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  • How's your coffee? Good! Good? Ok.

  • Hey guys! So today we're partnering with Skillshare to bring you this video.

  • Skillshare is an online learning platform with tons of courses on all sorts of topics from art to business to technology.

  • It's a great place to develop your skills or to learn a new hobby or follow a new interest you might have.

  • With a Premium Membership you have unlimited access to all the courses, and with an annual subscription it's less than $10 a month.

  • And Aaron and I, we've been taking lots of courses on video editing and graphic design so we can make better content for our YouTube channel.

  • And we've been enjoying all the classes and we were happy to partner with Skillshare.

  • So if you use the link in our description you can get your first two months for free and take any classes you want.

  • So go check it out! Yeah!

  • Hi! So we just received this mail, this parcel, today and I couldn't wait to open it.

  • He came jumping through the door holding the box. He was like "it arrived!"

  • It's my birthday gift from the woman of my life.

  • And yeah. So noona if you're watching this, I love you!

  • Thank you so much. And yeah, let's see what's in there!

  • Bubble wrap!

  • So we got some food! Instant noodles.

  • She knows that I love instant noodles.

  • This one is ddeokbokki I think.

  • Nice! I can't wait to try these! Thank you!

  • Extra spicy ddeokbokki. Oh I love spicy food!

  • For you. For me?? Yeah! Candies.

  • Sour candies vitamin C. Yeah!

  • Wait there's sour powder inside!

  • Oh it looks so good! Thank you!

  • I keep wanting to say her name but I'm not going to say her name because I don't know if she wants us to.

  • A card! Aww!

  • I'm gonna read this later.

  • No just read it now and then you can. Not out loud, though. It might be private. Ok.

  • She wrote a message for you too.

  • Oh really? Whoa it's holographic! Yeah. Oh, it is?

  • Aww. Don't cry. I might cry! That's so sweet! Oh I love her

  • Ooh I want to see what that blue thing is.

  • *Gasp*

  • Oh there are two.

  • Oh my god they're so cute!

  • It's Ryan, right?

  • Is it Ryan? Yeah.

  • So cute!

  • I love Ryan!

  • So soft!

  • Wow it is really so soft!

  • Aww they're so cute.

  • They're so cute. Sleeping Ryan.

  • That's so thoughtful. She knew you love Ryan, right?

  • I mean who doesn't love Ryan?

  • Do you see his little cheeks? He has like blush.

  • Oh yea. Isn't that so cute?

  • Thank you!

  • Wow this is so cute!

  • Wait, he might have a name. Maybe it's not Ryan.

  • It says little JayG.

  • Mine is little Ryan.

  • Ok so, correction: this is Ryan and this is little JayG.

  • They're cousins.

  • That's so cute.

  • So adorable. Tada!

  • Sorry, it's packed really well.

  • This is perfect for like a cocktail or a smoothie.

  • So cute. Cheers!

  • *pineapple ASMR*

  • Is it for pizza?

  • Yeah, I want to eat pizza on this definitely.

  • Oh my god. This is a cat jelly!

  • These are all so cute! Oh my gosh watermelon jelly.

  • Alphabet jelly.

  • Actually Noona asked me what I want for my birthday and I said I just wanted an airpod case

  • because my airpods didn't have a case.

  • And so originally she told me she was going to send me this, but it turned out to be a big box. A huge box!

  • It's so cute. And he matches the little Ryan plush.

  • That's not Ryan. It's little JayG!

  • It comes with a little keychain.

  • That keychain is so cute! Oh my gosh can I look at it?

  • This is so cute! Let me go get my airpods!

  • It fits perfectly right?

  • It's so cute. Isn't it so cute?

  • And just the right amount of extra.

  • Thank you so much Noona, again. This is my dream!

  • Oh of course, skincare!

  • Everyone knows we love skincare. Oh my gosh it's a lot!

  • Feel and see if you can tell what it is.

