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  • so i kind of redid sam's office while he was away

  • so

  • all right guys hello hello and welcome back to  the channel and actually welcome to sam's office  

  • i've been working on a little project these past  few months so actually sam traveled over to new  

  • brunswick this summer to spend some time with  his parents and i followed shortly after but i  

  • probably had about a month of time before flying  out there where i decided to redecorate the whole  

  • apartment and in today's video i'm just going to  be showing you sam's office so if you enjoy this  

  • video let me know in the comments and maybe i'll  show you what i did to the bedroom and the kitchen  

  • but basically sam really needed an office  he really needed a work space because he  

  • had been working out of her kitchen table and  it wasn't a comfortable work space because he  

  • was basically just sitting on this wooden chair  at an awkward height so yeah he needed a desk  

  • he needed a chair he needed some space that wasn't  cluttered so i took it upon myself to create  

  • this lovely haven what do you guys think  i'm gonna give you a tour tell you what i  

  • did talk about some of the products some of  the artwork and the stories behind them so  

  • i hope you enjoy this random video it's not travel  but you know we haven't been traveling a whole lot  

  • this year we've actually been spending a lot of  time at home so i figured we may as well have a  

  • comfortable space since we are turning into  indoor creatures i hope you enjoy the video

  • all right so this right here is  what we are trying to build the alex

  • so as i mentioned before all of this sam was  working out of her kitchen table after shopping  

  • around online i settled on this customizable desk  from ikea the drawer units are called alex and i  

  • got them in this deep midnight blue but they  also have them in white beige and black brown

  • i like the idea of drawers to store all the hard  drives usbs cables bits and bobs paperwork and  

  • random things that go into making videos things  feel far more organized now that all these random  

  • items aren't strewn across the whole kitchen so  for the table top i chose guertin which is beach  

  • i was originally looking at the hilver which is  bamboo but when i saw them in person at the store  

  • the curtain was thicker and it looked a lot more  sturdier and longer and wider so i figured why not  

  • have a bigger desk and a bigger workspace in  general my dad helped me put an oil finish to  

  • seal the wood so this will prevent rings from  forming on the wood when you set down a drink  

  • like coffee water a glass of wine as sam does we  did three coats but we went for a very light and  

  • natural color so the chair was also from ikea and  let me just tell you shopping for a chair is very  

  • hard sam is happy with it but he was working  on a hard wooden chair before that it's not an  

  • ergonomic chair but it is an improvement this one  is called the mill burget and it's a swivel chair  

  • that also comes in white the reviews were pretty  good but if you've ever sat in an ergonomic chair  

  • then you're ruined for anything else so sam and  i don't normally do gifts for birthdays holidays  

  • or anything like that but while i was shopping  online for myself i came across something that  

  • just had his name written all over it i got him  a man candle yes a man candle so this right here  

  • is called the black absinthe and if you know sam  you know that he is obsessed with licorice and  

  • not just any type of licorice it has to be like  that nasty salty dark licorice that you can get in  

  • places like finland and other nordic countries and  baltic countries so yeah i got this one which has  

  • a nice fennel and orange it smells it smells okay  i know he loves the smell it's really not my scent  

  • but this is a gift for him so yeah if  you're looking for a man candle for your man  

  • um these are from natura soy and they have some  really cool scents let me just read you the names  

  • because i thought some of these sounded super  interesting so they have cedarwood and tobacco  

  • spiced rum vanilla bourbon wood smoke and gin  cigar leaf and brandy so yeah they're pretty  

  • cool so i wanted to create a gallery wall to kind  of show off some of the pieces that we've acquired  

  • over the course of our travels i purposely went  with some blues and blacks to kind of tie things  

  • together with the desk so let's look at the  artwork i chose i just dropped the camera on the  

  • floor focus please tell me you can still focus  oh man oh man shoot are you really dead camera

  • i think it survived i think it survived that  fall there we go okay today is the day we finally  

  • finish off this project that i started months ago  it was summer time it was months ago we are going  

  • to do the gallery wall on top of sam's desk that  is his little office voila he has been using it  

  • so i didn't film the surprise i didn't film the  unveil when he saw his office for the first time  

  • but it wasn't even finished so we're gonna make  it look all pretty and then show it to him again  

  • so yeah i've gathered all the artwork i want  to use it's a mixture of sketches prints  

  • photos so yeah we're gonna do that right  now all that he has above his desk is a  

  • painting that one of my sisters did at  one of those wine and paint evenings  

  • like where you go with friends sip some wine  and you all paint anyway also as a little tip  

  • for anyone who's redecorating in their home  michaels has online coupons like discounts so  

  • you can just print the coupon at home or have it  on your on your smartphone and yeah like sometimes  

  • they have 40 off today it was 30 off unfortunately  this one was already discounted so i couldn't get  

  • an extra discount i always make sure to show up  at that store with a coupon the way to do it um

  • this is so hard when it's just one

  • person

  • okay it is not perfect by any stretch of the  imagination not everything lines up but you know  

  • what i dare say it looks pretty good and i don't  think sam's really gonna notice if a picture frame  

  • is like half a centimeter off so there you have it  so this piece right here we picked up on vancouver  

  • island in 2019 when we did a two-week road trip um  just visiting sam's home island this is a killer  

  • whale design done by richard shorty who isself-taught artist originally from yukon who later  

  • moved down to vancouver so this piece reminds  me of all the totem poles and potlatch art that  

  • we saw at the umista cultural center in alert bay  so i thought it would make a really nice souvenir  

  • so we actually purchased it at the airport in  victoria so yeah that's the story behind that  

  • piece then this other one right here is a maritime  landscape and it was a wedding gift from sam's  

