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  • Hi, guys.

  • This is F@nny.

  • Welcome to this English pronunciation video.

  • I'm now going to show you some words and I want you to read them with the proper English

  • vowel sound /ɪ/ or /i:/.

  • Let's get started.

  • Let's start with the first word.

  • Which one is it?

  • Is it 'sit' or is it 'seat'?

  • Of course, it is 'sit'.

  • Next word.

  • Is it 'chick' or is it 'cheek'?

  • It's 'chick'.

  • Next word.

  • 'fill' or 'feel'?

  • 'fill' Next word.

  • 'his' or 'he's'?

  • Of course, 'his'.

  • 'chit' or 'cheat'?

  • Its 'cheat'.

  • Is it 'pip' or is it 'peep'?

  • Of course, people it's 'pip'.

  • Next word.

  • 'bitch' or 'beach'?

  • It's 'beach'.

  • Then we have 'sit' or 'seat'.

  • Which one is it?

  • It's 'seat'.

  • 'his' oh 'he's'?

  • It's 'he's'.

  • And finally, is it 'hill' or 'heel'?

  • It's 'heel'.

  • Great guys.

  • Let's continue on.

  • /e/ or /ɪ/?

  • Let's get started.

  • Let's start with the first word.

  • Which one is it? 'beg' or 'big'?

  • It's 'beg'.

  • Next word.

  • Which one is it? 'bet' or 'bit'?

  • It's 'bit'.

  • Next word.

  • Which one is it? 'mess' or 'miss'?

  • It's 'mess'.

  • The following word.

  • Which one is it? 'set' or 'sit'?

  • It's 'set' of course.

  • Next word.

  • Which one is it? 'left' or 'lift'?

  • 'lift' Next word.

  • 'hell' or 'hill'?

  • 'hill' obviously.

  • Next word.

  • 'beg' or 'big'?

  • It's 'big' this time.

  • Next word.

  • 'dead' or 'did'?

  • It's 'dead' of course.

  • Then we have 'mess' or 'miss'?

  • It is 'miss'.

  • And finally, 'dead' or 'did'? 'did'

  • Awesome, guys!

  • Let's move on.

  • /e/ or /eɪ/?

  • Let's get started.

  • Let's start with the first word.

  • Is it 'bed' or 'bade'?

  • It's 'bed' of course.

  • Next word.

  • 'fell' or 'fail'?

  • Which one is it?

  • It's 'fail'.

  • Next word.

  • 'test'?

  • 'taste'?

  • It's 'taste'.

  • Guys, next word.

  • 'men'?

  • 'main'?

  • 'main' Next word.

  • 'ren'?

  • 'rain'?

  • It's 'rain'.

  • Next 'sell' or 'sale'?

  • It's 'sell'.

  • Next word.

  • 'test'?

  • 'taste'?

  • Which one is it?

  • In this case, it's 'test'.

  • Next.

  • 'men'?

  • 'main'?

  • It's 'men'.

  • Next word.

  • 'sell' or 'sale'?

  • 'sale' of course.

  • And finally, 'when' or 'wane'?

  • It's 'when'.

  • Very good.

  • Great job, guys.

  • Let's carry on.

  • /æ/ or /ʌ/?

  • Let's get started.

  • Let's start with word number one.

  • Which one is it? 'hang' or 'hung'?

  • 'hung' Very good.

  • Next word.

  • 'dad' or 'dud'?

  • 'dud' Next word.

  • Which one is it? 'rag' or 'rug'?

  • 'rag' Next word.

  • 'F@nny' or 'funny'?

  • 'funny' Next word.

  • Which one is it? 'stab' or 'stub'?

  • It's 'stab'.

  • Next word.

  • 'hang' or 'hung'?

  • It's 'hang'.

  • Next word.

  • 'dad' or 'dud'?

  • It's 'dad'.

  • Next word.

  • 'rag' or 'rug'?

  • 'rug' Next word.

  • 'stab' or 'stub'?

  • It's 'stub'.

  • And finally, 'F@nny' or 'funny'?

  • It's 'F@nny'.

  • Very good, guys.

  • Awesome guys.

  • Let's move on.

  • /əʊ/ or /ɔ:/?

  • Let's get to it.

  • Let's start with the first word.

