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  • Hello everyone! This is Andrew from

  • Crown Academy of English and

  • today we are going to do a listening exercise.

  • So this will help you improve

  • your listening skills. So

  • let's get started. So

  • let's just have a look at the plan

  • for the lesson. So

  • first of all, we will start with

  • some vocabulary. So I

  • will explain about

  • three words to you. There are three words which are

  • important to know for this lesson...

  • and then I will

  • show you the questions. So you will be able to

  • read the questions before the listening

  • exercise starts okay...

  • and then I will play you

  • the .... the text. I will...

  • you will listen to

  • the news report okay. So it is

  • a news report that you're going to hear. So I will let you

  • listen to it okay...

  • and if necessary you can listen to it

  • a second time. You will have the

  • opportunity to rewind...

  • to rewind the news report.. to listen to it

  • a second time if necessary. And then

  • I will give you the answers to the questions and then I will show you

  • the transcript or

  • the text. So you will be able to read what you listen to

  • okay. So do not worry. There will NOT be any subtitles

  • during the listening exercise

  • okay because that would be cheating! But do not worry,

  • there will be captions...

  • you will be able to see the text AFTER

  • the exercise ok? So do not worry.

  • There is..there are subtitles

  • AFTER the listening exercise. Ok..

  • let's carry on. So

  • the vocabulary - The first word

  • is "gig"

  • Now this is a "gig" here.

  • So a gig is a concert -

  • a pop ... usually a pop concert

  • or a rock concert okay.

  • So gig... you could for example say

  • "Last night I went to

  • the Michael Jackson gig." or

  • "to the Madonna gig" okay. So

  • it is used for pop music

  • or rock music. You would not say

  • "gig" for classical music. If it was

  • classical music,

  • you would just say it was a concert.

  • "truck" -

  • ok, so what is a truck?

  • Well this is a truck.

  • Okay so it is a vehicle

  • for transporting heavy goods.

  • So...

  • this is a truck here ... now

  • "truck" is

  • British English and also American English

  • ok? But in British English, there is

  • also another word for "truck".

  • So in British English,

  • this is also called a "lorry" ...

  • ok? So British English this

  • is a "truck" or

  • a "lorry" but in American English

  • it is only a "truck" ... they only really say "truck"

  • for this.

  • Okay next word...

  • "audience" - So what is an audience?

  • Well

  • an "audience" is ....

  • the word that we give to

  • people who are watching a show

  • or listening to a show.

  • So for example, on this picture, the

  • people in blue... the blue people...

  • that is the "audience"

  • Ok? So the show

  • is the person in red - they are watching a show

  • and they are the "audience"

  • They make up the "audience"

  • And so, for example,

  • if they went to the theatre,

  • the audience would

  • sit in these seats here....

  • okay so the audience

  • is the word given to the people

  • who are watching a show.

  • Very important to note that the word

  • "audience" is only

  • ever singular... ok.

  • It is NEVER a plural word.

  • So you never say "audiences"

  • okay. So although there are

  • several people in the audience,

  • the word itself... the word "audience"

  • is only singular.

  • Ok, so that is the

  • end of the vocabulary. I am now going to give you

  • the questions. So these are the questions that you must

  • answer during the listening test.

  • So the first question is: 1) How old

  • is the singer ? So

  • you have to give me the age of

  • a singer. Question two:

  • What did the singer say to the audience?

  • Question three: Why was Harel

  • disappointed? Harel

  • is a person.

  • Harel is a person ... so...

  • Question four: Complete

  • the sentence.

  • So you will hear

  • a sentence and I want you to give me

  • the last five words of the sentence.

  • So, the beginning of the sentence you ... you will hear

  • "In an interview with the BBC, Paul said

  • 'It was very exciting.' ...and then

  • you will hear five words and I want you to tell me

  • what those five words are.

  • Question 5:

  • When did the singer surprise his fans

  • in New York?

  • And the last question. Question 6:

  • Who had the idea for these surprises?