  • Is it like a t-shirt? Hoodie? It's a t-shirt.

  • I think there are two t-shirts.

  • *gasp*

  • Ok I love the color.

  • Wow so cute. Fila is always so cute!

  • Recently they've been really really cute. Yeah.

  • Recently we've been liking green. Look, we're both wearing green.

  • How does she know that... we like green?

  • It's a trend. Oh.

  • I though it's just us.

  • Beige and green are the trendy colors.

  • You just, whatever you like you say is trendy.

  • Guess which color is yours.

  • Which?

  • Well guess, because one is large and the other is medium.

  • I don't know, I like both the colors, so...

  • But guess!

  • You looked at me and said "guess" right after you saw the green tag so I guess it's the green one.

  • Is yours? Yeah.

  • Check the size.

  • Wow she really knows you. She knows me so well.

  • Happy birthday to you too!

  • Yeah I'm celebrating your birthday too, and Pride.

  • She wrote about pride on the card, too. Yeah she did.

  • So it's your birthday and pride. Yeah!

  • Thank you Noona!

  • Let's eat this and then we can go work out.

  • This is lavender iced coffee. Everything here is lavender!

  • Oh my god thank you babe!

  • And they even put flowers on top.

  • It's really good! Thank you! It tastes really good.

  • Try your coffee.

  • This is lavender coffee

  • I think it just said iced coffee right? Lavender iced coffee? I think so yeah.

  • It's so good. And it's gray.

  • It's so good. I love that it's gray.

  • I know me too. It's so strange.

  • Yay!

  • The lemonade is nice too.

  • It's Pride Week in our city, Montreal.

  • And so we're just gonna bake a few things for our tomorrow.

  • We're gonna have a party.

  • I always wanted to work in an ice cream shop, but I never had the chance.

  • Time to make some rainbow bars with fruit loops.

  • And first you need butter.

  • So first you melt the butter, then you melt the marshmallows, and then you add the cereal.

  • And then it's pretty much done!

  • Marshmallows are not that good. On their own.

  • It's good!

  • You like them? Mhm!

  • You liar!

  • I do like marshmallows!

  • Prove it to me!

  • Because I feel like you really don't like them. You're just saying that to be sweet.

  • No, I really like marshmallows!

  • Oh yeah? Here's some more.

  • Chubby bunny.

  • Mmm so good right? Don't you love marshmallows?

  • Good, the butter's melted so do you want to put them in?

  • Oh I thought they would just fall into the pot.

  • They're supposed to but I get this bag got too hot at the store.

  • It's really melted.

  • I got some blue dye on my t-shirt.

  • I shouldn't have worn this one but oh well!

  • You just like to be messy.

  • Oh my gosh everything's happening at once!

  • You can add a bit more.

  • Ta-da!

  • Oh that looks perfect!

  • Rainbow bars!

  • *crunch crunch crunch*

  • Ah why?

  • Ok.

  • Finished! Don't eat mine!

  • Never finished.

  • You can have this one.

  • Ok done! Yay look!

  • Wow it's so rainbow!

  • I'm the best.

  • Aww...

  • There are so many more (recipes) if you just google "rainbow food."

  • Or ideas. There are so many.

  • Yeah we were looking online and we were like which ones should we choose?

  • And we ended up choosing these.

  • And so I think we're going to taste them tomorrow and maybe do a little review with our friends.

  • Because it's really late now and I don't want to eat cookies.

  • We worked really hard today on all these little recipes.

  • So we will see you in tomorrow's vlog!

  • Yeah so to anyone who's never been to a Pride Parade before or doesn't have one nearby,

  • then you can see what it's like and celebrate with us!

  • Wishing everyone a Happy Pride and lovely end of summer.

  • To everyone in our wonderful rainbow community and all allies: We love you. We support you.

  • Live proud! Whatever that means to you. Love, D&A

How's your coffee? Good! Good? Ok.

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