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  • say we get down the elevator, We can't move and into the vault.

  • We can't open.

  • We're just supposed to walk out of there with $150 million in cash.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, Mhm.

  • Mhm.

  • You ever hear of Walter Harvey?

  • He's starting the girls baseball league.

  • Wanna play?

  • Huh?

  • Gonna have 14 16 girls to a team.

  • Some of you are gonna have to go home.

  • Okay?

  • Some of them are going home on the rivers of the Amazon.

  • It's unbelievable.

  • Thats river can kill you in 1000 ways.

  • In the waters of the anaconda there's a legend Nachama worship giant snakes as gods protectors.

  • There's no easy way to say this is she doing here?

  • Get it?

  • Hey, put me out of the house.

  • Who house Harold never got too far with the ladies.

  • The only girls who were interested in me or girls.

  • I have no interested.

  • Kumar never got much respect.

  • Either.

  • Love tolerate business from you any longer.

  • Come on.

  • Daddy is not coming on anything.

  • Don't you ever get tired of just reading about things?

  • Yeah.

  • Hey, what are you doing tonight?

  • I don't want to get married.

  • Anybody you understand?

  • I want to do what I wanna do.

  • E get paid to talk.

  • What do you talk about?

  • I speak on behalf of cigarettes.

  • My mom, He says cigarettes kill.

  • Now.

  • Is your mommy a doctor?

  • No, No, she doesn't exactly sound like a credible expert now, does she?

  • E can't kill your husband, but I need total trust.

  • What was your earliest memory?

  • I'm not here to discuss personal matters.

  • Why are you here then?

  • Because I bloody well stammer.

  • Do you know any jokes?

  • Timing isn't my strong suit.

  • You see if I can find you an application for our internship, Mom, because of me, Mom left because of Mom.

  • And you didn't have anything to do with There's no salary.

  • No, I was not aware of that.

  • My circumstances have changed something.

  • Your hearing is deteriorating rapidly.

  • We'll come back till then.

  • Lou, we just keep going, okay?

  • No loo.

  • Play them on.

  • Let's see what it's like.

  • Okay.

  • I'm gonna be like a click track.

  • You complain to me.

  • You have to understand.

  • Your first response is to preserve the here.

  • Is Eddie Okay?

  • You know what it is, but he's a thief.

  • Yes, I know.

  • What Eddie is true.

  • Is anybody looking?

  • Everyone's looking and they're looking for you to You're not to talk to anyone.

  • I've never been on my own television talking about the assistant producer position.

  • Are you married?

  • Yes.

  • Hey, producers assistants.

  • Not the best job or a housewife.

  • Why should I hire you?

  • Because I didn't know that a Negro woman television producer even existed on all my life.

  • That is all I've ever wanted to be.

  • It's never been done before.

  • What's the target?

  • When was the last time you were in Vegas?

  • You wanna knock over a casino?

  • Three casinos.

  • Oh, you're doing recon work on our anniversary way.

  • It doesn't matter if we went as long as the casino loses.

  • Which means that we have to rig craps, blackjack, slots and roulette all in our favor.

  • You make it any more complicated.

  • Our whole body make a puppy picture.

  • How do I know if my picture is the right one?

  • Listen, about balance.

  • Not just karate lesson for all life.

  • What?

  • Welcome to who wants to be Oh, Ready?

  • Yeah.

  • Yes, Your time in the place.

  • I give you a five minute window.

  • Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours no matter what.

  • I don't sit in while you're running it down.

  • I don't carry a gun.

  • I drive B O Cadillac records.

  • Stay around long enough.

  • Everybody get one cause yours.

  • You are the oh e can't pay you.

  • So I'm not surprised.

  • Not unless you give me more time.

  • Did I ask you for more time to lend you the money?

  • No, sir.

  • Why should you ask me for more time to pay back?

  • Guys want?

  • Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the center of the earth.

  • It's incredible because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I waas sleeping.

  • Robinson, You're trying to seduce you, aren't you?

  • In one month, we could be on our way to glory and riches.

  • None of us ever dreamed off.

  • You can't even joust.

  • I think he's getting worse.

  • He's getting I'm a night.

  • I'm here to compete.

  • Society had given up on them.

  • 75% of our kids end up back in jail.

  • They had given up on themselves.

  • It's harder than a loser, man.

  • I'm not the one who put you here.

  • All right, You put yourself here.

  • But one man dared to take a risk.

  • You want to start a football team.

  • Come on, Sean.

  • It's impossible.

  • And let's try the impossible.

  • And that's my best friend.

  • Vague, assaulting us.

  • Beta and most of the girls don't appreciate her.

  • I always surround myself with people who I find intellectually stimulating.

  • A lot of the guys are a little afraid of her.

  • Okay, lean forward.

  • But she's more fun to be around than anyone I know you're 5 ft.

  • Nothing.

  • Ah, 100 thing you can hardly expect of athletic ability.

  • And you hung in with the best college football team in the land for two years.

  • And you're also gonna walk out of here with a degree from the University of Notre Dame.

  • A neighborhood was a place where, at times, that you felt worried.

  • Scared, unsafe, would take care of you.

  • Won't you be my neighbor, e.

  • I suppose it's an invitation.

  • It's an invitation for somebody to be close to you.

  • My name is Jordan Belfort.

  • The year I turned 26 I made $49 million which really pissed me off because it was three shy of a million a week.

  • We're making a name for ourselves.

  • Was all this legal?

  • Absolutely not.

  • We were making more money than we knew what to do with.

  • Did you ever have to find a way to survive?

  • And you knew your choices were bad.

  • But you had to survive so successful for so long because we kept it just small enough.

  • If you're that successful, how come you wound up in this room with me right now?

  • Taking orders from May?

  • Yeah.

  • Hi, Everybody Get up.

  • You know the routine.

  • You messing around?

  • Guess what.

  • Show.

  • Get bring neither Right here.

  • Get started.

  • Get everybody else right.

  • Get up.

  • Get up there.

  • Yeah, he's going here.

  • That's what he wanted, man.

  • He wanted worse than a cat.

  • What is it, Castle A.

  • Oh, watch that.

  • Same is a casserole.

  • So why would they call it that?

  • I don't know.

  • Should I call Paris?

  • It just seems to me Why don't they just call it a casserole?

  • Me?

  • Why?

  • Why?

  • Why do that to people?

  • Because they're bastards.

  • And they hate you.

  • Way.

  • Want posted fourth agents on our technical.

  • We are stuck here.

  • It's the 21st century.

  • Okay, they will find us.

  • My life is out there a million miles away.

  • There was trauma for being a teenage girl.

  • That was the real living help.

  • I have information that be noticed, intends to attack civilian targets.

  • I don't know if it's a single huge conspiracy, but someone high up in the chain of command is in on it.

  • This is not my fight.

  • If you go toe to toe with him, we could lose.

  • I don't rose a terrible in Madagascar modified cars, then eyes un invented the wheel.

  • There's no way in hell you could get a Bentley up.

  • That thing is unstoppable.

say we get down the elevator, We can't move and into the vault.

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