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  • - Hi, today is December 14th.

  • and that is the last Monday of the year

  • before Hollywood typically heads off

  • on vacation for the winter holidays.

  • And obviously this year by vacation I mean stay at home,

  • and if you do leave the house please wear a mask.

  • It is also as it has been

  • for the last 16 years, Blacklist day.

  • And for those of you who don't know who I am

  • or what the Blacklist is,

  • my name is Franklin Leonard.

  • I am the founder of the Blacklist,

  • an annual list of Hollywood's

  • most liked unproduced screenplays.

  • And since its origination in 2005,

  • we've grown to be an organization

  • that identifies and celebrates great screenwriting

  • and the people who do it,

  • wherever we can find them.

  • If you want to know more about us, check out our website,

  • it's with no vowels, that's

  • We're gonna kick off very soon,

  • but before we start,

  • I'm actually gonna ask for three favors.

  • The first of which is,

  • you know, give some love to screenwriters.

  • Literally without them,

  • Hollywood has nothing to do.

  • Directors have nothing to direct.

  • Actors have nothing to say.

  • Producers have nothing to produce.

  • You get the point.

  • So when you see the movie that you love,

  • when you see a TV show that you love,

  • find out who wrote it.

  • Internet is good for this.

  • Find them on social media,

  • and show them some love.

  • They made something you love and only seems fair.

  • The second thing is that it's been a weird year, right?

  • And normally, when there's not a pandemic,

  • the night after the blacklist comes out we throw a party,

  • for all of the writers on the list.

  • But obviously this year we can't do that

  • and we will survive the absence of that party.

  • But the reason we throw it every year is to raise money

  • for an organization called Young Storytellers.

  • It is arts organization that brings Hollywood professionals

  • into, under resourced Los Angeles public schools,

  • and helps kids tell their story.

  • So, if you could make a donation to Young Storytellers,

  • it's, check out their website.

  • $10, $20, $10,000 and $20,

  • whatever you can for kids that need.

  • And more importantly,

  • deserving arts education

  • and deserve to know that their stories deserve to be told.

  • So,

  • And the last thing also on the pandemic,

  • you know it's no secret that,

  • it's had a real impact on the film industry.

  • Things are changing and they're changing pretty rapidly.

  • I'm obviously an advocate for as many great movies

  • as from as many great perspectives as possible.

  • And, I also love going to movie theaters.

  • There is nothing quite like walking into a room

  • with a bunch of people you don't know.

  • And having the lights go down,

  • and watching the story about what it means to be human.

  • Which is fundamentally what movies are.

  • So, when this is all over,

  • when it is safe to do it again,

  • find the theater, find a movie and enjoy the show.

  • And to that point,

  • I wanna share, one of my favorite answers

  • from the Blacklist podcast this year.

  • Yes we have a podcast on Luminary.

  • And it's too a question that we ask of all of our guests,

  • the last question we asked.

  • And we always ask,

  • if logistics not withstanding,

  • if you could screen a movie

  • for every single human being on earth,

  • what movie would you screen?

  • And this is not answered.

  • But it feels so good.

  • And it's so cathartic and just to watch.

  • It's very rare to be in the movie theater

  • and actually experienced a movie with the whole theater.

  • Like you're all clapping and you're hooting

  • and you're cheering and everyone like you go see,

  • like every now and then you'll see

  • on Twitter that people recorded the audience reactions

  • to that scene and I feel like you don't...

  • Right now it's like things

  • are kind of weird right now in 2020.

  • And we need something like we don't have any experiences

  • where we can sit in a room with a group of people

  • and have that connection like we had at that moment.

  • And I would love to just somehow be able to recreate

  • that for the whole world right now in 2020,

  • because we kinda need it.

  • - So some of you will recognize

  • that voice as that of Desus Nice.

  • Which means that you also know we're

  • about to kick things off.

  • Like I said, it's been a wild year,

  • so we wanted to do something a little fun this year.

  • We gave these two the titles and authors

  • and log lines of a few of the scripts a little bit early,

  • and let them do what they do.

  • You will see all of the titles and authors

  • of the scripts throughout the video,

  • and we've got two special guests.

  • Some award-winning screenwriters themselves.

  • But without further ado,

  • they are the hosts of Showtimes Desus and Mero.

