Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles I dare you to watch this entire video I dare you to watch this entire video no skipping ahead,no pausing,no opening another tab and letting this play in the background I dare you to sit still and do nothing but watch a single three minute internet video. Hmm, it’s difficult for you,isn't it? You’re becoming bored Your brain is beginning to itch inside your skull begging for a morsel of distraction from the internet And you’re holding it together for now, but the truth is you’re frightened. It’s been so long since you've tried to focus like this that you don’t know if you can do it anymore. And this video is boring isn't it. Maybe you think it’s a trick that there is some reward for sticking it out You think that at 2 minutes and 50 seconds funny message will appear for a frame or two. And you will only see it if you watch the whole thing. You've probably already scrubbed along the bottom of the progress bar to see if that happens right? Well. It doesn’t, there is no joke, no prize There is just you and this video Either you watch it or you don’t – I dare you to watch it. But the obstacles are mounting. That was an e-mail That was a new post on Instagram. That was a celebrity who just died on Twitter maybe it was Shack (Shaq) everyone is tweeting about Shack’s(Shaq) death And you are missing it. Are you comfortable with that? That was 10 seconds, but it felt like a year didn’t it a decade of instantaneous entertainment has made you so mentally soft and fat that you find even 10 seconds of boredom excruciating how sad Remember when you were a child you could spend an entire hour watching an ant crawl across the rock One afternoon you took out a library book and you were so engrossed you read the entire thing in just one day When is the last time that happened to you? The truth is you are weaker now, attention is the scalpel you use to cut away the fat from your life but the internet has robbed you of it and now instead of choosing what you experience you drift from tab to tab full of content you hate like a hungry ghost who will never be full Your life is filtering through your fingers and you are doing nothing to stop it. But if you watch this entire video if you make the choice to sit and be bored for these 180 seconds you will have finally taken the first step in regaining control over the one truly unrenewable resource in life, your time Less than three minutes ago I dared you to watch this entire video In a moment you will have won or lost and only you will know the difference Either way the dare will be over to decide what you will do with the rest of your life You will have to dare yourself
B1 US entire tab shaq shack bored fat I Dare You To Watch This Entire Video 15170 799 Anni posted on 2014/07/26 More Share Save Report Video vocabulary