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  • For most of us, January was a normal month at school.

  • We learned together, we ate together, we played together.

  • We hung out with each other every day.

  • But as the coronavirus spread, our world was upended.

  • In February, hundreds of millions of us lost access to our schools.

  • By the end of March, nearly every school on Earth was closed.

  • Closing schools creates distance between us.

  • The distance slows the virus.

  • It reduces hospital visits.

  • It saves lives.

  • We're proud to help flatten the curve,

  • but now we need your help to keep the pandemic from flattening our spirits.

  • Here's how you can help:

  • It's graduation season for millions of students throughout the world.

  • We can't attend or support 2020 graduations in person,

  • but that doesn't mean billions of us

  • can't support the graduating classes of 2020 online.

  • We need your help, graduates and supporters of graduates,

  • to make this year a worldwide celebration of the hopes, the dreams,

  • the ideas, and the futures of an entire generation of young people.

  • With support from TED, we've outlined all the ways you can get involved

  • with this worldwide celebration here.

  • We are the students whose lives have been impacted by COVID-19.

  • Together, our ideas will define the world future.

  • Visit TED.COM/GRADUATION to sign up and support our future today.

For most of us, January was a normal month at school.

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