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  • I am very much looking forward to watching my friend Jay Bilas give me the analysis and all these players because their arm or this year, the names of the topper ones We've probably seen play less than in any year that I can remember in a very long time.

  • And so I welcome Jay Bilas back to the program.

  • Hello again, Bilis.

  • Greeny.

  • Good to be with you.

  • So I teased going into the break that that we're going to say a name that a lot of people probably have not heard it all that they better remember when we get through tonight.

  • And that name is Tyreese.

  • Halliburton.

  • It's a name I had.

  • I'm not 100% sure that I had ever heard it spoken aloud until about two days ago.

  • And now I'm hearing everyone tells me this is the player to watch tonight.

  • Tell us who he is and how high he might go.

  • Well, he is, uh, he's a point guard from Iowa State, and he's been there a couple years.

  • Um, long armed, you know, lanky, uh, outstanding handler.

  • Really Good passer.

  • Excellent shooter.

  • You know, spot up shooter, um, can shoot from deep, uh, can put the ball on the deck and get to the rim and finish, and he's a really good defender.

  • I mean, I think perhaps the most complete player in the draft and the one you'd say he's gonna play 10, 12 years and there's no way he's not gonna be good.

  • Um, you know, it's just a question of, you know, Canada.

  • Is he gonna be great?

  • And And he may have a lower ceiling than Lemelle, lowball wise James Wiseman or Anthony Edwards.

  • But his his floor is much higher.

  • So you know you can.

  • He's reliable, you can rely on him and I've got him.

  • Is the fourth overall prospect in the draft for that reason, primarily, not necessarily that he's gonna he's gonna come in and, you know, light it up like Donovan Mitchell or something like that, but that he's gonna be unbelievably solid, um, and contribute to winning at a high level right away.

  • That's just the name I want everyone listening to be remembering tonight when you hear his name called Much Earlier than a lot of people are projecting.

  • You heard Jay Bilas tell you hear that he could go that high.

  • Let's talk about Lemelle a ball.

  • He's obviously by far the most famous player in this draft because of his family and all the things that have happened.

  • Just how good is he?

  • J.

  • He's really talented.

  • Um, he's Ah, he's a wizard with the ball.

  • Great ball handler.

  • Spectacular passer, uh, Can can deliver the ball in almost any situation, Uh, transition ability.

  • Um, he doesn't shoot it, and he doesn't.

  • He hasn't shown much interest in defending to this point, but he loves to play.

  • He puts his time in, and I have no doubt that that he'll transition well and be a good MBA player.

  • I don't I don't think even though he's extraordinarily talented with the ball, uh, and and, you know, a point guard.

  • I have Anthony Edwards a little bit ahead of him because Edwards is ah, better score.

  • Um, he's he's a vastly superior athletes, so I think the athleticism and the fact that he could score and then, you know, Edwards, another guy that hasn't shown a ton of interest in defense, Although he is much more capable of being a great defender than, uh than Lemelle, a ball is um, so it's just sort of Ah, that's kind of an eye of the beholder thing.

  • They're different players.

  • The only the only thing I'd say about Edwards.

  • Um, he still has to learn how to play a little bit.

  • Ast faras.

  • You know some of his shot selection.

  • You know, he needs take the ball in the basket more, get fouled and spend more time at the free throw line.

  • And there is a question whether he loves to play like ball does.

  • Um, and you know, can you be great in the n B A.

  • If you don't if you don't love it like he's getting beaten up right now on social media?

  • Because I guess last night he had said something like You talked about.

  • He started in football if he got drafted.

  • But in the NFL, he give up basketball.

  • That doesn't mean he's not gonna worked his tail off.

  • In basketball, people say, you know, he's a kid.

  • He said something.

  • You know that now people are going Oh, just stay away from because he wants to play football like that.

  • That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to May.

  • I'm with you, but It's probably not something he should have said, especially now.

  • But I doubt you know, if you know, first of all, like when people say it's a wide open draft, what it means is we don't know who is going to go.

  • Number one, like Minnesota knows who they're gonna pick on.

  • And I don't think I don't think what.

  • Yeah, I don't think what he said.

  • And you know last night is that all of a sudden there pulling their hair out going.

  • My God, I didn't know he wanted to play football.

  • You know they're not worried about it.

  • Thank you for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming sports and premium content.

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I am very much looking forward to watching my friend Jay Bilas give me the analysis and all these players because their arm or this year, the names of the topper ones We've probably seen play less than in any year that I can remember in a very long time.

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