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  • Okay.

  • Good morning, everybody.

  • Welcome to the Shimanto River.

  • I am in front of Schumann.

  • Togawa, You bait A.

  • This is a I guess it would be like an Airbnb or booking dot com thing that we made online a couple of a couple of weeks ago.

  • And I wanted to take you inside of this really beautiful place.

  • Get an idea of what some of these Japanese homes air like.

  • Now we're staying in this one right here.

  • This is the bait.

  • A to sign up there just tells you exactly where you are.

  • House.

  • And I think it was like about 20 20,000 yen tonight, or about $200 a night.

  • But because of discounts, I guess the people who got this for me got some kind of a discount.

  • But you have to take your shoes off here, leave them here.

  • If you go outside, they give you some wooden sandals.

  • If if you just want a simple access.

  • If you some people who smoke you can't smoke inside of the a part of the house.

  • Or if you wanna just have a drink on the balcony, you can get those wooden sandals here.

  • Let me pan across.

  • Beautiful, isn't it?

  • Wooden floors?

  • Um, the Japanese natural colored walls, the texture.

  • It's kind of a unearthly color with some of the wood.

  • This is a hinoki, which is a Japanese cedar.

  • Before you go to the main room right up here, I'm gonna take you in this room, which connects up to there.

  • This is the bedroom, the tatami room.

  • 123456 to Tommy in there.

  • And the photons were set up by the owners before we came here.

  • Mine is the one that looks disheveled right there.

  • And yeah, it's just a really pretty to Tommy room.

  • It's got a Japanese light in here sloped ceiling.

  • So you have you have a feeling of a larger room in there and these shoji paper sliding doors which finish it off.

  • There were extra photons in inside the closet there.

  • So if you do get cold at night, you can always get it.

  • And I like the little little decorations in the wall.

  • Make it more, make it more personal.

  • It's the hallway that we walked on.

  • So I'm now in the big main room here, and you can see, um, how the rooms were separated.

  • The hallway here and then the sleeping room, which is typically onto Tommy because it's softer to sleep upon.

  • Then, on a wooden wooden floor, let me take you into here.

  • This door that's will slide open is the toilet and very nicely done here.

  • Wood paneling, wood siding with the same natural colors, this one white.

  • Actually, it's a different color than outside here, and it's an older style toilet, but it works just fine.

  • There's a sink in their toe.

  • Wash your hands, but that is not the main sink.

  • That's the toilet sink, so you could brush your teeth in there.

  • But I think more people we'll use that toe wash after doing a duty.

  • And now I'm in the main room.

  • Let me let me take a step out.

  • Having no, I'll do it for presentation here.

  • Okay, I like the stained glass on the door there.

  • Here we go.

  • Welcome to the main room.

  • Whoa, There's a mini kitchen there on the right, with an island to cook.

  • If we wanted to do that and I love on the left side here, this long bench, and you could have a lot of friends come over or if it's just two people you can really spread out.

  • You could have, like, work on the left side and then eat on the right side loads and loads of windows.

  • And the reason why the Windows air here is because, um, you can have this amazing view from the corner.

  • It's sort of just on a cliff.

  • You could have this amazing view of the corner that shows you the Shimanto River, and I don't know if you can see down there.

  • It is quite a windy day.

  • The Shimanto River is flowing.

  • I don't know.

  • It's like maybe 150 m away, just underneath the bridge.

  • There, I could take you up to the window a little bit closer.

  • There you go.

  • I'll splicing a shot of the river right here so you can get a a zoomed in view.

  • I mean, it's cold.

  • It's December, so I don't think you get the full impact of living being in a beautiful place like this because it's so cold to go outside.

  • But it is nice to come and and this is cheaper than some of the hotel rooms for two people three people.

  • You get it as a less than 10 $100 a night, but you have all of these amenities to you have a place to cook, save money on on dinner and things like this.

  • There's a TV here BC are Is that a DVD player?

  • Here's the bathroom.

  • I mean, by that I mean by bathing, not toilet place to hang your clothes up there.

  • That's my towel, but sink, that's where you brush your teeth.

  • This year is the gas control.

  • Turn that on and you'll be able to get the gas.

  • Yeah, here is where you can take a bath.

  • It's all looks pretty, brand new again.

  • Some people will sit and bathe that style.

  • If you're a Westerner, you can put to shower head up there to the second peg, and that gives you a standing shower.

  • Yeah, I like that.

  • Although the sitting is nice, too.

  • Shampoo, conditioner, soap, bath, bathtub.

  • It's pretty spacious in there bad, but all in all, it was a pretty comfortable stay.

  • E think I'll put a link in the description.

  • If you If you want to do this, get this one on booking dot com If you do come to the area, but there are loads of places just like this.

  • You see reflections there.

  • There is a beautiful area in the morning to have a coffee.

  • You can sit there with your can I or whoever.

  • Whoever is you come here with, have a coffee or breakfast and really enjoy it.

  • And three owner does not live here, so they're not They're not next door.

  • But this This building would look like some sort of cafe and they give you a phone number.

  • If you have any problems, you can call them.

  • But they were not here at night.

  • They live about five minutes away and said that they'll come and rescue you if you need help.

  • Didn't say it like that.

  • I just made that up.

  • But something similar very, very friendly couple in their thirties.

  • He likes to he liked, he put his likes and dislikes, and I thought it was a little weird.

  • There's a refrigerator inside with a mini door that was kind of cool so you can get in and out without opening the whole door compartmentalized fish cooker, stovetop microwave toaster oven all down their water boiler.

  • I do like the sink in the island.

  • You know, it was it was a good place to stay, things to do around the town.

  • Here, let me just I'm gonna set this down.

  • You could talk for a second things to do in the town.

  • There's lots of restaurants inside of inside the city center.

  • But you really need a car to get here.

  • It helps, but I think it's about a 1.5 kilometer walks.

  • It's gonna be like a 600 yen taxi ride.

  • I think it's a pretty cheap taxi ride, like $6 to get here by taxi.

  • But then you're pretty much stranded here unless you wanna walk or continuously call taxis or perhaps get a bicycle would be really nice loads of activities in the summer to do down on the senator Shimanto River.

  • I live near the Sumida River in Tokyo.

  • The Sumatra River has loads of activities in the summer, not so much in the winter, but it is a pretty pretty place to hang out and watch the Segal by from windows like here, nice and warm inside here, Um, but this summer would be ideal.

  • Actually, late late spring summer and late early fall would be fantastic and maybe even just normal fall like October.

  • Pretty pretty nice here.

  • Um, the restaurants were really good last night.

  • We went to a, uh, Yoshikatsu restaurant, which was extraordinary, very like coaches style.

  • That is the vegetables from the local area, which was nice, some of the local produce.

  • So you could taste the difference That's different than Osaka and the other Kushi Katsu places, which is breaded and deep fried goodies on a stick.

  • It's like like stick food.

  • But the wind is usually strong and she cocoa.

  • So you do have a lot of wind here, but it is a nice place to stay in Nice left pretty good.

  • If you have any questions, you can leave them down below.

  • In the comment section here, this is a stro V and a short one at that.

  • But I always like to share with you just a little bit of information when I when I travel, Um, next up, I'm going to some truck sauna.

  • There are a little teeny parts of this of this house that make it really quaint again.

  • I did tell you there were a lot of a lot of mattresses in here.

  • There's a lot.

  • I guess they guess the owner has parties and stuff, but it is kind of neat to be able to navigate around the house.

  • I'll show you out.

  • Do you have any questions?

  • I'm happy to answer.

  • Have a good day, everybody seeing the next live stream.


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