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  • - ♪ What's that snack, what could it be? ♪

  • Guess that snack with clues, one, two, three!

  • What's that snack, snack, snack, snack, snack be?

  • Yeah!

  • - [Crowd] What's That Snack?

  • - Hi, I'm Abby, your host for...

  • - [Abby and Crowd] What's That Snack?

  • (Crowd claps)

  • - Snack, snack, snack, snack...

  • (Abby laughs)

  • - Today's guest will guess what they are eating

  • for snack time.

  • And today's guest is Elmo!

  • - Oh, hi Abby!

  • Oh, hello everybody!

  • Thank you, thank you!

  • (Elmo giggles)

  • - Are you hungry, Elmo?

  • (Elmo's stomach rumbles)

  • (Crowd laughs)

  • - Uh, I'm going to take that as a yes.

  • (Abby and Crowd laughs)

  • - Elmo's daddy Louie.

  • (Crowd claps)

  • - Yeah, Elmo's daddy made the snack for today,

  • and I know what it is.

  • I'm going to give Elmo three clues

  • to guess what his snack is today.

  • Are you ready, Elmo?

  • - Ready!

  • Come on everybody, guess along with Elmo!

  • (Elmo giggles)

  • - Okay, clue number one.

  • Your snack is a healthy vegetable

  • that is orange.

  • (bell chimes)

  • - Oh, Abby, that's easy!

  • It's an orange, yay!

  • Elmo wins, Elmo wins, yay!

  • - A good guess, Elmo, but an orange is a fruit,

  • not a vegetable.

  • (Crowd laughs)

  • - Oh, well, Elmo knew that.

  • - That's okay Elmo, because this next clue

  • is really gonna help.

  • Clue number two.

  • (Crowd laughs)

  • - This orange vegetable

  • grows under the ground.

  • (bell chimes)

  • - Hmm, grows under the ground?

  • Oh, Elmo knows!

  • Is it a sweet potato?

  • (Abby gasps)

  • - That's not today's snack.

  • - Oh.

  • - But it's okay, because here's your third and final clue.

  • You can dip this yummy snack into hummus.

  • (bell chimes)

  • - Hmm, what yummy, healthy vegetable is orange,

  • grows in the ground, and you dip it in hummus?

  • Mm, boy, Elmo doesn't know.

  • - Ah, ah- oh!

  • (Abby imitates bell dinging)

  • - Did you hear that, Elmo?

  • (Crowd laughs)

  • - Elmo didn't hear anything.

  • (Abby imitates bell dinging)

  • - Wow, there it is again.

  • That sound means you get a bonus clue!

  • - Oh, a bonus clue!

  • - That's right!

  • Your bonus clue is a drawing!

  • I'm going to draw your healthy, yummy snack.

  • (Abby grunts)

  • (marker squeaking)

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - It's a tri- it's a triangle?

  • Elmo's snack is a triangle?

  • - No, here, let me draw a little more.

  • - [Elmo] Okay.

  • (marker squeaking)

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - [Elmo] Nice drawing, Abby, it looks like a carrot!

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - Elmo knows, it's a carrot!

  • - That's right!

  • Carrots are today's snack!

  • Carrots are yummy, healthy, orange vegetables

  • that grow in the ground and you can dip them in hummus!

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - Oh, carrots!

  • And hummus, too?

  • Yummy!

  • - Thanks for playing!

  • - [Abby And Crowd] What's That Snack?

  • - With us.

  • Have your family give you clues,

  • so you can guess what you're having for snack time!

  • Oh, that reminds me, it's time for my snack time!

  • (Abby laughs)

  • - Bye Elmo!

  • - Oh, bye Abby!

  • (Elmo laughs)

  • - Elmo loves you!

  • Oh, these carrots are good!

  • (Elmo chews carrots)

  • - Mm, get some hummus in here, ooh, baby!

- ♪ What's that snack, what could it be? ♪

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