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  • Hey everyone! I know it's been like a bazillion years since our last review

  • we've been using our editing capacity to make dubs and regular how it should have endeds.

  • So we haven't always been able to squeeze our reviews into the schedule

  • but since its Risse of Skywalker time

  • and because Star Wars is precious to me

  • I thought this would be the best time to make a return to the reviews

  • So what do you say?

  • You wanna talk some Star Wars?

  • Then lets get to it.

  • Maclunkey.

  • Episode 9! The Rise of Skywalker

  • Weather you like it or not the official end of the historic Skywalker saga is here...

  • and ready to collect all of your fandom monies.

  • Why is this the end of the Skywalker Saga?

  • when the title is all about the RISE of Skywalker

  • well that drifts into spoiler territory but I think ultimately it's because

  • Disney has to cut ties to the legacy if they ever want fans to change what they

  • expect out of these movies which is a really weird way to have to handle a

  • franchise if you think about it but don't worry I'm sure all the fans will

  • be absolutely supportive with whatever they do I'm sure we'll all embrace the

  • new changes and not hold anything to any certain standards

  • Maclunkey!

  • Okay I'll try not to make any more maclunky jokes

  • but I make no promises

  • okay back to the review non-spoiler thoughts rise of Skywalker

  • Director JJ Abrams has returned with writer Chris Terrio who has known for

  • universally beloved films such as Batman V Superman and Justice League

  • and soon-to-be Justice League 2 apparently...

  • to deliver an epic crowd-pleasing Return of the Jedi finale...

  • with loads and loads of cameos and loads

  • and loads of nostalgia

  • It is a very f ast-moving adventure designed to wrap

  • things up with one last hurrah circling around Rey and Kylo Ren's destiny.

  • If you hated the last Jedi this film offers reasons to feel things are being course corrected.

  • and if you loved the last Jedi this film doesn't really go too far out

  • of its way to be a total retcon either.

  • Did I love it?

  • not on the first viewing

  • it took letting it sink in and watching it again to feel comfortable with the story.

  • It's not exactly the home run I would have wanted to experience but I

  • wouldn't call it the worst Star Wars Episode either.

  • it felt just like another

  • Return of the Jedi and considering each one of these new trilogy films has

  • copied the template of the original trilogy it's not that surprising

  • There were a few pacing issues that made the story feel really rushed

  • but if you are cool with the current state of the StarWars setting then you probably will enjoy this movie.

  • If you were hoping things were gonna go back to the way they were...

  • There's not much I can do for you

  • I don't think i even need to say go check it out

  • I mean everyone expects this movie to be a billionaire in a

  • matter of days so it's a safe bet you've already seen it

  • so let's just jump into spoilers shall we

  • I can't believe C-3PO and Maz Kanata moved in together after Threepio did that whole

  • I'm taking one last look at my friends

  • I'm just kidding that didn't happen but

  • spoilers from here on out people!

  • For starters it's very obvious this movie is overpopulated

  • there were a lot of moments where I just felt like JJ was letting his friends have single-line

  • cameos and that got a little overboard

  • we need to get that object from this planet!

  • we need to go blow up that thing where's

  • Where's Leia going?

  • she's trying to save her son the only way she knows how.

  • I get the need for exposition but this time really bothered me

  • because it was a lot of exposition

  • I said before I think the pacing was way too fast.

  • this felt like two movies in one

  • I think introducing the Emperor again this late in the trilogy was a mistake

  • it just brought up so many questions like..

  • I get the feeling if you want those answers you're gonna have to watch Mandalorian for a few years.

  • but who was bringing him back they showed this lab with Snoke torsos in a

  • jar and I'm just like we get a little more info no he just has a mad scientist

  • clone lair still? Did someone scrape his body off the floor before the Death Star

  • exploded? Why does he even need a body if his essence can just exist?

  • Doesn't matter. Palps is back and already has like a hundred Star Destroyers fully

  • staffed with a crew and new suits and soldiers. Don't ask where they came from

  • he's always got multiple logs in the fire don't question it nobody knew about

  • it. It was all a big secret! Raising secret armies was apparently way

  • easier long ago in a galaxy far far away all that matters is he's evil and he's

  • back so we gotta blow him up

  • and I gotta say

  • I just kind of over the Emperor and

  • his obsession of sitting a dark room knowing he's in charge of all of these

  • systems and planets that he has no intention of ever using for anything

  • whatsoever it's like get a hobby. Get robot legs and arms if you're so

  • feeble I mean there's there's other ways to enjoy life

  • my hobby is training apprentices

  • go outside!

