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  • -My first guest tonight is an Emmy-nominated actor.

  • Man, he hits it out of the park.

  • You can see him on "This Is Us,"

  • which airs Tuesdays at 9:00 P.M. on NBC.

  • Here is Milo Ventimiglia, everybody.

  • Yo! -What's up, Jimmy?

  • What's up, man?

  • -Milo, it is great to see you, pal.

  • Thank you so much for coming on the show.

  • -I know, through all the ones and zeros, man.

  • That's how we do it these days. -It's unbelievable, right?

  • Are you on set right now? -Yeah.

  • No, I'm in my office in Los Angeles.

  • -Okay. -But the studio, Paramount,

  • where we film, is like a block away.

  • -Do you film at Paramount? I did not know that.

  • -Yeah, we're at Paramount. We are, man.

  • -That's where Lorne hired me for "Saturday Night Live."

  • -No, really? -Out in the lot, in his -- yeah,

  • he had an office on the lot. -By the way,

  • that was such an incredible audition tape.

  • I watched it. It popped up, you know, in my thought.

  • I watched not like three weeks ago.

  • -No. -Yeah.

  • -Oh, my God. It's so embarrassing.

  • -It was incredible. -No.

  • -It's not -- it's not embarrassing.

  • That's like -- that's like early days.

  • That's salad days, man. That's good stuff.

  • -I mean, that was like -- I wore the tightest clothes

  • I've ever seen in my -- I don't know.

  • I think I was like auditioning for Cirque du Soleil

  • or something. I was something --

  • I was like -- -Yeah, but it was also --

  • it was the '90s, right? -Yeah. Yeah, like 2000.

  • -Yeah. -Yeah, late '90s, '98.

  • -Late '90s, yeah. So that was the transition

  • going out of the grunge into -- -Yes.

  • -Yeah. I remember. -And you know, weirdly enough,

  • I based my haircut on a photoshoot I saw

  • in a magazine of Kate Beckinsale.

  • She had -- she cut her spikey and short for some movie

  • and I thought she looked so cool, and I was like,

  • "I'm gonna do that haircut." It's so dumb,

  • but it's the truth. -That's incredible.

  • -Isn't that weird? -That's amazing.

  • -I had so many fads -- -Yeah.

  • -...of hairstyles and ridiculousness.

  • But I love Paramount so much. -Yeah.

  • -Milo, I got to talk to you about this 'cause you did

  • something that -- I love that you do what you say.

  • You said, "Dude, I'm gonna get an Airstream.

  • I'm gonna like travel," and I go, "Love it, man.

  • I can't wait." But you did.

  • You bought an Airstream. -Yeah.

  • -And you drove it around the U.S.

  • I want to know every single detail.

  • I want to know everything. Look at this thing.

  • I love Airstreams. -Yeah.

  • I mean, listen man, Airstreams are sexy.

  • -Yeah. -You know?

  • But I also realize it's kind of luxury premier item.

  • So I call it my camper. -Yeah, okay.

  • -I call it my camper. -Yeah.

  • -'Cause it feels like it brings me down to Earth a little bit.

  • -You -- it is. -But, yeah, so --

  • Yeah, I think so. I mean, you know, you're driving

  • around and you got this big silver bullet behind you,

  • and it's sexy and it's cool and, you know,

  • you can stop on a hillside and you take a photo

  • and it's just incredible.

  • You know, vistas and everything.

  • But like the real truth is, you're driving hours and hours

  • and hours and hours, and when you're done driving 13 hours,

  • you got to hook up and line and pump your own crap.

  • -[ Laughing ]

  • That's the part they don't advertise.

  • -That's what's -- that's not in the brochure.

  • -[ Laughs ] But I mean, isn't it great

  • like when it rains on an Airstream

  • and the tap of the rain on the tin of the --

  • You can't -- -Oh, yeah.

  • I mean, it's -- listen, it is -- it is a travel like none other.