  • Okay so that is the

  • end of the questions.

  • So you are now going to hear the

  • the listening exercise okay? So get ready....

  • I'm going to start it.... NOW!

  • (END)

  • Okay, so that is the end of

  • the listening erm..

  • okay... so if you would like

  • to listen to that again,

  • then you can click here on the screen

  • and it will go back and you can listen

  • to it again. OR

  • if you have finished, and you would like to continue,

  • you can just wait 10 seconds for the answers

  • and I'll give you the answers in 10 seconds. So,

  • click here to go back and listen again

  • or just wait 10 seconds.......

  • Ok, let's go on and I will give you the answers

  • to the questions. So

  • here are the questions. Question 1 - How old

  • is the singer? Well the singer

  • he is 71.

  • 71 years old. Question 2 -

  • "What did the singer say to the audience?"

  • Well he said

  • "Thank you very much. Okay now, back to work!"

  • Question 3 -

  • "Why was Harel disappointed?"

  • Well he was disappointed

  • because the singer... because Paul McCartney...

  • he only sang four songs. And "Complete

  • the words below. In an interview with the BBC,

  • Paul said 'It was very exciting.

  • It felt like a dream.'

  • "It felt like a dream." Question 5 -

  • "When did the singer surprise his fans

  • in New York?" Last week.

  • So he was in New York... he

  • gave a surprise performance last week.

  • And the last question...

  • "Who had the idea for these surprises?"

  • The answer is:

  • His daughter. His daughter who is called

  • Stella. Okay, so

  • that is the end

  • of the exercises. There are the answers

  • and I will now play you

  • the listening exercise a last time

  • and I will

  • display the text on the screen for you so that you can see

  • the text on the screen.

  • So here we go!

  • Okay,

  • so that is the end of the listening.

  • So as you can see

  • here in the second

  • paragraph, it tells us that

  • before the concert, he announced it

  • on Twitter. So Twitter

  • is a messaging service

  • on the Internet. So I'm going to show you

  • the message that he.. that Paul McCartney wrote

  • on Twitter:

  • So here we are. This is the actual

  • .... original message. So

  • this is a true story! This happened

  • last week. It happened on the

  • 18th of October. You can see the

  • date here.

  • He wrote this on the 18th of October...

  • so just last week. And so you if you go to his Twitter account,

  • @PaulMcCartney, you can see this message there.

  • So he wrote "I'm getting ready to pop up

  • in Covent Garden at 1 pm today.

  • Oh baby!" So "oh baby!" just means he's very excited!

  • And this is an expression...

  • to "pop up" ...

  • so "to pop up", it means

  • to appear ... to appear.

  • So this is very informal English ...

  • okay ... so to "pop up"

  • means to appear.

  • I am preparing to appear

  • in Covent Garden." And.. Covent Garden is a very famous

  • square in the centre of London.

  • Okay? So,

  • there we go. That is the end of the lesson.

  • I hope you enjoyed it. If you would like to

  • subscribe to my channel, then you can click here

  • on the screen... and

  • here are 2 other videos which

  • might interest you. So you can click

  • on the screen here or here

  • if you would like to see one of these other videos.

  • So this one is comparing

  • the difference between the word "all"

  • and "every" and

  • this one is comparing the words

  • "borrow" and "lend"

  • because these words often cause

  • confusion to people. So

  • this is a lesson to explain when you should use

  • the word "borrow" and when you should use the word

  • "lend" Alright?

  • And I have a new Twitter account

  • so if you would like to follow me

  • on Twitter, then here is

  • my Twitter account.

  • And I give little

  • vocabulary lessons everyday.

  • I give you some advice on learning English.

  • So on Twitter, I write probably 1 or 2 messages

  • every day. Okay so

  • that is the end of the lesson. I hope you enjoyed it.

  • Thank you very much for watching.

  • This is Andrew from Crown Academy of English.

  • Bye bye and I will see you next time :-)

Hello everyone! This is Andrew from

Subtitles and vocabulary

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