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  • a fleet of yellow taxis line up outside Gaza's newly reopened Raffa crossing into Egypt, polished and ready to roll.

  • But who knows for how long?

  • It's been two weeks since one of Gaza's few gates to the outside world swung open.

  • After years of blockade, life is trickling back into the economy.

  • Jabara Bootle Lal is a transit taxi driver who relies on the crossing.

  • It's good that the crossing is open.

  • We will make a living when the crossing is closed.

  • We stay at home.

  • Thes cars have no work inside the town.

  • What unlocked the door?

  • Egyptian brokered talks between rival Palestinian factions to smooth the way for possible elections.

  • Egypt had bean opening rougher, rarely on for just a few days at a time.

  • There's no airport in Gaza.

  • Andan Israeli led blockade on people and goods has inflicted grave hardship for years.

  • Hepatitis patient Uda Zanten was waiting to board a bus.

  • It's a lifeline for the Gaza Strip on its people.

  • We don't have another crossing are only crossing is Rafa crossing to Egypt and then on to other countries.

  • When it's closed, Gaza is dead on.

  • We feel like we're in prison when it's open, weaken, breathe and travel where we want.

  • About two million Palestinians live in the 140 square mile Gaza Strip, where uncertainty is a fact of life.

  • Israel on Egypt, site security concerns for the restrictions, pointing to the fact that Gaza is controlled by the Islamist militant group Hamas.

a fleet of yellow taxis line up outside Gaza's newly reopened Raffa crossing into Egypt, polished and ready to roll.

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