  • The authors of the New York times best-selling book,

  • God-Level Knowledge Darts: Life Lessons from the Bronx.

  • Their interview with president Barack Obama aired

  • just last night on Showtime.

  • So, I guess they figured they had

  • to step up the game somehow.

  • And I'm calling it now.

  • They're going to be the host of the Oscars someday.

  • I don't know when,

  • but I have a feeling let's make it happen.

  • Desus Nice and The Kid Mero.

  • - Okay I see, got it.

  • - Aight it's your boy Desus Nice.

  • - And I'm The Kid Mero and here is category one (laughs)

  • - That's right.

  • Category one, biopics and annual blacklist.

  • First we got Bikram, Bikram, Bikram.

  • - Is it Bikram, yes

  • - Bikram okay.

  • - Bikram which is hot yoga, you know what I'm saying?

  • by Silpa Kovvali. - That's right.

  • You know what I mean?

  • - It's an unbelievable true story

  • of young wife catapulting the yoga guru

  • to the heights of fame.

  • That's why you see it everywhere when you're in LA

  • in New York, you see him saying hot yoga, you're like

  • shall I do that and your body is like no.

  • - No don't do that.

  • You're, a man of a certain age.

  • You can't be doing that.

  • You're gonna fart in the middle of the class.

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • - And the best part of the script,

  • we find out not only how it got to the top,

  • but how it came spiraling down.

  • - Wow!

  • - Wow! - Damn.

  • - Got to watch the whole day bro.

  • - Every empire must fall.

  • Think about it, you know what I'm saying.

  • It's wild. - That's deep.

  • - Yo, you know what I'm saying? That's what we're

  • trying to get, we're trying to get deep on yo.

  • You know what I'm saying, This is the Blacklist.

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • And speaking of-

  • That's right, it's big and getting deep.

  • We're going back for a little history,

  • for the 1950s, we're enemy from within by Casco.

  • (yells)

  • You know what I'm saying. - That's right.

  • Cos it's about - Joseph McCarthy yo.

  • - McCarthyism, the red scare, you know what I mean?

  • Things like, you communist, you communist,

  • your grandmother's communist, your baby's communist.

  • You know what I'm saying? That baby is a communist.

  • You know what I'm saying, everybody is a communist.

  • - Everyone do the communist.

  • (dancing joyfully)

  • No, no it's about - You know what am saying.

  • - How him and his people just ran through,

  • you know, America just disrespecting democratic norms.

  • Like you know. - Who cares, communist.

  • - If you can even imagined a time

  • when people didn't respect democracy.

  • - Wow! That was so long ago, wow! Is the 50s, Wow!

  • I can't believe it.

  • - Wow. - You know what I'm saying?

  • Enemies within, yo.

  • (explosion mimic sound)

  • - Up next we got Excelsior, you know what I mean?

  • - By Alex Convery.

  • It's the true story of the meteoric rise

  • and subsequent fall of Marvel comics

  • and the star cross creators behind the panel,

  • Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

  • You know what I'm saying? - That's right.

  • - You hear Stan Lee, Jack Kirby,

  • you think they was all like buddy buddies and stuff,

  • but they had little drama on inside.

  • You know what I'm saying? - That's right.

  • - Wow!

  • It's like love for hip hop.

  • - With two or one two... - All my comic people.

  • Shout out to my comic people enjoying this

  • and just to make things spicy.

  • Marvel was better than DC .

  • Yeah I said it

  • I said what who wants more - (screams)

  • - Say Oh,

  • - Oh.

  • (laughs)

  • - Up next we got Frenemy.

  • - Whoa! by Ariel Sayegh yeah, you know what I'm saying?

  • A Chronicles of the infamous Lindsay Lohan,

  • Paris Hilton feud of 04, 06 - What?

  • over who would be Britney Spears' best friend.

  • That's a very important topic of 04.

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • Who's Britney's bestie?

  • - Everyone watching this, cos you know, you're watching it.

  • You're like who cared about,

  • who wanted to be Britney Spears best friend.

  • So we all did.

  • We all did, even I did, okay. - Yes.

  • - Don't act like- That is what we did.

  • - You wasn't there.

  • You know what I'm saying? - You wasn't there.

  • How dare you.

  • Up next week, we got Gusher, oh oh

  • (mumbles)

  • by Abigail Briley Bean.

