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  • Mike Chen: This may just be

  • the most wonderful thing

  • I have ever, ever put in my mouth,

  • and I say that....

  • Oh!

  • Ooh. Oh, that was a good memory.

  • Herrine: Hi, Mike, thanks for getting on Skype with me.

  • How are you?

  • Mike: Um, trying to keep sane, you know,

  • just like everybody else in the world.

  • Herrine: I know you don't know much

  • about what we're doing today,

  • so, I'm gonna tell you now.

  • Mike: OK. Herrine: I watched

  • all of your videos.

  • I...[laughs]

  • Mike: Really?

  • Herrine: I compiled a sequence of clips for you to watch,

  • and I was hoping you could provide us some backstory

  • and some fun tidbits.

  • Mike: OK, yeah, let's do it.

  • I'm excited to watch myself.

  • No way. No way!

  • Oh, I look so young. It's, like, three years ago.

  • Man, this was my first Wagyu beef experience in Japan.

  • Holy cow. [laughs] Holy cow is right.

  • I didn't know what a ryokan was.

  • And it's grilled right in front of me.

  • And you don't know Wagyu is expensive,

  • so when you go to a ryokan in Japan,

  • you're allowed to accept their dining option, which we did.

  • Piece of meat.

  • I'm just gonna put a little salt on here.

  • One night was $1,000,

  • and they provided a dinner

  • that had included Wagyu, Kobe Wagyu.

  • And this was it.

  • Rarely am I ever too surprised by food,

  • but I feel like somebody pelted me over the head

  • with a beef bat, and then later I ate that beef bat,

  • and I was never the same again.

  • I got my first bite of Wagyu beef.

  • You know what's going through my mind right now?

  • I'm like, all the times I've ever said,

  • "Melt in your mouth."

  • "This steak melted in my mouth."

  • Before this, like, I was thinking about all those instances.

  • It was just complete lie until this moment.

  • This was my steak-reckoning moment.

  • This was the moment I realized that God exists,

  • the food gods exist, and they live in Japan.

  • The outside feels like beef.

  • Then, when you chew it, I swear it was butter.

  • Like, literally catching the first snowflake of winter,

  • except for it tastes like beef.

  • Herrine: Is it still one of the best things

  • you've ever eaten?

  • The best steak you've ever eaten?

  • Mike: People always ask me,

  • what's the best thing I've ever had in my life?

  • And if I had to narrow it down,

  • what are the most incredible food experience,

  • I would always pinpoint to the first time I put that Wagyu,

  • A5 Wagyu in my mouth.

  • I'm pretty sure this curry is melting the spoon here.

  • I'm just eating, like, a whole mouthful of....

  • Yep. Oh, this was not a good day.

  • This was not a good week.

  • When you see a chef cooking your food with a gas mask,

  • you should not eat said food.

  • Ah, even watching it, oh, what have I done?

  • I look so young. Is this why I aged,

  • because of this one meal?

  • Oh, man, that was a bad bite.

  • The owner - that's the owner sitting behind me -

  • he's laughing.

  • [evil laughter]

  • Did you know I drank the entire restaurant's mango lassi?

  • They ran out of mango lassi 'cause I drank it all.

  • And that sneeze hurt me

  • because I think some of it came out my nose.

  • [Herrine gasps]

  • That's it.

  • Thank you, sir.

  • There we go.

  • Oh, my God, this is definitely

  • the spiciest curry in the world.

  • I'm gonna hang this up because this was not easy.

  • This was not without pain.

  • It was not without tears and sweat and a lot of more pain.

  • Man, I worked hard for this.

  • Herrine: Was it spicier than you thought going in?

  • Mike: It was definitely spicier than I thought.

  • So, when I ate it, like, I don't know,

  • five, six years ago before this,

  • it wasn't all that spicy to me. I just had it for dinner.

  • I went in for dinner, and I ate it.

  • It wasn't even a challenge to me.

  • But this time I go in,

  • and they started using Carolina Reapers.

  • That's a whole different ballgame.

  • There's a whole aftermath to what happened here.