  • Is it 'stoke' or 'stalk'?

  • It's 'stoke'.

  • Next word.

  • 'moaning' or 'morning'?

  • It's 'morning' of course.

  • Next word.

  • 'code' or 'cord'?

  • 'code' Next word.

  • 'stoke' or 'stork'?

  • 'stork' Very nice.

  • Next word.

  • 'poke' or 'pork'?

  • It's 'poke'.

  • Very good.

  • Then we have 'boat' or 'bought'?

  • Its 'bought'.

  • Next word.

  • 'poke' or 'pork'?

  • It's 'pork', guys.

  • Next word.

  • 'hone' or 'horn'?

  • 'horn' Then we have 'code' or 'cord'.

  • It's 'cord'.

  • And finally... 'boat' or 'bought'?

  • 'boat' Very nice.

  • That was excellent guys.

  • Let's move on.

  • /ɒ/ or is it /əʊ/?

  • Let's get to it.

  • Let's start with the first word.

  • Is it 'jock' or 'joke'?

  • 'joke' Next word,

  • 'clock' or 'cloak'?

  • 'clock' Next word.

  • 'cost' or 'coast'?

  • 'coast' Next word.

  • 'rob' or 'robe'?

  • 'rob' Next word.

  • 'want' 'won't'?

  • 'want' Good.

  • Then we have 'rob' or 'robe'?

  • 'robe' in this case.

  • 'cost' or 'coast'?

  • It's 'cost'.

  • Next word.

  • 'clock' or 'cloak'?

  • 'cloak' Next word.

  • 'jock' or 'joke'?

  • It's 'jock'.

  • And finally, 'want' or 'won't'?

  • 'won't' Very good.

  • Awesome, guys.

  • Let's move on.

  • Is it /æ/ or is it /e/?

  • Let's get to it.

  • Let's start with the first word.

  • How do you pronounce this 'tack' or 'tech'?

  • 'tech' Next word.

  • 'marry' or 'merry'?

  • 'merry' Next word.

  • 'sad' or 'said'? 'said'

  • Next word.

  • 'track' or 'trek'?

  • 'track' Next word.

  • 'bat' or 'bet'?

  • 'bat' Then we have 'track' or 'trek'?

  • 'trek' Next word.

  • 'and' or 'end'?

  • 'end' Next word.

  • 'sad' or 'said'?

  • 'sad' Next word.

  • 'bat' or 'bet'?

  • 'bet' And finally,

  • 'marry' or 'merry'?

  • 'marry' Very good, guys.

  • Great, guys.

  • Let's continue on.

  • /ɑ:/ or /ɜ:/?

  • Let's get to it.

  • Let's start with our first word.

  • Do you say 'bard' /bɑ:d/ or 'bird' /bɜ:d/?

  • 'bird' /bɜ:d/ Next word,

  • 'park' /pɑ:k/ or 'perk' /pɜ:k/?

  • 'perk' /pɜ:k/ Next word,

  • 'part' /pɑ:t/ or 'pert' /pɜ:t/?

  • It's 'part' /pɑ:t/ The following word

  • 'carve' /kɑ:v/ or 'curve' /kɜ:v/?

  • 'curve' /kɜ:v/ Next word,

  • 'star' /stɑ:/ or 'stir' /stɜ:/?

  • 'star' /stɑ:/.

  • Next word.

  • 'pass' /pɑ:s/ or 'purse' /pɜ:s/?

  • It's 'pass' /pɑ:s/.

  • Next word, 'ha' /hɑ:/ or 'her' /hɜ:/?

  • It's 'her' /hɜ:/

  • Next word, 'pass' /pɑ:s/ or 'purse' /pɜ:s/?

  • 'purse' /pɜ:s/, of course.

  • Next word, 'park' /pɑ:k/ or 'perk' /pɜ:k/?

  • Yes, this time it's 'park' /pɑ:k/.

  • And finally, 'star' /stɑ:/ or 'stir' /stɜ:/?

  • It's 'stir' /stɜ:/.

  • That was so good, guys.

  • Thank you so much for watching my video guys.

  • If you liked it, please show me your support, click 'like', subscribe to the channel,

  • put your comments below, and share the video.

  • See you.

Hi, guys.

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