  • - Yeah, this is base star.

  • Anna Nicole Smith

  • you remember her from on the cover of Playboy magazine

  • little thing. - That's right.

  • - You know what am saying.

  • - She was young. - You know what am saying.

  • - She's was from Texas,

  • as she went on to marry a billionaire.

  • And it was true love. - Yes.

  • - Except for the fact that he was wild old.

  • And by wild old, I mean 89.

  • - Yes, like yo, I'm digging my own grave old.

  • You know what I'm saying? - Yes

  • - And everybody thought she was a gold digger,

  • but it was true love.

  • Or was it?

  • I'm saying you don't know. - Guess we gonna find out.

  • - Okay you gotta watch it gonna be kidding me.

  • - Okay.

  • Up next to me we got Plush,

  • You know what I'm saying.

  • - By Alexandra Skarsgard.

  • It was based on the true story of Ty Warner.

  • The enigmatic entrepreneur behind the 90s Beanie Baby Craze.

  • They spoke madness murder and a billion dollar empire.

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • I don't know if, is it a billion dollar empire still?

  • - I don't think so.

  • But there's a billion Beanie Babies out there

  • and you're all holding onto them

  • and you gotta, you gotta let them go, sorry.

  • - Let them go, let them go, sorry they're not diamonds.

  • It's over. - All right.

  • Up next, we got Rewired by Adam Gaines and Ryan Parrot.

  • And it's about techquest history.

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • The unabomber - Yeah.

  • Yeah, You know what I'm saying.

  • The Unabomber, You know what am saying.

  • The prologue to the Unabomber, you know what I'm saying?

  • How he became the Unabomber. - That's right.

  • - You know what I'm saying? - That's right.

  • - What influenced him?

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • - It's creation story. Wow!

  • You got to be sure of that. - The origin story, wow!

  • You know what am saying.

  • Stan Lee wrote it.

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • Actually no he didn't.

  • Greg Wayne did.

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • Actually, it's not as wrong.

  • Adam Gaines did.

  • - Here's a hot take, the Unabomber invented Shake Shark.

  • Actually you know.

  • Don't think anything happened to sharks.

  • But you know what?

  • Think about it.

  • - Think about over your third eye.

  • - Just as I say, think about it doesn't mean

  • that means anything, just remember that, think about that.

  • - (yells) Did I marinate on that.

  • (yells) (laughs)

  • You got two brains, you got left and right.

  • You know what I'm saying. You gotta use both.

  • And up next we have St. Simmons by Greg Wayne.

  • When a very fat and possibly gay boy

  • from new Orleans is visited

  • by an angel called Barbara Streisand AKA Barbs.

  • You what I'm saying?

  • He sets out on a Holy crusade in daytime television

  • to touch and save the soul of every obese person in America

  • before his demons consume him.

  • If only to make his daddy proud.

  • It's the true gospel of one Richard Simmons.

  • - Richard Simmons, wow!

  • It's got everything, Scalies, Barbra Streisand,

  • - Glittery shorts.

  • You know I mean everything. - So good, so good.

  • - You know what I'm saying, let's go.

  • - Say less.

  • - What! Say less we in there, you know what I mean?

  • - Trying to see that, all right?

  • All right, now just hold up a minute.

  • We're not going anywhere

  • but we'll throw it to a special guest,

  • and then we'll be right back.

  • - Exterior.

  • No.

  • Interior Law Firm

  • LA.

  • She walks in like a badass.

  • She's strong, independent yet also sensitive,

  • like a strong, independent sensitive flower

  • that's being dipped in concrete.

  • And it's got spikes all over it.

  • Sexy, but doesn't know it.

  • (keys clicking hard)

  • Oh, hi there.

  • I'm Tyco Ytt

  • Director, actor, performer,

  • stunt performer, performer performer, caterer

  • and also data wrangler on movie sets.

  • And when I'm not doing all of those things combined at once,

  • I'm also writing.

  • As you can see hit screenplays for Hollywood studios.

  • (keys clicking)

  • People often ask me, why do you write?

  • Well, I guess I just loneliness and self doubt.

  • The crippling kind.

  • What else can I say about writing?

  • Well, not much else.

  • Just stick with it and it'll stick to you.