  • -I'd love to do it. -And I'd always wanted to do it.

  • I know we talked about it. -Me too.

  • -And so I did it. Like, you know, quarantine

  • happened, and what was going on in the world

  • was going on in the world, and I wanted to go see my sisters.

  • One was in Utah and another one is up in Oregon.

  • And as I was going through, I was like

  • really researching this, and I was trying to find a spot

  • where I could pick one up along the way.

  • You know, I had my truck, so I was good.

  • And then when I -- I brokered a deal

  • with a dealer up in Oregon.

  • So I bought it in Oregon,

  • and then I drove it back down to L.A.

  • and then I drove across to Georgia,

  • and then all the way back. -Oh, my gosh.

  • That's the dream. That's the dream, dude.

  • -Yeah. -That's something

  • I think about doing, and I don't know if I'll ever,

  • I mean, have the chance to do it, really.

  • Just awesome. -Well, you know what you

  • ought to do is, you fly out somewhere where I'm gonna be.

  • We'll hang out, we'll drive around the block,

  • and I'll drop you off at the airport

  • so you get the experience of it,

  • but you don't have to worry about pumping your own stuff.

  • -That's my man.

  • See, that's what friends are for, bud.

  • -Yeah. -I want to get to "This Is Us,"

  • and I want to talk to you about the new season.

  • But during the pandemic, people have been binge-watching

  • every show they can, and you've been on TV for many years.

  • And my first debut with you was "Gilmore Girls" and, you know.

  • -Mm-hmm. -But can you tell

  • when people are binge-watching one of your shows?

  • -Oh, yeah. I mean, usually, you know,

  • social media will kind of light up and you can tell

  • where the show was being released and at what moment.

  • Like, toward the end of quarantine it became evident

  • that we had a new season down in Argentina, in Brazil.

  • So, you know, you see the messages and people popping up.

  • -That's great. -And then recently, I think now

  • they're cycling back through it in Italy.

  • -Wow.

  • -And like seeing what's going on.

  • Back in Europe, you're like, oh, you guys are back indoors.

  • You're not out, you know, having a pizza and coffee anymore.

  • -Yeah. -I get it. I get it.

  • -Yeah, but I love that you get to entertain.

  • It's global now. You know, it used to be

  • just an American thing -- -Yeah.

  • -...American TV, and now it's worldwide.

  • That's pretty cool. -Yeah.

  • Yeah, I mean, you know, and the Pearsons are absolutely kind of,

  • you know, America's family in a way.

  • But really what I see most still -- still --

  • is people going back and watching "Gilmore Girls."

  • It always goes back to Jess.

  • Always goes back to Jess. -I'm Team Jess.

  • Day one, Team Jess. -I know you are.

  • -Yeah, have to be. -I know.

  • -Absolutely, buddy. -Yeah.

  • -Oh, I love that. I love that.

  • -Yeah. -It's interesting that you play,

  • like, the bad boy and then you play Jack who is the --

  • probably the best dude on Earth.

  • He's the nice -- -He's one of them, man.

  • -He's one of the good guys.

  • -Yeah, he's one of the good guys.

  • But I mean, I'll tell you what,

  • those are hard shoes to fill at times.

  • -[ Laughs ] Exactly. -You know?

  • I've had moments in life where people expect me to be Jack.

  • And like, you know, I'll be honest, I mean, I think Jack

  • borrows from Milo and Milo borrows from Jack.

  • Or Milo gets the benefit of

  • wearing the Jack face all the time.

  • But man, it's tough living up to it sometimes.

  • It really is. If you notice like sometimes

  • when I do a lot of press, I'll talk about Jack's flaws

  • just to humanize myself a little bit.

  • To kind of let myself off the hook a little.

  • -Yeah. No, yeah, but if you are any way in a bad mood,

  • you should be like -- [ Deep breathing ]

  • "You got to be Jack right now." -[ Laughs ]

  • -"Hey, Dad, you mind --" blah blah blah.

