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  • Now the Indian capital, Delhi, is in the midst of what's being called the third wave of coronavirus infections, the deadly surge coming in the weeks around the festive season.

  • It has left the city's medical infrastructure struggling to cope.

  • The most visible of that struggle is the search for beds for patients who need them.

  • The most 31 year old garden starts with day early and spends all morning taking calls.

  • He often has to work late into the night.

  • Garden is part of a two member team that runs an initiated called Charity Beds, which started eight years ago to help the underprivileged get medical care in private hospitals.

  • Since June this year, the team A charity Beds, has also been helping covered 19 patients.

  • Gain access to hospital beds were a normal A called procedure.

  • There is a procedure that I followed after I get a call from someone.

  • I asked for their medical reports.

  • Then I speak to the hospital staff, take information on the availability off a bet that informed the patient and tell them how to reach the hospital, who to contact e keep falling up with the attendant until the patient gets the hospital bed.

  • E Delhi has witnessed a significant spike in the number of coronavirus cases since the festive season began in early November.

  • This search is being called the third wave of the virus in the city, with hospitals becoming overwhelmed.

  • There has been a shortage of hospital beds in the capital.

  • Many patients in need of medical attention say it's difficult to get I C.

  • U and even non I see you beds in the city.

  • I actually fainted on my family, started hunting for a hospital after dialing a bunch of hospitals.

  • They couldn't find any beds available on.

  • We landed up in a private hospital, so unfortunately, there were no space available in the private hospital as well.

  • So I was there in the 10 for 23 hours where there were a couple of patients already waiting for admission process.

  • Couple Chopra, founder of Charity Beds Seth Delhi, is experiencing the latest with because of lax execution, off Corbett restrictions and public negligence.

  • We need to address the problem.

  • Addressing the problem is reduced.

  • The cases.

  • How do you reduce the cases daily needs to go for our 10 days or 15.

  • They complete shutdown not for any other reason, but it will enforce social distancing.

  • It will also enforce hygiene in a way, Gavin says, Delhi may end up in a worse situation, and finding hospital beds could become more challenging.

  • But he feels passionate about what he does, and we'll keep trying.

  • E want to be of use to people to help them.

  • E people call me when they are in need, they are unwell or their lives are hanging by a thread.

  • Thing is, what motivates me.

  • Every single phone call is very important for me.

  • I cannot delayed even for five minutes.

  • E.

  • Gagan says his only priority right now is to arrange a hospital bed for every patient who reaches out to him.

  • D W correspondent Manila each other.

  • He filed that report and she joins me now for more from Delhi Mannina.

  • How does deli plan to tide over its bed shortage?

  • Well, since the surge has started what is being called the third wave in the city, it's become evident that Delhi's healthcare infrastructure was quite under prepared to deal with certain influx of patients suddenly.

  • So to deal with the situation, toe augment the bed capacity.

  • What the local the Delhi government has done it has approached the national government for help.

  • It has asked them to provide deli with about over 1000 additional beds to accommodate the patients on.

  • Apart from that, the Delhi High Court has also allowed the Delhi government toe basically reserved 80% off the I C U beds in 33 big private hospitals only fork over 19 patients.

  • So these are the two big ways in which the government is trying to augment its bed capacity to accommodate all the patients that are coming in right now.

  • Now it's something that a couple Chopra, one of the people you spoke toe mentioned in your report as well.

  • Another lock down is the city government, considering this as a possibility, given the increasing case load well, as far as the current situation goes, the Delhi government has maintained its standard even till very recently to a couple of years ago.

  • Also, that Delhi is not going to go back to another log down situation.

  • Off course.

  • There are containment zones, but there will be no lock down situation.

  • That's what the government has made clear, but there are there taking some other measures like they're increasing the testing capacity, even though they are trying to put up mobile testing ones in different areas.

  • They have increased define for people who are not wearing masks.

  • Uh, until very recently the number of people who could attend a wedding in Delhi was capped at 200.

  • Now they have reduced it to 15 order to control the spread on.

  • There is also a proposal that are talks about Delhi government eyes thinking about shutting down some markets, which can emerge as Corbett hot spots.

  • But at the moment, this is also being done.

  • At the same time, the Delhi government is also assuring the trader that nobody will have a loss of business.

  • So these are some of the measures that they are taking.

  • But so far, the situation that the courts, the Delhi government is not saying that they're gonna go back to another lock down stage, right?

  • We'll leave it there for the time being.

  • Thank you so much for joining us, Bonilla Choudhry in Delhi.

Now the Indian capital, Delhi, is in the midst of what's being called the third wave of coronavirus infections, the deadly surge coming in the weeks around the festive season.

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