  • NO!

  • whatever if that's what you like.

  • If it were me I would have probably made Snoke

  • like a count dooku type character and introduced that the emperor lives all

  • the way back in the force awakens.

  • I think that is why the Emperor feels like

  • he just magically back out of nowhere in this film.

  • Rey and Ben are the soul of this movie

  • to me without their story arc this

  • trilogy is just one big video game campaign. Poor Finn and Poe are really

  • getting ripped off on their journey I like them just fine but their stories

  • just don't compare it to Rey and Ben.

  • although I think Finn is gonna surprise

  • us one day with some force ability I mean that whole "I never told you" I think

  • it's meant to sound like to say he loves her but I think really he's feeling the force.

  • There is a moment where he senses Rey when she falls anyway

  • Rey and Ben are cool I really like seeing how their force connection grew

  • from the last Jedi

  • so Ben is the grandson of Anakin

  • and Rey is the granddaughter of Palpatine

  • making them a force dyad. something we haven't seen before.

  • I thought that was a cool way to connect them and bring the fear of the dark side

  • to both characters

  • it also kind of feels like they're given the Mary Sue label

  • a little more merit

  • see she's not a Mary Sue she was just part

  • super villain the whole time. haha! Take that ya grumpies! Can't be upset about

  • it now!

  • right?

  • yeah so yeah Rey's a Palpatine

  • which means at some point

  • Palpatine hooked up with someone

  • which is just kinda weird to think about

  • I still say Rey Kenobi sounds so much cooler

  • but in a world where the bad guys

  • are always more interesting I can see why making rey come from an evil lineage

  • was more appropriate

  • This dagger... okay

  • so the Emperor is hiding out on a secret

  • floating pyramid stump thing and apparently the only way to find it is

  • with this Sith wayfinder I thought the wayfinder thing was believable but this

  • dagger y'all . you need the dagger to find the wayfinder. Look it's a map to the

  • wayfinder! Isn't it cool and mysterious?

  • who the heck made this dagger?

  • was it someone who knew the shape of the destroyed Death Star?

  • are we to believe

  • that the Emperor controlled someone to craft this dagger with the secret

  • in structions and the visual markings to match the shape of the wrecked Death

  • Star to point someone to a hidden sit way finder

  • You sound like such a dork right now

  • Shut up this is important stuff here!

  • Why would the Emperor do that why?

  • Just talk straight to Rey.

  • Rey I'm voice in your head!

  • I know how to find your parents!

  • Go to Endor! Find the wayfinder!

  • if they did that that would probably make Rey's

  • journey a little too much like Elsa following a voice across the ocean but

  • hey you guys are the ones obsessed with girls crossing the ocean disney not me

  • let's move on.

  • I knew they were using cut elements from

  • previous films and making digital clothes to give Leia solid presence in

  • this movie so I knew she wasn't gonna be in it very much but I think considering

  • what they had to work with they handled it really well her exit was way more

  • personal than something like her ship just exploding in the first 10 minutes

  • which is what I expected the film to do you know like John Connor in that

  • Terminator movie?

  • Oh snap!

  • He did not just spoil that!

  • You get what you deserve Dark Fate!

  • anyway I thought Leia was great which ties into the other

  • cameos

  • I heard in a video before seeing the film that there was going to

  • be a force ghost Han scene and I was like oh they better not that's

  • make me mad. A nd surprisingly I actually loved that scene they smooth it all over

  • with kylo Ren just saying that one line you're just a memory and I was like oh

  • that's okay that's different you think he's just a memory he's not a force

  • ghost he's just a memory okay that's alright you guys get a pass plus it

  • links back to the last encounter they had in the force awakens but instead of

  • a dark way it's like a light way it's really kind of a cool thing it's like

  • poetry you see they rhyme

  • I mean it would have been a lot more emotional if

  • that scene was actually leia force projecting herself to talk to Ben

  • instead of Han Solo but they obviously didn't have that footage so even though

  • I felt like Harrison Ford we're just getting paid to come work for one day I

  • still like that scene. I n fact most of the og cast in this movie feels like

  • they got hired to only come in for one day

  • Han talks were like a minute Luke's

  • like here have my lightsaber take my ship see you later

  • even the Emperor was bound to that giant robot umbilical cord thing so his scenes

  • felt really basic

  • I just picture them all showing up the day of and just

  • reading from cue cards

  • Let the ceremony begin!

