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  • It's served alcohol for over 450 years and in modern times survived on the love of students and scholars.

  • But now Oxfords, lamb and flag pub has become another casualty of the pandemic.

  • The ancient drinking establishment is being forced to close.

  • The lamb and flag first opened in 15 66 and was moved to its present location on ST Giles Abroad Thoroughfare in the city center in 16 13, where it later became a favorite of authors like Tolkien and C.

  • S.

  • Lewis.

  • Dave Richardson is a spokesperson for the Campaign for Real Ale.

  • It's a place where people come to talk to each other on to enjoy the traditional historic surroundings.

  • Andi, Generations of people have done that.

  • Students, townspeople, people from afar who were drawn to Oxford because of this pub would be a real tragedy to see it disappeared.

  • The lamb and flag is owned by ST John's College of the University of Oxford.

  • But in a statement, Deputy Bursa Steve Elston announced the pub would close on January 31 as the pub is not currently financially viable, and it's likely it won't be the only pub shutting its doors because of the pandemic.

  • If we're not going to lose a vital part of our heritage, it is essential that landlords, owners of these pubs give them as much leeway as possible to make their way.

  • When things get better, they need.

  • Thistle is a very traditional part of English life.

  • Not only is it a place to eat and sometimes drink, but to socialize, and people are beginning to appreciate the role of pubs in combating loneliness, which is very mature, a feature of life today.

  • This'd particularly true village pubs in places like that, I think so.

  • The pub is a really important part of British life.

  • Onda.

  • We cannot afford to see any pub close, much less so.

  • One is historic on Daz, ingrained into the fabric of the city a Z, this one.

It's served alcohol for over 450 years and in modern times survived on the love of students and scholars.

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