  • And I walk out,

  • and I'm feeling all right for having finished the challenge,

  • then after I take five steps, all of a sudden,

  • like, it was like rocket-fuel-propelled vomit.

  • Projectile vomiting. Literal Godzilla.

  • Like this, I was like,

  • [roars]

  • Out comes, like, just bright red,

  • like, flame-colored substance

  • that's just spraying all over everyone's lawn.

  • Finally I was well enough to drive home

  • and then basically crawl to the bathroom

  • for the entire day.

  • And, literally, like, I was just like, I googled -

  • I googled this.

  • I googled, "Can someone die from eating spicy food?"

  • 'Cause I thought I was dying.

  • They called me back.

  • He called me back, like, three days afterwards, he's like,

  • "Hey, the Travel Channel is here. They're wondering

  • if you wanna do that spicy challenge again."

  • I'm like, "No!"

  • Hell no.

  • Never again.

  • Herrine: I tried. I tried it. [laughs]

  • Mike: Yeah, I know you tried it.

  • I know you couldn't finish that. I know you.

  • There's no way you could have finished that.

  • Herrine: I think I took, like, two bites, and I was done.

  • Mike: Because there's, like, such a big bowl in front of me.

  • Holy crap, how come that looks bigger now?

  • Did that grow?

  • No.

  • Oh, that was a good day.

  • I finished that baby.

  • Yeah, I did.

  • That was not even hard.

  • I finished it in, like, half an hour.

  • I'm a little intimidated by this.

  • Herrine: Are you kidding me?

  • Mike: I enjoyed that challenge.

  • It wasn't even really a challenge to me.

  • It was, like, 4 pounds of noodles and meat.

  • So the bark is a lot worse than the bite.

  • And I was the first winner of this challenge.

  • It was good.

  • I never felt so good,

  • because I feel like my body

  • can eat an unlimited amount of pho.

  • I can do it.

  • [audience applauds]

  • Herrine: So, like, for a challenge video,

  • how do you prepare yourself?

  • Mike: I don't. I didn't.

  • I'm not a professional food eater.

  • I'm sure they prepare. I don't prepare.

  • I just, I'm hungry,

  • so I just go in and try to eat it.

  • I mean, afterwards, I need a lot of alone time,

  • but.

  • It got hard when I found a lot of beef tendon

  • and meatballs in the bottom.

  • Where are they coming from?

  • And those are really, really heavy stuff and dense stuff.

  • So when I found a lot of these things,

  • I was like, "Oh, my God, I didn't know

  • there's all these things sunk into the bottom."

  • That's when it started getting a little rough.

  • But at the same time, like, 30 minutes after eating that

  • I had ice cream.

  • This will be by far the best ramen plate

  • I've ever had in my life.

  • There's the documentary,

  • and there's the man himself.

  • Oh, I like that shirt.

  • Look at it! Look how - I just wanna cuddle it.

  • And then eat it.

  • I'm sitting down. I'm so excited.

  • I'm outside again. Don't be early, either.

  • This place is crazy, because it was a five-hour wait.

  • And I got there I think at, like, 9 a.m.

  • And you get a ticket,

  • and then it'll say, like, what time to come back by.

  • So I just went to McDonald's and ate

  • before I came here and ate.

  • So I sat at McDonald's for five hours.

  • And after I got my ticket, the guy told me

  • I have to be here at 12:30 sharp.

  • Like, I must be here.

  • Little he knows about me, I'll be here at 12.

  • And then they're like, "Yeah, you can't stand around here."

  • Thank you. Smooth, perfect ramen.

  • And this is chuka soba,

  • so it's made with wheat.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • Ooh. That broth, when it's dipped into that broth,

  • it's just full of fish and pork flavor.

  • Yes, fish and pork go well in a broth.

  • Yeah, that was my bite. That was legit.

  • I was, like, shocked by how good it was.

  • The noodle texture is so springy and chewy.

  • I go in there, and I'm filming this.

