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  • We're keeping an eye on both of these images for you.

  • On the left hand side of your screen, you're seeing the door of Air Force One, which is where President Trump will come down those steps to begin his life as former president, a citizen trump in Florida.

  • He'll be moving into March a lago.

  • He has a private apartment there in March, A lago.

  • He and his wife will be moving in there on the right hand side of your screen, we see the Capitol building here in Washington, D.

  • C.

  • Where dignitaries are gathered.

  • There is Mike Pence, the vice president, still vice president of the United States under Donald Trump.

  • He did not go to Andrews Air Force Base to say goodbye to President Trump.

  • He did not go to the White House this morning to say goodbye to President Trump.

  • He has Bean, a loyal foot soldier for this president, defending his, uh, many controversial policies.

  • The separation of families at the border, the ban on people from majority Muslim countries entering the United States.

  • Early on, Mike Pence stood by Donald Trump throughout his presidency, but he broke with him him on the issue of whether the election was free and fair, and Mike Pence just would not go a Sfar as Donald Trump wanted him to go in fighting the election results on Dhere.

  • He is.

  • He is the representative of the Trump administration.

  • On that platform, Hey will be standing in effectively for Donald Trump to pass the baton from the 45th president to the 46th president.

  • We are then expecting after the pences.

  • The running order that we have Bean, given by the White House is that way will have the vice president elect Kamala Harris on Doug Imhoff.

  • They will be the next to come out.

  • There's Bill, Bill Clinton, George Bush just behind him.

  • And it is an extraordinary scene this.

  • As we watch power in Washington, power in America is shifting.

  • It is shifting from the left hand side of your screen to the right hand side of your screen.

  • It is shifting from Donald Trump, who is leaving office.

  • Defeated is a one term president to Joe Biden, who has, on his third attempt for the US presidency, will finally be taking three oath of office as the oldest president ever in American history.

  • On Dhere will have a vice president who is also making history as the first woman on the first person of color, Also as a vice president, we can speak now to Stephanie Rawlings Blake.

  • She is former mayor of Baltimore and was close to the I'm going toe one second before we go to the mayor because there is Donald Trump.

  • We were talking about a split screen.

  • Melania has changed.

  • He was left Washington in a black.

  • This is Melania.

  • Trump plays close attention to her clothes.

  • She has left in one rather somber outfit.

  • She has arrived in Florida in a suitably sunny dress.

  • Perhaps no secret that Melania Trump is happy to be leaving Washington.

  • She was never particularly keen to take up her position in the White House.

  • She liked her life as a private citizen in New York, and now she could resume life as a private citizen down in in Florida.

  • So that's it.

  • Donald Trump gets into his SUV, and he drives off tomorrow.

  • Lago, Andi, we can say goodbye to the Trump presidency.

  • It is perhaps as important a moment in this day in American history that the country is saying goodbye to Donald Trump, who has left without even attending the inauguration off his successor.

  • On that, his family is leaving to his family, who also to broke precedent by having members of the family they're in office, is right.

  • Next to the president in the Oval Office is his advisers that they will be scattered around the country.

  • Many of them perhaps, have political ambitions.

  • There could be some Shakespearean rivalry there between those siblings, Ivanka Don Jr.

  • Even perhaps Eric, who will have political ambitions off his own still president at the moment.

  • So he still gets the trappings you can see there.

  • There is the president's seal on the door of the SUV.

  • He has the flags on for another.

  • What are we looking at?

  • 58 minutes or so?

  • Donald Trump is still president that in the Constitution, power doesn't whenever the oath of office is taken.

  • And there's been some dispute because under our timetable that we have, it looks like Joe Biden might actually take the oath of office before midday here on the East Coast of Washington, D.

  • C.

  • That does not make him president.

  • The clock will make Joe Biden president.

  • Donald Trump stops being president at noon on his successor takes over.

We're keeping an eye on both of these images for you.

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