  • It's a tough job to get into and it's a tough game to play,

  • but if you can get it right, like few of us have,

  • it's very rewarding.

  • My advice to many writers is just to keep on writing,

  • keep doing it every single day.

  • You can often get a partner with someone to help you,

  • but they'll often disappoint you.

  • Then you'll end up doing it all by yourself.

  • Resentment, it's so part of it.

  • Starvation for a little while,

  • friendships,

  • if you want.

  • The main thing is, you're creating worlds

  • and then eventually you get

  • to see them up in a giant big rectangle.

  • How cool is that?

  • So,

  • what are you doing here?

  • Listening to my advice about writing.

  • If I was to give any advice, it's take no advice.

  • So, good luck with all your scripts

  • and hopefully you get them on the Blacklist

  • like the one started by my friend Franklin Leonard

  • Not my friend, we don't even know each other.

  • But,

  • my last imparting of words to you as I finish up

  • yet another hit screenplay is what are you doing here?

  • Back off and write.

  • Keyboard keys clicking

  • (sighs)

  • Yeah go, just delete a little bit more of the if you could.

  • (keys clicking)

  • Yeah, now type towards that end.

  • Print.

  • - Yeah, what up it's your boy Desus Nice.

  • - And I'm the Kid Mero, and very year,

  • the blacklist throws a party for the rightest on the list

  • and we raise money for this arts education organization.

  • And since Hollywood folks into LA area, public schools,

  • to help thousands of kids with their writing and

  • self-confidence and reminding them that this story deserves

  • to be heard.

  • - You were asking people to go to and

  • donate so we can help finance this great organization,

  • that's helping kids and underprivileged schools tonight.

  • So listen, pockets, reaching your virtual pockets,

  • reach out a little Bitcoin and give

  • cause it's going to the right place.

  • - You know what I'm saying? That's right.

  • These young creators that got no access,

  • getting access is what they deserve.

  • And you can provide that for them.

  • So do it, why not?

  • - That's right, go to young

  • and donate.

  • Tell them Desus and Mero sent you.

  • - That's right. You know what I'm saying?

  • You get 5% off your donation.

  • - We're back with the second category.

  • - Movies about kids, but not necessarily for kids.

  • - Wow. That's basically a definition of us, right?

  • - Wow.

  • - Yeah.

  • (mumbles)

  • - Yes, absolutely, yes. - Yeah, yeah okay.

  • - Okay, the first gripped up is The Black Belt.

  • It is a story about my father when he came here from

  • Jamaica and when he would find me doing bad things,

  • he would reach for-

  • - His black. - No.

  • - Oh no, no, no, no, no,

  • It's actually, it's actually not that.

  • It's not that one. That's a different one.

  • This one is by Randall Green.

  • And it's about an eighth grader named Simon Paluska who

  • dreams of being a TaeKwondo black belt.

  • You know what I'm saying? (yells)

  • But he's not allowed to take karate lessons.

  • (mumbles)

  • - He does do what you do in corona

  • you go on Amazon and you buy a black belt.

  • This is genius, this genius.

  • So for $25, listen, he became black belt,

  • - Black belt. You know what I'm saying?

  • But then he got to use it, so then, you know,

  • that's where the movie gets interesting.

  • - Yeah, you know what I'm saying?

  • Listen that's a very modern take.

  • We got Emergency by KD Davila, okay.

  • Ready for a night partying a group of black and

  • Latino college students must weigh the pros and cons

  • of calling the police when faced with an emergency.

  • - Wow. - We've all been there.

  • - Yes, sir. - We've all been there.

  • - We like damn do I just do CPR or do I call the police?

  • Damn.

  • - You're looking at your phone and you're like

  • what's what's the number nine, one, two

  • (murmurs)

  • - You know what.

  • (mumbles)

  • (laughs)

  • - All right, Sun Coast by Laura Chinn.

  • - An awkward teenage outcasts comes

  • of age against the backdrop of hospice with her brother and

  • coincidentally Terri Schiavo are dying.

  • Remember Terri Schiavo, you what I'm saying are you.

  • - Terri Schiavo that's right shout out to Terri Schiavo

  • the throw back. - Yes

  • - Remember she was like the Congress people was

  • protesting, it's about a thing or two.

  • What a moment in America, shout out to Laura Chinn

  • for taking us back.

