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  • Friends, family, are gathered to celebrate here today the joyous union of Ross and Emily.

  • May the happiness we share with them today be with them always.

  • Now, Emily, repeat after me.

  • "I, Emily ..."

  • "I, Emily ..."

  • "... Take thee, Ross ..."

  • "... Take thee, Ross .."

  • "... as my lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health till death parts us."

  • "... as my lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health until death parts us."

  • Now, Ross, repeat after me.

  • "I, Ross ..."

  • "I, Ross ..."

  • "... take thee, Emily ..."

  • "... take thee, Rachel ..."

  • Emily.

  • Uh, Emily.

  • Shall I go on?

  • He-he said Rachel, right?

  • Do you think I should go up there?

  • Yes, yes, do go on.

  • -I think we better start again. -Yes.

  • Ross, repeat after me.

  • "I, Ross ..."

  • "I, Ross ..."

  • "Take thee, Emily ..."

  • "Take thee, Emily ..."

  • Like there'd be anybody else.

  • "As my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health till death parts us."

  • "As my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health until death parts us."

  • Really, I do. Emily.

  • Do you have the rings?

  • Emily, place this ring on Ross' finger as a symbol of your bond everlasting.

  • Ross, place this ring in Emily's hand as a symbol of the love that encircles you forever.

  • Happy to.

  • Ross and Emily have made their declarations.

  • And it gives me great pleasure to declare them husband and wife.

  • You may kiss the bride.

  • This is worse than when he married the lesbian.

  • Just keep smiling.

  • Okay.

  • -Well, that went well. -Yeah.

  • It could've been worse. He could've shot her.

  • That, uh, that was pretty funny, wasn't it?

Friends, family, are gathered to celebrate here today the joyous union of Ross and Emily.

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