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  • The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic and its accompanying focus on physicians and healthcare

  • workers have led to an increased interest in careers in medicine. But has this so-called

  • Fauci Effecttranslated into more medical school applicants? And if so, how has the

  • pandemic impacted getting into medical school as a whole? Let's set the record straight.

  • Dr. Jubbal, We'll first explore how medical school admissions

  • have been impacted by COVID-19, comparing the 2020-2021 application cycle to prior years,

  • and then dive into the implications for current and future applicants.

  • Let's start by looking at the numbers. When applying to medical school in the United States,

  • there are three centralized application services: AMCAS for MD schools, AACOMAS for DO schools,

  • and TMDSAS for Texas schools. I have discussed these in detail along with the overall process

  • of applying to medical school in our Medical School Application Explained video - link

  • in the description. Each year, approximately 53,000 students apply to AMCAS, 22,000 to

  • AACOMAS, and 6,000 to TMDSAS. Of these, only about 40% of AMCAS applicants will matriculate

  • into MD schools, 36% of AACOMAS applicants into DO schools, and 28% of TMDSAS applicants

  • into Texas schools. According to an article from the AAMC published

  • October 2020, preliminary numbers for the 2020-2021 application cycle showed a significant

  • increase in the number of applicants. Some schools even reported as much as a 35% increase

  • year over year. Final tallies from the AAMC, however, show a different story. There were

  • 53,030 applicants who submitted their AMCAS for the 2020-2021 application cycle, which

  • is actually a 0.6% decrease from the 53,361 applicants who submitted for the 2019-2020

  • cycle. TMDSAS data are similar, with a 0.6% increase from 6,053 applicants to 6,093. The

  • data from the AACOMAS, however, is where things get more interesting. According to the AACOM,

  • there was approximately a 20% bump in applicants from 22,708 in 2019 to 27,276 in 2020. And

  • sure, more DO schools are opening each year, but that only accounts for a 2-5% annual increase

  • in seats. It is important to note that premed students

  • applying for the 2020-2021 cycle were all well on their way to applying long before

  • COVID-19 restrictions came into effect. After all, preparing a medical school application

  • is a multi-year process. So what explains the DO bump?

  • One hypothesis involves gap years, or perhaps the lack thereof. It is common for premed

  • students to take time after completing their undergraduate degrees to bolster their applications.

  • Common avenues include research experience, volunteering, and shadowing; however, due

  • to COVID, most in-person opportunities were canceled. Students may also strengthen their

  • application by re-taking the MCAT; however, COVID restrictions caused testing centers

  • to cancel test dates or offer an abbreviated version of the test. This may have dissuaded

  • some students from retaking the exam. These barriers to strengthening one's application

  • may have led some students to apply earlier than they had intended to, and DO schools

  • may have been the more logical choice. After all, they're substantially less competitive

  • and more attainable to MD programs. For comparison, the average GPA and MCAT scores for matriculants

  • into MD schools during the most recent cycle were 3.7 and 511.6 respectively compared to

  • 3.5 and 503 for DO schools. That being said, this alone is unlikely to

  • explain the DO bump as these same restrictions may have also prevented some students from

  • applying during the 2020-2021 application cycle. Many students choose to take their

  • MCAT in the months just prior to applying to medical school. This can mean taking the

  • exam as late as mid-July or mid-August of their application year - weeks after applications

  • have already opened. MCAT administration was canceled globally

  • between March 2020 and May 2020, leaving students scheduled during this time without a test

  • date. In addition, those who chose to reschedule their exam after testing resumed in May 2020

  • had no choice but to take a new, shorter version of the exam. This five-and-a-half-hour version

  • of the exam was appealing to some given its decrease from the normal eight-hour test length;

  • however, many were apprehensive about being the first to take the new version of the test.

  • And when you consider the importance of MCAT scores in medical school admission, this is

  • a very reasonable concern. There were also many students that chose to forego taking

  • the exam altogether due to concerns of contracting coronavirus at a testing center. In response

  • to this, there were a handful of schools that waived the MCAT requirement for the 2020-2021

  • cycle; but, the majority did not. Overall, COVID restrictions on MCAT administration

  • prevented many from applying during the 2020 cycle.

  • Another hypothesis to account for the DO bump is that the transition to virtual interviews

  • may have removed a financial barrier for some applicants. Applying to medical school is

  • costly enough, and when you add on the additional financial burden for travel and lodging, many

  • find the cost to be prohibitive. Virtual interviews, in comparison, are essentially free, and some

  • applicants certainly saw this as an opportunity to save thousands of dollars. Still, this

  • doesn't account for the increase in specifically DO applicants and not MD applicants.

