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  • It doesn't take a visitor long to understand why the historic centre of Prague was listed

  • as a UNESCO world heritage site in 1992. This stunning city was fortunately one of few European

  • cities to largely escape the destruction of the Second World War.

  • While the area was inhabited as far back as 200 BC. The history of the city is generally

  • dated from the laying of the first masonry under Prague castle in the year 885.

  • For most of the time since and through many turbulent periods, it has been an important

  • centre of trade, commerce, art and culture in central Europe. Prague caters to millions

  • of tourists each year, with one of its major attractions being the Charles Bridge, built

  • by the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia Charles IV in 1357. The bridge is over 500

  • metres long and is adorned with a series of striking statues that span the length of the

  • bridge between the historic old town and Prague Castle.

  • The historic, almost fairytale quality of its architecture belies the fact that modern

  • Prague is a dynamic, thriving European capital, considered to be among the most innovative

  • in the world and home to the European headquarters of many major companies.

It doesn't take a visitor long to understand why the historic centre of Prague was listed

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