the two, yeah, because I started in 2018, August, So I still feel like it's the beginning of 2020, I feel like I'm completely lost track of what time it is right now in life has been a weird year, but I feel like I've known you for so long.

  • Yeah, I don't know why it's gonna be so weird not having you in my life and in that way you're in a work way to work way is really awesome that we became friends through work because I don't think most people have the privilege of being great friends with the people.

  • That, that's very true.

  • I think we're quite lucky.

  • Oh, this one's nasty.

  • Look at that.

  • Hey, if it's cheap, I'll get it.

  • Do you consider yourself a cheap person?

  • Uh, not as she with you.

  • I'm probably, I know where I want to spend my money and I make so much money, but I do know, excuse me?

  • How do you know how much money I may?

  • She's like separate shoes of revenue.

  • So I'm getting, you're assuming that I make a lot on each of those streams.

  • Yeah, I'm fine.

  • Yeah, I'm fine.

  • But I'm saying it's like Emma could buy expensive, like that potatoes.

  • Yeah, she just doesn't want to.

  • Yeah.

  • And therefore she has to peel all the little black things that come with.

  • Yeah, I mean it's fine.

  • It's just a little bit of extra effort.

  • There's nothing wrong with these potatoes.

  • Yeah, I would say like I do like to see if I understand, but I'm not as frugal as Emma, I love saving.

  • You know, I know that a lot of people out there compensate very, very, very lucky position where I can, but definitely I think like, and actually treat herself a little bit more.

  • I treat myself treat myself a little bit more.

  • I could get more expensive potatoes.

  • I could get like an extra soda every now and then, but little bits every here and there like add up.

  • This is the frugal mindset.

  • I think it's potato.

  • Yeah, but let's say they're not at all.

  • You got our potatoes potatoes, they gotta be washed under the tap.

  • Okay, so go for it.

  • So I should probably be boiling some water right about now.

  • You should boil the potatoes with the water so they boiled evenly through.

  • Oh, all right, well we need to cut them into smaller pieces because otherwise they're gonna take you say that a million years to, sorry?

  • Yeah, I'll just do it into quarters.

  • I remember the first day I met you remember on that one hot summer's day when you walked always with this and you were late, but like you were super sweaty and I was like, oh my God, that's Toki Doki.

  • So nice to meet you with your hand like dripping from our handshake.

  • No, but I was just like, she looks like she walked here before I came to Japan.

  • I had to research about the company.

  • So I watched some of the Tokyo creative play videos that were already like the very first view.

  • Oh yeah, I'm going to meet this goal today.

  • Yeah.

  • I was just like, oh she, she is as nice as she seems on camera.

  • Oh gosh, yeah, thank you for saying that.

  • I'm like trying to figure out a way to put in a joke.

  • That's like I paid you to say that I wish you wouldn't dunk how much water cover them.

  • Yeah, so we have to wait for those to cook for a little while.

  • So I was thinking of making you a beverage.

  • I'm making you an image juice, mint soda, wow, I've never had one of those.

  • I made my own in my juice this year.

  • Can you get the giant jar from the fridge?

  • I will go two.

  • They got in.

  • How can he got it and get some fresh mint.

  • Okay, here I go.

  • It is, you want to smell it?

  • That and we're strong.

  • Mhm.

  • Actually I might tie my hair up.

  • Natasha's new hair is adorable by the way.

  • So I got my fresh mint from the garden.

  • Actually got this meant from a factory down the road that had mental stole it.

  • I ripped them out because it was completely overrun with mint because mint is basically like a weed.

  • Okay.

  • Um And then yeah I just put it in some water, let the roots grow and then here we are.

  • I'm just gonna tear him up a little bit, pop them in the cup.

  • You make this drink for yourself all the time.

  • I actually yeah, I really like it.

  • And if friends come over I'm like, oh the one fancy drink, I can make my juices really strong.

  • I know I spelled it.

  • It's very strong.

  • So you just need Yeah but that much.

  • Mhm.

  • We're gonna just take this and just if I can just just get the leaves and crush them up a little bit of the back of experience.

  • Ooh.

  • Mhm.

  • Sounds like summer.

  • Yeah.

  • I feel that science makes the least fluid after the top science.

  • I can't mm.

  • Oh okay.

  • It's actually pretty bomb it's like very light, very light and refreshing.

  • It's just a hole.

  • Does it do anything?

  • It's supposed to but it sounds like this.

