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  • what happened to your arms trying to protect myself into goofy.

  • Come at me like that.

  • I put it up here and I put it like that.

  • Damn.

  • Try to tear it off to.

  • I shook his hand was right up there.

  • Winning Raul Reyes and me.

  • I'm gonna be on tv.

  • I wish we had a tv pop but I can see myself on television.

  • Yeah.

  • The *** gonna be famous.

  • All right.

  • Going to be the first one he ever see his own funeral on T.

  • V.

  • Me say that.

  • Pop me what?

  • I said ***, you got a death.

  • What?

  • What harm can it be?

  • And having my picture in the paper.

  • That ain't none of your concern is twins?

  • The mexicans rifle.

  • Daddy Leroy didn't mean any harm.

  • Let's get out of my face.

  • Shit.

  • You don't know what the fuck you talking about?

  • And I'll tell you another thing.

  • Somebody stole my piece of chicken.

  • I didn't take your chicken pox and I hope you choke on the goddamn home.

  • Sure hope our kids man like him.

  • I heard you all right, both of you.

  • But what you said about what you think ***, you got to get some pussy before you can have some kids shit.

  • I'm not gonna bottom out of mine mama.

  • Mhm.

  • Mhm.

what happened to your arms trying to protect myself into goofy.

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