  • - Wow.

  • - Up next we got Two Face by Kat Wilkins, where a

  • high school senior attempts to get her principal fired

  • after observing racist behavior.

  • But she quickly learns, he won't go down without a fight.

  • - Damn, all you had to do was get his tweet and

  • put it on Twitter you could have got him canceled.

  • - That's right.

  • - Be like, Twitter do your thing.

  • And then people within 10 minutes,

  • people would have found out the name of his van area.

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • Cause that's how cats culture works.

  • Get cha, ha!

  • - Gotcha (laughs)

  • - Up next we got next, we got uncle wick.

  • A true story about John Wick's uncle who

  • taught him how to kill.

  • - Yes. - No, it's not.

  • - No, it's not at all.

  • It's by Gabe Delahaye and action comedy where,

  • Benji Stone, a lovable, but deeply unpopular

  • 16 year old is pulled into an international assassination

  • pipe by his uncle.

  • A retired undercover assassin.

  • - That's right.

  • Who's charged with babysitting Benji for the weekend.

  • So it's like John wick

  • - It's like John wick meets home alone kinda.

  • Like kinda, sort of, like of like slash Spy kids.

  • - You know what, I'm getting,

  • I'm getting a definite watch, bro.

  • That's what I'm getting. Yeah.

  • - That's right you know what am saying.

  • (laughs)

  • - Up next we got Video Nasty, yeah.

  • (mumbling)

  • - We the Nasty Sucio Nasty boys.

  • Shout out to Chris Thomas Devlin.

  • You know what I'm saying? - Okay

  • - Three teenagers who ran a curse VHS tape are pulled into

  • an 80's slasher movie that threatens to threaten them

  • trap them forever.

  • Also you know these kids were super confused

  • when they saw the VHS tape and was like, what the hell is?

  • - What is this? Is this a streaming?

  • Is this an Apple TV?

  • - Yo, is this a Roku?

  • What is that? I got to Google?

  • Where's the USBC port. You know what I'm saying?

  • But you know (laughs).

  • - Up next we got What If

  • - Wow by Alvaro Garcia Lecuona

  • - All right.

  • - 17 year old turns his high school on his head.

  • When he acts as Eda's crush.

  • - A transgender classmate, listen, progressive.

  • - You know what I'm saying, I'm talking about, baby.

  • Inclusivity yo, You know what I'm saying,.

  • - By a little representation out to my LGBTQ out there.

  • - You're know what I'm saying.

  • - All right. So those are the...

  • You know, that's whose up in that category.

  • - You know what I mean?

  • - We got special guests coming, stay tuned.

  • we're not leaving, we're not going nowhere, baby.

  • - We not going no where.

  • - And we gonna come back with some...

  • - So you don't go nowhere.

  • - Don't go. Nowhere.

  • Stay right there don't move.

  • - (Foreign language)

  • - And we are back, also reminder to be sure to

  • hit up

  • All right, put a little money in the right places

  • to help all these people.

  • You know what I'm saying?

  • The education and the arts - Help, help, help.

  • Help young creatives who don't have access,

  • that's what this is about. You know what I'm saying?

  • - Right. - Make it happen.

  • - You can tell Mero means that cause' he's clapping his

  • hands.

  • Alright - That's right.

  • In the Bronx where (clapping sound)

  • we use this for emphasis, you know what I'm saying?

  • Donate

  • - So you go.

  • - And we've got the next category up some wild ones that are

  • consistent with the brand, which is Brolick.

  • - That's right, also, if you're from New York,

  • I understand if you're confused at this category says some

  • wild ones, but we don't mean it like that,

  • we just mean wildlife, tiger wild.

  • - Yeah (making animal sound)

  • you know what am saying. - Like tiger King.

  • All right, now first up, we got Bella.

  • - By Jason Makarian.

  • It's set against the backdrop of an

  • unprecedented crime wave that gripped NYC in the 80's.

  • Bella is a hyper stylized action kriller,

  • that's a donut, action thriller about a cop's daughter

  • who after her father clings to life, following an

  • assassination attempt, goes on a rampage to

  • unearth a father's assassin and we dug deep rooted

  • corruption and NYPD you do your thing siz

  • You know what am saying - Get some Bella, Bella.

