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  • In 2020, if a person contracted Covid-19,

  • on average, they would spread it to two or three other people.

  • Those two or three other people would, on average, spread it to another two or three.

  • And so on, and so on.

  • One out of every 200 people who became infected died.

  • In one year, this virus killed over two million people worldwide.

  • Now let's back up:

  • Imagine if the virus were even more contagious

  • if every infected person passed it on to an average of four, or six people;

  • and if its fatality rate was much, much higher:

  • closer to three in ten.

  • This devastating scenario is smallpox.

  • Smallpox claimed hundreds of millions of lives in the 20th century alone,

  • and plagued humanity for centuries before that.

  • And then it was gone.

  • We completely wiped it out of existence.

  • So, how did we do it?

  • And can we do it again?

  • It starts with a vaccine.

  • In the late 1700s, a scientist named Edward Jenner

  • developed a brand new way to fight smallpox.

  • He called itvaccination.”

  • Before this point, the only way to gain immunity from smallpox was to catch it:

  • either through misfortune, or on purpose.

  • Jenner's method was far less dangerous.

  • Word of the vaccine spread quickly.

  • Within five years it was in the Americas.

  • Within ten, it was brought to Asia.

  • Vaccination alone would eventually be enough to drastically reduce cases.

  • And that's partially because of how smallpox is spread.

  • Unlike a disease like malaria, which can spread to humans from mosquitoes;

  • or Ebola, which can spread to humans from bats and other animals;

  • smallpox could only be spread to humans from other humans.

  • There were no animal vectors.

  • Which means vaccinating people would slowly eliminate the only way it could spread.

  • By the early 1900s, most of Europe, the United States, and Canada

  • had nearly wiped out smallpox.

  • But countries with fewer resources, civil unrest, or higher population density

  • struggled to effectively vaccinate and contain the virus.

  • And as long as smallpox existed somewhere,

  • it was a threat to people everywhere.

  • True eradication would require a global effort.

  • "Within the framework of the United Nations, a new organization exists

  • to promote the welfare of all people:

  • the World Health Organization."

  • In 1967, the World Health Organization established a unified plan

  • to eradicate smallpox once and for all.

  • Having a centralized agency changed the game for public health.

  • Nations pulled together, and vaccination campaigns spread around the globe.

  • Initially, the goal was simple: vaccinate everyone.

  • But that proved harder in densely populated places like India,

  • where it was hard to track outbreaks and the virus could spread quickly.

  • In 1974, over 15,000 people in India died of smallpox in the span of five months.

  • So the World Health Organization proposed a more targeted approach:

  • Instead of trying to vaccinate everyone at once,

  • public health officials focused on infected individuals,

  • using a form of contact tracing.

  • Doctors and volunteers would isolate the person

  • and vaccinate anyone who had come into contact with them --

  • and then, whoever had come into contact with those people,

  • effectively creating a buffer of immunity between the infection and the rest of society.

  • This was calledring vaccination.”

  • It worked. Really well. Not just in India, but around the world.

  • And on May 8th, 1980, the World Health Organization declared smallpox eradicated.

  • These are the four factors that helped us eradicate smallpox.

  • And while there's no single path to disease eradication,

  • if one or more of these can't be met, it will make it much harder, if not impossible.

  • So let's talk about Covid-19.

  • Vaccines aren't the problem.

  • New technologies have brought us effective and safe vaccines in record time.

  • The issue with Covid-19 is the way it spreads.

  • Let's start with animal vectors.

  • Researchers believe the SARS_CoV2 virus originated in bats,

  • which means there's a way for it to spread from animals to humans.

  • So, even if we were to completely remove it from the human population,

  • it could reappear, just as it did the first time.

  • But the way it spreads from human to human is also a problem.

  • A person with smallpox could only spread the disease if they were showing symptoms.

  • But a person with Covid-19 can be contagious days before that point.

  • Some people never develop symptoms at all.

  • It's much harder to effectively trace something you can't see,

  • or isolate a person who doesn't even realize that they're sick.

  • And then there's this.

  • From the beginning of the pandemic, many countries have taken a nationalist approach to it.

  • Some countries banned exports of protective gear,

  • some countries restricted the export of vital drugs,

  • and the United States pulled funding from the World Health Organization.

  • In a September meeting, the UN secretary General said,

  • The pandemic is a clear test of international cooperation

  • a test we have essentially failed.”

  • Even as vaccines became available, richer countries are buying up the supply,

  • leaving poorer nations behind.

  • And that's a big problem,

  • because leaving the virus to spread unchecked in these other places

  • gives it more time to spread,

  • which increases the chance it will mutate.

  • Variants of the virus are already popping up,

  • and that leaves the whole world at risk.

  • All in all, Covid-19 is just not a good candidate for eradication.

  • But eradication isn't the only option.

  • Smallpox is the only human disease we've ever eradicated.

  • It's much more common for us to contain and control a disease.

  • And that's where many researchers think we'll land with Covid-19:

  • we'll vaccinate, and manage.

  • Lockdowns and quarantines will end,

  • and we might end up with a virus that we manage with an annual vaccine,

  • like the flu.

  • Or, something even more mild:

  • As more adults and vulnerable populations build immunity,

  • it's possible Covid-19 will become "endemic":

  • always around, but rarely developing into anything more than a common cold.

  • It's not the best answer.

  • But it's a reality we'll learn to be comfortable with.

  • We'll be able to go back to the way things were before.

  • But we shouldn't.

  • Eradicating smallpox took a colossal effort:

  • centuries to create effective vaccines,

  • and then decades more to build the framework needed for global campaigns.

  • It's a reminder of what we're capable of as a society.

  • But it's also a warning:

  • Covid-19 is far from the worst disease nature has to offer.

  • And this pandemic has shown us that we're not ready for something worse.

  • Because our failure isn't that we can't eradicate Covid-19;

  • it's that we let it rise to pandemic proportions to begin with.

In 2020, if a person contracted Covid-19,

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