  • Regardless of the reason, the spike in medical school applicants during this past application

  • cycle is unlikely to be from a “Fauci-effectgiven that once you decide to pursue medical

  • school, it takes years to complete the requirements and prepare a competitive application. In

  • the coming years, we may see continued increases in the number of applicants as these newly

  • interested students complete their prerequisites. COVID-19 has also significantly impacted students

  • applying for the current 2021-2022 application cycle.

  • The abrupt transition to a 100% online curriculum left many students feeling disoriented. Many

  • instructors were equally unprepared, leading to a suboptimal learning environment for students.

  • Furthermore, trying to study during a global pandemic while coping with stress from social

  • isolation, unemployment, and concern for the health and well-being of yourself and others

  • is not conducive to effective learning. As a result, there were many students who experienced

  • a drop in academic performance during this time.

  • Online curriculums coupled with the inability to participate in in-person contact through

  • research or office hours also made it difficult for many students to connect with professors.

  • Under normal circumstances, these may have been the same professors that they would have

  • asked for a letter of recommendation, another important aspect of a strong medical school

  • application. Early experiences with undergraduate research have also been correlated with increased

  • student attainment, MCAT performance, and medical school acceptance. Whether that's

  • a chicken or egg phenomenon is unclear, but those who established relationships prior

  • to the pandemic were at a clear advantage. The MCAT restrictions discussed previously

  • also impacted this year's applicants as a lot of students choose to be proactive and

  • take the MCAT during the summer prior to their application year. As we've discussed in

  • previous videos on this channel, studying for the MCAT is a long and intense process.

  • Even in a “normalyear, most premeds will spend several months preparing for the

  • exam, adhering to a strict study schedule so they can peak on exam day. Unexpected changes

  • in test dates can upset the careful balance between retaining information and forgetting

  • what you've learned. In addition, increased time spent studying to retain the sheer amount

  • of information required for the MCAT can quickly lead to burnout and subsequent decreases in

  • performance come exam time. Fortunately, medical schools and admission

  • committees are cognizant of the challenges that premeds have faced due to COVID-19 and

  • many are being flexible with their requirements for the 2021-2022 cycle. Some schools have

  • chosen to accept the pass/fail grading scale and online lab credits from the Spring 2020

  • semester. Others are accepting applications lacking the required lab credits altogether

  • if they were unavailable when the student took the course.

  • Many schools are also loosening the requirements for letters of recommendation and in-person

  • healthcare experience. Typically, at least one letter of recommendation has to come from

  • either an MD or a DO. For many students, opportunities to work with a physician were severely limited

  • last year as hospitals and clinics sought to minimize nonessential workers. Even now,

  • many opportunities that existed before are still unavailable. In response, many programs

  • are loosening these requirements. Similarly, opportunities for in-person healthcare experience

  • continue to be limited leading many programs to relax these requirements. A large proportion

  • of medical schools are also allowing virtual interviews to minimize the financial and travel

  • burdens. These exceptions will vary from program to

  • program, so you will still have to check with each individual school to make sure you meet

  • their requirements. Many admission committees are also adopting

  • a more holistic approach to reviewing applicants. They are placing a further emphasis beyond

  • hard metrics, namely the MCAT and GPA, in favor of application soft components. Medical

  • schools are aware that COVID has negatively impacted these hard metrics and are looking

  • more closely at the applicant as a whole. This doesn't mean that the GPA and MCAT

  • are not important; but, it does mean that if you didn't do as well as you had hoped,

  • you still may have a chance at getting in this cycle.

  • Additionally, if you are planning on applying to DO schools, the AACOMAS has included a

  • COVID-19 essay section where you can discuss any challenges you overcame during the pandemic.

  • Taking the time to fill out this section can help to offset any gaps in your application

  • as a result of COVID. For instance, if you were able to help your community in some way

  • and can show that you made someone's life better during the pandemic, it may resonate

  • well with an admissions officer. At the end of the day, getting into medical

  • school and becoming a doctor is not, and will never be an easy ordeal. But regardless of

  • an increasing number of applicants, or unforeseen hurdles as the result of a global pandemic,

  • it is important to remember that your outcomes are not a matter of your circumstances. Your

  • outcomes are a matter of your mindset and how you play the cards that you are dealt.

  • If you want to get into medical school and become a doctor, pandemic or no pandemic,

  • you have to be the one to take ownership and responsibility to reach your goal.

  • If you enjoyed this video, make sure you check out my video going over everything you need

  • to know about the medical school application, or my video going over 4 Surprising Medical

  • School Admissions Statistics. Much love and I'll see you guys there.

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic and its accompanying focus on physicians and healthcare

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