  • That's sounds like something I wanna watch.

  • - You know what am saying.

  • - Oh, up next, we got Chang can Dunk.

  • - By Jingyi Shao, okay.

  • - Listen, It's a young Asian American teen and

  • basketball fanatic who just wants to dunk.

  • We've all been there, we have all been there.

  • - Come on, man.

  • - And he has to get the girl, but he ends up learning more

  • about himself, his best friends and his mother.

  • But is he gonna dunk though.

  • - That's a, Shh, don't give it away,

  • you know what I'm saying? No spoilers.

  • - Can't give it away. - You got to watch it.

  • - That's right - But you gotta pay first.

  • - Oh, oh.

  • Up next we biased there, - (cheering)

  • - We biased.

  • Go from the Bronx.

  • (clapping sound)

  • - Hey. - Hey.

  • (dancing)

  • - Hey. - Hey.

  • (clapping sound)

  • - We got, Get Lite

  • by Eric Gross. - Eric Gross.

  • Hey Saunders, Hey, Sean Bronx .

  • teenager is caught between the love of his life.

  • Subway dancing and his strict father's insistence.

  • of becoming an engineer, you know what am saying.

  • - Wow, after he finigoes his way

  • out to a ragtag lite feed crew, no music.

  • He's exposed to an electrifying new world,

  • as well as the new crushed now has to decide who or what

  • he's willing to sacrifice in order to compete in the biggest

  • dance competition of the year,

  • Kingdom. - Kingdom.

  • (yells) - You know what am saying.

  • Wow, if Chris Pasas do a back flip in this,

  • I'll be very upset, you know what I'm saying?

  • - Also when it comes through and this guy's made

  • it anything we're gonna be in it,

  • but we have to use stunt doubles cause' we can't do

  • the Get Lite stuff.

  • - You know what am saying, So you already know,

  • you know what I mean? We're gonna be the old heads

  • that are like, hey man,

  • you got to use, you gotta do the competition

  • to save the gym.

  • - Yeah.

  • Cause' I already need to put some icy hot on just from

  • announcing this, so.

  • - You know what I mean? Yes.

  • - You're not seeing us in the Kingdom, just saying.

  • - No, not all.

  • I just told my ACL saying that You know what am saying.

  • - Up next, we got High Society, oh.

  • - By Noga Pnueli

  • The progressive woman stuck in conservative small Texas

  • town starts microdosing the entire town with marijuana

  • to make all of them all get loan.

  • That's a great idea. - Hey, Hey, Hey, listen,

  • listen, these scripts, these scripts are getting

  • better and better, bro.

  • - That's a great idea.

  • - Oh, up next, we got The Sauce, you know what I'm saying

  • by Chaz Hawkins.

  • A depressed selfish black man fight for his life,

  • after taking a job at a white owned beauty parlor whose

  • monstrous owners concocted a wildly popular shampoo that

  • requires a sickening ingredient.

  • - A sickening ingredient.

  • Not gonna tell you what it is, cause' you gonna...

  • - I can tell you what it is.

  • - We gonna find out, you know what I'm saying, hey

  • and you can do that by going to


  • You know what I mean? - Yes

  • - You wanna find out that the secret ingredient is

  • semen, you got to go to

  • and make it happen.

  • You know what I'm saying? - The funny thing is

  • the secret ingredient is

  • actually cilantro but am - Wow

  • really taking you for a loop, but you know.

  • - You gotta react.

  • - Loads of cilantro.

  • - I might've, I might've, I might've misinterpreted.

  • You gotta check it out.

  • Up next. We got Yom Kippur.

  • Hey. - Hey.

  • To all my people, You know what I'm saying.

  • It's by Brett Melnick and after getting high in the night

  • of Yom Kippor, which you're supposed to be repenting

  • three distant cousins is wake up with muddled minds

  • and empty stomachs as they find themselves in the middle

  • of a kidnapping and a major drug ring.

  • - Wow.

  • - They don't teach you about drug rings and cartels in the

  • Hebrew school y'all you know what I'm saying.

  • So there's this was interesting.

  • - Also muddled minds and empty stomach

  • sounds like the name of a fire SoundCloud album.

  • - Hell yeah, you know what I'm saying.

  • Like yo muddled my empty stomach, muddled my empty stomach.

