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  • Hello.

  • Okay.

  • Hello.

  • Yeah, start a little insane.

  • Honey, don't you wanna go get cleaned up?

  • No.

  • Nope.

  • I paid for this box.

  • Fuck if they take it away from us, bitches collect menstrual blood.

  • Is this idiot really think we collect blood?

  • Anything?

  • We expel blood.

  • Well, I hate to state the obvious, but if they know where you are, then they know where you are.

  • Oh, that was all there.

  • Profits, all that work for nothing.

  • You screwed up, Peg.

  • I quit.

  • I'll get it back.

  • How?

  • I'll get it back for nine.

  • Tooth for tooth.

  • Fivethirtyeight?

  • Hell, no.

  • Violence will only land us in jail.

  • We need to be smart at that time.

  • Shit, E What?

  • What the hell happened?

  • Oh, goddammit!

  • Shit!

  • Hey, fuck it.

  • I have bad.

  • Oh, you have in your monthly.

  • Get out of my brother's bar.

  • Well, as it turns out, not only do I have your debt, but I got your mom's.

  • What are you talking about?

  • Good natured, bro.

  • Put his bar up.

  • Is collateral against her refi?

  • So what now It's mine.

  • Perfectly needle JJ.

  • Can he?

  • Yes, he can do that.

  • Why would you do that?

  • Why?

  • Why Can he do that?

  • Can he do that?

  • Look, buying paper to Mitch won't sell.

  • You know more.

  • Nobody will.

  • Not even the cheek to wagon Korsakov skis.

  • You're blacklisted.

  • A chief about your porcelain crown, huh?

  • JJ is going nowhere.

  • Okay, well, I don't know.

  • Should I just torched the place for the insurance money?

  • You tell me.

  • Do it with What am I supposed to do, Peck?

  • Crown all around.

  • Bye Bye, baby.

  • Yes.


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