  • So the next thing we're gonna work on is the minutes and the interior of the pie, the ingredients we're gonna be using for this R1 on yard 500 g of mints.

  • You know we got that ketchup which is the sauce.

  • I know it's twister ship beef stock but instead we're using chicken stock.

  • But instead of chicken stock we're using not chicken.

  • It's like a vegan stock.

  • It's fine.

  • Some kind of stuck I guess salt and pepper a little bit of flour.

  • So the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just cut and I guess dice an onion.

  • You cry when you chop onions.

  • Yes.

  • And let's have something called in my mouth.

  • You ever done that one?

  • What's your technique for onion chop?

  • I chop it and stand as far as I can like that.

  • And also I don't cut the end.

  • Yeah, I got that from Emma.

  • The not cutting the India, ignore how I cut onions then really far whales chops.

  • It's fine.

  • I just want to say anything about your onion shopping skills because I don't, I don't do it in the safest way possible.

  • Yeah.

  • Bring the onion frying on you on, you need to weigh out 500 g of beef.

  • Also there is an onion in between my toes.

  • I don't like this.

  • I was reminiscing today on stream.

  • I think we have the same favorite trip.

  • It was just such a good trip.

  • So beautiful.

  • Oh my God.

  • And the activities that was so fun and I think that just like being traveling with just us and like kind of go and surely it's just like solid.

  • Yeah, it was just like a little, a little holiday basically.

  • Yeah, times you know, even though it's traveling for work, it can really feel like work.

  • I look cool too.

  • I think that was really great.

  • Yeah.

  • Cool Man, August six Suki on a bag of Suki.

  • Yeah, cool man.

  • All got sick Suki kinds of Kruger Suki.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, but if I if I was traveling with my I always know that it was gonna be a fun time.

  • Oh sweet.

  • Thanks.

  • Seriously.

  • I recently found out about the Emma and Natasha ship.

  • I saw some comments about that thing.

  • I don't know.

  • Okay, thank you so much for measuring a little beef.

  • I'm going to now pour into the frying pan.

  • You owe me a favor.

  • Uh Oh yeah, I do.

  • We have to wait for this to brown.

  • But what we're doing that we could measure out our sources source.

  • We need a quarter cup of tomato sauce.

  • Two teaspoons of water ready?

  • Ready?

  • Yeah, so I'm gonna go back to Singapore.

  • I'm gonna have like 14 days of Isolation, like complete quarantine.

  • And you're gonna be at home or you're gonna be like the hotels.

  • So I get to be at home because I'm a resident.

  • I've already started bookmarking shows and everything on the line and I'm just gonna spend 14 days going absolutely nothing to uh two teaspoons.

  • It's too hi, ice she had.

  • So we're going to add the stock Cube sources and seasons and 3/4 of a cup of water.

  • The sauce.

  • Constance.

  • Mhm.

  • Okay, well stop, cute.

  • And then seasonings, which is just from the pepper.

  • Mhm.

  • Okay.

  • Mhm.

  • There we go.

  • Secondary.

  • Salting me to turn it down a bit.

  • We just want a cigarette And I'm just gonna leave that for about 15 minutes.

  • So we just got this from the grocery store, it's just a high sheet and they come like this uh individually Rent.

  • Oh we gotta roll these out, we get two of these, I reckon two would be good enough.

  • Mhm.

  • Oh should I flour the surface?

  • I'm just so lazy.

  • Okay, do you cook much at home?

  • Oh like I try to but I'm not very good at it, I just made whatever's easiest like I eat a lot of frozen goes up because it's so cheap here, it's so easy to and it tastes so good.

  • Yeah, I I understand that.

  • There we go, oh it feels so nice and satisfying like a little blanket.

  • Okay, let's put this aside, we're gonna focus on the music blend flour and the remaining water uh to meet in five minutes.

  • Okay.

  • Okay, added the flour and extra water, mix it all together thick.

  • How about we trim the pine trim the edges to be honest.

  • Sure.

  • Oh you got it.

  • My lifelong dream of finally being on a kitchen chair finally here.

  • Oh my God, it's my dream to me, Emma, it feels really different because you're on a different channel.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, it's like I think I realized that when I got everyone to film for the TC olympics and everyone did and I'll throw in their own way, just say oh I forgot that everyone does in a different way because I'm just so used to Emma saying in one way, I guess it's so cute.

  • Um Oh, this is beautiful.

  • Thank you.

  • Can you put it up there on the rack?

  • This actually made me a heart.

  • Are you going to cook it?