  • - You can play it on Yom Kippur when you're high, like yeah.

  • (yells)

  • - Yo, yo

  • Future that your next joint

  • make it happen, feel me. - Make it happen.

  • (laughs)

  • - All right, all right.

  • And now for the big moment you've been waiting for

  • - Yo, this is big. - No further ado.

  • Listen, this is big. - This is major.

  • - And you know why it's big we're about to announce the

  • number one.

  • - Number one (foreign language).

  • - Itchy Burn, number one.

  • - You know what I'm saying, you know what I mean?

  • (making drum sound)

  • - What is it (making drum sound)

  • - The number one Script is Head Hunter by Sophie Dawson.

  • - That's right, a high functioning cannibal

  • selects his victims based on their Instagram popularity,

  • but finds his habits shaken by a man who wants to be eaten.

  • - Wow.

  • See, cause' then now it's like wow if you don't have a

  • popping Instagram, you've got nothing to worry about.

  • - Yeah you good.

  • - But if you wanna be eaten, how do you get your numbers up?

  • - You know what I'm saying?

  • Maybe you get some influencers on there.

  • Maybe you get us too, you know what I'm saying?

  • Post a selfie with us, you know what I'm saying?

  • - That's right.

  • - If you listen, if you want to be eaten, reach out to us,

  • we will tag you in the photo.

  • So that's how we will give back. Cause we're benevelent.

  • - Also we drink flat tummy tea and you can get flat

  • tummies just by drinking this tea and pooping

  • every two minutes.

  • - Poop, yo.

  • (laughs)

  • - Ah nah, for real though shout out to Vanity Fair,

  • shout out to the Blacklist for letting this thing and

  • shout out to all the - Word up.

  • screen writers for doing their thing.

  • - For real that's what it's about.

  • - You took dreams out of your head

  • and you made something out of them.

  • You were able to get those visuals from up here

  • in front of you.

  • And that is a big, some of you know how hard it is

  • we've been there and keep creating.

  • And hopefully anyone watching this

  • that hasn't written a script this motivates you to get yours

  • out there, bro, what you waiting for.

  • - Get in there, make it happen, tell your story.

  • Let people hear your voice.

  • - Shout out to who ourselves. Yo check us out.

  • (laughs)

  • New York Times best selling book, Knowledge Darts you know

  • it's available out there.

  • - Look at the boots...

  • - We got our Timberland boots.

  • We got ice cream from OddFellows, we got the Desus pieces

  • just dropped Melrose Mero's marine gear just dropped.

  • We got the bodega boys podcast still going strong.

  • We about to hit episode two, two eight coming out

  • by the time you watch this and watch this and

  • - No more show late night.

  • - No more show a late night season in three on Show Time

  • coming up, you know the vibes, you know the vibes, you know

  • the vibes the brand is Brolick.

  • - You know what am saying. - And you know what.

  • Also shout out to the homie Franklin Leonard,

  • - You know what am saying.

  • - Thanks for throwing us

  • (mumbles)

  • And right now we're about to throw you the Jason Kid.

  • no look pass over the shoulder, whoop,

  • so you can take it away my G pow.

  • - My guy, thanks for letting us host this yo, we out.

  • - Holla, Vanity Fair.

  • (mumbles) Let's go.

  • Let's go, we sure Imma hola.

  • - So I don't actually have a basketball to like

  • I'm taking the throwing pass there we go.

  • Look that is about it for us today.

  • Give it up to Desus Nice and Kid Mero.

  • Give it up to the Academy award, winning screenwriters,

  • Tyco Ytt and Bong Joon-Ho.

  • Give it up to Vanity Fair for hosting us all today.

  • And shout out to all the screenwriters in 2020 Blacklist

  • and shout out to all screenwriters everywhere,

  • working professional, aspiring professional.

  • In the words of Kevin Duran y'all are the real MVPs cause'

  • we the rest of us got nothing to do if it's not for y'all.

  • Seriously, show our screenwriters some love donate to

  • young storytellers if you can, again,


  • And if you want to know about the Blacklist,

  • wanna know more about the Blacklist

  • with no vowels

  • Have a good rest of 2020,

  • have a better 2021,

  • be well,

  • be safe,

  • be kind.

  • We will see you all next year.

- Hi, today is December 14th.

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