  • aunt and uncle it's titled three houses and it's  a scene from bayshore new brunswick and sam's  

  • parents now live in new brunswick so we go there  every year sometimes once a year sometimes twice  

  • a year so it's kind of like sam's second home so  i thought it'd be nice to have a little piece of  

  • new brunswick there a little piece of the seaside  oh and the painting is by lynn wigginton so i also  

  • developed one of our wedding photos to put up on  the wall i got it done in black and white that is  

  • from when we got married in a greenhouse it was  a very small ceremony super relaxed i i wasn't  

  • nervous i was surprised that i wasn't nervous that  day so yeah i've put that up right there i think  

  • it's a really cute picture and yeah just happy  memories for sam to look back on to think what  

  • a lucky man am i there's your wife so this wheel  print right here i bought through the prints for  

  • wildlife fundraiser that's when a whole bunch of  photographers came together this year and they  

  • donated prints to raise funds for african parks  which is a non-profit conservation organization  

  • and i was scrolling through all the photos  available when i came across this one and it  

  • just spoke to me it's it's so beautiful i believe  it was actually taken in tonga um but it just  

  • made me think of the whales in british columbia  even though i didn't get to see whales in person  

  • we weren't quite lucky enough but that's kind of  what it reminds me of and i think it's just such a  

  • beautiful moment that was captured like it looks  like the whale is dancing and then you have the  

  • deepness of that water in the midnight blue  and it just looks like the perfect moment  

  • frozen in time with like the fin over its body so  yeah that's kind of the story behind that photo  

  • and the artist is named steve woods if you want  to look him up on instagram okay and then right  

  • behind me here we have two cat prints these  we got in south africa in 2015 when we went on  

  • safari after finishing teachers college that was  a pretty cool trip because we basically woke up  

  • on christmas morning and we found these incredible  flights it was an error fair actually it was like  

  • 300 to fly from new york city to johannesburg  so we booked it on the spot and the airline um  

  • honored the mistake fair so yeah once we graduated  we ended up flying down to south africa and we did  

  • this really cool safari in kruger national park  and our guide his name was lloyd he was a sketch  

  • artist and he had this whole portfolio with prints  of his different sketches so we ended up getting  

  • four and we've put up two of those sam said he  wanted the caps because he's a cat person so yeah  

  • that's the story behind those two sketches soalso put up one of our youtube awards we actually  

  • have two now one for english channel and one for  our spanish channel i couldn't find the second one  

  • it's probably stored away in a box somewhere but  that is the one for our spanish channel so if you  

  • actually look at it closely um we decided to put  our our family's names on it because the spanish  

  • channel has really been a team effort with both my  parents really helping us make the spanish videos  

  • so yeah their names are on it and the dog's name  is also on it because he's kind of the star of  

  • the show in some videos and i forgot to tell you  guys about one more piece here on the gallery wall  

  • it's this one this is sam's name written in korean  and we got it on one of our many trips to korea  

  • apparently this was in 2015 and we've been there  a few times since we taught there and it's always  

  • a really fun time so yeah okay now let's talk  about plants i wanted to bring a little bit of  

  • nature into this apartment um so my mom got me my  first plant this is a snake plant i now have three  

  • of these kind of scattered around the apartment  and apparently they're really good air purifiers  

  • so that's one of the reasons i wanted this lovely  little plant so we have a bit of green i just have  

  • to remember to water it but it's still alive thus  far it's been good and it's been a few weeks now  

  • and then i chose a rug that was already in the  home i thought it kind of matched the color of  

  • the desk a bit because it's got these deep blues  and like dark teals so i thought it tied it all  

  • together it's not super modern um but i think it  kind of fits it kind of works with the space so  

  • yeah i think i've now shown you the whole office  so we're gonna get sam's reaction let me warn  

  • you he's already seen his office because it's just  taken me forever to put together so let's recreate  

  • his reaction of when he first got back from new  brunswick and saw this place for the first time

  • hello there samuel hey guys hello you've  grown a beard i've grown a beard and  

  • i've also grown a work desk too thanks  audrey that was such a cool idea i mean  

  • we do spend a lot of time now at home in  canada in between trips we're not nomadic  

  • anymore we used to spend more time on the road  than we did any in any one place and even before  

  • um the pandemic we were starting to slow down our  travels a little bit and it's just so nice to have  

  • a work desk a proper work desk i almost feel like  uh i i'm doing a real job you know a little bit of  

  • work in here and there now it's more official that  you're not working out of the kitchen yeah i mean  

  • we were just literally if you look over there it's  messy i'm not showing you you're not showing that  

  • well anyways yeah we basically just had this  computer which i've had for less than a year put  

  • it on the uh on on the kitchen table and the thing  that i found the most frustrating about being at  

  • the kitchen table was number one it wasn't the  right height so it was just like kind of like  

  • cramping my shoulders having to to raise my hands  like that and the second thing too is that the the  

  • the kitchen um chairs are not meant for sitting on  for hours on end whereas having like a something  

  • like this it's just perfect i get like the what  do you call it the lumbar support the neck support  

  • just so nice and i've actually found that sincehave a like more of an official space to work at  

  • that i've been more productive i spend less time  uh you know surfing the internet as they say or  

  • wasting time on social media and youtube too so  that's it for the grand reveal of a grand tour  

  • of sam's home office we hope you guys enjoyed  it maybe we'll have a few more episodes for you  

  • on the bedroom makeover the chicken the chicken  the kitchen makeover there's no chicken in there  

  • um so yeah if you enjoyed the video don't  forget to give it a like we invite you to  

  • subscribe to the channel and we'll see you soon  with more adventures at home and on the road bye  

  • so

so i kind of redid sam's office while he was away

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