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  • return my treasures to me and I myself Hotel.

  • You took a tense Oh, Valhalla, Welcome to your weekly ticket, Onya Taylor Joy is going to star, and George Miller's upcoming Mad Max prequel, Furioso Taylor Joy has been cast in the leading role that was originally played by Charlize Theron and the Oscar winning Mad Max Fury Road back in 2015.

  • The film will track the genesis of Furioso before she teamed up with Max Rocket Stansky and Fury Road, Chris Hemsworth and Yahia Abdul Mateen.

  • The second, will also star in the film, but their rules haven't been announced yet.

  • Miller will return to direct co write and produce the film.

  • Ridley Scott and Joaquin Phoenix, who first collaborated all the way back 20 years ago on Gladiator, are teaming up once again for a historical drama titled Kitbag.

  • Phoenix will star as Napoleon Bonaparte, the French military leader who ruled as Emperor of the French from 18 04 to 18 15.

  • The film is said to be a take on the story of Napoleon's ruthless and relentless ascent to the top of French politics, and Michael B.

  • Jordan will produce a D.

  • C.

  • Movie titled static shock.

  • The project was first revealed during August D C fandom event, and Jordan will produce via Outlier Society, his Warner based banner.

  • The project focuses on Static Shock, which debuted in 1993 as a.

  • D.

  • C.

  • Comics distributed title from Milestone Comics, a comic banner created by black writers and artists to help make comics aim or inclusive space, Jordan said in a statement to the Hollywood Reporter.

  • I'm proud to be a part of building a new universe centered around black superheroes are community deserves that outlier society is committed to bringing toe life diverse comic book content across all platforms, and we're excited to partner with Reggie and Warner Brothers on this initial step.

  • Well, we're gonna have to wait a little longer for our next adventure with her Cule Perot from Death on the Nile.

  • But the good news is there's plenty of murder mystery films to check out, and today we're looking at our favorite murder mystery films of all time.

  • And today, to share his personal recommendations from this list of murder mystery films is film critic Robert Daniels.

  • Man Robert.

  • How you doing, man?

  • I'm great.

  • Fantastic, actually.

  • Right now, Thanks for having me.

  • Absolutely.

  • So do you have a favorite murder mystery from this list?

  • Yes, one of part secular.

  • The Mounties Falcon 1941.

  • Most people don't know.

  • It's actually an adaption off a pulpy kind of short story.

  • That iteration was actually the third remake for that film, so it was a kind of a story that been bouncing around.

  • It was kind of a B movie in some ways.

  • Humphrey Bogart.

  • This is kind of like the film that really launched his career as Humphrey Bogart.

  • Before then, he'd been playing Ah, lot of heels, a lot of bad guys and gangster films with Cagney.

  • But this is the one him, as Detective Sam Spain hunting the Model T stopping this statue that everyone hunting for that supposedly incredibly valuable that we later find out, is kind of a McGuffin.

  • But it's one of the first times we see the teeming of Bogart with Cindy Green Street and Peter Lawrie.

  • That same scene would re occurring and Casablanca, for instance.

  • But everything about this film is just It's fantastic.

  • It's an absolute classic.

  • Do you think we're due for a remake?

  • I think I mean I think it's definitely a film that could be remade it.

  • Like I said it was.

  • This was the third remake, you know?

  • Certainly.

  • Yeah, I mean, I do think it's It's such a simple story.

  • Why it succeeds, especially based off just a small objects, like just a statue and the romance that's happening between Bogart and his co star.

  • Yeah, I think we could we could definitely do for ah remake, maybe something that is diverse And representative, You heard it here.

  • First, Robert Daniels will be producing a remake of The Maltese Falcon.

  • It's gonna be great.

  • Can't wait now.

  • Death on the Nile, which is the follow up to the murder on the Orient Express, is arriving soon.

  • There seems to be like a trend of ensemble based murder mysteries.

  • Is there any that you recommend from this list that people could watch right now?

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, I think a recent example is probably nods out from Ryan Johnson.

  • Um, very much is made in that Agatha Christie tradition.

  • It's also like Columbo, you know, it begins with you seeing the murder, and then you kind of have to work backwards to what happened in the murder, but it also works.

  • I've seen this Agatha Christie, where Daniel Craig plays Benoit Blanc, who is kind of like this Hercule Poirot kind of character that you'd see, you know, Mr Mystery on the Orient Express or on the Nile.

  • Yeah, I mean, it's a funny film.

  • It's a film that is very aware of the tropes of a murder mystery, and it plays a to great effect.

  • Many, many twists as well.

  • Yeah, and also the sweater.

  • Let's not forget the sweater I went out and bought.

  • I don't know.

  • A lot of people bought that cable knit sweater.

  • I bought one, too.

  • I may have to wear it for the second half of this of this show for later on, but But, yeah, that za great film.

  • I've haven't heard anybody talk poorly on that.

  • Everyone loves that movie.

  • It's a great yeah, the sweater and then Daniel Craig's donut inside the doughnut.

  • There's a spin off of that one, too, so you're going to see this is watch.

  • Watch me to this transition.

  • You're going to see that that detective being multiple movies.

  • Which brings me to my next question.

  • Many films on the list have detectives with the multiple films.

  • What is your favorite detective that started multiple films?

  • Oh, that's a good question.

  • I guess you know, her kill Poirot would be it.

  • You know, I've always been a fan of that Agatha Christie character.

  • Um, and, you know, death on an island murder on the Orient Express are some of my favorite murder mystery films.

  • And I mean, it's one of those also those characters that it's kind of like, you know, James Bond, like so many people have played them.

  • Each person puts their different spin on him.

  • Yeah, I think that's my favorite.

  • All right, well, thank you, Robert, for coming on the show.

  • Where can people find you?

  • Yeah.

  • So people can find me on Twitter at 812 film reviews.

  • My word can also be found on consequence of sound.

  • Roger ebert dot com The playlist.

  • I g n and probably God.

  • Nice.

  • Everywhere.

  • That's great.

  • Alright.

  • Well, thanks so much for coming on the show, Robert.

  • All right, thank you very much for having me.

  • Alright.

  • See, I told you I'd swap into that sweater available to watch in theaters on Friday is the empty man.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Based on the 2014 graphic novel by the same name, the Empty Man tells the story of a Siris of mysterious disappearances in a small Midwestern town that may be linked to a supernatural entity.

  • The film is written and directed by David Pryor and stars James Badge Dale, Stephen Root and Joel Courtney and available to watch at home unhinged.

  • You know what a courtesy tap is?

  • Young man sounds like this.

  • It's light friendly.

  • Sure, that's what your mom meant to do.

  • No, it's not Mom.

  • Rachel is a single mother whose bad day gets even worse when she beeps her horn at a fellow driver during rush hour traffic.

  • After an exchange of words, she soon realizes that the mysterious man is following her and her son in his truck.

  • The initial case of road rage quickly escalates into a full blown terror as Rachel discovers the psychopath sinister plan for revenge.

  • All right, well, that's it for today.

  • But check out the full list of murder mystery films and let us know which one is your favorite by leaving a comment.

  • And also, if I pull this sweater off not like Chris Evans.

  • Pull off the sweater, But just like in general, I'm Cal and I'll see you next time.

return my treasures to me and I myself Hotel.

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