  • I'm trying to be, like, as discreet as I can,

  • because it's so quiet,

  • and all you hear is just, like, [slurping]

  • And I'm like, "This is so good!"

  • And I'm, like, right in front of the chef,

  • so I didn't wanna be, like, a jerk,

  • you know, I didn't wanna talk loud,

  • so I'm trying to describe the flavor

  • and try to eat at the same time.

  • I cannot stress enough

  • how flavorful and smoky every single piece of meat is.

  • Herrine: So, this is the best ramen you've had, ever?

  • Mike: Mm-hmm.

  • Herrine: What is the best ramen place

  • in the States, in your opinion?

  • Mike: I think

  • there is a place that I really like in Los Angeles.

  • I forget the name of it.

  • Herrine: [echoing] Best ramen place in the States.

  • Mike: [echoing] There is a place

  • that I really like in Los Angeles.

  • Yeah, so, it's called Okiboru House of Tsukemen.

  • I feel like this is probably

  • one of the best actual noodles in the US.

  • I'm not scared of you!

  • If you've never seen mount lobster before, here it is.

  • Oh, oh, OK, this is the lo- oh, my God.

  • This is - that was expensive. [laughs]

  • This was one of the most expensive meals

  • I've ever paid for.

  • And right here, when I'm holding up the lobster,

  • that was tough for me. Each one was, like, close to,

  • I think over 25 pounds.

  • Literally the craziest thing I've ever done.

  • You know, it's not the weight, it's just slippery.

  • And when I saw this thing, when they brought it out,

  • they needed two people to bring out this mountain.

  • This was a 50-pound lobster tower.

  • Server: Enjoy, guys. OK?

  • Mike: Enjoy, or scare the crap out of me.

  • This both impresses and frightens me

  • and makes me hungry at the same time.

  • Those are really confusing feelings.

  • Initially I was getting the 25 pound.

  • And they were like, then the restaurant owner was like,

  • "No, you need a 30 pound. That's way more impressive."

  • I'm like, "Bring on the 30 pound!"

  • Even though it was, like, I think 800 US dollars for that.

  • But that did feed everyone on the table.

  • And then I took it out to a meetup,

  • and I gave it to people on the streets.

  • I mean, it's lobster!

  • Yo, whoever gives you lobster,

  • as long as it doesn't look like

  • it fell onto, you know, into a sewage pipe,

  • you eat the lobster, OK?

  • Herrine: So if somebody gave you a lobster on the street,

  • you would take it?

  • Mike: I would smell it first, and then I would take it.

  • [beeps]

  • Herrine: What did it feel like

  • when you first went into the restaurant?

  • Mike: First of all, I mean,

  • I'd never seen lobsters that big in my life.

  • I know big lobsters exist,

  • but I'd never been so close

  • to one of these monstrosities,

  • and just holding it, it was like,

  • I cannot believe I'm doing this right now.

  • It was like a surreal experience.

  • Herrine: The mountain was so big.

  • Mike: You couldn't see me, right?

  • Herrine: Like, how much were you able to put a dent into it?

  • Mike: I feel like, myself,

  • I ate at least

  • four or five regular-sized lobsters.

  • That was an expensive video to make.

  • I mean, 90% of the time I...

  • this is why I don't tell restaurants I'm going in usually,

  • so they don't, you know,

  • the owner doesn't hover near me

  • and be like, "Oh, hey, oh, you didn't like that?

  • Oh, you shouldn't say that about that."

  • So I don't want any of that.

  • I want my reviews to be completely authentic, so.

  • And this, they wouldn't -

  • I mean, obviously, this thing.

  • That's $1,000 -

  • nah, they wouldn't comp something like that.

  • I think that's the end of the video, right?

  • Herrine: Yep, that's it.

  • Mike: Wow, that was really fun.

  • Thanks for having me.

  • Hopefully you are keeping safe and sane.

  • And if you wanna see more of my videos,

  • more of my adventures,

  • Strictly Dumpling, my blog channel,

  • you can watch me on Facebook,

  • all the links are I think gonna be provided down below.

  • So thanks for having me.

Mike Chen: This may just be

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