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  • why are they making these changes?

  • Because the science and their understanding of it continues to evolve.

  • This is not the first time they've changed the protocols, and it's not going to be the last.

  • The big changes that stand out from yesterday's document the memo that went out to teams are about sideline mask wearing.

  • They want to really strongly encourage players to wear masks on the sidelines during games, and especially while they're interacting with each other on the field after games.

  • The league has identified these as possible transmission points during games.

  • They're not as concerned with teams transmitting it from one team to the other in terms of playing the game.

  • They don't believe the amount of close contact you have during the playing of the game is as troublesome as spending a few minutes talking to somebody after the game.

  • So they're extending the area, the bench area on the sidelines so that players can distance from each other better during games and they want them to wear masks and they're gonna continue to evaluate what their points of transmission are and what the risks are and try and work around that the best they can.

  • So in our meeting this morning, Dominique brought up a really interesting question that I'm sure a lot of people who pay attention to the sport are wondering about.

  • Go ahead, make.

  • Dan Graziano has your answer.

  • Oh yeah, I was just wondering how we could do something about the fact that players are testing positive, like the Marlin Humphries one and stuff on Gilmore the morning after playing a game.

  • Like to me, you can't have players on the field in that situation.

  • I don't understand how the protocols don't update to accommodate for that externality and look they testing them on the morning of the game.

  • But they don't get the test results back until the next day.

  • The test that came back positive Monday for Marlon Humphrey, for example, for A J Dillan, for example, were tests that were administered pregame.

  • Now, obviously, if they get the test results back before the game or during the game, a za league said yesterday they will remove that player or coach or staffer from the game immediately.

  • But the key thing to understand is this was never about avoiding positive test.

  • It's about avoiding and limiting spread.

  • So It's even more important than did he test positive?

  • It's OK.

  • He tested positive.

  • We gotta get him isolated at home.

  • We gotta find out who he's been in close contact with.

  • We've got to get them isolated home.

  • We gotta make sure this doesn't become an outbreak and put a lot of people in serious jeopardy.

  • So until they could get to the point where you could get a reliable test result in 20 minutes, then you're gonna be able to have guys test positive test on game morning and only find out about it after the and you brought up one very important point that I'm sure a lot of fans have in their minds because we just saw this.

  • That the world Siri's with Justin Turner?

  • Yes, they did say that if they got a result back during a game, what would they do?

  • They would remove the player or coach or staffer from the game immediately and begin the contact tracing process.

  • And this is you got this from a conference call yesterday.

  • Dr.

  • Alan Sills, the league's chief medical officer, on a conference call with reporters yesterday, said that explicitly, Yes.

  • So, obviously again, the team's and league's can learn from their own mistakes.

  • They could learn from the mistakes of others.

  • We saw a player come back on the field and celebrate with his teammates after a championship recently.

  • That created a lot of understandable consternation for the National Football League.

  • Sees that if they do get a result, they might take a player out of the game while it is underway.

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why are they making these changes?

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