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  • Umm! Thank you. Arena,

  • for such a generous introduction

  • and on behalf of the entire Heap she team.

  • I also want to thank you. UNESCO, for all of its support

  • uh it's meant a lot of us.

  • Thank you all for being here for this important moment.

  • These men, from all over the world, have decided to

  • make gender equality a priority in our lives

  • and in our universities.

  • Thank you for making this commitment.

  • I graduated from university four years ago.

  • I had always dreamed of going.

  • and I know how fortune I am to have had the opportunity

  • to do so.

  • Brown became my home, my community,

  • and I took the ideas and the experience as I had there,

  • into all of my social interactions, into my workplace,

  • into my politics

  • into all aspects of my life.

  • I know that my university experience shaped who I am.

  • and of course it does for many people.

  • but what if our experience of university shows us that

  • women don"t belong in leadership.

  • what if it shows us that,

  • yes women can study.

  • but they shouldn"t need a seminar.

  • what if I still in many places around the world,

  • it tells us that women don't belong there at all.

  • what if, as is the case in far too many universities,

  • we are given the message

  • that sexual violence isn't actually a from of violence?

  • but,

  • we know

  • that if you change students experiences

  • so they have different expectations

  • of the world around them

  • expectations

  • and equality.

  • society will change.

  • as we leave home for the first time to study at the places

  • that we have worked so hard to get.

  • we must not see or experience double standards.

  • we need so equal respect,

  • leadership

  • and pay.

  • the university experience must tell women

  • that their brain power is valued,

  • and not just that.

  • but did they belong with within the leadership

  • of the university itself?

  • and so importantly right now.

  • the experience must make a clear.

  • that the safety of women, minorities and anyone

  • who maybe vulnerable is a right.

  • and not a privilege.

  • a right that will be respected by a community

  • that believes and supports survivors.

  • and that recognizes

  • that when one person safety is violated.

  • everyone feels their own safety is violated.

  • a university.

  • should be a place of refuge

  • that takes action against all forms of violence.

  • That's why we believe

  • that students should leave university

  • believing in striving for unexpecting societies

  • of true equality.

  • societies are true quality in every sense,

  • and that universities have the power

  • to be a vital catalyst for that change.

  • a ten impact champions have made this commitment,

  • and with our work we know they will inspire

  • students and other universities

  • and school across the world.

  • to do better

  • I'm delighted to introduce this report on their progress,

  • and I'm eager to hear what"s next.

  • Thank you so much,

  • Thank you

Umm! Thank you. Arena,

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