  • You can't have a freak out. -Yeah, yeah.

  • -'Cause like, "Jack doesn't do that."

  • -You're like, listen, I just -- I just pumped

  • my own crap from an Airstream, sure, but yeah, hi. Hi.

  • -Behind the scenes over at "This Is Us," you guys have

  • a reason to celebrate because your co-star, one of our favs,

  • Mandy Moore is pregnant. -Mm-hmm. Yeah.

  • Yeah, she is. -Were you all back at work

  • when you found out? Where were you?

  • -No, no, we weren't.

  • So over the course of quarantine, we had, as a cast,

  • as a group, FaceTimed with one --

  • or had a big Zoom together and we kept up,

  • made sure everyone was okay.

  • But then, as we were getting ready to film, we had a Zoom

  • with Fogelman, where Fogelman was actually kind of giving us

  • the lay of the land, what the protocols were looking like,

  • and if anybody was going to be uncomfortable with them,

  • like speak up or hold your peace.

  • And then he hopped off and we were all going around, like,

  • "Hey, Sterling, you good? Hey, Chrissy, Justin,

  • like everyone feels good? Yeah, I feel good about it.

  • Mandy?" And Mandy wasn't talking.

  • She wasn't talking. And then she just kind of goes,

  • "Well, guys, I am pregnant."

  • And I mean, then, you know, we're --

  • -Crying. -Exactly.

  • Exactly, man. Crying, excited.

  • You know. And -- I mean, she's the loveliest,

  • she's great, she's amazing, and, like, to know that

  • a human being like Mandy Moore is going to be a mom

  • influencing a child in this Earth

  • just gives me hope for Earth.

  • -[ Laughs and applauds ]

  • I want to talk about this part of "This Is Us."

  • This season that was hinted how Rebecca and Miguel

  • got together after Jack died. -Yeah.

  • -Now we might find out a little more to that relationship.

  • But as Jack, how do you feel about that relationship?

  • -Jack's dead.

  • So it doesn't really matter what Jack thinks.

  • I mean, let's be glaringly honest.

  • -Yes. -You know, I think -- listen,

  • Jack -- Jack loves his wife.

  • He loves his kids like no other. -Yep.

  • -But at the same time, you know, Jack wouldn't want

  • his wife or kids to be unhappy without him.

  • And, you know, I mean, look,

  • death is a pretty great equalizer.

  • When someone dies, like, yeah, I guess that's kind of over.

  • So it's not like Miguel got in the way of Jack and Rebecca.

  • It was just, hey, Rebecca was available.

  • -Yeah. -And they had a history

  • of being close and friends,

  • and everything should start with the friendship.

  • -Yeah, I agree with that, by the way.

  • -Yeah.

  • -My wife and I started, best friends.

  • We were just friends. Loved hanging out.

  • It was awesome. I agree with that.

  • -And then before we did the interview,

  • you gave me your wife's phone number.

  • So, oh boy. [ Laughter ]

  • -Dude, I'm so embarrassed about that.

  • We'll have to talk about that next time you're on.

  • But I -- -We have to, man.

  • That's incredible. It's incredible.

  • [ Laughter ] -I can't believe it.

  • -For anybody -- -Did she text you back?

  • -Yeah, long story short, I was -- hold on, let me see.

  • I was trying to text Jimmy something --

  • Hey, there it is.

  • She wrote, "This is incredible.

  • I will send to him immediately."

  • -[ Laughs ]

  • I'm sorry, dude. I thought I was giving you my number.

  • I don't know my number. That's insane.

  • -That's great. That's great. -That's totally real and insane.

  • Dude, you're the best. -I love it.

  • -Milo -- I gave Milo Ventimiglia my wife's phone number.

  • What am I thinking? Milo, I love you, buddy.

  • Stay safe. Thank you for coming on

  • and talking to me. -Yeah.

-My first guest tonight is an Emmy-nominated actor.

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