  • I don't know how.

  • So we're just making some mashed potatoes.

  • Just give him a general mash.

  • I need that thing.

  • I've been mashing with a fork.

  • Oh God, that's hell man.

  • That's how So we need butter, butter the queen.

  • Uh he had some something pepper please.

  • I haven't been called out for my life of places in a long time.

  • Lots of pep.

  • There's some fine pepper.

  • Really like to housewives telling you how to bake a pie.

  • Look at this.

  • This is your two housewife.

  • Simulate it.

  • A little tasting.

  • You should also try the filling.

  • Okay.

  • It's more of something.

  • So yeah, it needs a lot of salt.

  • Yeah.

  • So good.

  • So good.

  • Right, that's great.

  • Mm hmm.

  • Alright, okay.

  • You guys ready to assemble.

  • Okay, do you want to do this bit?

  • Which part do you want to do?

  • I'll watch you.

  • You watch, Yeah.

  • Okay, go and meet notice.

  • It looks a little little little little Like felt like 500 g was too little, but I was like, you know what it's fine.

  • You have to put a lot of potato on top.

  • Let's give you a weird ratio body, just like icing a cake.

  • Yeah, but it's a pie.

  • Okay.

  • However you want to style the fine.

  • Yeah, I like the yellow.

  • I like the way I like the whole thing when it's in my sight.

  • I like the egg, eggs for my breakfast.

  • I like the egg, egg for my lunch.

  • Now.

  • The funnest thing, funnest thing about this whisking one egg is you can use a milk froth er and then you don't have to work very hard.

  • Get in there.

  • Yes, mm hmm.

  • It's such a lazy People think I knew that he was a whole big bowl of this.

  • No, the west is not like that.

  • I only thought of this the other day.

  • Oh, so you're seeing like the new, it's a new revelation guys.

  • Do you want to?

  • It just the sight.

  • Yes.

  • What happens if I paint the potato?

  • Doesn't matter.

  • It's all good.

  • Just have a glazed potato.

  • This is actually adorable.

  • I really love this pie.

  • I hope that it does well.

  • 20 minutes.

  • Oh, cute little heart.

  • I guess we could just put it in the oven?

  • I mean, I only just turn it on but it's not a very big oven.

  • Doesn't take very long to get up.

  • Ah Ooh, going in.

  • Good luck.

  • Okay.

  • was it 15 minutes?

  • Let's put the 20 because we're overachievers.

  • Okay, we're gonna cook for a little bit and the battery's gonna die.

  • So we're just gonna cook and we'll let you know how it goes after we finish baking.

  • Yeah, Yeah.

  • Ding Ding Ding, It's ready.

  • Oh my God, let's take it out.

  • Here we go.

  • Oh look how sex?

  • Mm hmm.

  • Mhm.

  • Mhm.

  • Yeah.

  • We did it.

  • Oh my God.

  • We finally did.

  • It smells so good.

  • Okay.

  • Shall we just no talking?

  • Just get into it.

  • Really?

  • The whole thing?

  • Mm hmm.

  • Mm.

  • Oh my God.

  • Oh holy crab.

  • Oh I'm sorry.

  • Mhm.

  • Oh man.

  • No.

  • Mhm.

  • Mm.

  • Well with this rank in the kitchen chat.

  • Oh shoot.

  • Hmm.

  • This might be an S.

  • Tier.

  • Oh it's really good.

  • Oh my God, I'm probably gonna make this again.

  • I'm honored to be part that S.

  • C Have you ever ranked all of your videos one day last year?

  • That's your baby.

  • Damn.

  • We are gonna keep eating.

  • Thank you so much for coming on chichen cats, you for having me and making me this one.

  • It's been fun.

  • And I will obviously miss you a whole crap ton.

  • Of course.

  • Yeah.

  • Love you heaps since she's going back to Singapore.

  • But she is going to continue doing content stuff.

  • So she's starting a patreon.

  • If you guys want to go check her out and just put it in a little bit of weight.

  • Thank you.

  • Picture on.

  • And then you have instagram gonna revive my youtube channel.

  • Oh besties.

  • What's your favorite kind of pie?

  • I like an apple pie to be honest.

  • But today I felt like I got to have something salt.

  • Yeah, let us know.

  • All right guys, thank you so much for watching.

  • Uh, leave us a like hit that subscribe if you're feeling it and yeah, stick around if you want to see more of this kind of content, I'm thinking of having more people on in the future.

  • Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video, john.

mhm, mm.

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