  • Okay that's good now say...

  • This will be the end of the jedi!

  • This will be the end of the jedi!

  • That's great! Now say "Dew it!"

  • Lando was the only one who felt like he

  • had more days on set but even still he didn't really do much

  • Which is unfortunate

  • she gave Poe a little more backstory but

  • it wasn't like oh man I want to see more of her

  • She was ok.

  • I like the idea of the former stormtrooper angle I expected that to maybe mean

  • something more to her and Finn

  • eh.

  • I don't care.

  • he's like the rebel version of the mouse droid

  • NO!

  • Get that freaking Wiener slug out of here!

  • come on

  • My favorite was Babu Frik. hands down

  • he's so clueless and innocent

  • I don't know why but that

  • guy really made me laugh

  • probably because I have two year old the babbles just like him

  • So he's my favorite new character

  • I don't

  • my favorite moment

  • I don't really have a favorite moment

  • Rey shooting lightning out of her hands was a little shocking

  • (rimshot)

  • but there wasn't like that big huge moment that was like this is why I love

  • Star Wars

  • I think my favorite moment is supposed to be when you hear all those

  • voices from the past films like all of the Jedi talking to Ray and getting her

  • fired up

  • it just didn't hit for me

  • I don't know I feel bad I should be like

  • yeah they got this person they got that person they got that person it's got all

  • of them y'all!

  • I just I don't know I saw it coming you know

  • we've we've been talking about it

  • but at least I got this moment

  • this is our galaxy now Palpatoots!

  • and then kiss!

  • it just all felt kind of predictable what else can I say

  • Caaaaaaash

  • Money

  • That was always the point

  • Cash cash money

  • Cash cash money

  • this is the part where I try to focus on the message of the film and look for an

  • obvious theme that was presented

  • sometimes it's more emotional but I

  • don't think this movie was emotional!

  • It was trying so hard to be but it

  • didn't hit me in the heart

  • you didn't pull at my heartstrings at the end so

  • what was the message?

  • if anything I would say the message is

  • Finn was a former stormtrooper and he turned away. Poe was a former spice

  • runner and he turned away from that life. Jannah tells the story about her

  • stormtroopers all laid down their guns and just chose to not fight.

  • Ben thinks it's too late for him and Han

  • tells them he's wrong

  • Luke even admits to Rey that he was wrong

  • Rey comes from an evil family and changes her name to Skywalker at the end

  • she chooses good.

  • There's also this festival earlier in

  • the film called the celebration of the elders

  • that c-3po mentions only happens

  • every 42 years

  • so if you go back 42 years

  • that takes you to the year 1977

  • hmm a year a certain movie came out

  • it's almost like the rise of Skywalker is

  • meant to be a celebration with all of the characters from the past of this

  • giant franchise

  • one massive crowded party with lights and music

  • And Makin Out!

  • that's not repeating Return of the Jedi at all!

  • (sarcasm)

  • Do I think this was the worst Star Wars movie ever?

  • not by a long shot

  • was it the best send off to the

  • Skywalker saga?

  • Nah.

  • I mean Luke didn't rise

  • Anakin didn't rise

  • Only Ben Solo got to be reborn...

  • too then immediately die

  • really sad

  • I guess he got to be like Darth Vader after all.

  • NOOOOoooooo!

  • okay those are my thoughts on the Rise of Skywalker

  • I hope you enjoyed them

  • let me know what you thought of the movie in the comments

  • did you love it did it fill you with rage?

  • I love to hear your thoughts

  • we are going to be taking a break for the holidays

  • so this is likely going to be the last

  • video of the year from us but we are definitely excited to get on rise of

  • Skywalker so be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss

  • our episode when it's finally ready ok

  • It's gonna be fun!

  • Okay

  • That's all for now

  • thank you so much for watching and for sticking with us another year we really

  • appreciate you and we hope to see you again next time

  • Bye!

Hey everyone! I know it's been like a bazillion years since our last review

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