Zuberduperis a anicypole, soit's likethis, uh, longsortofflavoredicypole.
Um, butthat's like a summertreat.
There's likebubblegumcola.
Butthentheybroughtouttheslikewackyflavors, whichwereliketoffeeapplelikenoonewantedanythingtodowiththosestubbycooler, Stubbycooleris a coolerforyourstubby.
A stubbyis a smallbeer.
Um, andthecoolerisjustlikeit's like a phonesortofholderthatyouputonittokeepyourbeercoldwhileyoudrinkit.
It's a necessity.
Having a Yeah.
Having a youngis, um, youknow, having a chatwho, youknow, shootingthebreeze.
Justhaving a having a having a chatwithsomebody, justspinning a yarn.
I guessitcomesfromlikewoolorsomethinglikethat.
So I havenoidea.
Well, I hope I hope I couldteachsomeofyousomethingtoday.
AndifyoueverdofindyourselfinAustraliahaving a yardwithsomeone, pleasefeelfreetothrowin a fewoftheseterms.
Thisisactually a goodone.
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